andriod dev toolbox part 2

Android dev toolbox II AVGeeks, 2016

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Android dev toolbox II

AVGeeks, 2016

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Shem Magnezi@shemag8 |

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Part 1 Libraries

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Part 2 Tools

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Why use external tools?

▣ Same as libraries- don't reinvent the wheel.

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Why not?

▣ Proprietary solutions (Outsource them, style!)

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SystraceCollects system and application process execution data and generates detailed, interactive reports from devices

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Allocation trackingMonitor where objects are being allocated when you perform certain actions

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Trace viewTraceview can help you debug your application and profile its performance.

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Hierarchy ViewerVisualizes your app's view hierarchy and profiles the relative rendering speed for each view.

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Developer optionsRealtime on device debugging.

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HugoAnnotation-triggered method call logging for your debug builds.

@DebugLogpublic String getName(String first, String last) { SystemClock.sleep(15); // Don't ever really do this! return first + " " + last;}

V/Example: ⇢ getName(first="Jake", last="Wharton")

V/Example: ⇠ getName [16ms] = "Jake Wharton"

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Leak CanaryA memory leak detection library for Android and Java.

public class ExampleApplication extends Application { @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); LeakCanary.install(this); }}

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Phone HomeStandalone library that sends logs from remote Android devices to a central server for debugging.

PhoneHomeConfig.getInstance() // enable or disable log flushing .enabled(false) // wait for this many log events before flushing ... .batchSize(100) // ... or until this many seconds have passed between flushes .flushIntervalSeconds(1800) // when developing, log all messages to logcat, then flush everything to the sink .debugLogLevel(android.util.Log.VERBOSE) // in production, only log INFO messages and above to logcat, then flush everything to the sink .productionLogLevel(android.util.Log.INFO) // specify the sink that receives flushed logs. Required if you enable log flushing .logSink(new PhoneHomeSink() { public void flushLogs(final List<PhoneHomeLogEvent> logEvents) { // flush log events to your backend } });

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ProbeAndroid applications performance testing tool.

python --package \

--activity TheActivityToRunProbeOn --repeat-count x \ --

timeout y

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MagnetoMagneto allows you to write smart and powerful tests for Android apps.

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Monkey testing

adb shell monkey -p -v 500

The Monkey is a program that runs on your emulator or device and generates pseudo-random streams of user

events such as clicks, touches, or gestures, as well as a number of system-level events. You can use the

Monkey to stress-test applications that you are developing, in a random yet repeatable manner.

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StethoA debug bridge for Android applications

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Espresso APIs for writing UI tests to simulate user interactions within a single target app.

@Testpublic void changeText_sameActivity() { // Type text and then press the button. onView(withId( .perform(typeText(mStringToBetyped), closeSoftKeyboard()); onView(withId(;

// Check that the text was changed. onView(withId( .check(matches(withText(mStringToBetyped)));}

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RobolectricA unit test framework that de-fangs the Android SDK jar so you can test-drive the development of your Android app

@RunWith(RobolectricTestRunner.class)public class MyActivityTest {

@Test public void clickingButton_shouldChangeResultsViewText() throws Exception { MyActivity activity = Robolectric.setupActivity(MyActivity.class);

Button button = (Button) activity.findViewById(; TextView results = (TextView) activity.findViewById(;

button.performClick(); assertThat(results.getText().toString()).isEqualTo("Robolectric Rocks!"); }}

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Part 3 Resources

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Android Arsenal

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Droid Toolbox

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Android For Devs

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Android library statistics (By Appbrain)

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Android Developers Blog

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Google Developers @Medium

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The developer show

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Android Weekly

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Part 4 People

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Nick ButcherDesign/Developer Advocate @ Google


Chet HasseAndroid animator @ Google


Chiu-Ki ChanAndroid developer, public speaker


Romain GuyWorking on awesome stuff at Google


Roman NurikDesigner @ Google


Kelly ShusterAndroid Engineer, Public speaker & tech diversity advocate.


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Ian LakeDeveloper Advocate @ Google


Joanna SmithDeveloper Advocate @ Google


Yigit BoyarUI toolkit team @Android/ Google


Lisa WrayAndroid @ Genius (prev Google & NYT)


Jake Whartonopen source practitioner and contributor, @square


Colt McAnlisDeveloper Advocate @ Google


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Thanks!Any questions?

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