and general advertiser, - 'pa--fu k-....

K . 'Pa -- fU K - . ' . r wwRCjniRO: xSBT&tsBssanxzzra VOL. XVI. N. 853. BY DANIEL 18, 1803.. jf , jexxSSskkz AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE1 Approved December 16th, 1302. Sec. 1. BE ;; enaled by the Gene- ral Assembly, That those pcrfbns who y shareholders of the lie-ntu- ly Insurance Company, with Ihole who shall hereafter oecome lnare-V.olde- rs in manner herein aster directed, fliall be and are hereby created and made 2 corporation ana Doay, uy mc - n:u,nJ t;,U f tt,; P.rfidrnt andl""1" '""". "' "!"' "cu- - XT' A. lT"r .L TT., Infnranc, Company, "11.::. and 7u;r ';:.',,.. nni ,.'', nV T in tile vearir aay jaun-.- y, 1818 ;- -and by that name are hereby, joaae aoic ana capaoie 111 ia, iu wi purchase, receive, poB'eis, enjoy and re tain to them and their fuccelfors, lands, rents, tenements, hereditaments, goods, ehattls and effects of what kind nature and quality foever, to an ameunt not to exceeding in the whole one hundred and fifty thdufand dollars ; and the same oTeTJ', grafiT, demise, alien or dispose of to sue and be fuel, plead and beitnplea- - ded, answer and be answered, defend anjlj be defended, in courts ot record or any otfccr phice whatfoerer ; and alio to make, have and ul'e a common seal, and the same to break, alter and renew at ; and also to ordain, eftab-lifh,a- put in execution, such bye laws, ordinances and regulations, as shall seem neceffary and convenient for the govern- ment of said corporation, and which are not contrary to law, and generally to do and execute all and Angular the acts, natters and things which to them it lhall or may appertain to do ; fubjedt to the rules, regulations, limitations ,and provisions herein aster prescribed and declared. --Sec. 2. It (hall be lawful or body politic, te fubfenbt for such or so many (haresj as he (he or they lhall think, sit, not excee- ding ten, until the number Jubfcribed., lhall with thole already lublcnbed, a- - Inount to the number of five hundied shares ; reserving however a rirht to th President and Oircftors, with the afisir of a major ty of .thr fliaieholdtrs to in ereaf the number of fliares to ons tfcoiifjrul. Se". 3. Each of the shares (hall be one hundred dollart, payable in jrotd or silver, or such public I'ecurnKS as thr Preiidr.t and Directors of the company with the a(L-n- t of a majority of the fliarr- holders (hall choose to receive in five payinents, to wit; one fifth, pirt or twenty dollar? at the time offubfi.ri-bin- g ; one fifth part in three months from the time o,f fubfcnbing ; one fiitr pin in hx months from the time of sub- - fci'ibin ; one fifth part in nine nmtV from the time of fubf;ribin-- . and rlu1 other fifth part, id. twelve months from the- - t'.m- - ot fubfcribmg. In case any fhare.iolder flnll sail to pay any instal- ment within two months aster it flul become du;, what he (hail hav paid (hall be forfeited, and his (hare (hall be publicly sold under such rules as the said coiporation (hall provide 5 and out of the amount ot tale, the money due to the company fiiall be fir.t paid, and is therr is any excels, it mail be pud to such delinquent ; and in case such (hare shall sell for less than the sum due to the company, the deficiency (hall be recov- ered of the dehnqueu: shareholder by suit. Sec. 4. The fub'fcriptiois shall be by thc present President and rs of the Kentucky Insurance Com pany, or such officer or officers as they shall appoint to receive the same, until the meeting of the (hareholders shall be held under this aft a majority or v, horn (hall direct by whom they hall be received. sec. 5. The fhiiehiider; of or a -- najent; of those present, (hall annually eleft a P. eiident and sour CiLCtors, wno (hill continue in office one year fjom the ti ue oi election. Sec. 0. The said ft are holders (hall meet foi the ppvpcj of tleftin? the tirfl Pieudent and Direfto.c under ifiib aft, at therr office in Lexington, on the first d; y of April nrxt, a'ld on the same day; .0 Lverj year thereafter, at futh p;uce as the Pre(id-n- t and Directots then in office li.ail appoint ; of w'n u appointment, fujr wei-k- s notice f)id!l le given in lonie Kt'iuucky Newrnasf"': aai in case it mould 3t any time happen, that an elee-t- j tion of President i D.isdtprs (hould not be made upon any day, when pcrfuant to this aci it ought to. have been tuade, the said coiporat'oa shall ikV for' that caure be deemed to be dffolved, j ut it fh ill be lawful to appoint another day in such manner as fiiall have been iegu- - . hit 'd by the laws and ord.nances of the fKi eoipor-tlo- n ; aiid thc fcrn-e- r Pn f. - J- - dent and Directors (hall continue in office until luth election is made, and in ur 1 case pf the death, refignatipn or remo- val of a Preliierit or Direor, by the shareholders, hta place may bq filled up by anew election for the remainder of the year, in such manner as fiiall be directed by the laws and ordinances of the cor- poration. Sec. 7. The Prelident and Directors for the time being, fiiall have power to appoint such officers, clerk?, or servants under them, as lhall be neceffiry ,lor executing the business of the said corpo ration, and to allow them such compen fation for their services refpedtively, as mX . tor thc .lcharge of their rcfpeftive toni and truth ;a (hall be ca- - -ible . of exercifilig such other powers authontlCJ) for the . well governing coiporation, as shall be described, fixed and determined by the laws, regular ons and ordinances of thc same. Sec. S. The President and Directors (hall at any time have it in their power call a meetmtr of the (hareholders, and the President and 4ny two Directors (hall be sufficient to form a board J or in th- - absence of thc President, three Di rectors shall form a board, appointing one of thcmfelves President pro tern. Sec. 9. I he fliares in the said compa ny fltfill be transferable under such re- gulations as fliall be provided by the bye jaws and ordinances of the said corpo ration. Sec. 10. The President and Direst- - ots shall receive, or decline the Hits of- fered to them, sign policies, receive pre- miums, and tranfaft the whole business of the' company. . , bee. 11. Within twenty-tou- r hours afttr an Application for insurance, the nfk shall be taken or rejected ; is taken a policy shall be made out at thc.expence of tie insured, which fliall be "delivered upon the premium being daid in hand, or .fitch bond, note, or bill, given for1 the payment thereof; and upon nidi credit as the said President and Direct- ors shall approve of, and the r2k lhall confmence agreeably to the purport oi she said policy. Sec. 12 Applications for insurance lliall be made in writing, accompanied by such certificates of the goodness ot die boat or vdld, their being well sound with oars, tables, fternfaft, canoe or skiff, the name of the boat or velTel, and thv captain ; the jof .hands, th property to be (hipped, the time of their ieparture, and place ot deuination, ana i'uch other infomutioir as the Prefiient and Directors m-a- dsera riecefTaryi y O-- l. U 111 lllC UL 1UIS, 111C 1J14MC! . " J r - ana two more oi tne crew, it 10 mans hiUfurvive the loss, and be able to at tend, mill 'go tp the molt cdnvenieiit notary public or magistrate, and enteo protest, touching the particulars a; . - xhe loss of the cargo, and boat o "effel, to which protest they shall fwea or affirm ; which protest or an attested copy thereof, lhall be delivered to th. "! fuLnt and Directors, with, such oth'ei lecefTary proofs of the property having been on board said boat or veffel at the time the iccident happened j as also a bill of lading and manifest of the cargo and value, and such loss Wiall be paid to che insured within thirty days aster such neceffary proof having becrt made ; de- ducting from the amount insured two and a half per cent, abatement, whicl lhall go to the defraying the neceffary expences ot the company, Sec. 1 4. And in case of application for return of premium, where no rill. haa commenced (the paid and the polity delivered) a deduction of two and a halt per cent on such premium, ffi-- 11 bs reuiaed for thc uses bilure men tioned. Sec. 15. Thc said Insurance' Compa .iy fliall not be liable for, or pay any partial loss or average, unless general: nor any geneial average loss unleJiit amounts to five per cent on the cargo ; nor for any barratry of the matter or hands, nor more than five sixths of the alue of the cargo, on board any boat or veffel ; and the insurance shall ceafc on any boat or veffel and carro, on their arrival at the destined port, unlef on, in which case such agreement fliall be cxpreffed in the po licy, Sec. 16. Is any boat or veffel shall be indued by jthe said company, destined to Ncnv Oikans, or any port on thc Miflilispi or Ohio Rivers, and no ac- count lhall be had cither of her or anj of her crew, within twelve months aftei her departure, the amount insured fliall be paid fubjeft to the abatement, upcr the piefumpuon the boat or vefl'cl and cfew are totally lost. Sec. 17. The shareholders of the fan Insurance Compan) thall rnyc a genera! meeting in thc town ot LeKington, at Lc cff"-- e o the company, on tlie'fiift A fn B FlO 1 " AND "GENERAL ADVERTISER, Tiasrrel.Ui'lUkUJiUUei41i.lJMtXMl BRADrlll5, LEXINGTON. TUESDAY, JANUARY KENTUCKY INSURANCE COMPANY. theirplfure foranyper-fon- , premiumWing otherwife.agreed ify PTT Ji-ri- -i: r .j&aai mj'..y, j-- ii wwnwrrj-mfwgi- p nwiiMTwgnMgjiaKmMwun day of January, the iitfl dy of April, the hiitday ot July, fcad the iirit day of Odober (unlets thoje d.i) s happen on bunilay, in which cate the me;tiii;; lhall ac on the futceeding day) in each year, where (and in all meetings of .!n.- - fhare'-lolder- s) the Piefident lluU prelicle ; 01 in case there.U no PrefiJnt, the Tr.'fi-de- nt pro tern, who with whatever num- ber of shareholders may appear lhall constitute a meeting, with power to ad- journ from day to day is neceffary. Each (hare (hall be entitled to a ote by the bona side owner, the attorney in fadt, or execu'tor or administrator of such own- er Sec. 18. At each January meeting the President and Directors shall lay oefore the shareholders, the date of the accounts, thc rifles Undetermined, and such other information as they fiiall think neceffary ; and such a dividend of :he profits lhall be made as the President and Directors fhal think advisable ; but in no case fiiall the capital stock be di- - minifhed by such dividend, until the ex piration of this aft. Sec. 194 None out a shareholder and a citizen of this commonwealth fliall be eligible as a Prcfldant or Director, and no compensation dull be made to the f reudent or Director, urilels allqwed by 1 majority of the shareholders at lonie jeneral nieetrog Stc 20. Whffre any, thing, is due to any periorf-jo- jwrlons tor amount ml'i-re- , for .general average loss, or retun, of premium ; and the same lhall not b. paid by the laid, President and Diicftors within thnty dayas before mentioned ; it fiiall be lawfuljforihe General Court, r District Court' hfhLjn Lexington, who ire hereby inTgfljfpVith jurifdiftion is the said gfive judgment on inotioa for the amount of the sum due, againdthe Piclident and .Directors of the said compaii; , Vith filtered from the end of the said Marty days to the time of payment and costs. Provided always, that-teida- notices in writing that fuct motion, would I" rade, (hall have been lest at thejt'-- m - ut the laid compa.'v .n Le?singt(3K ; and the icmedv Ih.Jl ae had araint thr hid Pielideit sr,d Directors upc u every undertaking the) (hall majce in bSlfof the Infuranc, Company, vhethei by pohev, Sand, bil, obligatory, note or other'wifc. , Aim every bond, bill obiig atoq', c ncte iu writing given bV tre laid President and Directors, in behalf of the laid Infur ance Company, (lull be afiifmable by en lorfement thereon, in like martnet and with the like eUrct as foreiirn bills of ex change now are ; and such of the notes as are paydble to bearer, (hall be nego- tiable and by delivery only. Sec. gl. The same fumraary-- remedy is hereby gien aoainft all persons win IhalLhcreafter I.e bound by bond) hill bligatory, or note in writing or affign. pent of the same lp thePreliderit and Directors of the Kentucky Insurance Company. And it fliall be lawful for che General Court, or the District Couit in winch the p.rty bound fliall reside ; ind the i.ud couris are hereby empow ered to gKe judgment on motion for' the amount of any such boncf, bill obligatory, or note in writing, ajrainft thV obligor, maker orafiitmor as the case may be , Prpvidrd a'ays, that ten days no- tice in writing, lhall be given by the said President and Directors, to the person or persons against whom the mo. :ion is to be made, of such mdtion is to be sound, is not a copy theieof ihjl be lest with some white person aboe the age ot twenty one, at his, her or their usual place of sbodc. Sec. 22. On all motions judgment fliall be given at the first court, iiplcf? for good cause the court shall conlLme it to the second ; beyond which it flian on no account be cont'iiued. Sec. 23. Where the defendant requ res It, a jury lhall be lumrioned mltdiita to enquire into any question of fdft v. Inch either party lhall state under the d'.rec tion of the.court, and which is not aerreed to ; andtipon the finding of such fast or facts, or the'agreement to them, the court shall give judgment according to tne very rignt ot tne caie, without re- gard to form, and without pleadings in writing. ace. it. 4.1 me iaia corporation, or any person or persons for or to thejiife of the lame, (lull deal or trade in bu mg or selling any goods, wares, merchandize or commodities whatsoever, contrary to the provisions of .this aft, all and ever) person ard peifons, by whom any order or direftion for so dealing or trading lhall have been given ; and all and every perion ana perions woo malt have Q?ei concerned as parties or agents therein hall forfeit and lose treble thc .value o! rhe goods, waies, merchandise and ro 1, noauirs, 111 vnicn iiicnainiin;; ana ti ade full have Keen ; one hah to the mfo mer, and the 1,1 her liaif 10 the ufu of the commonwealth, to be ..covjj.d witl pods of suit Provided boivcve r,that no- thing in this ait contained, shall be so construed as to pieventthe laid torpora- - t ion from dealing in exchange, orpf lend- - ine: their money at an interelt not ex ceeding hx per centum per annum, or of elfing such goods as fiiall be really and ruly pledged to. them for money lent, and not redeemed in due tini'e, or of dif-pijfi- )i such property as shall have been abandoned to them by thc insured, aster .in average loss fliall have been suffered on the same, or from aiding and afliftin individuals engaged in the commerce o this country, agreeably to she rules, re gulatians, bye laws and ordinances of the laid corporation, which arc not con- trary to the constitution and laws of this state and of the United States. , ' Sec' 25. No other company of Infu rance, lhall bv anv law of this common wealth, be' eftabiifhed during the conti nuance of the corporation hereby crea ted. ' . . This aft shall commence and be in force from and, aster thc paffage thereof. rO&.THE KENTUCKV CAZETTB. . A PISSERTATION ..,., On the Political Charaifter and Writings of THOMAS PAINE, Author of Common Sense, Rights of Man, kc. , ' (No. I.) " The t;mDl: ofwirdflm isfcatil nni rock. above the rage o sighting elements, and in, accelublc to all the malice of iman. The rolling thunder breaks below ; and those more terrible inflrunients of human furv. reachnot lofofublime a height. Thefage, while he breaths thatferene air, looks down wijh plei-fur- mixed with companion, on thcerrn s of miltskcn mortals, who blindly seel: foi rte true path of life, and pursue liches, imbilit), hondur and power, for ge humelelccit)." Hume's Moral Essqys. Similar to a being looking down from the em.-i.i- on this wotlfl, he beholds with cohipol'urc iiom his untlouded height, thc mali of mankind yet wandering in darkness, and error, tbtir miftikes and deviations, and U glooaiy tempelts that rage in thc deep gkijs balov Inm.'J Zimmerman on Nativnal Pride. IN a philosophical aee", when the paflions of mankind are invited by the mott eloquent moral pcrluahves-- , to throw off their ferocity, and to yield to the milder dominion of rea- - lon, the belt characters are condemn- ed to unmerited persecution. Nati- onal ingratitude has kept pace with the progress of society ; the Rqrm of the paflions has raged as it mov- ed along, and the desolation has its various mutations. Frorn one generation to another, Without abatement. Irt one age the Fatal (hell is prefentedtaan Ariftides, by the hand of ingratitude; Epami- - nondas, the laviour ot his country, is tondemliedto sweep the streets ; Phocion is dragged to prifoh, aud Socrates fentenfced to drink poison. Heyho propt the falling honours, of imperial Rome, in the last stage of her .decline, by the powers of his eloquence, and hatched the brand from the hand of a Cataline, goes into banifliment to appease the rage of his devoted coun.'crymeri. In an- other age; a Sidney buffers on the, scaffold, for the invincible integrity df his soul ; and a Hampden dies, for attempting to elevate thc rights of man to their true political digni ty. This will alw'ays be the sate of tpole men, whole noble minds, that cautious wisdom which wraps us tip in a solitary indifference to the affairs of tlieiworld, prompts them to iaenhee their own eale, for.liberty. die felicity of others.. Upon this . nrtllfntlnn nC 17 n 1.1 .. gtvuilUf 1.11 lb lUlilklULI Ul idllKilll and Tefferfon have suffered martyr dom, in an enlightened age ; anci the .r..1 - . . same sate. To these distinguished patriots', more dt fervipg the homage of com- memoration than the of This great, man is the political, what the ftlu is, in thephi- - ncai tiemuptierc, com--- . jui jtcs warmth and energy to whatever he? touches ; erradiates the millerious ' doctrine of human wifdQin,ry thepe-n,etratiotr(- !ff thought; and gUrs birth to a new world of reflection, by un- - folding what had hitherto repoiecUn afilentobfcurity. Beneath the influ- ence o his genius, of a mind expan-fiv- e as the empire of thought, iujier-ftiti- on and prejudice are willing t yield to a.liberul conviction. Tht:y awaken from the fatal enchantment that had hitherto entranced the fen- - , fes ; the spells of the forcer els ap- -f pear in all their deformity ; the rpifts vanifli from the ey&; and the full fplendour of the liht of hea- ven unfolds th,e miltery. By this means, he has flio'ok the fabric of the Gothic policy. His.pen, the magic Talisman, by which, he has produced these great effe&s, has caused the tyrants of the world, tto trem- ble on their thrones. Whil(l view- ing the venerable pagej witch .fpe ales the language of nature, which ele- vates the peafantto an equality with " his oppreffor, they ' turn from the admonition with terror, .and fictetv at the fatal hand writing" that seems to seal their defliny. 1 o that race oF deluded mortals, the monu- ments of departed grandeur, in the abbes of St. Peter and St. Dennis, are not, more feMjftrl 'thari .tKereffay oath'e. Rights ot Man. ,Theone holds up to view the sad picture of the closing scene to all lublunry iplendor, and repreffes the pride c ambition which had led them astray from the path of duty. The other, makes a more serious impreffion. It tbl'3nAtp close the scene and inflift tlifJniflirnenjt, in this life. TheyeTpynTreathe language of that ruhliinHfriMlnffvrihv. U'hirh mil. fe&teuiItV4ofliyetderat his crimes, andwn&ldsLtd tBe'eye of refleclion, W.he UwRi'b.WAVhich, the tyrant is tempted nojdirly the n.ajk.ilj of virtue. - Mr. Fame's ideas of civil oeiv-r- n ment and political justice, ar. of 'th& nioltelevated kind. ,He Jr.iws thera from their fonrlc. lie de- rives thera from nature. 1I frrtl takes man as a solitary indjpe-r.den-t being, such as he came from the hand of his Creator 5 makes him a niorQ agent j sixes the criterion of hi3S rights, byan annalyfis of natural law, and unfolds to the potentates oF the globe, ths terrible fecrct of his equality and the independa-iceo- f his nature. He nest introd ices him into society, and makes this .natural equality and indrendejce, t lie ele- ments of the focft.1 compac"L. Hi6 relations in this state, arc then de- veloped ; His political limits a.'cer-ti'.na- d, and his civil privikgos fi-- ed. The line of duty is ur wn out from the coipbincd rights of nuttfri; and of society ; by which, he afcer-tai- ns the laws of obedience and the criterion of that negative powe which man is bound to exerufe,' in. cases of usurpation. It is upon these sublime and eter-- nal principles, that Mr. Paine erects the plan of civil government. v It is from an analysis of this kind, that. hedifcovers the majefly of the peo- ple and the' usurpation that had ed it, in each age and nation of the world. It is therefore, from a modeto'freaf.oniiTg--thu- s comprehensive and"" certain in its premises, that Mr. Paine be the molt powerful advocate, tljat ever appeared in defence of human. A clue of this kind, lias conducted him to a trii knowledge - tame ot 1 nomas same, the intrepicial parasites. Hp has traced- - Jefptv -- k'" i ""k'V "- - ""?rtiim tnrougiiaints various chajinels of the grand farce, which hasbecq playesJ off, from age to age, by kings, and the whole tribe, ofcftroy- - oi usurpation ; burlt open the gVes or mat nuiierious laoynntn or 101- - ment, wnen oYoifla, upon-pnuuj-J- ot rigM, totK lenior.ts of itp-i- l heap. lnUitutiorts, appear tv 1C Ji t. pa'roiis, fomonilrauo-- , i' . Mie" .. be tl. .iciin fitj,rc a '. s, i,. philosophy has erected monuments. ;ly, which had so long concealed the The fury of discord may rage inmonfter, aid rivalled the same of vain; and the storms of fation by an iiluftrious triumph, tempt to blast the fairefl laurels but ; It js impoffible that any thin arj they are of that hardy nature, which exceed the " Diffe:rtatin oxfict bids defiance to the rudeic fliocks,. First Principles of Government,'"' and will bloom to rejoice fucceeding1;..! point of logical conchjfion, when the tempeit is of thought, pcUy.o, otten. Ipr'.tty of an?ly f$kdA of There arc sew men of atry atre. rm-ilt- :r.A of heriiftlffnVvaU;,.i, author Com- mon Sense. in i.e prpper Ihouid. pnelts $6

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. ' . rwwRCjniRO: xSBT&tsBssanxzzra

VOL. XVI. N. 853. BY DANIEL 18, 1803.. jf ,




Approved December 16th, 1302.

Sec. 1. BE ;; enaled by the Gene-

ral Assembly, That those pcrfbns whoy shareholders of the lie-ntu-

ly Insurance Company, withIhole who shall hereafter oecome lnare-V.olde- rs

in manner herein aster directed,fliall be and are hereby created and made

2 corporation ana Doay, uy mc- n:u,nJ t;,U f tt,; P.rfidrnt andl""1" '""". " ' "!"' "cu- -

XT' A.lT"r .L TT., Infnranc,Company,"11.::. and 7u;r ';:.',,.. nni,.'', nV T in tile veariraay jaun-.- y,

1818 ;- -and by that name are hereby,

joaae aoic ana capaoie 111 ia, iu wipurchase, receive, poB'eis, enjoy and re

tain to them and their fuccelfors, lands,

rents, tenements, hereditaments, goods,

ehattls and effects of what kind natureand quality foever, to an ameunt not

toexceeding in the whole one hundredand fifty thdufand dollars ; and the same

oTeTJ', grafiT, demise, alien or dispose ofto sue and be fuel, plead and beitnplea- -

ded, answer and be answered, defend anjljbe defended, in courts ot record or anyotfccr phice whatfoerer ; and alio tomake, have and ul'e a common seal, and

the same to break, alter and renew at; and also to ordain, eftab-lifh,a-

put in execution, such bye laws,ordinances and regulations, as shall seem

neceffary and convenient for the govern-ment of said corporation, and which arenot contrary to law, and generally todo and execute all and Angular the acts,natters and things which to them it

lhall or may appertain to do ; fubjedtto the rules, regulations,limitations ,and provisions

herein aster prescribed and declared.--Sec. 2. It (hall be lawful

or body politic, tefubfenbt for such or so many (haresj ashe (he or they lhall think, sit, not excee-

ding ten, until the number Jubfcribed.,lhall with thole already lublcnbed, a- -

Inount to the number of five hundiedshares ; reserving however a rirht to thPresident and Oircftors, with the afisirof a major ty of .thr fliaieholdtrs to inereaf the number of fliares to onstfcoiifjrul.

Se". 3. Each of the shares (hall beone hundred dollart, payable in jrotd orsilver, or such public I'ecurnKS as thrPreiidr.t and Directors of the companywith the a(L-n-t of a majority of the fliarr-

holders (hall choose to receive in five

payinents, to wit; one fifth, pirtor twenty dollar? at the time offubfi.ri-bin- g

; one fifth part in three monthsfrom the time o,f fubfcnbing ; one fiitrpin in hx months from the time of sub- -

fci'ibin ; one fifth part in nine nmtVfrom the time of fubf;ribin-- . and rlu1

other fifth part, id. twelve months fromthe-- t'.m- - ot fubfcribmg. In case anyfhare.iolder flnll sail to pay any instal-

ment within two months aster it flulbecome du;, what he (hail hav paid(hall be forfeited, and his (hare (hall bepublicly sold under such rules as the saidcoiporation (hall provide 5 and out ofthe amount ot tale, the money due tothe company fiiall be fir.t paid, and istherr is any excels, it mail be pud tosuch delinquent ; and in case such (hareshall sell for less than the sum due to thecompany, the deficiency (hall be recov-

ered of the dehnqueu: shareholder bysuit.

Sec. 4. The fub'fcriptiois shall beby thc present President and rs

of the Kentucky Insurance Company, or such officer or officers as theyshall appoint to receive the same, untilthe meeting of the (hareholdersshall be held under this aft a majorityor v, horn (hall direct by whom they hallbe received.

sec. 5. The fhiiehiider; ofor a --najent; of those present,

(hall annually eleft a P. eiident and sour

CiLCtors, wno (hill continue in officeone year fjom the ti ue oi election.

Sec. 0. The said ft are holders (hall

meet foi the ppvpcj of tleftin? the tirflPieudent and Direfto.c under ifiib aft, attherr office in Lexington, on the firstd; y of April nrxt, a'ld on the same day;.0 Lverj year thereafter, at futh p;uce as

the Pre(id-n- t and Directots then in officeli.ail appoint ; of w'n u appointment,fujr wei-k- s notice f)id!l le given in lonieKt'iuucky Newrnasf"': aai in case itmould 3t any time happen, that an elee-t- j

tion of President i D.isdtprs (hould notbe made upon any day, when pcrfuantto this aci it ought to. have been tuade,the said coiporat'oa shall ikV for' thatcaure be deemed to be dffolved, j utit fh ill be lawful to appoint another dayin such manner as fiiall have been iegu- -

. hit 'd by the laws and ord.nances of thefKi eoipor-tlo- n ; aiid thc fcrn-e- r Pn f. -

J- -

dent and Directors (hall continue inoffice until luth election is made, and in



case pf the death, refignatipn or remo-

val of a Preliierit or Direor, by theshareholders, hta place may bq filled up byanew election for the remainder of theyear, in such manner as fiiall be directedby the laws and ordinances of the cor-

poration.Sec. 7. The Prelident and Directors

for the time being, fiiall have power toappoint such officers, clerk?, or servantsunder them, as lhall be neceffiry ,lorexecuting the business of the said corporation, and to allow them such compenfation for their services refpedtively, as

mX .tor thc .lcharge of their rcfpeftive

toni and truth ;a (hall be ca- -


of exercifilig such other powersauthontlCJ) for the

.well governing

coiporation, as shall be described, fixedand determined by the laws, regularons and ordinances of thc same.

Sec. S. The President and Directors(hall at any time have it in their power

call a meetmtr of the (hareholders,and the President and 4ny two Directors(hall be sufficient to form a board J or inth- - absence of thc President, three Directors shall form a board, appointingone of thcmfelves President pro tern.

Sec. 9. I he fliares in the said company fltfill be transferable under such re-

gulations as fliall be provided by the byejaws and ordinances of the said corporation.

Sec. 10. The President and Direst- -

ots shall receive, or decline the Hits of-

fered to them, sign policies, receive pre-miums, and tranfaft the whole businessof the' company. . ,

bee. 11. Within twenty-tou- r hoursafttr an Application for insurance, thenfk shall be taken or rejected ; is takena policy shall be made out at thc.expenceof tie insured, which fliall be "deliveredupon the premium being daid in hand,or .fitch bond, note, or bill, given for1

the payment thereof; and upon nidicredit as the said President and Direct-ors shall approve of, and the r2k lhallconfmence agreeably to the purport oishe said policy.

Sec. 12 Applications for insurancelliall be made in writing, accompaniedby such certificates of the goodness otdie boat or vdld, their being well soundwith oars, tables, fternfaft, canoe or skiff,the name of the boat or velTel, and thvcaptain ; the jof .hands, thproperty to be (hipped, the time of theirieparture, and place ot deuination, anai'uch other infomutioir as the Prefiientand Directors m-a- dsera riecefTaryi y

O-- l. U 111 lllC UL 1UIS, 111C 1J14MC!. "J r -ana two more oi tne crew, it 10 mans

hiUfurvive the loss, and be able to attend, mill 'go tp the molt cdnvenieiitnotary public or magistrate, and protest, touching the particulars a;

. - xhe loss of the cargo, and boat o"effel, to which protest they shall fweaor affirm ; which protest or an attestedcopy thereof, lhall be delivered to th."! fuLnt and Directors, with, such oth'eilecefTary proofs of the property havingbeen on board said boat or veffel at thetime the iccident happened j as also abill of lading and manifest of the cargoand value, and such loss Wiall be paid toche insured within thirty days aster suchneceffary proof having becrt made ; de-

ducting from the amount insured twoand a half per cent, abatement, whicllhall go to the defraying the neceffaryexpences ot the company,

Sec. 1 4. And in case of applicationfor return of premium, where no rill.haa commenced (the paidand the polity delivered) a deduction oftwo and a halt per cent on such premium,ffi--

11 bs reuiaed for thc uses bilure mentioned.

Sec. 15. Thc said Insurance' Compa

.iy fliall not be liable for, or pay anypartial loss or average, unless general:nor any geneial average loss unleJiitamounts to five per cent on the cargo ;

nor for any barratry of the matter orhands, nor more than five sixths of the

alue of the cargo, on board any boator veffel ; and the insurance shall ceafcon any boat or veffel and carro, ontheir arrival at the destined port, unlef

on, in which case suchagreement fliall be cxpreffed in the policy,

Sec. 16. Is any boat or veffel shallbe indued by jthe said company, destinedto Ncnv Oikans, or any port on thcMiflilispi or Ohio Rivers, and no ac-

count lhall be had cither of her or anjof her crew, within twelve months afteiher departure, the amount insured fliallbe paid fubjeft to the abatement, upcrthe piefumpuon the boat or vefl'cl andcfew are totally lost.

Sec. 17. The shareholders of the fanInsurance Compan) thall rnyc a genera!meeting in thc town ot LeKington, atLc cff"-- e o the company, on tlie'fiift

A fn B FlO 1"








ify PTT

Ji-ri--i: r . j&aai mj'..y, j-- ii wwnwrrj-mfwgi- p nwiiMTwgnMgjiaKmMwun

day of January, the iitfl dy of April,the hiitday ot July, fcad the iirit dayof Odober (unlets thoje d.i) s happen onbunilay, in which cate the me;tiii;; lhallac on the futceeding day) in each year,where (and in all meetings of .!n.-- fhare'-lolder- s)

the Piefident lluU prelicle ; 01

in case there.U no PrefiJnt, the Tr.'fi-de- nt

pro tern, who with whatever num-ber of shareholders may appear lhallconstitute a meeting, with power to ad-

journ from day to day is neceffary. Each(hare (hall be entitled to a ote by thebona side owner, the attorney in fadt, orexecu'tor or administrator of such own-er

Sec. 18. At each January meetingthe President and Directors shall layoefore the shareholders, the date of theaccounts, thc rifles Undetermined, andsuch other information as they fiiallthink neceffary ; and such a dividend of:he profits lhall be made as the Presidentand Directors fhal think advisable ; butin no case fiiall the capital stock be di- -minifhed by such dividend, until the expiration of this aft.

Sec. 194 None out a shareholder anda citizen of this commonwealth fliall beeligible as a Prcfldant or Director, andno compensation dull be made to thef reudent or Director, urilels allqwed by1 majority of the shareholders at loniejeneral nieetrog

Stc 20. Whffre any, thing, is due toany periorf-jo- jwrlons tor amount ml'i-re- ,

for .general average loss, or retun,of premium ; and the same lhall not b.paid by the laid, President and Diicftorswithin thnty dayas before mentioned ;

it fiiall be lawfuljforihe General Court,r District Court' hfhLjn Lexington,

who ire hereby inTgfljfpVith jurifdiftionis the said gfive judgment oninotioa for the amount of the sum due,againdthe Piclident and .Directors ofthe said compaii; , Vith filtered from theend of the said Marty days to the timeof payment and costs. Provided always,that-teida- notices in writing that fuctmotion, would I" rade, (hall have beenlest at thejt'--m - ut the laid compa.'v.n Le?singt(3K ; and the icmedv Ih.Jlae had araint thr hid Pielideit sr,dDirectors upc u every undertaking the)(hall majce in bSlfof the Infuranc,Company, vhethei by pohev, Sand, bil,obligatory, note or other'wifc. , Aimevery bond, bill obiig atoq', c ncte iuwriting given bV tre laid President andDirectors, in behalf of the laid Infurance Company, (lull be afiifmable by enlorfement thereon, in like martnet andwith the like eUrct as foreiirn bills of exchange now are ; and such of the notesas are paydble to bearer, (hall be nego-tiable and by delivery only.

Sec. gl. The same fumraary-- remedyis hereby gien aoainft all persons winIhalLhcreafter I.e bound by bond) hillbligatory, or note in writing or affign.

pent of the same lp thePreliderit andDirectors of the Kentucky InsuranceCompany. And it fliall be lawful forche General Court, or the District Couitin winch the p.rty bound fliall reside ;

ind the i.ud couris are hereby empowered to gKe judgment on motion for'the amount of any such boncf, bill obligatory,

or note in writing, ajrainft thVobligor, maker orafiitmor as the case maybe , Prpvidrd a'ays, that ten days no-tice in writing, lhall be given by thesaid President and Directors, to theperson or persons against whom the mo.:ion is to be made, of such mdtion is tobe sound, is not a copy theieof ihjl belest with some white person aboe theage ot twenty one, at his, her or theirusual place of sbodc.

Sec. 22. On all motions judgmentfliall be given at the first court, iiplcf?for good cause the court shall conlLme itto the second ; beyond which it flianon no account be cont'iiued.

Sec. 23. Where the defendant requres It, a jury lhall be lumrioned mltdiitato enquire into any question of fdft v. Incheither party lhall state under the d'.rection of the.court, and which is not aerreedto ; andtipon the finding of such fast orfacts, or the'agreement to them, thecourt shall give judgment according totne very rignt ot tne caie, without re-

gard to form, and without pleadings inwriting.

ace. it. 4.1 me iaia corporation, orany person or persons for or to thejiife ofthe lame, (lull deal or trade in bu mg orselling any goods, wares, merchandizeor commodities whatsoever, contrary tothe provisions of .this aft, all and ever)person ard peifons, by whom any orderor direftion for so dealing or tradinglhall have been given ; and all and everyperion ana perions woo malt have Q?eiconcerned as parties or agents thereinhall forfeit and lose treble thc .value o!

rhe goods, waies, merchandise and ro 1,

noauirs, 111 vnicn iiicnainiin;; ana ti adefull have Keen ; one hah to the mfomer, and the 1,1 her liaif 10 the ufu of thecommonwealth, to be ..covjj.d witl

pods of suit Provided boivcve r,that no-

thing in this ait contained, shall be so

construed as to pieventthe laid torpora- -

t ion from dealing in exchange, orpf lend- -

ine: their money at an interelt not exceeding hx per centum per annum, or ofelfing such goods as fiiall be really andruly pledged to. them for money lent,

and not redeemed in due tini'e, or of dif-pijfi-

)i such property as shall have beenabandoned to them by thc insured, average loss fliall have been sufferedon the same, or from aiding and afliftinindividuals engaged in the commerce o

this country, agreeably to she rules, regulatians, bye laws and ordinances ofthe laid corporation, which arc not con-

trary to the constitution and laws of thisstate and of the United States. , '

Sec' 25. No other company of Infurance, lhall bv anv law of this commonwealth, be' eftabiifhed during the continuance of the corporation hereby created. '


This aft shall commence and be inforce from and, aster thc paffage thereof.


. A PISSERTATION ..,.,On the Political Charaifter and Writings of

THOMAS PAINE,Author of Common Sense, Rights of

Man, kc. ,

' (No. I.)

" The t;mDl: ofwirdflm isfcatil nni rock.above the rage o sighting elements, and in,accelublc to all the malice of iman. Therolling thunder breaks below ; and thosemore terrible inflrunients of human furv.reachnot lofofublime a height. Thefage,while he breaths thatferene air, looks downwijh plei-fur- mixed with companion, onthcerrn s of miltskcn mortals, who blindlyseel: foi rte true path of life, and pursueliches, imbilit), hondur and power, for gehumelelccit)."

Hume's Moral Essqys.Similar to a being looking down from

the em.-i.i- on this wotlfl, he beholds withcohipol'urc iiom his untlouded height, thcmali of mankind yet wandering in darkness,and error, tbtir miftikes and deviations,and U glooaiy tempelts that rage in thcdeep gkijs balov Inm.'J

Zimmerman on Nativnal Pride.

IN a philosophical aee", when thepaflions of mankind are invited bythe mott eloquent moral pcrluahves-- ,

to throw off their ferocity, and toyield to the milder dominion of rea- -

lon, the belt characters are condemn-ed to unmerited persecution. Nati-onal ingratitude has kept pace withthe progress of society ; the Rqrmof the paflions has raged as it mov-ed along, and the desolation has

its various mutations.Frorn one generation to another,Without abatement. Irt one age theFatal (hell is prefentedtaan Ariftides,by the hand of ingratitude; Epami- -

nondas, the laviour ot his country,is tondemliedto sweep the streets ;

Phocion is dragged to prifoh, audSocrates fentenfced to drink poison.Heyho propt the falling honours, ofimperial Rome, in the last stage ofher .decline, by the powers of hiseloquence, and hatched the brandfrom the hand of a Cataline, goesinto banifliment to appease the rageof his devoted coun.'crymeri. In an-other age; a Sidney buffers on the,scaffold, for the invincible integritydf his soul ; and a Hampden dies,for attempting to elevate thc rightsof man to their true political dignity. This will alw'ays be the sate oftpole men, whole noble minds,

that cautious wisdom whichwraps us tip in a solitary indifferenceto the affairs of tlieiworld, promptsthem to iaenhee their own eale, for.liberty.die felicity of others.. Upon this

. nrtllfntlnn nC 17 n 1.1 ..gtvuilUf 1.11 lb lUlilklULI Ul idllKillland Tefferfon have suffered martyrdom, in an enlightened age ; anci the

.r..1 - . .

same sate.To these distinguished patriots',

more dt fervipg the homage of com-

memoration than the ofThis great, man is the

political, what the ftlu is, in thephi- -

ncai tiemuptierc, com--- . jui jtcs

warmth and energy to whatever he?touches ; erradiates the millerious '

doctrine of human wifdQin,ry thepe-n,etratiotr(- !ff

thought; and gUrs birthto a new world of reflection, by un--folding what had hitherto repoiecUnafilentobfcurity. Beneath the influ-ence o his genius, of a mind expan-fiv- e

as the empire of thought, iujier-ftiti- on

and prejudice are willing tyield to a.liberul conviction. Tht:yawaken from the fatal enchantmentthat had hitherto entranced the fen- - ,

fes ; the spells of the forcer els ap- -f

pear in all their deformity ; therpifts vanifli from the ey&; and thefull fplendour of the liht of hea-

ven unfolds th,e miltery. By thismeans, he has flio'ok the fabric of theGothic policy. His.pen, the magicTalisman, by which, he has producedthese great effe&s, has caused thetyrants of the world, tto trem-ble on their thrones. Whil(l view-ing the venerable pagej witch .fpe alesthe language of nature, which ele-

vates the peafantto an equality with "

his oppreffor, they ' turn from theadmonition with terror, .and fictetvat the fatal hand writing" thatseems to seal their defliny. 1 o thatrace oF deluded mortals, the monu-ments of departed grandeur, in theabbes of St. Peter and St. Dennis,are not, more feMjftrl 'thari .tKereffayoath'e. Rights ot Man. ,Theoneholds up to view the sad picture ofthe closing scene to all lublunryiplendor, and repreffes the pride cambition which had led them astrayfrom the path of duty. The other,makes a more serious impreffion.It tbl'3nAtp close the scene andinflift tlifJniflirnenjt, in this life.TheyeTpynTreathe language ofthat ruhliinHfriMlnffvrihv. U'hirh mil.fe&teuiItV4ofliyetderat his crimes,andwn&ldsLtd tBe'eye of refleclion,

W.he UwRi'b.WAVhich, the tyrantis tempted nojdirly the n.ajk.ilj ofvirtue. -

Mr. Fame's ideas of civil oeiv-r- n

ment and political justice, ar. of 'th&nioltelevated kind. ,He Jr.iws therafrom their fonrlc. lie de-

rives thera from nature. 1I frrtltakes man as a solitary indjpe-r.den-t

being, such as he came from the handof his Creator 5 makes him a niorQagent j sixes the criterion of hi3S

rights, byan annalyfis of naturallaw, and unfolds to the potentatesoF the globe, ths terrible fecrct ofhis equality and the independa-iceo- f

his nature. He nest introd ices himinto society, and makes this .naturalequality and indrendejce, t lie ele-ments of the focft.1 compac"L. Hi6relations in this state, arc then de-veloped ; His political limits a.'cer-ti'.na- d,

and his civil privikgos fi--

ed. The line of duty is ur wn outfrom the coipbincd rights of nuttfri;and of society ; by which, he afcer-tai- ns

the laws of obedience and thecriterion of that negative powewhich man is bound to exerufe,' in.cases of usurpation.

It is upon these sublime and eter--

nal principles, that Mr. Paine erectsthe plan of civil government. v Itis from an analysis of this kind, that.hedifcovers the majefly of the peo-

ple and the' usurpation that had ed

it, in each age and nation ofthe world. It istherefore, from a modeto'freaf.oniiTg--thu- s

comprehensive and"" certain inits premises, that Mr. Painebe the molt powerful advocate, tljatever appeared in defence of human.

A clue of this kind, liasconducted him to a trii knowledge -

tame ot 1 nomas same, the intrepicial parasites. Hp has traced- - Jefptv--k'" i ""k'V "- - ""?rtiim tnrougiiaints various chajinels

of the grand farce, which hasbecqplayesJ off, from age to age, by kings,

and the whole tribe, ofcftroy--

oi usurpation ; burlt open the gVesor mat nuiierious laoynntn or 101- -

ment, wnen oYoifla, upon-pnuuj-J-

ot rigM, totK lenior.ts of itp-i- l

heap. lnUitutiorts, appear tv 1C Ji'roiis, fomonilrauo-- , i' . Mie" tl. .iciin fitj,rc a '. s, i,.

philosophy has erected monuments. ;ly, which had so long concealed theThe fury of discord may rage inmonfter, aid rivalled the same ofvain; and the storms of fation by an iiluftrious triumph,tempt to blast the fairefl laurels but; It js impoffible that any thin arjthey are of that hardy nature, which exceed the " Diffe:rtatin oxfictbids defiance to the rudeic fliocks,. First Principles of Government,'"'and will bloom to rejoice fucceeding1;..! point of logical conchjfion,

when the tempeit is of thought, pcUy.o,otten. Ipr'.tty of an?ly f$kdA of

There arc sew men of atry atre. rm-ilt- :r.A of heriiftlffnVvaU;,.i,

author Com-mon Sense. in




