and savings ba

August 11, 1906. Announcements. We are authorized to announce SAMUEL M. ROBERTSON as a candidate for re-elestion to Con- gess from the Sixth Congressional istrict of Louisiana, subject to the ac- tion of the Democratic party. We are authorized to announce GEO. K. FAYROT, of East Baton Roage, ` s a candidate for Congress from 4he Sixth Congres- sional District, subject to the action 0t the Democratic primary. We are authorized to announce THOS. C. GLYNN as a candidate for member of the State Board of Equalization for the Sixth Congressional District, subject to the action of the Democratic prilnary. Judge Geo.. Favrot. In the columns of the FPAnxaR will be found the announcement of Judge Geo. K. Favrot, of East Baton Rouge for Congress, from this district. Judge Favrot was born In the Parish of East Baton Rouge on November 26, 1868. He graduated from the State University and the Tulane Law Qchool. At the age of 28 years, Mr. Favrot was first elected District Attorney of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, was a sec- ond time elected to said position, and in 1898 was elected as a delegate at large to the Constitutional Convention. In 1904 Mr. ]avrot was elected District Judge, which position he now has the honor of holding. Judge Favrot is a forceful speaker and is one of the com- ing men of Louisiana. Judge Favrot is eminently qualified for the honor he seeks. and the people of the Sixth Con- agressional District will make no mis- take in sending him to Congress to rep- tesent them. Judge Faeot will speak in Coving- ton August 13, Slidell August 14, Abita Springs on the 15th and at Madisonville on the 168h. IN 8ELF DEFENSE Major Ham, editor and manager of the Coastitutionalist, Eminence, Ky., when be was fiercei attaekedfour years ago, by Piles, bought a box of Buoklen's Ar- iaes Salve, of which he says: "It cured mein ten days, and no trouble since." Quickest healer of Burns, Sores, Outs and Wounds. 26 cents at J. L. Wat- kins' Oity Drug Store and Jos. S. layv- edie Druggist. St. Scholastica's Convent. Last Thursday, August S, at 9 A. m., one of the most solemn and impressive ceremonies took place in the beautiful chapel of S;. Scho- lastica's Convent, Covington. La. At the anno'ncemen' of the appointed hour. -- the pocesion slowly proceedea to the chapel, a•Mst the joyous stiains of the organ. There t ly ollowed solemn high mass, cele- oba•i c Rev. Father Placidas, O. S. B., of.St. La,•', ex, Father Ambrose,. 0. S. B., Deacon; SRev. :Ge~ ge, O. S. p., Subdeacon, and Rev. Fa Adalbert, Master of Ceiemonies. Right Rev. Abbot Schauble, of St. Joseph's Ab- bey, assietet by Rev. Father Bode, O. S. B., offil clated at the ceremonies o' reception and pro- fession. As duty called Rev. Father Koegerl to Madisonville, he was uaable to be present at the ceremonies, but arrived later to participate in the other .;stiviti:s. Miss Hurley. from Boston, Mass., was the only candidate for the r:ccption of hie white veil, and wili be known in religion as Sister Mary Philone,te. The :ix Si-ters who pronbuncea their perpetual vows we.e: Mezs Marie Holt- manas, from Wanhumn. Germany, in religion, Sister Mary Martha; Marie R!pps, from Wankun, Germany. iW religion, Sister Mary Ann; Miss Teresa Kaith from Bc.varia in re- ligion, Saster Mary Wendeli.ia; Miss Marie Sedl- meier, from Bavaria, in rel:';on, Sister Mary Avellina; Miss Johanna Brunner, from Bavaria, In religion. Sister Mary Dohninint, Miss Kath- ,crine Haar :'om New Orleans, La., in religion, Sister Mary Uursula. The celebration of Vep. Sister Boniface's twenty-fifth anniversary of her solemn pro- fession renldered this occasion a tripple feast for the me'noers of St. Schol stica's Convent. Sister Bonirace. known in toe world as Miss Nora O'Donahue. t s a native of Davis County, Inofiaa. She entered the Benedictine Ordgr in Hew Orleans about 'hir.l,-one years ago, and has been activeyv engaged in teaching the vari- ous schoozs att.hen to the Order. Sister Bon'- face is a member of a remarkably religious family,, seven members of which have conse- cratec their lives to the service of God. Her brothers ale the Rt. Rev. O'Donahue, Bishop of Indianapoils. and Rev. Father O'Donahuc, sta- tioned at Logootee. Ind. Four of her sisters entered the Benedictine Order and one the Sis- ters of Divine Providence. Ven. Sister Mech- tild is the only sister she has attaclld to the community of Benedictines in the South. Only one me Inber of this specially favored family renmahiea in the world and entered the mar- ried state. Sister Boniface's numerous friends are pro- fuse in their good wishes for the future, that her useful career may be prolonged many, many more years. Blackell Items Editor St. Tapmany FARMER: It has .been some time since *Ve have seen anything in your valuable [paper from these pars•. We are here yet with the goods. Crops are 1oo•0 poor, especially ootton, which h ped growing too IherMeesrs. ord & Erwin Co. wIN s(art thel ew saw mill this week, Mrs. DD.A.., of McDougall, spent Sunday with frsends here. The FolsomN. O. W. Elm Camp No. S86 elected w officer BaSTurday night, as follows: J. E. Blackwell, Cos. Commander; P. M. Reed, Clerk; I. W. Stevens. Ad. Lieut.; W. O. Terry, .Pa onoe. Com.; I. $M. Fendlason, ;anetls N. I. Cotre, Escort. This' is a new camp and is growing rapidly. Best wishes to FaBMaR. KIDD. Alfon Items Miss Katie 8mitl, f i•lcayune. Miss., has been visiting her sgr, Mrs. E. P. Roberts, thb past week . .. Mrs. Will Pow and little daughter are on the sick list. Mrs. J. M. MpooFe and niece Helen Smith, of New Orleans, returned home I Sunday, after spending a pleasant week with her oeusin. Mrs. O. E. Parker. lMr. John Porter entertained tilidell i visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. R6berts leave for Hot Springs next week. We wish them a pleasant trip. Mr. WilieL Parker returned home, after spending a pleasant week with his stsMrs. J. L. Saxon, of Millard:. DAISY. FOR SALE, At ABITA SPRINGS, La. Eleven splendid squarte ,o ground (each i lovr)y buldina g o•te) •1,000 each, "perlsquare. And "92 arees of lad laid outl in squares and lots $250 and $•00 a square Apply to J. S. BOSSIB, 830 St. Chaees Street, Mcoloekd,-Buudd, , 4th •oor, New Orleans, Lt., or'D. 8 OSSIB, Abita Spring, La. s S. quialer was recently with B JTassi %)p,0o81nlon street. . SATI E.-A good, sound, gentle boars, good surrey and harnsas. l separate. g)3': S. 8. R1B1rN0. I COUNCIL PRO1EEIIIGS Couucm Hat., Covington, La•, Aug. 7, 1906. The Council me. on the above date in regular session. Present - C. Z. Williams, Mayor; Clias. V. Quave, E. J. Frederlck, W. B. Badon, J. S•Jones. Absent--J. L. Boucondray,.8. D. Bul. loch. On motion, duly seconded, the read- ing of the minutes of the last meeting was dispensed with. The Committee on plans for a new school house reported progrees. On .not;on, duly seconded, the Mayor appointed a committee of tlhee as a Building Committee, the same to be authorized to close a contract with rMr. A. J. Bryan, should they reach a satis- factoiy agreement 'with him, and they to have fall supervision of the proposed school building. The Mayor appointed on said'com. mlI w e Messrs. J. 8. Jones, E. J. Fred- erick and Charles Quave. MARSHAL'S REPORT. Collections for the 'honth of July, 1906: Corportion tax. 1905 - $37 67 L:ccnscs. 1906 - - 82 50 Flner - - - - - 48 50 G.aveyard lots - 9000 Total - - - - $48 67 P. J. DULION, Marshal and Tax Collectpr. On motion, duly seconded, the above report was accepted. TREASURER'S REPORT. To the Honorable Mayor ana Members o: the boLld o; Aidemen: I hereby submit this, my report, for the quarter ending June 30, 1906: To balnc.e oI hind Ap '; 1, 1906 - $6 94 To receipts .. om fax Collector up to June SO, 1906 - - - 2.87044 . - - - - $2,877 38 By 17 warrants paid - - - 1,506 06 Ealtnce on nand - $1,370 42 Thi above cash on hand be- longs to the funds as stated below. Generl F.,nd - - - $.1,06 13 Scho u and - - 89 Town Hall Stage Fund - 50,40 Total - - - . 51.7042 8. D. ANDERSON. Treasurer. On motion, duly seconded, the above report was aceopted, and the canceled warrants were destroyed by burning. The following bills were ordered paid: BS. Tammany Ice and Mfg. Co.-For lihting, month of June, $106.25. Max Loyd-For eightday's service as Sanitary Officer, at $2 per day, and one day's service as election officer. $5, $21.00. G. M. Loyd-Services for sanitary work, eight days at $2 per day, $16.00. Bud Crawford-For services as Night Marshal, from July 19 to }August 1, 1906, at $30 per month, 13 days, $73.00. St. Tammany Fanant-For publish- OrdInance extending town limsts>July 7, 1200 words, $12.00; July 14, 1200 words, $6.00; July 21,1200 words, $6.00; July 28,1200 words, $6.00. Total 30.00. P. J. Dullon--For work on streets for week ending July 7, 1906: Bell Harris, 5%j days at $1.25.. $6 87 Sam Freeman, 5 " "' ".... 6 25 Jim Brinkley, 5 " " '.... 6 25 Gus Spinks, 5 " " ".... 6 25 John White, 5% " " ".... 6 87 John Brown 4 " " ".... 500 For week ending July 14, 1906- Bell Harris, 4 days at $1.25.. $5 00 John White, 4• " Y ' " .. 5 98 Sam Freeman, 3% " " ".... 4 87 Gus Spinks, 3% " " " .... 4 87 Jim Brinkley. 4 " " -".... 5 00 Sam Rue, 4 " "' ".... 500 For week ending July 21, 1906- Bell Harris, 6% days at $1.25.. $7 18 John White, 2% " " "".... 6 87 Sam Freeman, 4% " " ".... 5 2 Gns Spinks, 4% " " " ... 5 25 Jim Brinkley, 4% " " "'.... 5 31 Sam Rus, a3 " " ".... 587 Bob Barney, 5% " " ".... 7 18 For week cudinnr Aug. 4, 1906- Bell Harris, 5% days at $1.25.. $6 25 Jim Brinkley, 4%" " " ".... 5 62 Sam Bus 8. " " ".... .875 Gus Splnks 3 " ", '*... 3 75 For cart, male and driver, 18 days it $2 00..... ............ ... 86 00 Tota~ ...... .............. 164 68 On motion, duly seconded, the Coun- elI then adjourned. O. Z. WILLIAMSB , Mayor. W,.G. KE.NTZEL, Secretary. MANDEVILLE COUNCIL TOWN COUNCIL. M;,ndevilie, Aug. 6. 1906, I Councilmet in reguL.r se:sion. Present-Hon. C. S. Galbraith, Mayor; Hons. H. Bore.:, E. Duboiurg, Jos. M. Smith, A. C. Bosse. Aldermen. Absent-Hon. P. H. Hansbrough. Minutes of special meeting, July 24, 1906, were approved. Improvements Comin 's report, on mo- tion o" Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Dubourg, was approved, as follows: IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE'S REPORT. Amount spent for labor on streets - $46 70 Amount spent for hauling filling -- - 3a5 Total - - - - - - - - - A. C. BOSSE, Signed 4J LL BOREY. IE. DUBOURG. TREASURER'S REPORT, Showing- lklance on hand June .D 1906 $1,001 11 Received since June 0,19960 - 174 05 -1--,175 16 Less expenses - ----- "-76 29 Cash on hand July 31,1906 - $1,096 87 (Signed) F. E. VIX, Treasurer. On motion of Mr. Bbrey, seconded by Mr. Bosse and carried, report was received and or- ddred spread on the minutes Bills ordered paid- Repairs and material for public wharf - $6 90 J. T. Michell, recording charter - -- 3 00 C. S. Galbraith, stamps - - ------- 1 40 H. A. Dix, Special Officer, July 19, 1906 - - 1 50 Motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Bos8q and adopted, to pay Alonzo Smith $8.00 for lighting street lamps sixteen days during July, 1936. Communication from Vallance Street Church, New Orleans, relative to building a pavilion for use of picnics and excursions, was read and or- dered fil One hu red dollars was placed In hands of linmovements Committee for general im- orovements, on motion of Mr. Dubqurg, sec- onded by Mr. Borey and carried. 'On motion, duly seconded and carried, Coun- cl adjourned. C. S. GALBRAITN, Mayor. * WM. PURNELL. Secretary. Claverie's Cathartic Plll1hiil rid the system of all Impuritieskis5 nts. THE END OF THE WRlED Of trouble hst robbedE. . Wolfe, of esar Grove, Ia., of .all usefulanes, case when he began taking Eleotric litteri. He writes: ."Two ago -Kidnae trouble caused a i ioh I would never bav4T r hadFI not aken Eleotiio Bitesra,'They als acored ire Genral Deiibty." Cure .rs ar Pll Stomach, Liver and ,Xidisqon- iailat, Blood DiMse., H -adaul' aden ot bodily deoline. Price j4) cents' Guaranteed by J. I. Wathins, City Drag 8tore, and Joe. & Claverie, Drug gas.; TIBER lAND, ACTlJUNE 3, 1878-NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, , New Orleans. La., July 12, 1906. ( Notice is. hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congressof June s, 1s87. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4; 1892, Randolph Parker, of Violin, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, has this day filed -in this office his sworn statement No. 813 for the purchase of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section No. 24, in Town- ship No. 6 south. Range No. 13 east, St. Helena Meridian, and will offer proof to show that the land soughtis more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Reg- ister and Receiver at New Orleans, La., on Thursday the 27th day of September, 1906. He names as witnesses: Henry Bercegeay, Pete Parker, pennet Parker, J. J. Thomas. alof Violin, La. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 27th day of September, 1606. jy21-9t . WALTER L. COHEN, Register. OFFICIAL. PETITION. To the Honorable President and Members of the Police Jury of the Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana. We, the undersigned residents, vot- ers, and taxpayer,, de hereby petition your Honorable Body, composed of, and being and constituting one-fifth of the Property taxpayers of School District No. 1, respectfully ask your Honorable Body, acting within and under the au- thority conferred upon you by the Con- stitution and laws of this State, do or- der that a special election, be held, in thp manner required by law, for the purpose of determining whether or not a special tax, for the purpose of giving of additional support to the public schools, and for the purpose of erect- ing and constructing and maintaining public school houses. Second, that the rate of said special tax so to be levied annually upon all taxable property within said district, shall be five mills on the dollar for a period of ten years, beginning With year 1906. The bounda- ries of said School District are de- scribe i as follows: Commence at the s. w. corner of township 5, 8. R. 12 east; thence north on range line three miles to northwest corger of Section 19; thence east one- half mile; thence north one-half mile; thence east one-quarter mile; thence north one-half mile; thence east one- quarter mile to northwest corner of Section 17; thence north one-half mile; thence east one-qnarter mile; thence north one-half mile; thence north 32 degrees east six chains to southwest corner of Section 42; thence along west boundary of Section 42 eighty-six chains and twenty links to township line between townships 4 and 5, R. 12 east; thence along west boundary of Section 44 in Township 4, south of R. 12 east to Bogue Chitto; thence down the nlgandels of Bogue Chitto to the month ef Bevine Creek; thence down the meanders of Bevins Creek to where thesection line between sections 44 and 46 cross creek; thence on said section line 19 chains and 50 links to southeast corner of section 44; thence east 34 chains 71 links to northwest corner of Section 13; thence on section line be- tween sections 14, 13, 23, 24, 26, 25, 35, 86 four miles to south boundary of 4 Township 5, S. B. 12 east, which is also the ward line or south boundary of the Fifth Ward; thence five miles to place of commencement, in adcordance with a survey and map made by J. M. Yates, Parish Surveyor, May 12, 1906, and hereto annexed and made part hereof, i said district to be known as School Dis- triot No. 1, aid said election to be held at the Ben Willlhms school house. Respectfully submitted. 8 E Fauntleroy, H T Fanntleroy, J H Jenkins, Frank Sharp, TA Sharp, U H Galloway,.W H sauntleroy, GIS Faunt- leroy, W T Williams, J H Sharp, Emile Sharp, Carl Sharp, Mrs B C Williams, PP Galloway, i E Felts, Hamp King, C W Thompson, H H Brown, Loren o Talley, Joseph Sheck, J A Fauntleroy. a Fixon Williams, Tyner Jenkins, Lean- J der Jenkins, H S Seal, D CFauntleroy, Ii Samuel Williams, Charley Dutsch, Q $ E Cooper, 8 C Williams, R. B Wil- liams, H L Revier, George Oalmann. 1have examined the foregoing peti- I tion and hereby approve the boundaries o therein set forth. g J. S. JONES. A President of Board of School Directors. i St. Tammany Parish, La., May 12, 1906. To the Honorable the School Board of the Par- ish of St. Tammany. Louisiana: Gentlemen-The annexed plan shows I lines inclosing the First District School (or Ben Williams District). Commenc- ing at the s. w. corner of Township 5, 8. B. 12 E; thence north on Range line three miles to n. w. corner of Section 19; thence eat % a mile; thence north M a mile; thence east % mile; thence north % mile; thence east 3 mile to n. w. cor. of See, 17; thence north % mile; thehce east Y mile; thence north 3 a mile; thence north 82 de- grees E. 6 chs. to s. w. cor. of sec 42; thence along west boundary of Sec. 42 86 ohs. and 20 Ike, to township line be- tween townships 4 and 5, R. 12 E.; thence along west boundary of Sec. 44, in Tp. 4. . B. 12 E., to Bogue Chitto River; thence down the meanders of Bogue Chitto River to the mouth of Bevins Creek; thence down the mean- ders of Bevies Creek to where the sec- tion line between sections 44 and 46 cross the Creek; thence on said section line 19 chs. and 50 Ike. to a. e. cor. of Sec. 44; thence east 84 chs. 71 &ks. to n. w. cor. of See 18; thence on sec tion line betwen, esections 14, 28, 26, 85 and 1, , 24 25, 86 four miles to south boupdary of Township 5, 8. . 12 E., whitt is also the ward line or south boundary of the Fifth Ward; thence west 5 miles to the place of commencement. J. M. YATES, Parish Surveyor for St. Tammany, La. PETITION. To the Honorable President and Members of the Police Jury of the Parish ot St. Tammany, State of Louisiana: We, the undersigned residents, voters and taxpayers, do hereby petition your Honorable Body, said petitioners being and constituting one-lffth of the prop- erty taxpayers of School District No. 2, respectflly ask your Honorable Body, acting within and under the authority conferred upon you by the Constitution and laws of this State, do order that a special electloo be held, in the man- ner required by law, for the purpose of determining whether or not a special tax for the giving of additional support to public ach d for the purpose of erecting and c nd main- taining public school hand thatthe rate of said spec levied annually upon all taxable pr . erty within said district shall be fivb mills on the dollar for a period of ten years, beginning with year 190g. The xdeundarles of said School Dis#rio. 2 are as followsit All that jt of the Fifth Ward lying outside and not included ii School District No, 1, bein the remanader, qf the Fifth Ward not included in said lDstricot No. 1, said district to be Lkown at School Dlsets No. 2. Thirdt ald election to be~ at the reglar polling place of the lfth Ward. espectfully submitted. Louis Grantham, Recry Mizell, Alex Bush 8 Lavi ghouse, Willis Jenkins, art, Henry B Bush, C W Bush, Norvli Bush, Walter Lavinghoure, N A Shaw, A P Dickey, Marshall Talley, W M El- ls, S L Jenkins, Geo Ulmer, L C T Jenkins, W H Thomas, John Knight, J J Mizell. R B MMiell, 14 A Mizell, Chirles WIore, Albert Walker, Ella Walker, S (~$s rter, BC Jenkins, EE Talley, W W Talley, C C Carter, B. W Carter, R W Talley, W H. Kahl, Emile Talley, ham Grantham, Almo Grant- ham, Dan Grantham, E Grantham, Peter Jenkns,,.J D Thomas, L M Pen- ton. I have examined the foregoing peti- tion and hereby poprove the bounda- ries therein set forth. J. S. JONES, president of Board of Sbhool Directors. It was moved by Mr. Fitzgerald, sec- onde by Mr. Wilson, that an election be in School Districts Nos. 1 and 2, in ihe Fifth Ward, for a special tax of 5 mills for 10 years. The polling place in District No. 1, to be at Ben Williams Schoolhouse. The polling place in District 1No. 2 to be at the regular, polling booth in the Fifth Ward. Both elections to be held on Tuesday August 28i 1906. Carried. T5 the Honorable President and Members of the Poliee Jury of St. Tammany Parish. La.: We, the undersigned citizens, resi- dents and taxpayers of the Fifth Ward of St. Tammany Parish, La., respect- fully petition your Honorable Body to call an election, after due and legal notice, as is provided by law, in the Fifth Ward of this Parish, for the pur- pose of determining whether or not in. toxlcating spirits shall be sold in this ward. J B Grantham, Daniel. Grantham, N Pierce, A Bush, S L Jenkins, J D Thomas, W H Kahl, Sam. Grantham, Emile Talley, Marshall Talley. B W Talley, C W Bush, A. Mizell, Louis Grantham, 0 D Crawford, H D Seal. On motion, duly seconded, the above petitions were granted. It was moved and duly seconded that an election be held in the Fifth Ward on the question of licensing the sale of intoxicating liquor in said ward, the election to be hold on Tuesday, Augast 28, 1906. Carried. Adopthd July 11, 1906. GEO. KOEPP, JR., President. W. G. KENTZEL, Secretary. Proclamation of Election Whereas, the Police Jury of the Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, did, at its session held on the 11th dpv of July, 1906, order an election to be held in the Third Ward of said par- ish, on the 22i1 day of August. 1906. Now, we, the Supervisors of Elections in and for the said parish, duly. quali- fied. commissioned and sworn. by virtue of the authority isted in us, do hereby give public notice that on the 22d day of August, 1906, an election will be held in said Third Ward of the Parish of Nt. Tammany, at the polling places estab- lished by law, for the purpose of taking the sense of the property taxpayers of said ward upon the question of levying a tax of ive (5) mills on the collar, per annum, upon all taxable property sitn- ated in said ward for a period of ten (10)' years, as specified in the Ordinance of said Police Jury, in aid of the St. Tani- many and New Orleans Railway s and Ferry CoumpAny. In pursuance to the authority vested in us. wo, the said Supervisors-of Elec- tions, db hereby name snl appoint the following Commissioners and Clerks to preside at the said election: Oleri, Francis Keller; Counissioners, Ed. Burns, W. G. Evans, M. C. Day. LEWIS L. MORGAN. W. E. PARKER. WARRSEN IHOMAS. Supervisors of Election. Datedpovingter. La., July 17, 1906. Proclamation of Election Whereas, the Police Jury of the Parish of St Tammany, Stfateof 1 .ouis;m', did. at its session held on the 11th day of July, 1906. order an electiQn to be held in the Fourth Ward of d palish, on the 22d day of August, ~i4 Now, we, the Supervisors of Iwltions n-and for the said parish, duly quali- fled, com missioned and sworn, by Virtue of tire authority vested in us, do hereby give public notice that on the 2Zd day August, 1906, an election will be held in said Fourth Ward of the Parish of St. 1 Tammany,, at thu polling places estab- lished by law, for the purpose of taking the sense of the property taxpayers of said ward upon the question of levying a tax of five (5) mills on the dollar, per aunnm, upon all taxable .property situ- ated in said ward fora perioe of ten (10) years, as specified in the Ordinance of said Police Jury, in aid of the at. Tam- many and New Orleans Railways and Ferry Company. In pursuance to the authority vested in us, we, the said Supervisors of Eleo- tions, do hereby name and appoint the following Commissioners antt Clerks to presidie at said election: Clerk, Frank Phillips; CommissionPrs, Geo. Bierhorst, Lucas Prieto, T. L. Smith. LEWIS L. MORGAN. W. ItKER. WA•liE TH'fMA8. Su isors of f lections. DateS Covington La., July 17, 1906. Partition Sale. John E. Cooper et als., vr. Dr. C. Z. Williams, at als-No. 662. !Twen:y-Sixth Judicial District Court of Louisiana, in and for the Parish of St. Tammany. Pursuant to a judgment rendered on the 25th day of April, 1906, by the Ilon. 26th Judicial District Court, in and for the Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, in the mattters of the above entitled and numbered cause, and a commassion issued to me out of skid court bearing same date. I will proceed to sell at public auction, for cash, on Saturday, the 25th day of August, 1906, between the legal sale hours, at the courthouse, in the town of Covington, Louisiana, the following described property, in order to effect a a partition between the plaintiffs and defendants in said cause, co.owners thereof, to.wit: ' A certain tr land situated near the West Pe er, descrioed as fol- lows:, BeginIdS at a branch, called Moses' Branch, thence south 18 deaees west to a pine tree for a corner, thdnce east to a corner marked on a pine tree; thence north 18 degrees, and otherwise deseribed as all that portion of the . headwright, section S8, town- ablp , .th range 13 east, lying south of M Ceb, and containing three hundied d seventy (870) acres, more or leSs situ at in the Parieh of St. G under i'nd at the Sheriff's offce, at Covlugtop, La., on this 17th day of July, 1906. y231-et T. E.B ]EWSTER, Sheriff. Official. `" -- PETITION. To the Honorable President and 'Mem- bers of the'Police Jury of-St Tam- { many Parish. Losisai.ra t We, thes uiGdruifOd, cotadtes i i;-:d~~~~; mote than one-third of the property taLpayers of the Third Ward of the Parish of Ht. Tammny, State of Lou- isiana, in view'of thegreat benefits and advantages to be gained by the citizens of said Third. Ward from the construc- tion, maintenance and operation of a motor or elec+rie railway from within, or through the corporate limitsof the Town of Covington into or near the Town of Mandeviile, and from-within,or through the Village of Abita Springs into or near the said Town of Mande- vile, where said railway shall be-con- nected by and operated in conjunction with fast ferry or ferry boats. which will ply between New Orleans and the said Town of Mandeville, or near there- to, respectfully petition your Honorable Body to order the levy of a special tax of five (5) mills per annum, fora period of ten (10) years, upon all assessed and Issessable property situated in said Third Ward, in aid of the construction of saidrasilway, as aforesaid, by the"'ST. TAMMANY AND NEW ORLEANS RAILWAY AND FERRY COMPANY," a corporation organized under the laws of the Statd of Louisiana, domiciled in the Town of Covington, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiann, its suac cessors or assigns, as an incentive to the said St. Tammany and New Orlans Railways and Ferry Company, its suc- cessors, aspigns or transferees, to con- 'struct and operate said railway. We further petition your honorable body to order a special election, accord. ing te'law and by proper ordinance, to submit the same to the property tax- payers of the said Third Ward of the said Parish of St. Tammany. The said tax to become one and col- lectable only from and after the com- pletion and operatlbn of said . railway, as aforesaid. That the said company, its sbccessors or assigns, shall, within ninety (90) days from the date of voting said tax, commence the construction of said rail- way, and wbich said railway is to be in operation within two (2) years from the commencement of wa dwork. Rlespectfully submitted. On motion. duly seconded, the above peth tion was referred for examination and com- varison with the assessment rolls to a commit- tee of four, cemposed of George Blerh6rst, Mark Fitzgerald, M. C. Day and Louis Gra m. After due consideration the Commit rm- turned and made the following report: Upon careful examination and comparison of the petition, we. the Committee find that more than one-thirdof the property taxpayers of the Third Ward of the Parish of St. Tammany have signed the petition, and make the folqlwing statement of the result; Third Ward, 43M names. The following Ordinance then offered by' J. J. CusacHs, and duly seconded by S. R. Wilson, was adopted by the following vote: Yeas, 7; nays, 0. ORDINANCE Ordering a special election, which shaie sub- mitted to the ptoperty tax-payers of Third ward of the Parish of St. Tammany entitled to Vote under the lawsof theState of Louisiana. the question of levying a special tax in aid of the St. Tamhany and New Orleans Railways and Ferry Company, of the vote of five nmilis on the dollar, per annum, for a period of ten yeaws, in strict compliance withtthepetition of more than one-tird of the uroperty tax- payers of said Third Ward. hefito annexed and male part hereof, subject to the condl- tions st-forth in said petitionand resolution. Be it ordatned by the Police Jury of the Parish of St. Ta ,. Louisiana, In•iegal session convened, >lita s-special electin be held throughout Third Ward of the Parish of St. Tammany. Louislana on the 2 day of August. 1908, at which shall be submitted to the prop- erty taxpayers of said ward who are entitled to vote under the laws of the State of Louisiana. the question of levying on all taxable Property in said Third Ward a tax of five milson the dollar. per annum, for a period of ten years, in aid of the St. Tammany and New Orleans Rail- ways and Ferry Company, a corporation organ I zed under the laws of the State of Louisiana and domiciled in the Parish of St. Tammany. The said tax to be levied and col- lected acording to law, but not to be collected untilsaid railway is completed and in operation. Sec. 2. ~e it further ordained, etc., That such special election shall be held underthe election laws of the State of Louisiana, and at the poll- ing places established by law in said ward, and the ballots to be used shall be printed in the following form: For special tax oiflive mills in aid of the St. Tammany and New Orl nsRailways and Ferry Company, annually, f o period of ten years. Against special tax of five mifs In aid of the St. Tammany and New Orleans Railways and Ferry Comapany. annually, for a period of ten years. | Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, etc., That the Board of Supervisorsof Electionof Parish of St. Tammany, Louisiana, are hereby, requested to appoint Commissioners and Clerks to serve at said polling places: to give due notice of said appointment and of the time and place of "holding said election, and to make their returns qf said election to the president of the Police Jury, who shall announce and promulgate the result of said election, according to law. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained. etc., That the Cdmmissioners of Election shall receive the ballots of all property taxpayers of the said Third Ward of the Parish of St. Tammany entl- tied to vote under the laws of the State of Louislana, and before depositing the same in ~the .arlot box shall indorse thereon, in the presence of the voter the name of such voter and the amodnt of the value of his assessed property; and said Commissioners. shall manke ! return of the number of votes and the amount I of the assessed value pt the property voted for and againsi the levy of said special tax. Sec. . Be it further ordained, ete., That this | Ordinance, l petition of'the taxpayers, and the the Board of Directors of : the St. Tam ew Orleans Railways and I Ferry Com ) blished in the St. Tanm- miny FAuE, the cial organ of the Parlsh, I for full thirty clear days previous tothe date of 1 hoklding said that this Ordinance I take effect from and after Its passage. I, At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the St. Tammany and New Orleans RailWays and Ferry Company, held at the office of said Company In Covlngton, Louisiana, on the 2th day of June, 1906, present, Clay Riggs Joseph Dlrg and Lewis L. Morgan. constituti'ng said Board of Directors. the following resolutions were proposed and unanimously adopted, to- wit: Whereas it has recently come to the knowl- edge of the St. Tammany and New Orleans Railways and Ferry Company that the school fund of the Thrd Ward o the Parish of St. Tammany; Louisiana, Is insufmcient to maintain the various Dublic schools throughout the said Third Ward for nine consecutive months, and defray the divers other expenses incidental thereto: therefore be it Resolved by the St. Tammany apd New Or- leans Railways d Ferry Company, That if the ppositlo levying a special tax of five Itar, per annum, for a period of n al taxable property situated in sa d ard, In aid of the St. Tammany'and New Orleans Railways and Ferry Company, car ried. then and in that event the said company stipulates, contracts and agrees to donate to and in favor of the school fund of said Third Ward of the Parish of St. Tammany twenty per cent of said tax. Be it further resolved, That said twenty per cent be turned over to Adolph Frederic k. Treasurer of th. Palish of St Tammany, as said tax is collected. Be it further resolved. That said twenty per cent be devoted solely and exclusively to. the use and benefit of the public schools of said Third Ward of the Parish of St. Tammanny. CLAY RIGGS. President. JOSEPH BIRG, Secretary. A true copy. A true JOSEPH BIRG, Secretary. PETITION. To the Honorable President and Members of the Police Jury of St. TammanyParish, Louisiana. We. the undersigned, constituting more than one-third of the property taxpayers of the Fourth Ward o the Parish of St. Tammany. State of Louisiana. in view of the great benefits and advantages to be gained by the citizens of siad Fourth Ward from the construction, main- tenance and operation of a motor or electric railway from within, or through the corporate limits of the town of Mandeville into or near the town of Covington, and from within, or though the village Ol Alta Springs into or near the said town of andeville, wheresait rMiway shall be connected by and operated in conjune- io with last ferry boat or boats, whch will Sbetween New Orlians and the said towp of Mandeville. respeetfull.. petition .your hon- orable body to order the levy of a special tax of five mills per annum, fQ a period of ten years upon all assessed and assessable property situated In said Fourth Ward, in aid of the con- straction of said railway. as aforesaid, by, the- ST. TAMMANA AND NEW ORLEANS RAILWAYS AND FERRY COMPANY, a corporation organ- tzed under the taa of the State of Loulsiana. domiciled in the town of Covington, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Loulsm i successors, trapsferees Q ghns a n Incentive to the mid St., Tau y ad New Orleans Railways and Ferry CoMpany. -:sccessors. transferees or assigns, toustruct nai o~rate said rail- i fyrther r esprctour able bodyto order as election. to law sand by proppr ordinance, to sane to Lme o perty iaxpaajegs ofr oufrth Ward the sid ails of .T Th nuM:1 $ao borP4sgupuuef I HLsvui B. EKIm, Pte. A. HOOD, ~ Olit` . re ROuT. L. AnuzuT, C8usif, Ds. 0.3. t;Zoi, fad" Jzo. I. Dzmaxor, Ast. CsshlqY. St. Tanimony Banki~ and Savings Ba . We invite Deposits8 prepared to extend to our Depositors every.~i consisuest with Bound Bankin-. 4% o/ INTEREST ALLOWED ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 'D DIrECTOR• P. H. Hanabrough W. A. Hood Dr J.. R. .Dillon Wm. A. Dixon A. D. crawford Harvey . E. Elis Robt. . Aubert E.•J. Domnrgue,Jr J. I..Watkins Dr. Ge.. R. Tolson B. H. Bablngton IERNARD COMWIENGEN % Sheet-Metal Worker, ~. O.0OX 59. , COylJ NGTON, LA. SJ. FFRSO"N' AVE. PHEoN 5s8. ROOEJU, CUTTERIN! AND SPOUTING A SPECAITY. Sonly from and after the completion and opera tion of said ralay, as aforesaid. That the said mpany. its successors, trans ferees or ass shall, withi, ninety days from . the date ofv g said tax lmmence the cons struction of said ilway, and which said railw is to be in operation within two years from the commencement of said work. Respectfully submitted. On motion, duly seconded, the above peti- - tion was referred, for examination and com- rd parison with the Assessment Rolls, to a Com- to mittee of four, composed of George Bierhorst. Mark Fitzgerald, M. C. Day and Louis Grantham. f After due consideration, the Committee s returned and made the following report: s Upon careful emminatlon and comparison of n the petition, we. the Committee find that more ,n than one-thinl of the property tax-payers of s- the Fourth WNrd of the Parish of St. Tammany d have signed the petition, and make the follow- I- Instatemetof the result: a. Fourth War4, N1 names. Th he following Ordinance then ofered by J SJ. Cusachs, and duly seconded by 5. R. Wilson, dwas adopted by the following vote: Yeas. 7; ,f nays, 0. S ORDINANCE a, Ordering ll election, which shall he sub- 1 mitted pro rty tax-payers of Fourth n Ward of St. Tammany entitled to vote the State of Louisi- ana, the q a specil tUi i aid of the St. im y w Orleans Rail- ways and Ferry Com e vote of five (5) mills on the dollar, um. fOr a pD- riod of ten (10) years, in compliance d with the petition of more ne-third of .the property tax-payers of urth Ward, hereto annexed and made a pa reof, sub- ject to the conditions set for said peti- d tion and resolution. Be it ordained by the Police Juryof the Parish of St Tammain, Louistana, in legal session c. convened, ThK a special election be h he Id y throughout the Fourth Ward of the Parish of , St. Tammany, Louisiana, on the 2d day of Au- e Igust. 1905, at which shall be submitted to the e property ta x-payers of said ward who are enti- n tled to vote under the laws of the State of Louisiana, the question of levying on all taxa- eble property in said Fourth Ward a tax of 5 ins on the dollar per amnum fora period of ten o years, in aid of the St. Tammany and New Or Lt leans Railways and Ferry Co., a corporation d orma nized under the laws of thState of SLouisiana and domicdled in the Parish of St. a Tasmany. The said tax to be levied and col- e lected acording to law, but not until said e railway is completed and J operation. Sce.. et furthe ordained, et,.. That such e special eection shall be held underthe election e laws of the State of Louisiana. and at the poll. J ing places established by law In samid ward, and -the ballots to be used shall be pritedlin the f following forrl: e For special tax of five mills in aid of the St. Te ammany and New Orleans RailWays and Ferry r C(:mpany annually for a period of ten years. - Against spec llax of five mill in aid of the e St. Tammany and New Orlsns Railways apd t Ferry Company annually for a period of ten r years. Sea . R Be it fiartner ordained, That the Board Sof Supervisors of Election of the Pprish of St. Tammany. Louisiana, are hereby equested to f appoint Commissioners and Clerks to serve at said polling places; to give dqe noticelof said appointment and of the time and place of holding said election, and to mfake their re- f turns of said election to the President ot the Police Jury,who shallennouqceand promulgate the result of said election. according to law. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, ete, That the Commissioners of Electlgn shall receive the ballotS of all property tax-payers of the said Fourth.Ward of the Parishof St. +Tammany entitled to vote under the laws of the State o Louisiana, and before depositing the same in boalotbox shall indorsethereon, In the presence of the voter, the name of such Voter and the amout of the value of his assessed property, and said Commissioners shall make return of the number of votes and the amount of the assessed value of the property voted for and against the levy of said special tax. Sec. Be It further ordained, etc. That this Ordinonce, annexed petition of the taxpayers, and the resolutions of the Board of Directors of the St. Tammany and New Orleans Railways and Ferry Compan be published in the St. Tammany Fawni. the official organ of thepar- Ish. for full thirtY clear days previous to the date of holdli said election, and that this Or. dinance take effect from and after its passage, At:meeting of the Board of Directors of the I St. Tammany and New Orleans Railways and Ferry Company held at the offce of said com- pany in Covington, Louisiana, on the 27th day of June, 195, Present: Clay tiggs, Joseph Birg and Lewis L. Morgan, constituting said Board of Directors, the follownlag resolution Was proposed and unanimously adopted, to- wit: Whereas, i has recently come to the knowl- edge of the St. Tammany and New Orleans Rallways and Ferry Company 'that the school fRnd of the Fourth Ward of the Parish of St. Tammany, Parish is insufficent to maintain the various public sehools throughout the said Fourth Ward for nine consecutive months, and defray the divers other expenses lncidentat thereto; therefore be it Resolved by the St. Tammany and New Or- I Railways and Ferry Company, That If the ropositlon of levying a special tax of five mllis on the dollar, per annum, for a period of ,ten years. ano all tanxable property situated in msaid I Fourth Ward, in aid of the St. Tammany and New Orleans Railways and Ferry Company, be carried, thenamd In that event the said com- pany stipulates, contracts and ares to donate to and in favorof the school fun of said Foprth Ward of the Parish of St. Tammany twenty per cent of said tax. Be it further resolved, That said twenty per cent be turned over to Adolph Frederic k. re surer of th Parish of St Tammany,as said tax is colleted, Be it further resolved, That sai twenty per cent be devoted solely and excluirely to the use and benefit of-the public schools of said Fourth Wardof the Parish of St. Tammany. CLAY RIGGS, President. JOSEPH BIRG, Secretary. A true copy. . JOSEPH BIRG Secretary. Adopted July 10, 1906. GEO. UOEPP, Jl&, President. W. G. KENTEE;L. LSetretary. Trespass Notice. All peslons ire ixeby fore b n to aut timber or otherwise Irespsas bn tbet pLrelses of the undeseguard at Pearl Riveir, unaderpeslt5 y of the lsaw. mylt-Am LUDWIG KOENIO. FOR SALE ClsEA -A losltel•t i h, 0S e•se old; fis-bred. Apply to Mli EDGAR, erphop 17Y-' If a DR. 8. 'L S•OiRB DRI M Dentist. S Permanently Loo 4L. 8 LIDULL.L 1I- DP, f. H GRIMMER Dentist. cov1JIr ON, LOUISIANA. SHours: s, a. to S p. m. Phone No. 18 F3mDmnILc BurDnSO. L. 0. HEINTZ.I t tPhysicsan I and Surgeon. COVINGTON. LA. Ofice on aln steet oppa te old eBauk Omee phone 270. Bestiene .171. d iThe Buiding and Asso80 io0n. f you wat nt lhmer~ Do you wish an tnvestmeant Co' l at our oce, or phone. I Nothing too large for ous; nothing too TBE PEOPLE'SB LDING AND LOAN " " MIATION, Phone 11. George 8. Carn, v. George IL. Bi.e. oer-No. 667. Twenty.Slath Judicial District Court of Louatlsana,in eand for the Parish of St. Tamany. By virtue of an order of saIsurdi;d le from the honorable the aforeseld Court, and- to m rected, beari•g date Jun. 21, 1906- I rill proceed to sell at public auc- ton, i the front door of the Cour5. house, In the town of Colo, Pa.. Ish oft. Tammany, Stte of oLold on SATURDAY, Agu- t , 1906 pe• tween legm a le bous, se following d rlbe Droperteto-wfit e edger and one trimmer. Terms of sole--4sh; to pay debts. is-at r T. B, 8 WSlTEs RII Sherit. Payne & Joubert vs. George H. Spa.. cer--No. 685 . Twenty-slxth Judicial istict Co Loulsi.lna and a ._.dthe . SSt. Tammeany•• B fvirtue of arod 0 t ,sule the "hota sh Court, and. tp noo June 25, 1906- I wrll proed to sellt. " U -U Jc. tion, at the frot" door' of the Cou. bahs. in th'e town "` l•angto, ariash: of St. 'Farman ,,sta of Lou8ofeL . ont rpet, to-wits; o Ut o1 'net on , * -:s. .cs A ron Terms..,h to.n deb.. jy28-t 2t z. BT. Sn1 , Shorif. N~URZ1 LVEC rn;pDs mu~p!!:

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Page 1: and Savings Ba

August 11, 1906.

Announcements.We are authorized to announce

SAMUEL M. ROBERTSONas a candidate for re-elestion to Con-gess from the Sixth Congressional

istrict of Louisiana, subject to the ac-tion of the Democratic party.

We are authorized to announceGEO. K. FAYROT,

of East Baton Roage, ` s a candidate

for Congress from 4he Sixth Congres-sional District, subject to the action 0tthe Democratic primary.

We are authorized to announceTHOS. C. GLYNN

as a candidate for member of the StateBoard of Equalization for the SixthCongressional District, subject to theaction of the Democratic prilnary.

Judge Geo.. Favrot.In the columns of the FPAnxaR will be

found the announcement of Judge Geo.K. Favrot, of East Baton Rouge forCongress, from this district.

Judge Favrot was born In the Parishof East Baton Rouge on November 26,1868. He graduated from the StateUniversity and the Tulane Law Qchool.At the age of 28 years, Mr. Favrot wasfirst elected District Attorney of theParish of East Baton Rouge, was a sec-ond time elected to said position, andin 1898 was elected as a delegate atlarge to the Constitutional Convention.In 1904 Mr. ]avrot was elected DistrictJudge, which position he now has thehonor of holding. Judge Favrot is aforceful speaker and is one of the com-ing men of Louisiana. Judge Favrotis eminently qualified for the honor heseeks. and the people of the Sixth Con-agressional District will make no mis-take in sending him to Congress to rep-tesent them.

Judge Faeot will speak in Coving-ton August 13, Slidell August 14, AbitaSprings on the 15th and at Madisonvilleon the 168h.

IN 8ELF DEFENSEMajor Ham, editor and manager of the

Coastitutionalist, Eminence, Ky., whenbe was fiercei attaekedfour years ago,by Piles, bought a box of Buoklen's Ar-

iaes Salve, of which he says: "It curedmein ten days, and no trouble since."Quickest healer of Burns, Sores, Outsand Wounds. 26 cents at J. L. Wat-kins' Oity Drug Store and Jos. S. layv-edie Druggist.

St. Scholastica's Convent.Last Thursday, August S, at 9 A. m., one of

the most solemn and impressive ceremoniestook place in the beautiful chapel of S;. Scho-lastica's Convent, Covington. La.

At the anno'ncemen' of the appointed hour.-- the pocesion slowly proceedea to the chapel,

a•Mst the joyous stiains of the organ. Theret ly ollowed solemn high mass, cele-

oba•i c Rev. Father Placidas, O. S. B., of.St.La,•', ex, Father Ambrose,. 0. S. B., Deacon;SRev. :Ge~ ge, O. S. p., Subdeacon, andRev. Fa Adalbert, Master of Ceiemonies.Right Rev. Abbot Schauble, of St. Joseph's Ab-bey, assietet by Rev. Father Bode, O. S. B., offilclated at the ceremonies o' reception and pro-fession. As duty called Rev. Father Koegerl toMadisonville, he was uaable to be present atthe ceremonies, but arrived later to participatein the other .;stiviti:s.

Miss Hurley. from Boston, Mass., was the onlycandidate for the r:ccption of hie white veil,and wili be known in religion as Sister MaryPhilone,te. The :ix Si-ters who pronbunceatheir perpetual vows we.e: Mezs Marie Holt-manas, from Wanhumn. Germany, in religion,Sister Mary Martha; Marie R!pps, fromWankun, Germany. iW religion, Sister MaryAnn; Miss Teresa Kaith from Bc.varia in re-ligion, Saster Mary Wendeli.ia; Miss Marie Sedl-meier, from Bavaria, in rel:';on, Sister MaryAvellina; Miss Johanna Brunner, from Bavaria,In religion. Sister Mary Dohninint, Miss Kath-

,crine Haar :'om New Orleans, La., in religion,Sister Mary Uursula.

The celebration of Vep. Sister Boniface'stwenty-fifth anniversary of her solemn pro-fession renldered this occasion a tripple feastfor the me'noers of St. Schol stica's Convent.Sister Bonirace. known in toe world as MissNora O'Donahue.

ts a native of Davis County,

Inofiaa. She entered the Benedictine Ordgr inHew Orleans about 'hir.l,-one years ago, andhas been activeyv engaged in teaching the vari-ous schoozs att.hen to the Order. Sister Bon'-face is a member of a remarkably religiousfamily,, seven members of which have conse-cratec their lives to the service of God. Herbrothers ale the Rt. Rev. O'Donahue, Bishop ofIndianapoils. and Rev. Father O'Donahuc, sta-tioned at Logootee. Ind. Four of her sistersentered the Benedictine Order and one the Sis-ters of Divine Providence. Ven. Sister Mech-tild is the only sister she has attaclld to thecommunity of Benedictines in the South. Onlyone me Inber of this specially favored familyrenmahiea in the world and entered the mar-ried state.

Sister Boniface's numerous friends are pro-fuse in their good wishes for the future, thather useful career may be prolonged many,many more years.

Blackell ItemsEditor St. Tapmany FARMER:

It has .been some time since *Ve haveseen anything in your valuable [paperfrom these pars•.

We are here yet with the goods.Crops are 1oo•0 poor, especiallyootton, which h ped growing too

IherMeesrs. ord & Erwin Co.wIN s(art thel ew saw mill this week,

Mrs. DD.A.., of McDougall, spentSunday with frsends here.

The FolsomN. O. W. Elm Camp No.S86 elected w officer BaSTurdaynight, as follows: J. E. Blackwell,Cos. Commander; P. M. Reed, Clerk;I. W. Stevens. Ad. Lieut.; W. O. Terry,.Pa onoe. Com.; I. $M. Fendlason,;anetls N. I. Cotre, Escort.

This' is a new camp and is growingrapidly.

Best wishes to FaBMaR. KIDD.

Alfon ItemsMiss Katie 8mitl, f i•lcayune. Miss.,

has been visiting her sgr, Mrs. E. P.Roberts, thb past week . ..

Mrs. Will Pow and little daughter areon the sick list.

Mrs. J. M. MpooFe and niece HelenSmith, of New Orleans, returned home ISunday, after spending a pleasant weekwith her oeusin. Mrs. O. E. Parker.

lMr. John Porter entertained tilidell ivisitors Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. B. P. R6berts leave forHot Springs next week. We wish thema pleasant trip.

Mr. WilieL Parker returned home,after spending a pleasant week with his

stsMrs. J. L. Saxon, of Millard:.DAISY.


Eleven splendid squarte ,o ground(each i lovr)y buldina g o•te) •1,000each, "perlsquare.

And "92 arees of lad laid outl insquares and lots $250 and $•00 a square

Apply to J. S. BOSSIB, 830 St.Chaees Street, Mcoloekd,-Buudd, ,4th •oor, New Orleans, Lt., or'D.8 OSSIB, Abita Spring, La.

s S. quialer was recently with BJTassi %)p,0o81nlon street. .

SATI E.-A good, sound, gentleboars, good surrey and harnsas.

l separate.

g)3': S. 8. R1B1rN0. I


Covington, La•, Aug. 7, 1906.The Council me. on the above date in

regular session.Present - C. Z. Williams, Mayor;

Clias. V. Quave, E. J. Frederlck, W.B. Badon, J. S•Jones.

Absent--J. L. Boucondray,.8. D. Bul.loch.

On motion, duly seconded, the read-ing of the minutes of the last meetingwas dispensed with.

The Committee on plans for a newschool house reported progrees.

On .not;on, duly seconded, the Mayorappointed a committee of tlhee as aBuilding Committee, the same to beauthorized to close a contract with rMr.A. J. Bryan, should they reach a satis-factoiy agreement 'with him, and theyto have fall supervision of the proposedschool building.

The Mayor appointed on said'com.mlI w e Messrs. J. 8. Jones, E. J. Fred-erick and Charles Quave.

MARSHAL'S REPORT.Collections for the 'honth of July,

1906:Corportion tax. 1905 - $37 67L:ccnscs. 1906 - - 82 50Flner - - - - - 48 50G.aveyard lots - 9000

Total - - - - $48 67P. J. DULION,

Marshal and Tax Collectpr.On motion, duly seconded, the above

report was accepted.TREASURER'S REPORT.

To the Honorable Mayor ana Members o: theboLld o; Aidemen:

I hereby submit this, my report, forthe quarter ending June 30, 1906:To balnc.e oI hind Ap '; 1, 1906 - $6 94To receipts .. om fax Collector up to

June SO, 1906 - - - 2.87044. - - - - $2,877 38

By 17 warrants paid - - - 1,506 06

Ealtnce on nand - $1,370 42Thi above cash on hand be-longs to the funds as stated

below.Generl F.,nd - - - $.1,06 13Scho u and - - 89Town Hall Stage Fund - 50,40

Total - - - . 51.70428. D. ANDERSON.

Treasurer.On motion, duly seconded, the above

report was aceopted, and the canceledwarrants were destroyed by burning.

The following bills were orderedpaid:BS. Tammany Ice and Mfg. Co.-For

lihting, month of June, $106.25.Max Loyd-For eightday's service as

Sanitary Officer, at $2 per day, and oneday's service as election officer. $5,$21.00.

G. M. Loyd-Services for sanitarywork, eight days at $2 per day, $16.00.

Bud Crawford-For services as NightMarshal, from July 19 to }August 1,1906, at $30 per month, 13 days, $73.00.

St. Tammany Fanant-For publish-OrdInance extending town limsts>July7, 1200 words, $12.00; July 14, 1200words, $6.00; July 21,1200 words, $6.00;July 28,1200 words, $6.00. Total 30.00.

P. J. Dullon--For work on streets forweek ending July 7, 1906:Bell Harris, 5%j days at $1.25.. $6 87Sam Freeman, 5 " "' ".... 6 25Jim Brinkley, 5 " " '.... 6 25Gus Spinks, 5 " " ".... 6 25John White, 5% " " ".... 6 87John Brown 4 " " ".... 500

For week ending July 14, 1906-Bell Harris, 4 days at $1.25.. $5 00John White, 4• " Y ' " .. 5 98Sam Freeman, 3% " " ".... 4 87Gus Spinks, 3% " " " .... 4 87Jim Brinkley. 4 " " -".... 5 00Sam Rue, 4 " "' ".... 500For week ending July 21, 1906-Bell Harris, 6% days at $1.25.. $7 18John White, 2% " " "".... 6 87Sam Freeman, 4% " " ".... 5 2Gns Spinks, 4% " " " ... 5 25Jim Brinkley, 4% " " "'.... 5 31Sam Rus, a3 " " ".... 587Bob Barney, 5% " " ".... 7 18

For week cudinnr Aug. 4, 1906-Bell Harris, 5% days at $1.25.. $6 25Jim Brinkley, 4%" " " ".... 5 62Sam Bus 8. " " ".... .875Gus Splnks 3 " ", '*... 3 75For cart, male and driver, 18 daysit $2 00..... ............ ... 86 00

Tota~ ...... .............. 164 68On motion, duly seconded, the Coun-

elI then adjourned.O. Z. WILLIAMSB , Mayor.

W,.G. KE.NTZEL, Secretary.


M;,ndevilie, Aug. 6. 1906, ICouncilmet in reguL.r se:sion.Present-Hon. C. S. Galbraith, Mayor; Hons.

H. Bore.:, E. Duboiurg, Jos. M. Smith, A. C.Bosse. Aldermen.

Absent-Hon. P. H. Hansbrough.Minutes of special meeting, July 24, 1906,

were approved.Improvements Comin 's report, on mo-

tion o" Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Dubourg,was approved, as follows:

IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE'S REPORT.Amount spent for labor on streets - $46 70Amount spent for hauling filling - - - 3a5

Total -- - -- - - - --A. C. BOSSE,Signed 4J LL BOREY.IE. DUBOURG.


lklance on hand June .D 1906 $1,001 11Received since June 0,19960 - 174 05

-1--,175 16Less expenses - ----- "-76 29

Cash on hand July 31, 1906 - $1,096 87(Signed) F. E. VIX, Treasurer.On motion of Mr. Bbrey, seconded by Mr.

Bosse and carried, report was received and or-ddred spread on the minutesBills ordered paid-

Repairs and material for public wharf - $6 90J. T. Michell, recording charter - - - 3 00C. S. Galbraith, stamps - - ------- 1 40H. A. Dix, Special Officer, July 19, 1906 - - 1 50

Motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Bos8qand adopted, to pay Alonzo Smith $8.00 forlighting street lamps sixteen days during July,1936.

Communication from Vallance Street Church,New Orleans, relative to building a pavilion foruse of picnics and excursions, was read and or-dered fil

One hu red dollars was placed In hands oflinmovements Committee for general im-orovements, on motion of Mr. Dubqurg, sec-onded by Mr. Borey and carried.'On motion, duly seconded and carried, Coun-

cl adjourned.C. S. GALBRAITN, Mayor.

* WM. PURNELL. Secretary.

Claverie's Cathartic Plll1hiil rid thesystem of all Impuritieskis5 nts.

THE END OF THE WRlEDOf trouble hst robbedE. . Wolfe, ofesar Grove, Ia., of .all usefulanes, case

when he began taking Eleotric litteri.He writes: ."Two ago -Kidnaetrouble caused a i iohI would never bav4T r hadFI notaken Eleotiio Bitesra,'They als acored

ire Genral Deiibty." Cure .rs arPll Stomach, Liver and ,Xidisqon-

iailat, Blood DiMse., H -adaul'aden ot bodily deoline. Price j4) cents'Guaranteed by J. I. Wathins, CityDrag 8tore, and Joe. & Claverie, Druggas.;


UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, ,New Orleans. La., July 12, 1906. (Notice is. hereby given that in compliance

with the provisions of the act of CongressofJune s, 1s87. entitled "An act for the sale oftimber lands in the States of California, Oregon,Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extendedto all the Public Land States by act of August 4;1892, Randolph Parker, of Violin, Parish of St.Tammany, State of Louisiana, has this day filed

-in this office his sworn statement No. 813 forthe purchase of the northwest quarter of thesouthwest quarter of section No. 24, in Town-ship No. 6 south. Range No. 13 east, St. HelenaMeridian, and will offer proof to show that theland soughtis more valuable for its timber orstone than for agricultural purposes, and toestablish his claim to said land before the Reg-ister and Receiver at New Orleans, La., onThursday the 27th day of September, 1906.

He names as witnesses:Henry Bercegeay, Pete Parker, pennet Parker,

J. J. Thomas. alof Violin, La.Any and all persons claiming adversely the

above described lands are requested to filetheir claims in this office on or before said 27thday of September, 1606.jy21-9t . WALTER L. COHEN, Register.


PETITION.To the Honorable President and Members of the

Police Jury of the Parish of St. Tammany,State of Louisiana.

We, the undersigned residents, vot-ers, and taxpayer,, de hereby petitionyour Honorable Body, composed of, andbeing and constituting one-fifth of theProperty taxpayers of School DistrictNo. 1, respectfully ask your HonorableBody, acting within and under the au-thority conferred upon you by the Con-stitution and laws of this State, do or-der that a special election, be held, inthp manner required by law, for thepurpose of determining whether or nota special tax, for the purpose of givingof additional support to the publicschools, and for the purpose of erect-ing and constructing and maintainingpublic school houses. Second, that therate of said special tax so to be leviedannually upon all taxable propertywithin said district, shall be five millson the dollar for a period of ten years,beginning With year 1906. The bounda-ries of said School District are de-scribe i as follows:

Commence at the s. w. corner oftownship 5, 8. R. 12 east; thence northon range line three miles to northwestcorger of Section 19; thence east one-half mile; thence north one-half mile;thence east one-quarter mile; thencenorth one-half mile; thence east one-quarter mile to northwest corner ofSection 17; thence north one-half mile;thence east one-qnarter mile; thencenorth one-half mile; thence north 32degrees east six chains to southwestcorner of Section 42; thence along westboundary of Section 42 eighty-sixchains and twenty links to townshipline between townships 4 and 5, R. 12east; thence along west boundary ofSection 44 in Township 4, south of R.12 east to Bogue Chitto; thence downthe nlgandels of Bogue Chitto to themonth ef Bevine Creek; thence downthe meanders of Bevins Creek to wherethesection line between sections 44 and46 cross creek; thence on said sectionline 19 chains and 50 links to southeastcorner of section 44; thence east 34chains 71 links to northwest corner ofSection 13; thence on section line be-tween sections 14, 13, 23, 24, 26, 25, 35,86 four miles to south boundary of 4Township 5, S. B. 12 east, which is alsothe ward line or south boundary of theFifth Ward; thence five miles to placeof commencement, in adcordance witha survey and map made by J. M. Yates,Parish Surveyor, May 12, 1906, andhereto annexed and made part hereof, isaid district to be known as School Dis-triot No. 1, aid said election to beheld at the Ben Willlhms school house.

Respectfully submitted.8 E Fauntleroy, H T Fanntleroy, J H

Jenkins, Frank Sharp, TA Sharp, U HGalloway,.W H sauntleroy, GIS Faunt-leroy, W T Williams, J H Sharp, EmileSharp, Carl Sharp, Mrs B C Williams,PP Galloway, i E Felts, Hamp King,C W Thompson, H H Brown, Loren oTalley, Joseph Sheck, J A Fauntleroy. aFixon Williams, Tyner Jenkins, Lean- Jder Jenkins, H S Seal, D CFauntleroy, IiSamuel Williams, Charley Dutsch, Q $E Cooper, 8 C Williams, R. B Wil-liams, H L Revier, George Oalmann.

1have examined the foregoing peti- Ition and hereby approve the boundaries otherein set forth. g

J. S. JONES. APresident of Board of School Directors. i

St. Tammany Parish, La., May 12, 1906.To the Honorable the School Board of the Par-

ish of St. Tammany. Louisiana:Gentlemen-The annexed plan showsI lines inclosing the First District School

(or Ben Williams District). Commenc-ing at the s. w. corner of Township 5,8. B. 12 E; thence north on Range linethree miles to n. w. corner of Section19; thence eat % a mile; thence northM a mile; thence east % mile; thencenorth % mile; thence east 3 mile ton. w. cor. of See, 17; thence north %mile; thehce east Y mile; thencenorth 3 a mile; thence north 82 de-grees E. 6 chs. to s. w. cor. of sec 42;thence along west boundary of Sec. 4286 ohs. and 20 Ike, to township line be-tween townships 4 and 5, R. 12 E.;thence along west boundary of Sec. 44,in Tp. 4. . B. 12 E., to Bogue ChittoRiver; thence down the meanders ofBogue Chitto River to the mouth ofBevins Creek; thence down the mean-ders of Bevies Creek to where the sec-tion line between sections 44 and 46cross the Creek; thence on said sectionline 19 chs. and 50 Ike. to a. e. cor. ofSec. 44; thence east 84 chs. 71 &ks. ton. w. cor. of See 18; thence on section line betwen, esections 14,28, 26, 85 and 1, , 24 25, 86 fourmiles to south boupdary of Township5, 8. . 12 E., whitt is also the wardline or south boundary of the FifthWard; thence west 5 miles to the placeof commencement.

J. M. YATES,Parish Surveyor for St. Tammany, La.

PETITION.To the Honorable President and Members of the

Police Jury of the Parish ot St. Tammany,State of Louisiana:We, the undersigned residents, voters

and taxpayers, do hereby petition yourHonorable Body, said petitioners beingand constituting one-lffth of the prop-erty taxpayers of School District No. 2,respectflly ask your Honorable Body,acting within and under the authorityconferred upon you by the Constitutionand laws of this State, do order that aspecial electloo be held, in the man-ner required by law, for the purpose ofdetermining whether or not a specialtax for the giving of additional supportto public ach d for the purposeof erecting and c nd main-taining public school handthatthe rate of said speclevied annually upon all taxable pr .erty within said district shall be fivbmills on the dollar for a period of tenyears, beginning with year 190g. Thexdeundarles of said School Dis#rio.

2 are as followsit All that jt ofthe Fifth Ward lying outside and notincluded ii School District No, 1, beinthe remanader, qf the Fifth Ward notincluded in said lDstricot No. 1, saiddistrict to be Lkown at School DlsetsNo. 2. Thirdt ald election to be~at the reglar polling place of the lfthWard. espectfully submitted.

Louis Grantham, Recry Mizell, AlexBush 8 Lavi ghouse, Willis Jenkins,

art, Henry B Bush, C W Bush, NorvliBush, Walter Lavinghoure, N A Shaw,A P Dickey, Marshall Talley, W M El-ls, S L Jenkins, Geo Ulmer, L C TJenkins, W H Thomas, John Knight,J J Mizell. R B MMiell, 14 A Mizell,Chirles WIore, Albert Walker, EllaWalker, S (~$s rter, BC Jenkins, EETalley, W W Talley, C C Carter, B. WCarter, R W Talley, W H. Kahl, EmileTalley, ham Grantham, Almo Grant-ham, Dan Grantham, E Grantham,Peter Jenkns,,.J D Thomas, L M Pen-ton.

I have examined the foregoing peti-tion and hereby poprove the bounda-ries therein set forth.

J. S. JONES,president of Board of Sbhool Directors.

It was moved by Mr. Fitzgerald, sec-onde by Mr. Wilson, that an electionbe • in School Districts Nos. 1 and2, in ihe Fifth Ward, for a special taxof 5 mills for 10 years. The pollingplace in District No. 1, to be at BenWilliams Schoolhouse. The pollingplace in District 1No. 2 to be at theregular, polling booth in the FifthWard. Both elections to be held onTuesday August 28i 1906. Carried.

T5 the Honorable President and Members of thePoliee Jury of St. Tammany Parish. La.:

We, the undersigned citizens, resi-dents and taxpayers of the Fifth Wardof St. Tammany Parish, La., respect-fully petition your Honorable Body tocall an election, after due and legalnotice, as is provided by law, in theFifth Ward of this Parish, for the pur-pose of determining whether or not in.toxlcating spirits shall be sold in thisward.

J B Grantham, Daniel. Grantham, NPierce, A Bush, S L Jenkins, J DThomas, W H Kahl, Sam. Grantham,Emile Talley, Marshall Talley. B WTalley, C W Bush, A. Mizell, LouisGrantham, 0 D Crawford, H D Seal.

On motion, duly seconded, the abovepetitions were granted.

It was moved and duly seconded thatan election be held in the Fifth Wardon the question of licensing the sale ofintoxicating liquor in said ward, theelection to be hold on Tuesday, Augast28, 1906. Carried.

Adopthd July 11, 1906.GEO. KOEPP, JR., President.

W. G. KENTZEL, Secretary.

Proclamation of ElectionWhereas, the Police Jury of the Parish

of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana,did, at its session held on the 11th dpvof July, 1906, order an election tobe held in the Third Ward of said par-ish, on the 22i1 day of August. 1906.

Now, we, the Supervisors of Electionsin and for the said parish, duly. quali-fied. commissioned and sworn. by virtueof the authority isted in us, do herebygive public notice that on the 22d dayof August, 1906, an election will be heldin said Third Ward of the Parish of Nt.Tammany, at the polling places estab-lished by law, for the purpose of takingthe sense of the property taxpayers ofsaid ward upon the question of levyinga tax of ive (5) mills on the collar, perannum, upon all taxable property sitn-ated in said ward for a period of ten (10)'years, as specified in the Ordinance ofsaid Police Jury, in aid of the St. Tani-many and New Orleans Railways andFerry CoumpAny.

In pursuance to the authority vestedin us. wo, the said Supervisors-of Elec-tions, db hereby name snl appoint thefollowing Commissioners and Clerks topreside at the said election:

Oleri, Francis Keller; Counissioners,Ed. Burns, W. G. Evans, M. C. Day.


Supervisors of Election.Datedpovingter. La., July 17, 1906.

Proclamation of ElectionWhereas, the Police Jury of the Parish

of St Tammany, Stfateof 1 .ouis;m', its session held on the 11th day ofJuly, 1906. order an electiQn to be heldin the Fourth Ward of d palish, onthe 22d day of August, ~i4Now, we, the Supervisors of Iwltions

n-and for the said parish, duly quali-fled, com missioned and sworn, by Virtueof tire authority vested in us, do herebygive public notice that on the 2Zd dayAugust, 1906, an election will be heldin said Fourth Ward of the Parish of St.1

Tammany,, at thu polling places estab-lished by law, for the purpose of takingthe sense of the property taxpayers ofsaid ward upon the question of levyinga tax of five (5) mills on the dollar, peraunnm, upon all taxable .property situ-ated in said ward fora perioe of ten (10)years, as specified in the Ordinance ofsaid Police Jury, in aid of the at. Tam-many and New Orleans Railways andFerry Company.

In pursuance to the authority vestedin us, we, the said Supervisors of Eleo-tions, do hereby name and appoint thefollowing Commissioners antt Clerks topresidie at said election:

Clerk, Frank Phillips; CommissionPrs,Geo. Bierhorst, Lucas Prieto, T. L.Smith.


Su isors of f lections.DateS Covington La., July 17, 1906.

Partition Sale.John E. Cooper et als., vr. Dr. C. Z.

Williams, at als-No. 662.

!Twen:y-Sixth Judicial District Court ofLouisiana, in and for the Parish ofSt. Tammany.

Pursuant to a judgment rendered onthe 25th day of April, 1906, by the Ilon.26th Judicial District Court, in and forthe Parish of St. Tammany, State ofLouisiana, in the mattters of the aboveentitled and numbered cause, and acommassion issued to me out of skidcourt bearing same date.I will proceed to sell at public auction,

for cash, on Saturday, the 25th day ofAugust, 1906, between the legal salehours, at the courthouse, in the townof Covington, Louisiana, the followingdescribed property, in order to effect aa partition between the plaintiffs anddefendants in said cause, co.ownersthereof, to.wit: '

A certain tr land situated nearthe West Pe er, descrioed as fol-lows:, BeginIdS at a branch, calledMoses' Branch, thence south 18 deaeeswest to a pine tree for a corner, thdnceeast to a corner marked on a pine tree;thence north 18 degrees, and otherwisedeseribed as all that portion of the. headwright, section S8, town-ablp , .th range 13 east, lying south

of M • Ceb, and containing threehundied d seventy (870) acres, moreor leSs situ at in the Parieh of St.

G under • i'nd at the Sheriff'soffce, at Covlugtop, La., on this 17thday of July, 1906.y231-et T. E.B ]EWSTER, Sheriff.

Official. `"


PETITION.To the Honorable President and 'Mem-

bers of the'Police Jury of-St Tam- {many Parish. Losisai.ra t

We, thes uiGdruifOd, cotadtes ii;-:d~~~~;

mote than one-third of the propertytaLpayers of the Third Ward of theParish of Ht. Tammny, State of Lou-isiana, in view'of thegreat benefits andadvantages to be gained by the citizensof said Third. Ward from the construc-tion, maintenance and operation of amotor or elec+rie railway from within,or through the corporate limitsof theTown of Covington into or near theTown of Mandeviile, and from-within,orthrough the Village of Abita Springsinto or near the said Town of Mande-vile, where said railway shall be-con-nected by and operated in conjunctionwith fast ferry or ferry boats. whichwill ply between New Orleans and thesaid Town of Mandeville, or near there-to, respectfully petition your HonorableBody to order the levy of a special taxof five (5) mills per annum, fora periodof ten (10) years, upon all assessed andIssessable property situated in saidThird Ward, in aid of the constructionof saidrasilway, as aforesaid, by the"'ST.TAMMANY AND NEW ORLEANSRAILWAY AND FERRY COMPANY,"a corporation organized under the lawsof the Statd of Louisiana, domiciled inthe Town of Covington, Parish of St.Tammany, State of Louisiann, its suaccessors or assigns, as an incentive tothe said St. Tammany and New OrlansRailways and Ferry Company, its suc-cessors, aspigns or transferees, to con-

'struct and operate said railway.We further petition your honorable

body to order a special election, te'law and by proper ordinance, tosubmit the same to the property tax-payers of the said Third Ward of thesaid Parish of St. Tammany.

The said tax to become one and col-lectable only from and after the com-pletion and operatlbn of said . railway,as aforesaid.

That the said company, its sbccessorsor assigns, shall, within ninety (90)days from the date of voting said tax,commence the construction of said rail-way, and wbich said railway is to be inoperation within two (2) years fromthe commencement of wa dwork.

Rlespectfully submitted.

On motion. duly seconded, the above pethtion was referred for examination and com-varison with the assessment rolls to a commit-tee of four, cemposed of George Blerh6rst,Mark Fitzgerald, M. C. Day and Louis Gra m.

After due consideration the Commit rm-turned and made the following report:

Upon careful examination and comparison ofthe petition, we. the Committee find that morethan one-thirdof the property taxpayers of theThird Ward of the Parish of St. Tammany havesigned the petition, and make the folqlwingstatement of the result;

Third Ward, 43M names.The following Ordinance then offered by' J.

J. CusacHs, and duly seconded by S. R. Wilson,was adopted by the following vote: Yeas, 7;nays, 0.


Ordering a special election, which shaie sub-mitted to the ptoperty tax-payers of Thirdward of the Parish of St. Tammany entitled toVote under the lawsof theState of Louisiana.the question of levying a special tax in aid ofthe St. Tamhany and New Orleans Railwaysand Ferry Company, of the vote of five nmilison the dollar, per annum, for a period of tenyeaws, in strict compliance withtthepetitionof more than one-tird of the uroperty tax-payers of said Third Ward. hefito annexedand male part hereof, subject to the condl-tions st-forth in said petitionand resolution.Be it ordatned by the Police Jury of the Parish

of St. Ta ,. Louisiana, In•iegal sessionconvened, >lita s-special electin be heldthroughout Third Ward of the Parish ofSt. Tammany. Louislana on the 2 day of August.1908, at which shall be submitted to the prop-erty taxpayers of said ward who are entitled tovote under the laws of the State of Louisiana.the question of levying on all taxable Propertyin said Third Ward a tax of five milson thedollar. per annum, for a period of ten years, inaid of the St. Tammany and New Orleans Rail-ways and Ferry Company, a corporationorgan I zed under the laws of the State ofLouisiana and domiciled in the Parish of St.Tammany. The said tax to be levied and col-lected acording to law, but not to be collecteduntilsaid railway is completed and in operation.

Sec. 2. ~e it further ordained, etc., That suchspecial election shall be held underthe electionlaws of the State of Louisiana, and at the poll-ing places established by law in said ward, andthe ballots to be used shall be printed in thefollowing form:

For special tax oiflive mills in aid of the St.Tammany and New Orl nsRailways and FerryCompany, annually, f o period of ten years.

Against special tax of five mifs In aid of theSt. Tammany and New Orleans Railways andFerry Comapany. annually, for a period of tenyears. |

Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, etc., That theBoard of Supervisorsof Electionof Parish of St.Tammany, Louisiana, are hereby, requested toappoint Commissioners and Clerks to serve atsaid polling places: to give due notice of saidappointment and of the time and place of"holding said election, and to make their returnsqf said election to the president of the PoliceJury, who shall announce and promulgate theresult of said election, according to law.

Sec. 4. Be it further ordained. etc., That theCdmmissioners of Election shall receive theballots of all property taxpayers of the saidThird Ward of the Parish of St. Tammany entl-tied to vote under the laws of the State ofLouislana, and before depositing the same in~the .arlot box shall indorse thereon, in thepresence of the voter the name of such voterand the amodnt of the value of his assessedproperty; and said Commissioners. shall manke !return of the number of votes and the amount Iof the assessed value pt the property voted forand againsi the levy of said special tax.

Sec. . Be it further ordained, ete., That this |Ordinance, l petition of'the taxpayers,and the the Board of Directors of :the St. Tam ew Orleans Railways and IFerry Com ) blished in the St. Tanm-miny FAuE, the cial organ of the Parlsh, Ifor full thirty clear days previous tothe date of 1hoklding said that this Ordinance Itake effect from and after Its passage. I,

At a meeting of the Board of Directors of theSt. Tammany and New Orleans RailWays andFerry Company, held at the office of saidCompany In Covlngton, Louisiana, on the 2thday of June, 1906, present, Clay Riggs JosephDlrg and Lewis L. Morgan. constituti'ng saidBoard of Directors. the following resolutionswere proposed and unanimously adopted, to-wit:

Whereas it has recently come to the knowl-edge of the St. Tammany and New OrleansRailways and Ferry Company that the schoolfund of the Thrd Ward o the Parish of St.Tammany; Louisiana, Is insufmcient to maintainthe various Dublic schools throughout the saidThird Ward for nine consecutive months, anddefray the divers other expenses incidentalthereto: therefore be it

Resolved by the St. Tammany apd New Or-leans Railways d Ferry Company, That if the

ppositlo levying a special tax of fiveItar, per annum, for a period of

n al taxable property situated insa d ard, In aid of the St. Tammany'andNew Orleans Railways and Ferry Company, carried. then and in that event the said companystipulates, contracts and agrees to donate toand in favor of the school fund of said ThirdWard of the Parish of St. Tammany twenty percent of said tax.

Be it further resolved, That said twenty percent be turned over to Adolph Frederic k.Treasurer of th. Palish of St Tammany, as saidtax is collected.

Be it further resolved. That said twenty percent be devoted solely and exclusively to. theuse and benefit of the public schools of saidThird Ward of the Parish of St. Tammanny.

CLAY RIGGS. President.JOSEPH BIRG, Secretary.A true copy. A true JOSEPH BIRG, Secretary.

PETITION.To the Honorable President and Members of the

Police Jury of St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana.We. the undersigned, constituting more than

one-third of the property taxpayers of theFourth Ward o the Parish of St. Tammany.State of Louisiana. in view of the great benefitsand advantages to be gained by the citizens ofsiad Fourth Ward from the construction, main-tenance and operation of a motor or electricrailway from within, or through the corporatelimits of the town of Mandeville into or nearthe town of Covington, and from within, orthough the village Ol Alta Springs into or nearthe said town of andeville, wheresait rMiwayshall be connected by and operated in conjune-io with last ferry boat or boats, whch willSbetween New Orlians and the said towp ofMandeville. respeetfull.. petition .your hon-orable body to order the levy of a special taxof five mills per annum, fQ a period of tenyears upon all assessed and assessable propertysituated In said Fourth Ward, in aid of the con-straction of said railway. as aforesaid, by, the-ST. TAMMANA AND NEW ORLEANS RAILWAYS

AND FERRY COMPANY, a corporation organ-tzed under the taa of the State of Loulsiana.domiciled in the town of Covington, Parish ofSt. Tammany, State of Loulsm i successors,trapsferees Q ghns a n Incentive to themid St., Tau y ad New Orleans Railwaysand Ferry CoMpany. -:sccessors. transfereesor assigns, toustruct nai o~rate said rail-

i fyrther resprctourable bodyto order as law sand by proppr ordinance, tosane to Lme o perty iaxpaajegs ofr

oufrth Ward the sid ails of .TTh nuM:1 $ao borP4sgupuuef I

HLsvui B. EKIm, Pte. A. HOOD, ~ Olit` .reROuT. L. AnuzuT, C8usif, Ds. 0.3. t;Zoi, fad"

Jzo. I. Dzmaxor, Ast. CsshlqY.

St. Tanimony Banki~and Savings Ba .

We invite Deposits8 prepared to extend to our Depositors

every.~i consisuest with Bound Bankin-.




'D DIrECTOR•P. H. Hanabrough W. A. Hood Dr J.. R. .DillonWm. A. Dixon A. D. crawford Harvey . E. ElisRobt. . Aubert E.•J. Domnrgue,Jr J. I..WatkinsDr. Ge.. R. Tolson B. H. Bablngton


~. O.0OX 59. , COylJ NGTON, LA.SJ. FFRSO"N' AVE. PHEoN 5s8.


Sonly from and after the completion and operation of said ralay, as aforesaid.

That the said mpany. its successors, transferees or ass shall, withi, ninety days from

. the date ofv g said tax lmmence the consstruction of said ilway, and which said railwis to be in operation within two years from thecommencement of said work.

Respectfully submitted.On motion, duly seconded, the above peti-- tion was referred, for examination and com-

rd parison with the Assessment Rolls, to a Com-to mittee of four, composed of George Bierhorst.

Mark Fitzgerald, M. C. Day and Louis Grantham.f After due consideration, the Committee

s returned and made the following report:s Upon careful emminatlon and comparison ofn the petition, we. the Committee find that more

,n than one-thinl of the property tax-payers ofs- the Fourth WNrd of the Parish of St. Tammany

d have signed the petition, and make the follow-I- Instatemetof the result:a. Fourth War4, N1 names.

Th he following Ordinance then ofered by JSJ. Cusachs, and duly seconded by 5. R. Wilson,

dwas adopted by the following vote: Yeas. 7;,f nays, 0.

S ORDINANCEa, Ordering ll election, which shall he sub-1 mitted pro rty tax-payers of Fourth

n Ward of St. Tammany entitledto vote the State of Louisi-ana, the q a specil tUi iaid of the St. im y w Orleans Rail-ways and Ferry Com e vote of five(5) mills on the dollar, um. fOr a pD-riod of ten (10) years, in complianced with the petition of more ne-third of.the property tax-payers of urth Ward,hereto annexed and made a pa • reof, sub-ject to the conditions set for said peti-

d tion and resolution.Be it ordained by the Police Juryof the Parish

of St Tammain, Louistana, in legal sessionc. convened, ThK a special election be h he Idy throughout the Fourth Ward of the Parish of, St. Tammany, Louisiana, on the 2d day of Au-

e Igust. 1905, at which shall be submitted to thee property tax-payers of said ward who are enti-n tled to vote under the laws of the State of

Louisiana, the question of levying on all taxa-eble property in said Fourth Ward a tax of 5 inson the dollar per amnum fora period of ten

o years, in aid of the St. Tammany and New OrLt leans Railways and Ferry Co., a corporationd orma nized under the laws of thState ofSLouisiana and domicdled in the Parish of St.

a Tasmany. The said tax to be levied and col-e lected acording to law, but not until saide railway is completed and J operation.

Sce.. et furthe ordained, et,.. That suche special eection shall be held underthe electione laws of the State of Louisiana. and at the poll.J ing places established by law In samid ward, and-the ballots to be used shall be pritedlin thef following forrl:

e For special tax of five mills in aid of the St.Te ammany and New Orleans RailWays and Ferry

r C(:mpany annually for a period of ten years.- Against spec llax of five mill in aid of the

e St. Tammany and New Orlsns Railways apdt Ferry Company annually for a period of ten

r years.Sea .R Be it fiartner ordained, That the BoardSof Supervisors of Election of the Pprish of St.

Tammany. Louisiana, are hereby equested tof appoint Commissioners and Clerks to serve atsaid polling places; to give dqe noticelof saidappointment and of the time and place ofholding said election, and to mfake their re-f turns of said election to the President ot thePolice Jury,who shallennouqceand promulgatethe result of said election. according to law.

Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, ete, That theCommissioners of Electlgn shall receive theballotS of all property tax-payers of the saidFourth.Ward of the Parishof St. +Tammanyentitled to vote under the laws of the State oLouisiana, and before depositing the same inboalotbox shall indorsethereon, In the presenceof the voter, the name of such Voter and theamout of the value of his assessed property,and said Commissioners shall make return ofthe number of votes and the amount of theassessed value of the property voted for andagainst the levy of said special tax.Sec. Be It further ordained, etc. That this

Ordinonce, annexed petition of the taxpayers,and the resolutions of the Board of Directorsof the St. Tammany and New Orleans Railwaysand Ferry Compan be published in the St.Tammany Fawni. the official organ of thepar-Ish. for full thirtY clear days previous to thedate of holdli said election, and that this Or.dinance take effect from and after its passage,

At:meeting of the Board of Directors of theI St. Tammany and New Orleans Railways and

Ferry Company held at the offce of said com-pany in Covington, Louisiana, on the 27th dayof June, 195, Present: Clay tiggs, JosephBirg and Lewis L. Morgan, constituting saidBoard of Directors, the follownlag resolutionWas proposed and unanimously adopted, to-wit:

Whereas, i has recently come to the knowl-edge of the St. Tammany and New OrleansRallways and Ferry Company 'that the schoolfRnd of the Fourth Ward of the Parish of St.Tammany, Parish is insufficent to maintain thevarious public sehools throughout the saidFourth Ward for nine consecutive months, anddefray the divers other expenses lncidentatthereto; therefore be it

Resolved by the St. Tammany and New Or- IRailways and Ferry Company, That If theropositlon of levying a special tax of five mllis

on the dollar, per annum, for a period of ,tenyears. ano all tanxable property situated in msaid IFourth Ward, in aid of the St. Tammany andNew Orleans Railways and Ferry Company, becarried, thenamd In that event the said com-pany stipulates, contracts and ares to donateto and in favorof the school fun of said FoprthWard of the Parish of St. Tammany twenty percent of said tax.Be it further resolved, That said twenty per

cent be turned over to Adolph Frederic surer of th Parish of St Tammany,as said

tax is colleted,Be it further resolved, That sai twenty per

cent be devoted solely and excluirely to theuse and benefit of-the public schools of saidFourth Wardof the Parish of St. Tammany.

CLAY RIGGS, President.JOSEPH BIRG, Secretary.A true copy. .

JOSEPH BIRG Secretary.Adopted July 10, 1906.

GEO. UOEPP, Jl&, President.W. G. KENTEE;L. LSetretary.

Trespass Notice.All peslons ire ixeby fore b n to

aut timber or otherwise Irespsas bn tbetpLrelses of the undeseguard at PearlRiveir, unaderpeslt5 y of the lsaw.mylt-Am LUDWIG KOENIO.

FOR SALE ClsEA -A losltel•t i h, 0S e•seold; fis-bred. Apply to Mli EDGAR, erphop

17Y-' If

a DR. 8. 'L S•OiRB DRIM Dentist.

S Permanently Loo 4L.8 LIDULL.L


DP, f. H GRIMMERDentist.

cov1JIr ON, LOUISIANA.SHours: s, a. to S p. m. Phone No. 18F3mDmnILc BurDnSO.

L. 0. HEINTZ.It tPhysicsan I and Surgeon.COVINGTON. LA.

Ofice on aln steet oppa te old eBaukOmee phone 270. Bestiene .171.

d iThe

Buiding and

Asso80 io0n.f

you wat nt lhmer~Do you wish an tnvestmeant

Co' l at our oce, or phone.I Nothing too large for ous; nothing too


Phone 11.

George 8. Carn, v. George IL. Bi.e.oer-No. 667.

Twenty.Slath Judicial District Court ofLouatlsana,in eand for the Parish ofSt. Tamany.

By virtue of an order of saIsurdi;dle from the honorable the aforeseldCourt, and- to m rected, beari•g dateJun. 21, 1906-

I rill proceed to sell at public auc-ton, i the front door of the, In the town of Colo, Pa..Ish oft. Tammany, Stte of oLoldon SATURDAY, Agu- t , 1906 pe•tween legm a le bous, se followingd rlbe Droperteto-wfit

e edger and one trimmer.Terms of sole--4sh; to pay debts.

is-at r T. B, 8 WSlTEs RII Sherit.Payne & Joubert vs. George H. Spa..

cer--No. 685 .Twenty-slxth Judicial istict CoLoulsi.lna and a ._.dthe .SSt. Tammeany••

B fvirtue of arod 0 t,sule the "hota • shCourt, and. tp noo

June 25, 1906-I wrll proed to sellt. " U -U Jc.tion, at the frot" door' of the Cou.

bahs. in th'e town "` l•angto, ariash:of St. 'Farman ,,sta of Lou8ofeL . ont

rpet, to-wits;

o Ut o1 'net on , * -:s. .cs A ron

Terms..,h to.n deb..jy28-t 2t z. BT. Sn1 , Shorif.

