animal kingdom. what are the charctersitics of an animal? eukaryote sexual reproducers heterotrophs...

Animal Kingdom

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Animal Kingdom

What are the charctersitics of an animal?

• Eukaryote

• Sexual reproducers

• Heterotrophs

• Locomotion

• Multicellular

What are the 2 major divisions in animals?

Animals without a backbone

• These include insects, worms, sponges, mollusks, and etc.

• Lack bones, some have hard outer shells or exoskeletons

• Make up approximately 95% of all animals.

• Insects make up 80% of all animals.

Animals with a backbone

• Known as chordata

• There are five divisions of animals with backbones.

• Make up only 5% of animals.

Phylum Chordata

What is the phylum Chordata?

Includes 5 Classes






What are fish?• Habitat: nearly every

aquatic environment

• Respiration: use gills to breathe

• Circulation: 2 chambered heart

• Reproduction: sexual (mostly external)

• Nervous System: lateral line system that can detect movement

What are the three types of fish?

• 3 Major Types of Fish

• Jawless Fish

• Cartilaginous Fish

• Bony Fish

What are amphibians?

• Examples: frogs, salamanders, toads

• Habitat: live on land and water

• Respiration: lungs in adults, gills in tadpoles, but mostly through the moist skin

• Reproduction: External reproduction

(water needed to transport sperm and

eggs must be kept moist)

Amphibians• Circulation: 3

chambered heart (mixing)

• One chamber gets oxygen-rich blood from the lungs and skin

• One gets oxygen-poor blood form the rest of the body

• Both of those chambers collect in a third chamber that pumps a mix of oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor blood to the lungs, skin and body

Amphibians• Temperature Regulation:

Ectotherms, variable body temperature – gets heat from outside source

• Metamorphosis – eggs, tadpoles, adult

• Tadpoles – fins, gills, 2-chambered heart

• Adult – legs, lungs, 3-chambered heart

What are reptiles?• Examples: snakes, crocodiles,

turtle, lizards

• Habitat: Land mostly

• Respiration: No exchange thru skin bc it is scaly MUST use lungs

• Circulation: most have 3 chambered heart

• Obtain food: claws, legs directly under body makes running easier

• Temp Regulation: ectotherms

Reptiles• Reproduction:

Internal fertilization and can lay eggs on land due to the evolution of the amniotic egg

What is the amniotic egg?

• Amnion: fluid that cushions embryo

• Shell: leathery shell

• Yolk: food source for embryo

• Allantois: wastes are excreted into this

• Chorion: allows gas exchange

• Egg tooth: horny tooth that helps hatch the egg

What are birds?

• Examples: pelican, penguin, blue jay

• Respiration: lungs and air sacs for extra oxygen for flight

• Temp Regulation: Endotherm (internally regulates body temp so it is constant)

• Reproduction: internal fertilization and lay amniotic egg with a hard shell, must incubate eggs

• Adaptations: hollow bones for flight, feathers are lightweight, wings

Birds• Circulation: 4 chambered heart (one side pumps oxygen-poor blood

to lungs the other side pumps oxygen-rich blood to the rest of the body)

What are mammals?

Must haves to be a mammal:


Mammary glands that secrete milk to nurse young

Diaphragm to expand and contract chest cavity to get more oxygen

Specialized teeth (ex. Molars, canines, incisors)

Can learn!

Mammals • Temp Regulation: Endotherms, maintain fairly constant body temperature

• Circulation: 4 chambered heart the oxygenated blood is kept separate from the deoxygenated blood

• Respiration: Diaphragm – sheet of muscle located beneath the lungs that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity

What is the role of hair for mammals?

• Why is HAIR important?

• Insulation

• Waterproofing

• Conserves body heat

• Mammals cool off by panting and sweating

How are mammals classified?

Mammals are classified into 3 groups based on their method of reproduction

1. Placental Mammals

2. Marsupials

3. Monotremes

What are Placental Mammals?

• Carries baby in the mother’s uterus until development is almost complete

• Placenta provides food for the baby, allows gas exchange, and removes waste

• 95% of mammals are placental

What are Marsupials?

• After a baby has grown to a certain size, the mom carries the baby inside a pouch made of skin and hair on the outside of the mom’s body

• Most are found in Australia

What are Monotremes?

• Reproduces by laying eggs

• Found only in Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea

• 3 species of monotremes alive today (platypus, spiny anteater and long-beaked echidna