animal diversity iiØ kingdom animalia consists of organisms ranging from the simplest of animal...


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Page 1: ANIMAL DIVERSITY IIØ Kingdom Animalia consists of organisms ranging from the simplest of animal forms to the most complex. Kingdom Animalia Non-chordates Chordates Phylum Chordata

B.Sc. II Semester



Page 2: ANIMAL DIVERSITY IIØ Kingdom Animalia consists of organisms ranging from the simplest of animal forms to the most complex. Kingdom Animalia Non-chordates Chordates Phylum Chordata


Page 3: ANIMAL DIVERSITY IIØ Kingdom Animalia consists of organisms ranging from the simplest of animal forms to the most complex. Kingdom Animalia Non-chordates Chordates Phylum Chordata
Page 4: ANIMAL DIVERSITY IIØ Kingdom Animalia consists of organisms ranging from the simplest of animal forms to the most complex. Kingdom Animalia Non-chordates Chordates Phylum Chordata
Page 5: ANIMAL DIVERSITY IIØ Kingdom Animalia consists of organisms ranging from the simplest of animal forms to the most complex. Kingdom Animalia Non-chordates Chordates Phylum Chordata

Ø Kingdom Animalia consists of organisms ranging from the simplest of animal forms to the most complex.

Page 6: ANIMAL DIVERSITY IIØ Kingdom Animalia consists of organisms ranging from the simplest of animal forms to the most complex. Kingdom Animalia Non-chordates Chordates Phylum Chordata

Kingdom Animalia

Non-chordates Chordates

Page 7: ANIMAL DIVERSITY IIØ Kingdom Animalia consists of organisms ranging from the simplest of animal forms to the most complex. Kingdom Animalia Non-chordates Chordates Phylum Chordata

Phylum Chordata Created by Balfour in 1880

Chorde = string or cord; ata = bearing

On the basis of ‘notochord’

Noton = back; chorda = cord

Thus, Chordata are animals having a cord i.e. notochord

Page 8: ANIMAL DIVERSITY IIØ Kingdom Animalia consists of organisms ranging from the simplest of animal forms to the most complex. Kingdom Animalia Non-chordates Chordates Phylum Chordata

• The chordates form a large heterogenous group of members differing widely from one another.

• They are largest deuterostome phyla

• highest and most important, including vast variety of living and extinct animals, (including man)

Page 9: ANIMAL DIVERSITY IIØ Kingdom Animalia consists of organisms ranging from the simplest of animal forms to the most complex. Kingdom Animalia Non-chordates Chordates Phylum Chordata


1. A longitudinal supporting rod-like notochord

2. A dorsal hollow or tubular nerve cord

3.  A series of pharyngeal gill slits

4.  A postanal tail.

Page 10: ANIMAL DIVERSITY IIØ Kingdom Animalia consists of organisms ranging from the simplest of animal forms to the most complex. Kingdom Animalia Non-chordates Chordates Phylum Chordata
Page 11: ANIMAL DIVERSITY IIØ Kingdom Animalia consists of organisms ranging from the simplest of animal forms to the most complex. Kingdom Animalia Non-chordates Chordates Phylum Chordata

Cephalochordata VertebrataUrochordata


Acrania or

(Lower chordata) (Higher chordata)

Craniata or Euchordata Protochordata

3 subphylums

Page 12: ANIMAL DIVERSITY IIØ Kingdom Animalia consists of organisms ranging from the simplest of animal forms to the most complex. Kingdom Animalia Non-chordates Chordates Phylum Chordata

Subphylum Cephalochordata •  Gr. Cephale = head; L. chorda = string or cord

Notochord from head to tail.

•  The organisms in this subphylum are called Lancelets, as body shape matches with lancet.

•  All fundamental chordate characters present.

•  Exclusively Marine, widely distributed, found in shallow waters.

•  Mostly sedentary and burried in sand with anterior side (mouth) outside during filter feeding.

Page 13: ANIMAL DIVERSITY IIØ Kingdom Animalia consists of organisms ranging from the simplest of animal forms to the most complex. Kingdom Animalia Non-chordates Chordates Phylum Chordata
Page 14: ANIMAL DIVERSITY IIØ Kingdom Animalia consists of organisms ranging from the simplest of animal forms to the most complex. Kingdom Animalia Non-chordates Chordates Phylum Chordata

•  Body small 5-8 cm long, laterally flattened, slender, elongate, fish-like, metameric and transparent.

•  Body lacks head and is divisible into trunk and tail.

•  Paired appendages lacking. Median fins present.

•  Exoskeleton is absent and epidermis is single layered.

•  Muscles dorsolateral segmented into myotomes.

•  Muscle cells present on sides of notochord; contraction and relaxation of muscle fibres creates movement in notochord, thus helps in moving body.

Page 15: ANIMAL DIVERSITY IIØ Kingdom Animalia consists of organisms ranging from the simplest of animal forms to the most complex. Kingdom Animalia Non-chordates Chordates Phylum Chordata

•  Coelom entrocoelous reduced in the pharyngeal region by development of atrial cavity (only gill bars).

•  Notochord is persistent through out the life, extending from rostrum to tail.

•  Nerve cord is dorsal, tubular and hollow, without ganglion and brain. Dorsal and ventral roots are separate.

•  Two pairs of cerebral and several pairs of spinal nerves are present.

Page 16: ANIMAL DIVERSITY IIØ Kingdom Animalia consists of organisms ranging from the simplest of animal forms to the most complex. Kingdom Animalia Non-chordates Chordates Phylum Chordata

•  Digestive tract complete; Mouth leads to pharynx, (posterior part of mouth is attached to pharynx which is large sac-like) perforated by numerous persistent gill-slits for filtration in the atrium.

•  All are filter feeders.

•  Respiration through general body surface i.e., no specialized respiratory structure found.

•  Circulatory system is closed type, without true heart and respiratory pigments. Walls of blood vessels contract producing movement in blood for circulation.

•  Hepatic portal system is developed.

Page 17: ANIMAL DIVERSITY IIØ Kingdom Animalia consists of organisms ranging from the simplest of animal forms to the most complex. Kingdom Animalia Non-chordates Chordates Phylum Chordata

•  Excretory system shows paired protonephridia with solenocytes.

•  Diocieous; sexes are separate. Gonads are metamerically arranged and without gonoducts. No asexual reproduction.

•  Gametes released in atrium, exit through atriopore in sea water. Fertilization external.

•  Development indirect, including a free-swimming larva.

•  Larva before metamorphosis attaches to substrate.

Page 18: ANIMAL DIVERSITY IIØ Kingdom Animalia consists of organisms ranging from the simplest of animal forms to the most complex. Kingdom Animalia Non-chordates Chordates Phylum Chordata

Classification: SubphylumCephalochordata

Leptocardii family



Branchiostoma (Amphioxus)



Unpaired gonads, lie only on the right side of body

paired gonads, lie on each side of body

Page 19: ANIMAL DIVERSITY IIØ Kingdom Animalia consists of organisms ranging from the simplest of animal forms to the most complex. Kingdom Animalia Non-chordates Chordates Phylum Chordata

Primitive, degenerate and specialized characters of Branchiostoma (Cephalochordata)

– Primitive characters:



– Asymmetricalbodyasinechinodermswhichareregardedtohavecommonancestrywithchordates.

– Absenceofaspecializedheadorcephaliza4on

– Absenceofpairedlimbsorfins.

–  Epidermisone-cellthick.Dermisabsent.

Page 20: ANIMAL DIVERSITY IIØ Kingdom Animalia consists of organisms ranging from the simplest of animal forms to the most complex. Kingdom Animalia Non-chordates Chordates Phylum Chordata

– Coelomenterocelous,arisingaslateralpouchesofLavalarchenteron.

– Metamericallyarrangedmusclesormyotomes.

– Notochordpersistentthroughoutlife.Vertebralcolumnoranyotherendoskeletonnotdeveloped.

–  Jawsabsent.Alimentarycanalstraight.

–  Pharynxlarge,perforatedbypersistentgillslitsandspecializedforciliarymodeoffeedingbydrawingawater-foodcurrent.Endostylepresentwithoutmodifica4on.

–  Liverrepresentedbyamidgutdiver4culum.

–  Bloodvascularsystemissimple,withoutaheartandanydis4nc4onbetweenarteriesandveins.Hepa4cportalsystemisprimi4ve.

Page 21: ANIMAL DIVERSITY IIØ Kingdom Animalia consists of organisms ranging from the simplest of animal forms to the most complex. Kingdom Animalia Non-chordates Chordates Phylum Chordata

– Nospecialreportrespiratoryorgansandrespiratorypigment

–  Excre4onbysegmentallyarrangedprotonephridiawhicharenotcoelomoducts.

– Neural tube hollow lying dorsally above notochord.Specialised brain lacking. Dorsal and ventral roots of spinalnervesseparate.Dorsalrootswithoutgangliasothatimpulsespassdirectlyfromskintoneuraltube.

–  Sensoryorganssimpleandpaired.

–  Gonadsseveralpairs,alikesegmentallyarrangedandwithoutgonoducts.

–  Eggaresmall,almostyolkless.Blastulaissperical,hollowandone-layered

–  Gastrula4onembolic.

Page 22: ANIMAL DIVERSITY IIØ Kingdom Animalia consists of organisms ranging from the simplest of animal forms to the most complex. Kingdom Animalia Non-chordates Chordates Phylum Chordata

Degenerate characters:

Branchiostoma was once more developed but underwentspecializa4on and degenera4on during evolu4on due to semisedentarymodeoflife.

Thesecharactersare:– Poorlydevelopedbrain(cerebralvesicle)andsimplesensoryorgans.

– Lackofanycar4laginousorbonyendoskeleton.– Lackofgonoducts.

Page 23: ANIMAL DIVERSITY IIØ Kingdom Animalia consists of organisms ranging from the simplest of animal forms to the most complex. Kingdom Animalia Non-chordates Chordates Phylum Chordata

Specialized, peculiar or secondary characters: Changesdevelopedduetospecialmodeoflife(becauseoftheirdegenerateandspecialcharacterstheyarenotconsideredindirectlineofevolu4onofchordatesbutassideoffshoots).

Theseare:– Peculiarasymmetryofadultandearlyestagesofdevelopment.

– Anterior projec4on of notochord into rostrum making itstrongerforburrowing.Overdevelopmentofnotochordmayberesponsibleforthelackofbrain.

– Mouthsurroundedbyoralhood,withsensoryoralcirri,meantforfilteringandconcentra4ngfoodpar4clesfromwater.

Page 24: ANIMAL DIVERSITY IIØ Kingdom Animalia consists of organisms ranging from the simplest of animal forms to the most complex. Kingdom Animalia Non-chordates Chordates Phylum Chordata

–  Elaboratevelumwithsensorytentaclestopermitonlysmallfoodpar4clestoenterpharynx.

–  Large,spaciousandelaboratepharynx,withciliatedgill-cleSswhicharemorenumerousthanactualbodysegments,toenablesufficientfoodcollec4on.

–  WheelorganandHatschek’sgrooveandpitdevelopedtohelpinciliaryfeeding.

–  Delicatepharynxsurroundedbyaprotec4veatrialcavityopeningtooutsidethroughatriopore.

– Coelomdisplacedandreducedduetodevelopmentofatrium.