animal abuse

Animal Abuse

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Post on 18-Dec-2014




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Animal Abuse

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Animal Abuse• Animal abuse basically implies, being cruel to

animals. This can either be on purpose or simply by neglect. Animal abuse can happen to your pet animals, farm animals or the wild animals. In any case, the animals suffer terribly. Your motto should be not to lose heart, and take every possible step to stop or reduce this cruelty. The animal abuse information is discussed in brief as you progress with this article.

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Why do People

Abuse Animals?

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Unintentional Cruelty• Some people are not aware that the

way they are taking care of the pet could be uncomfortable to them. For example, some keep a very short chain for their dogs, making it uneasy to move. Some might forget their pet in the car on a hot sunny day with the windows rolled up.

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Intentional Cruelty• Some people abuse animals

intentionally. Usually young people fall into this category. They hurt animals just for fun or to combat anger. For example, a group of kids might throw stones at a birds' nest or trouble a stray dog, a person who is mad at his parents, might kick his pet dog in aggression

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Cruel Intention• This is the worst group of people who abuse

animals. They are people who enjoy hurting others or those who want to make others aware of their powers or potential. For example, a husband might hurt their pet to make the wife aware that he might hurt her in the same manner, these people are sadists or mentally disturbed people. Some hunt animals, just for fun or to make themselves feel powerful.

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How to Prevent

Animal Abuse?

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Unintentional Cruelty• Unintentional cruelty is

something that tops the list of animal cruelty. This can be prevented by educating people and making them aware of their animal's needs.

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Intentional Cruelty• Intentional cruelty is more

severe than unintentional, and there are harsher punishments for this. This group can also be helped through support and counseling.

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Cruel Intention• People who hurt animals for cruel

intentions need to visit a psychologist, because if they can harm someone for personal pleasures or boost their powers, they can also harm a fellow human being.

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Why Do We

Use Animals?

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Animals for Entertainment• Since 1990 captive elephants have killed 43 people.

Elephants are peaceful animals, and this suggests that their treatment and cruel training techniques cause the animal to suffer and act in defence.

• Bullfights and cockfights still exist in today's world. Bullfights in particular being incredibly gruesome and cruel, with animals being tortured and having spears thrown into their backs until they finally succumb to a slow death.

• Greyhounds after finishing their racing life are often killed or sent for experimentation.

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Animals for Experiments• It is said that over 70 million animals are tortured

and killed in US laboratories each year. Rabbits are routinely blinded in a process named the 'Draize' test. The Draize test protects companies from potential lawsuits, and does not necessarily protect or guarantee human safety. Purchasing cosmetics from companies who specify no animal testing is one small step that can be taken to prevent animal cruelty. The medical research field also take part in animal experimentation.

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Factory Farming• Over 10 billion animals are slaughtered

for human consumption each year. From cattle to chickens. Laying hens are kept in tiny cages, and many of the hens die from stress or disease. Dairy farmers are known to keep cows pregnant via artificial insemination to improve the cows productivity.

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Fur Farms• Animals are 'harvested' for their

fur on 'fur farms', millions of animals each year are killed. Animal cruelty is also prevalent in the trapping of animals, which is one known method many trappers use.

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Hunting• Hunting is one unnecessary method of animal

cruelty. Whilst some hunting takes place for food consumption, many other animals die a slow and painful death for no other reason than to pleasure the hunter.

• Exotic animals such as rhinos, elephants, tigers and etcetera are hunted and sold on the black market. This practice still exists in today's world.

• Over harvesting of fish in our waters has led to threatened populations.

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• In some circuses, wild and exotic animals are trained through the use of intimidation and physical abuse. Former circus employees have reported seeing animals beaten, whipped, poked with sharp objects and even burned to force them to learn their routines!

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•Elephants who perform in circuses are often kept in chains for as long as 23 hours a day from the time they are babies.

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•More than 25 million vertebrate animals are used in testing in the United States each year. When invertebrate animals are thrown into the mix, the estimated number rises to as high as 100 million.

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•By 2022, 22% of all species will be extinct if no action is taken.

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• It is estimated that on average it takes 1,000 dogs to maintain a mid-sized racetrack operation. New greyhounds are continually entering the system to replace greyhounds that grade-off due to injury, age or poor performance. There are currently over 30 tracks operating in the United States.

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Thank You

• Made By:- Parv Garg