angler fish before move to power point.docx

Angler fish The anglerfish is an incredible example of how living organisms can find a way to survive in even the most inhospitable environment. The Angler Fish lives more than a mile deep in ocean water. (behaviour) There are over 200 species of anglers, which are named for their method of 'fishing' for their food. A spine of the dorsal fin acts as a 'fishing rod', tipped with a fleshy 'bait' which is often luminous. Other fishes are attracted to this lure and get eaten.(quality) Most anglerfishes live near the sea bottom. There are four kinds: batfish, goosefish, frogfish, and deep-sea angler. Angler Fish has a massive head, with grotesque features. It has a large crescent shaped mouth, with numerous sharp pointed teeth. It has a flattened white belly region, with the top half of the body taking a broad expansive posture. Color varies from greenish brown to blackish gray, with speckled and variegated markings. (parts) The head and body have an indistinct outline caused by the presence of numerous small flaps of skin. The gill slits are behind and lower than the base of the pectoral fins. Running along the mid-line of the head and anterior portion of the body, are a series of separate rays. Those above the pectoral fins give rise to the first dorsal fin. The reams on the head section form long spines. The

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Page 1: Angler fish before move to power point.docx

Angler fishThe anglerfish is an incredible example of how living organisms can find a way to survive in even the most inhospitable environment. The Angler Fish lives more than a mile deep in ocean water.(behaviour) There are over 200 species of anglers, which are named for their method of 'fishing' for their food. A spine of the dorsal fin acts as a 'fishing rod', tipped with a fleshy 'bait' which is often luminous. Other fishes are attracted to this lure and get

eaten.(quality) Most anglerfishes live near the sea bottom. There are four kinds: batfish, goosefish, frogfish, and deep-sea angler.

Angler Fish has a massive head, with grotesque features. It has a large crescent shaped mouth, with numerous sharp pointed teeth. It has a flattened white belly region, with the top half of the body taking a broad expansive posture. Color varies from greenish brown to blackish gray, with speckled and variegated markings. (parts)

The head and body have an indistinct outline caused by the presence of numerous small flaps of skin. The gill slits are behind and lower than the base of the pectoral fins. Running along the mid-line of the head and anterior portion of the body, are a series of separate rays. Those above the pectoral fins give rise to the first dorsal fin. The reams on the head section form long spines. The foremost of which normally has a fleshy tip that the fish uses as a lure to entice it's prey. The second dorsal fin is composed of 11 to 12 fleshy membrane bound rays. (parts)

Another unusual adaptation in anglerfish is their sexual dimorphism. The males are very small in comparison with the females, and live as permanent parasites on the female. The male attaches himself, by biting, to the body of the female. His mouth fuses with her skin, and the bloodstreams of the two fishes become connected. The male is now totally dependent on the female for nourishment. In fact, the male begins to degenerate. His eyes grow smaller and he eventually loses them.

His internal organs disappear. The male becomes simply a source of sperm. Breeding for anglerfish takes place from spring to early summer. The egg mass forms large gelatinous

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sheets 9m by 3m in size, which floats near the surface. Juveniles are planktonic, with noticeably elongated fin rays. (quality)-> masih galau.

Angler fish has no swim bladder (swim bladder because of the depth or human lung) will be destroyed by the pressure under the sea, so fish that spend their entire lives at sea in & never rises to the surface.(parts)Terjemahannya, intinya..hewan ini gak punya gelembung renang dan tidak bisa naik keatas permukaan laut. Sehingga, ikan ini menghabiskan waktunya di dasar laut untuk selamanya.

Ordo: Lophiiformes

Asal-usul organ cahaya:The light organ is actually a collection of luminous bacteria that suck the blood of its host and in fact only female fish are capable of producing light.

Watch the incredible Anglerfish catch another fish with its built-in Fishing Rod!

Videonya ada didalam flash disk ini.!

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Fakta unik tentang angler!!!

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Angler fish with fins like legs, and is used to balance yourself. The fish was found to scientists using robotic vehicle system mapping and exploration of 21 thousand square miles (33,800 sq km) of ocean in northern Indonesia with a depth of 800 feet (0.25 miles) up to 2 miles (3.2 km).

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Because of its grotesque appearance, the anglerfish has earned the nickname, black devil. Some anglerfish grow up to 3.3 feet in length. But most are smaller, less than one foot. Because of its wide, round, pliable body, anglerfish do not swim with ease like other deep sea dwellers. As it moves, it looks something like a basketball wobbling through the ocean. (parts)Translate:Karena penampilan yang mengerikan, anglerfish telah mendapat julukan, iblis hitam. Anglerfish beberapa tumbuh sampai 3,3 meter panjangnya. Tapi sebagian besar kaki, lebih kecil kurang dari satu. Karena besar, tubuh bulat, kenyal, anglerfish jangan berenang semudah setiap penghuni laut lainnya dalam. Bergerak tersebut, terlihat sesuatu seperti basket goyang melalui laut.

The weird male anglerfish is a parasite.

The male anglerfish is tiny compared to the female – about the size of a small finger and black in color. It has evolved into a permanent parasitic mate.

When it encounters a suitable female, the male attaches itself with its sharp, hooked teeth. When he bites into her skin, he releases an enzyme that dissolves the skin of his mouth and that of her body. Over time the two become fused together and their blood vessels join as one. The male loses his eyes and all his internal organs except the testes. The male will spend the rest of his life attached to the female like a parasite, getting all his nourishment from her body. A female anglerfish can carry up to six males on her body at a time.

Translate:Para anglerfish jantan adalah parasit aneh. Ikan angler jantan memiliki ukuran yang lebih kecil dari ikan betina. Parasit ini telah berkembang menjadi parasit permanen.

Saat ia menggigit ke kulitnya, ia melepaskan sebuah enzim yang melarutkan kulit mulutnya dan tubuhnya. Seiring waktu, keduanya digabung dan pembuluh darah mereka untuk mencapai satu. Laki-laki kehilangan mata dan semua organ internalnya kecuali testis. Jantan akan menghabiskan sisa hidupnya melekat pada perempuan sebagai parasit, mendapatkan semua makanan di dalamnya melekat pada perempuan sebagai parasit, mendapatkan semua makanannya dari tubuhnya. Seorang perempuan bisa membawa sampai enam laki-laki anglerfish dari tubuhnya pada suatu waktu.


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Ikan anglerAnglerfish Ini adalah contoh luar biasa bagaimana organisme hidup dapat menemukan cara untuk bertahan hidup di lingkungan yang paling tidak ramah. Anglerfish hidup lebih dari satu mil jauh di dalam air laut. Ada lebih dari 200 spesies angler, yang diberi nama untuk metode memancing untuk makanan mereka. Tulang belakang dari sirip punggung bertindak sebagai 'pancing', diakhiri dengan umpanberdaging yang sering bercahaya. Ikan lainnya tertarik dengan umpan ini dan memakannya. Dari itulah angler dapat memakan ikan itu. Kebanyakan anglerfishes tinggal dekat dasar laut. Ada empat jenis: batfish, goosefish, Frogfish, dan ikan bawah laut.

Ikan Angler memiliki kepala besar, dengan fitur aneh. Ini memiliki mulut berbentuk bulan sabit besar, dengan banyak gigi runcing tajam. Ini memiliki daerah perut rata berwarna putih, dengan bagian atas tubuh mengambil postur luas luas. Warna bervariasi dari coklat kehijauan sampai abu-abu kehitaman, dengan tanda berbintik-bintik dan beraneka ragam.

Kepala dan tubuh memiliki kontur tidak jelas disebabkan oleh adanya bagian kecil dari kulit. Insang terletak di belakang dan kurang dari dasar sirip dada. Disepanjang garis kepala ada serangkaian balok terpisah. Mereka di atas sirip dada menimbulkan sirip punggung pertama. Dayung di kepala duri sepanjang bentuk bagian. Menonjol yang biasanya memiliki tip berdaging dari ikan yang digunakan sebagai umpan untuk menarik perhatian sangmangsa. Sirip punggung kedua terdiri dari 11 sampai 12 sinar membran berdaging terikat.

Adaptasi lain yang tidak biasa di anglerfish adalah dimorfisme seksual mereka. Laki-laki sangat kecil dibandingkan dengan perempuan, dan hidup sebagai parasit permanen pada wanita. Laki-laki menempel sendiri, dengan menggigit, ke tubuh betina. Mulutnya sekering dengan kulitnya, dan aliran darah dari dua ikan menjadi terhubung. Laki-laki ini sekarang benar-benar tergantung pada perempuan untuk makanan. Bahkan, laki-laki mulai merosot. Matanya semakin kecil dan akhirnya dia kehilangan mereka. Organ internalnya menghilang. Laki-laki hanya menjadi sumber sperma. Berkembang biak bagi anglerfish berlangsung dari musim semi ke musim panas awal. Massa agar-agar telur bentuk lembaran besar 9m oleh 3m dalam ukuran, yang mengapung dekat permukaan. Remaja yang planktonik, dengan sinar sirip terlihat memanjang