andrew p. schumacher - architectural portfolio


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A sampling of my work while studying architecture at the University of Notre Dame


Page 1: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

Andrew P. Schumacher, LEED AP

University of notre Dame

school of architectUre

Page 2: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

chicago, illinois

hyDe Park aPartments

Ground Floor Plan

Street PerSPective - Watercolor

This apartment shares a small public square with the Hyde Park Art Center. An entrance to the apart-

ment along with a small two screen cinema opens on to the square. The apartment is a prominent building seen from a distance west of the railroad tracks and grace-fully reacts to the angle of the tracks. There is a variety of apartment units, from studios to three bedroom units including some one bedroom handicap accessible units.

PerSPective From train - Watercolor

ProceSS draWinG

Mallory MechaM • JaMes Michael • andrew schuMacher

Page 3: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

fall 2009

Andrew P. Schumacher, LEED AP

tyPical Floor Plan

tyPical aPartment - Watercolor

aPartment lobby - Watercolor

elevation - PhotoShoP

Section throuGh theater - PhotoShoP

Page 4: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

chicago, illinois

woodlawn coMMunity theatre

The site of this theatre is in the north of Woodlawn with a park

to the north, a public square to the south, and Dorchester Avenue to the west. This creates the challenge of a building with three fronts. The the-atre seats 250 and is entered on the second floor. Acoustics and site lines are considered in the design of the theatre. A banquet hall provides a gathering space during intermissions.

ProceSS draWinG Site Plan - Watercolor

FirSt Floor Plan - Watercolor

Front elevation - Watercolor

Page 5: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

Andrew P. Schumacher, LEED AP

fall 2008

Section and diaGramS - Watercolor and cad

exterior PerSPective - Watercolor Stone detail - Watercolor

Page 6: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

Milwaukee, wisconsin

Hotel RivieRa

PersPective from street - Watercolor Ballroom PersPective - Watercolor

PersPective from river- Watercolor

Page 7: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

Andrew P. Schumacher, LEED AP

spRing 2010

This 220-room hotel is located in the Historic Third Ward neighborhood just south of downtown Milwaukee. My thesis explored how the design of a hotel should be in the character of its location rather than a chain ho-

tel which lacks place. Because the neighborhood was heavy in manufacturing, the character of this hotel looks to the architecture of early twentieth century warehouses but elevates it to the grander use of a hotel. The restaurant on the ground floor is accessible to the riverwalk which is a pedestrian friendly connection from the hotel to the down-town. The ballroom on the second floor has a balcony overlooking the Milwaukee River and the downtown.

loBBy PersPective - Watercolor

transverse section - WatercolorGround floor Plan - PhotoshoP

east elevation - Watercolor north elevation - Watercolor

Page 8: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

michigan city, inDiana

michigan city master Plan

Page 9: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

Andrew P. Schumacher, LEED AP

fall 2008

figure ground diagram - existingmichigan city, indiana

figure ground diagrammichigan city, indiana

building use diagrammichigan city, indiana







street hierarchy diagrammichigan city, indiana





five minute walk diagrammichigan city, indiana

Street elevation - Watercolor

Street Section - Watercolor

analySiS diaGramS - PhotoShoP

Michigan City, Indiana is along the southern shore of Lake Michigan, about 60 miles east of Chicago, with a population of 30,000. Because of its proximity to Lake Michigan and the Indiana Dunes, Michigan City receives much tourism during

the summer. However, the downtown is slowly deteriorating as the population moves out to the suburbs. The goal of this proj-ect was to create a master plan that would bring mixed use into the city center and connect the city to the Lake Michigan shore.

Page 10: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

michigan city, inDiana

soUth shore train station

exterior PerSPective, elevation, and exterior detailS - Watercolor

Site Plan - Watercolor

The South Shore currently runs down the middle of 11th Street while the existing station is no longer being used. I propose

to close 11th Street at the block of the station to build out the platform to the tracks. Preserving the former station’s façade, the addition reflects the character of the existing station. A diagonal entrance on a public square connects the station to Franklin Street, the main street of Michigan City. Along with the station, there is the addition of shops, a café, and a parking structure.

Page 11: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

Andrew P. Schumacher, LEED AP

fall 2008

elevationS, axon Section, and interior detail - Watercolor

Floor Plan - cad

Page 12: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

South Bend, IndIana

Branch LIBrary

The site of this library faces a park and is irregularly shaped. My design is along the side of the park and

picks up the cross axis of the park with a symmetrical façade. The main reading/stack room is situated in the back along the angle of the site. The angled axis of the reading room is picked up in the lozenge-shaped lobby and the axis is reflected for the entrance to the rare book room.

ElEvation - WatErcolor

SitE Plan - WatErcolor FirSt Floor Plan - WatErcolor

ExtErior PErSPEctivE - WatErcolor

Page 13: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

Andrew P. Schumacher, LEED AP

sPring 2007

interior PerSPective, Section, and Stone detailS - Watercolor

Page 14: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

notre Dame, inDiana

chaPel comPlex

This memorial center is located on St. Mary’s lake at the University of Notre Dame. The center is dedicated to Father Sorin, the founder of the university. The center is composed of a courtyard surrounded by a meeting hall, gallery, and

chapel connected by a cover walkway. The materials were chosen to reflect the historic buildings on campus. The chapel is the most prominent building of the complex and uses the Corinthian order. This project focused on site layout and the design of an outdoor space.

comPlex exterior PerSPective - Watercolor

Floor Plan - WatercolorSite Plan - Watercolor

Page 15: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

Andrew P. Schumacher, LEED AP

fall 2006

chaPel Section - Watercolor

chaPel interior PerSPective - WatercolorchaPel elevation - Watercolor

comPlex elevation - Watercolor

Page 16: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

ChiCago, illinois

sChinkel & Mies van der rohe institutes

Lead by visiting professor Allan Greenberg, this project consisted of

the design for two institutes for the study of architects Karl Fredrick Schinkel and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe on the Illinois Institute of Technology campus. IIT’s original master plan and several buildings including Crown Hall were designed my Mies. My partner for this project and I designed two institutes that had the same footprint, the same bay spacing, and simi-lar plan layouts to directly compare two buildings with one being inspired by Mies and the other Schinkel. The Schinkel in-stitute is constructed of brick with large openings of cast iron windows. Even though its outward appearance is more inspired by Schinkel, the plan more close-ly resembles Mies. The Mies institute uses steel and glass to create ambiguity be-tween interior and exterior with transpar-ency and reflection. It has an open plan creating universal space.

Mies van der rohe institute PersPective - coMPuter rendering

Mies van der rohe institute Floor Plan - cad

Mies van der rohe institute elevation - cad

site axon - hand draFted

Page 17: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

Andrew P. Schumacher, LEED AP

spring 2009

schinkel institute PersPective - coMPuter rendering

schinkel institute Floor Plan - cad

schinkel institute elevation - cad schinkel institute Wall section - cad

Page 18: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

terraceD marketnocera UmBra, italy

Nocera Umbra is a town located in the province of Perugia, Italy. It was struck by an earthquake in 1997, leaving the old town currently deserted while it continues to undergo structural repair. The town’s officials

asked my studio to develop three defined nodes while turning the old town into an albergo diffuso, a series of bed and breakfasts. The group created a master plan with individuals working on specific buildings or urban spaces. I designed a covered market with a public terrace above which helps transitions a steep change of grade.

redeveloPment maSter Plan - Watercolor

Page 19: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

Andrew P. Schumacher, LEED AP

sPring 2008

PerSPective - Watercolor

Site Section - Watercolor

uPPer terrace Plan - WatercolorloWer market Plan - Watercolor

Page 20: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

Rome, Italy

metRo lInea C

ExtErior PErsPEctivEs - WatErcolor

Urban DEvEloPmEnt - WatErcolor

Marisa HigHaM • THeresa sTeinHardT • andrew scHuMacHer

Page 21: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

Andrew P. Schumacher, LEED AP

SpRIng 2008

Rome’s subway line Linea C is currently being con-structed and is expected to be completed in 2015.

My studio looked at designing entry pavilions that would blend in with the character of Rome, especially since these pavilions would be near some of Rome’s greatest monu-ments. Along with these pavilions, urban redevelopment was required in certain areas. I worked on creating a new piazza in an area that is currently taken up by a large and confusing intersection.

sEction - WatErcolor

Plan - WatErcolorlinEa c maP - WatErcolor

intErior PErsPEctivEs - WatErcolor

Page 22: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

Fall 2009

Andrew P. Schumacher, LEED AP

oF the ClassiCal elements

Wood Carving

This class teaches the basics of wood working through the crafting of classical

elements. During the fall semester of 2009, the course focused on entablatures, covering much on custom moldings. I constructed this entablature of the Doric order based on the writings of Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola.

Page 23: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

Andrew P. Schumacher, LEED AP

sPring 2009PreceDent analysis

shingle style stUDy

The Shingle Style started in America in the late 1800’s. Henry Hobson Richardson was one of the pioneers of the Shingle Style with his design of a house in Newport for William Watts Sherman in 1876. The use of balloon framing allows the

form of the house to break free from a rigid alignment and become organic with projecting bays. The house is characterized by the use of wood shingles for wall material and large projecting gables with long, continual roof lines.

The work of McKim, Mead, and White also influenced the Shingle Style. They designed a house in Newport for Isaac Bell in 1883. The house has a central hall plan with the major rooms surrounding it in an organic matter. The rooms flow into each other with large openings to create connectedness of spaces. These openings do not align axially but align diagonally and frame views. Its large porch is an extension of the interior spaces to the exterior.

The Shingle Style is generally characterized by the continuity of roof planes, the consistency of surface with wood shingles on both roof and walls, and the interconnectedness of flowing interior spaces. The Shingle Style also emphasizes linearity by long horizontal window bays and long lines of prominent gable roofs. Although the Shingle Style began with extravagant summer homes, its simplistic material and organic nature lends itself to today’s smaller American homes.

Under the direction of Professor Christine Franck, I studied the Shingle Style. Along with these two watercolor plates, I wrote a short essay on the Shingle Style. There is a summary of my studies below.

Page 24: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

stonington, connecticUt

shingle style hoUse

After an in-depth look at the Shingle Style, I applied my studies to the design of a house in Stonington, Connecti-

cut on a narrow site with ocean frontage. The recessed porch in the front allows one to enter the house towards the middle to keep the feeling of a central hall, a typical element of the Shingle Style. The interior perspective shows the framed views from the stair hall through the great room and dining room to the ocean beyond. Materials include a fieldstone veneer base with white cedar shingle walls and red cedar for the roof.

exterior PerSPective - Watercolor

interior PerSPective - Sketch

Page 25: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

Andrew P. Schumacher, LEED AP

sPring 2009

rear elevation - Watercolor

Floor PlanS - Watercolor

Section - Watercolor

Page 26: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

chicago, illinois

chicago townhouse

PlanS - Watercolor

elevation - Watercolor

toWnhouSe - model Front entry - model

Page 27: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

Andrew P. Schumacher, LEED AP

Fall 2006

This townhouse is designed to complement the styles of a row of townhouses on North State Street in

Chicago’s Gold Coast neighborhood. In this project, I focused on the dialogue between the urban fabric and the private residence. A model is the main presentation medium of the design.

GaraGe and Backyard - Model

livinG rooM - Model

dininG rooM - Model

kitchen - Model

Page 28: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

mosaic groUP homeelkhart, inDiana

Mosaic is a faith-based organization that provides services to people with developmental disabilities.

This group home houses eight men with mental disabili-ties, giving them 24 hour care but still some independence. The character of this group home looks and feels like a residence rather than an institution. The house also blends in with its historic neighborhood in Elkhart, Indiana. To bring down the scale of the eight bedroom house, the massing is broken up, mainly using the roof. This house is designed with modular wood construction to be time and cost efficient.

interior PerSPective - Watercolor

Plan and elevation - Watercolor

Site Plan - Watercolor

Page 29: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

fall 2009

Andrew P. Schumacher, LEED AP

exterior PerSPective - Watercolor

exterior PerSPective From Garden - Watercolor

Wall Section - Watercolor

Page 30: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

AnAheim, CAliforniA

mission inn resort

Nighttime AeriAl PersPective - WAtercolor & PhotoshoP

DAytime AeriAl PersPective - WAtercolor

Page 31: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

Andrew P. Schumacher, LEED AP

spring 2010

This team project was entered into the 2010 Walt Disney Imagineering’s ImagiNations design competition, making the semi-final round. The Mission Inn is a 500-room resort hotel, anchoring a new 30-acre master plan for the southwest

corner of The Disneyland Resort. This new luxury resort hotel immerses guests in the history of California’s Spanish mis-sions, while providing them with two restaurants, a spa, two pools, and other modern amenities in beautiful surroundings. In addition to the Mission Inn, the master plan includes another hotel, new retail, and a transit center.

courtyArD louNge PersPective - WAtercolor

tyPicAl guestroom PersPective - WAtercolor

Page 32: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

fall 2009

Andrew P. Schumacher, LEED AP

minneaPolis, minnesota

Bohemian flats BoathoUse

This boathouse represents a traditional approach to design that is anything but traditional. The design incorporates the history of the area with innovative vinyl technology to create a versa-tile and sustainable civic structure usable for the greater Minne-apolis community.

The rich heritage of the Bohemian Flats area suggested the creation of a new building which represented the traditional forms of historical architecture. But this is no mere replication of history – rather, we strove to create a new building that ap-proaches historical forms with the materials of modernity. Un-surprisingly, traditional architecture is up to the task of accept-ing new technologies and is a good fit for the surrounding community.

The variable weather conditions in Minneapolis limit the availability of water activities, so we chose to design a versatile park with uses not solely bound to the boathouse. The placement of the building on the site and a minimalist approaapproach to landscape design purposefully create a large open green space to accommodate the current use of the park for a variety of public recreational activities. The splayed dock pavilions likewise afford a great view of the river and can be used for fishing. A small classroom acts as a venue for commu-nity events and educational programs focusing on the river and sustainability.

The beauty of traditional detailing can be created with a wide array of vinyl products. In addition to the standard siding, decking, and windows, custom pieces can be created for the columns, balusters, molding, and brackets. The interiors incor-porate intricate vinyl tile floor patterns and wall coverings for a finish sturdy enough to withstand the rough usage of a public boathouse.

Vinyl is also an integral part of the sustainable design scheme. Its durability makes it an obvious choice for the harsh site con-ditions, and products with high recycled content can contribute to LEED certification. Further LEED points can be earned through the use of highly reflective vinyl roofing and paving surfaces to reduce heat island effects, a vegetated roof with vinyl substrates and drainage, properly designed vinyl light fix-tures that reduce light pollution, and energy-efficient vinyl win-dows and building envelope materials. We also propose an in-novative use of vinyl permeable pavers, which provide durable and walkable ground cover while drastically reducing runoff and allowing for the natural absorption of rainwater into the soil. The colonnades provide solar shading to prevent heat gain in the summer, as well as protection from rain and snow in the winter. Another innovation is an integral drainage system within the vinyl roof decking, in which runoff water is filtered through an aggregate layer and drained to storage tanks be-neath the building for use in a greywater plumbing system.

We strove to design a building that exists as one small piece in the long tradition of human architecture, rather than the fleet-ing personal expression of the architects. We venture to pro-pose that traditional architecture is a solution to modern design challenges and can create a usable, durable, and sustainable structure that encompasses both history and innovation.























Four PreSentation boardS - comPuter renderinG, Watercolor, and Photo

This group project was designed for an AIAS competition. It was sponsored by the Vinyl Institute and was a way to ex-plore construction with vinyl and possible new uses. This boathouse represents a traditional approach to design that

incorporates the history of the area with innovative vinyl technology to create a versatile and sustainable civic structure usable for the greater Minneapolis community.

Page 33: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

Fall 2009

Andrew P. Schumacher, LEED AP

Fairview, Texas

Cinema mural CompeTiTion

These three murals are designed for the side wall of an existing cinema in Fairview, Texas. Each mural depicts a different genre of film, tied together with a movie reel. When viewed together, the scenes create the image of the Texas state flag.

These murals were chosen as the winning design and will be installed at the cinema in the near future.

Murals - PhotoshoP

side elevation of CineMa - PhotoshoP

Page 34: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

Frank llyod wright

isaBel roBerts resiDence

diGital analytique - PhotoShoP

The exploration of computer graphics was conducted through the modeling of a build-ing. I chose Frank Lloyd Wright’s Isabel Roberts Residence located in River Forest,

Illinois. It is a Prairie-style house built in 1908 for Wright’s bookkeeper Isabel Roberts.

Page 35: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

Andrew P. Schumacher, LEED AP

fall 2008

comPuter renderinGS

Page 36: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

sketches & watercolorsitaly


Sant’ivo - rome

Sant’aGneSe - rome

Sant’andrea della valle - rome

Page 37: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

Andrew P. Schumacher, LEED AP

2007 - 2008

Still liFe

coloSSeum - rome

Santa maria della Pace - rome

camPidoGlio - romebaSilica di Palladio - vicenza

Page 38: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

theatrical set Design

EurydicE by Sarah Ruhl Eurydice is a modern play based on the Greek myth about Orpheus and Eurydice. The set is inspired by a minimalist

loft apartment. The simplicity allows quick scene changes between the overworld and the underworld. An earthy Art Nouveau inspired elevator door serves as an entrance to the underworld.

BEauty QuEEn of LEEnanE by Martin McDonagh This play takes place in present day Ireland in an aged Irish cottage. The old range in the former fireplace imitates

the house’s longevity through the different uses it has undergone. The range also plays an important role in the plot so it is centrally located on the set. The revised model in color extends the roof rafters out over the audience and rakes the stage for better views and a forced perspective. The proportions of the set were also changed.

eurydice concePt - Sketch

eurydice - model

Page 39: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

fall 2009

Andrew P. Schumacher, LEED AP

beauty queen oF leenane Plan - Sketch

beauty queen oF leenane - White model

beauty queen oF leenane - color model

Page 40: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

IndustrIal desIgn

Tape Measure Designs - pen & Marker

Page 41: Andrew P. Schumacher - Architectural Portfolio

Andrew P. Schumacher, LEED AP

Spring 2010

Thermos Designs - Pen & marker

This introductory course explores rapid hand sketching and marker rendering to convey design ideas quickly and efficiently. The second half introduces computer rendering using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to create photorealistic images.

shamPoo BoTTle Design - PhoToshoP