and dr. reed's

TWtiK Korii AND NEIGHBORS GATE Mrs. John Salo made a l'u. in - trip to Rochester Monday. Mr. Leslie Hearst, of American Lake, was visiting at tin home o Mr. and Mrs. George Hoy "I ever Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Harry W. Johnson returned home Sunday from his :"i»i o Op - gon. He reports having a v ry en- joyable trip. Mr. Mollis Knapp made a busit e>s trip to Centralia recently. Mr. R. B. Parish made a busines- trip to Centralia Sunday. Miss M. Cully was visiting for a few days in Seattle recently. Mr. D. A. Drew was in town Tues- day between trains. Evelyn Gott and Gladys Atwood, ot Rochester, were in Gate Saturday, v'siting their many friends. Mrs. Emma Mudge is on the sick list. Mr. W. A. Morgan has been on the sick list. Mrs. Hlanch Gott wac in Gate Thursday, taking invioce for the Washington mecantile company. Mr. B. Gott is going to buy out the Washington Mercantile store. Mr. Gotchy has rented the J. E. McCleery place. Mrs. Ross Bussard has organized a Sunday school near her home south if Gate. Everybody is cordially in- vited to attend. Mr. A. J. Gaisell made a business trip to Seattle the first of the week. ROCKY PRAIRIE Mrs. B. H. Smith called on Mr s . Stilson Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Whipple were shop- ping in Tenino the first part of the veek. Mr. and Mrs. B. Risse and Miss Dorothy ..Riss.3 were in Olympia Sat- urday. Mrs. 'Diamond and Mrs. Walker visited Mrs. TaylOr Tuesday. Miss Inez Clawson spent the week end with friends in Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford motored to Centralia the first of the week. Mr. ana Mrs. Ipe and Bon were Sunday callers at the Bush home. There will be a week's vacation during institute and Thanksgiving. William Hill was visiting relatives in Olympia Monday. Frank Kelsey spent Tuesday in Olympia. Sam Starks was in Tenino don- day. J. D. McGuire was a caller at the Taylor home Sunday. SOUTH BAY. Mrs. Hendrlckson, of Rock Dale, Wash., spent the week end at C. A. Rose's, with her daughters, Mae, Alma and Francis. The pie social at the hall Satur- day evening, to raise funds to build a wood shed at that place, was very well attended, and the short pro- gram was much enjoyed by all. The proceeds were $13.25. t Mrs. Kate Bryning, who has been visiting relatives in Seattle for a couple of weeks, returned home Sat- urday. Little Lora Bryning is quite sick with whooping cough. S. T. Madden is building a new cow stable. We are glad to report Archie Hay- i deen able to be out again. Miss Ruth Holmes has moved her ( boarding place to Mr. Barnhart's for the present on account of whooping cough at A. L. Bryning's. Hazel Ensign went to May town Wednesday to visit her sister, Mrs. Henry, for a few days. Mr. Durward returned Sunday l from visiting his daughter at Cen- 1 tralia. Fred Ensign came down from Bordeaux Monday and visited home frlks over night. MUD BAT The Pomona Grange met at the McLane hall Tuesday for the regu- lar monthly meeting, and had a good attendance. Besides the regular business a class consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Aspinwall, W. D. Cook. Joseph Comstock, Jay Bolster, Mark Aspinwall and Charles Carr. was given the fifth degree in the after- roon. At noon Mrs. Charles Bren- rer, assisted by the best cooks in the McLane Grange, served a dinner, in- cluding gome of Mrs. Brenner's fa- mous clam chowder. After the din- ner, which was pronounced by all a decided success, officers for the en- suing year were elected. Mr*. Blanche Dye returned home from the hospital Friday and is quite well again. The Ladies' Sewing Club met Thursday of last week with Mrs. Comstock, ate a fine lunch and oth- NEWS OF YOUR FRIENDS HAYES PINE GROVE. 2LD INLET eiwi.-- enjoy e-i »in? afternoon. The l? xt Hi''' till" will Ij< ? held lilt: 'irs;t I! ursila.. in I )i-i« til 1" \u25a0 i at .Mrs. Will S . H! 1' S. Mr. of the Plaiir.iew chicken rari.h, hatched nut 1 ,*uo .! 1%« ns la.-! spring for him elf and M iglibors He ii- keeping a bull! 400 bens this winter and finds that chick- < us can be mailt' to pay if well cared for. He is developing a good laying : tain of White Leghorns. .Miss Lowing, who teaches in the State School for Girls at Grand Mound, visit'd .Mrs. C. Aspinwall the first of the week. Mr. Henry .Meyers was in Olympia Wt dnesday <>n business-:. Mrs. John Barnes visited relatives and friends at Mud Ilay Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Starr visited ;>! StaufTarher's at Little Hock Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. L'tterback, grand- parents of Mrs. Mott Dye, and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Vogel and Walter Mix visited at the Dye home Sunday. Mr. Grsenman visited Henry Meyers Sunday. Charles Brenner and John Meyers visited Mr. Swartz Sunday evening. Jay Holster went to Centralia Wednesday. A number of young people of this v'einity attended the dance at Mud Pay Saturday evening. Grandma Post returned home from Alaska recently, after a few weeks' visit with her grandson, Paul Post, and family. It is reported that Alonzo Gilman is on his way to Philadelphia with a cprload of apples for the company he has been working for. Jim Turner was unfortunate in h sing a horse this week. Chambers Prairie Grange met last Saturday evening for the election of officers, while the second and third degrees were conferred on six mem- bers and a delicious supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Graham visited Mr. and Mrs. Forest Kegley, of South Bay, Sunday. Miss Ruth Whitham, of Seattle, and a brother from Alaska have been visiting their father, Robert Whit- ham. for a few days. Mr. Greenfield has just returned from a business trip in the southern part of the county. There has been a crew of men camped at the Esterly place for some t'me getting out ship's knees. D. White has been hauling feed to L. D. Tilson's dairy for several I days this week. E. Peregrine is in Tenino again at vork, after being at home for a few days. The Pomona Grange met and held an all-day session In McLane Grange hall last Tuesday. Ten members from McLane Grange were initiated. The ladies furnished a splendid din- ner at noon, after which came the i annual election of officers. L. L. j Snow was re-elected master and ' James Housman overseer. Mrs. E. A. Young and Mr. Emery , Swan visited their mother, Mrs. M. L. Swan last Sunday. ! Mrs. E. A. Young and Miss Edith 1 Young autoed to Seattle last Friday and called on relatives. Mr. George Kelley purchased sev- eral fresh milch cows in Tacoma and i they were delivered at the farm i Tuesday, being brought over in auto , trucks. Mr. Ahearn has been remodeling a burn for Mr. George Kelley. Miss Margaret McLane visited over Sunday in Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. Kelley, Miss Dora Arnold and Mr. Burns and family vis- ited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ahearn. Mrs. Calkins has gone to Wen- ' stohee to make her home with a son. The late frosts did very little dam- age to late sown grain in this dis- trict. PLEASANT GLADE Mrs. Martha Kinney, a former resi- dent of this neighborhood, now liv- ing in Montana, visited among friends here last week. The Holly club met with Mrs. Zel- ir,on Kllis last Thursday. Bob McAllone was home for a few I'MVS the first of the week. Charles Lenhan spent a few days this week with his sister, Mrs. E. T. Palmer. Mr. Cramp and Joe Long returned last Saturday from North Yakima, where they had been working. Mr. <iain i > brought his cousin, H irry Martin, along with him fur a -hort vnit. The latter returned Wednesday Mis- Hi -sic Sli'at< r has been in tuwii rh>' |>a .si week at .Mrs. 11 >-ti i > >! jtilton's .1 *liii lio«i is working at Slu-r! -V I'll.irh- ii' i Matt Hawson are working on 'he Bushnell ranch. Pom Slcatci and family and .Miss l.iitou.N help d George Sleater - hrati' his 1 >irl Inlay h\ fating sui>per with him last Friday evening. Mrs. H. A. Spencer and Mrs. Xel- n.oti Kllis ipent Monday afternoon v. ,;li Miss Mamie Stoll. The school will give an entertain- ment at the Grange hall Saturday evening. There will be a good pro- gram and supper will he served for a small charge. Peanuts and pop- corn w ill also he on sale. FAIR VIEW Mrs. Cooper and children returned to their home in T.icoma Wednesday alter a week's visit with her mother, Mrs. Parsons. Mr. A. Palms visited friends in Olympia one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Brasch took supper with their son, .1. D. Brasch. Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Benton and dauehter spent Thursday evening at the Par- sons home. Andy Palms called on J. Benton's Sunday evening. Mrs. Benton and daughter spent a pleasant afternoon with Mrs. J. Prasch Tuesday. Mr. Brasch and Mr. J. Benton butchered a veal for R. W. Bates Thursday. Mr. Hopkins visited the school one day last week, making a very inter- esting talk to the children. Mr. and Mrs. Nason were Olympia visitors Saturday. Mrs. J. Benton and daughter were dinner guests at the home of Mr. C. Pean and family at Alder Grove Sun- day. Everett Bozarth spent the week- end with his parents. Mr. Parsons spent Sunday at home, returning in the evening to his new work at Graham's camp. Lulu Benton spent Saturday even- ing with Beatrice Jacobson at Alder Grove and attended the dance at Little Rock. Mrs. A. Palms called on Mrs. Ben- ton one day last week. Ethe' Bean, Lulu Benton and Will Clark out to Bordeaux camp Sunday. Mr. E. E. Overton and J. Brasch and family autoed to the Olympia dairy Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. Brasch drove to Olympia Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bozarth autoed to Olympia Monday. PUGET Edna and Gertrude Chambers spent Sunday afternon with Kather- ine Becker. Mr. Loveland called at the Arnold home Sunday evening. Mr. George Brown spent a few days of last week at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Thelma Loertscher. Bert Boltinghouse visited at the Chambers home a few days last week. Mrs. F. E. Bullard was entertained £.t dinner last Friday by Mrs. George Gartley and Miss Agnes Ashwill. There was a dance at Phil Gid- ding's new home last Saturday night. Cuite a crowd attended and every- body reports a fine time. Mr. George Gartley was home last Saturday night, returning to work Sunday. The Ladies' Sewing circle, which met with Mrs. Nathan Arnold last Thursday, was largely attended. Anyone who thinks that interest in politics drops after election should have heard the heated discussion of the ladies at the luncheon table. Mr. and Mrs. Harve Chambers called at the Sunny Beach farm Sun- day. Mrs. George Gartley and Mrs. Nathan Arnold spent one day of last week in Olympia. SOUTH UNION Mr. W. H. Coykendall of Taconia and Mr. E. H. Bishop of Centralia vere guests at the home of W. K. liall for several days last week. South Union was well represented Saturday in Olympia. Mr. and Mrs. John Gunstone and daughter visited in Centralia Satur- day. Mr. Charles Gunstone is at home this week. Little Eva Campbell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Campbell, fell against the stove the other day, burning her cheek quite badly. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Haight and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Abbott visited at Mound Prairie Sunday. Saturday afternoon a number of people gathered at the church and made quite an improvement in the SNOW RE-ELECTED MASTER OF POMONA M \I.K\I VK\\ (il l K KKS CIIOSKN lt\ 1.11W1.K \T KIiKCTION TIIIS WKKK. L. L. Snow was re-elected master ot the Thurston County Pomona | Grange at the annual election last 1 uesda> in connection with the reg- ular November meeting, at the Mc- -1 ane Grange hull at Mud Buy. The I meeting was one of the lurgest of the I current year, 150 people sitting down I to the big dinner served at noon. I Other officers re-elected are: Mrs. I). M. Kagy, chaplain; Travis Ayer. ! noon. ! assistant steward; D. M. Kagy, treas- j treasurer, and Kuby Chilson, lady I assistant steward. New officers are: '.lames 11. Housman. overseer; Mrs. j .Jacob Gunstone, lecturer; Joe Com- istock, steward, and Mrs. L. IJ. Snow, | secretary. The executive committee i w ill be elected at the next meeting, ! to be held at the Des Chutes Grange hall December lit. At the morning session last Tues- |day, Mr. and Mrs. .Joe Comstock, Mr. I and Mrs. C. C. Aspinwall and son Mark. Charles li. Carr, Mr. and Mrs. W. I). Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bolster, all members of McLane Grange, were initiated into the Pomona degree. Dinner was thf.n served, after which came the election of officers. In the business meeting that fol- lowed the Pomona members decided to hold a dinner in this city Wednes- day, December 6, during the week of the extension school, to raise money v ith which to pay off the remainder of the Grange's portion of the deficit of the second Thurston County Fair. Some SBS remains to be raised. The dinner, it is expected, will draw a large crowd of farmers from those attending the extension school The short program that will follow will commemorate the fiftieth anni- versary of the founding of the Grange. The Pomona this week endorsed the plans for the extension school, December 4 to 9, and urged farmers generally to attend. building by cleaning and making some needed repairs. Miss Peterson and Mr. Conrad Hansen were guests at dinner Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs W. K. Ball. Mr. P. B. Glasford was in Olym- pia Monday on business. | EUREKA Ralph Reynolds came Monday and will stay for a while with his parents. Mrs. Hastie, Sr., and Miss Adair, who were spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hastle, Jr., re- turned to Seattle last Saturday. Mr. Frank Handle, of North Yak- ima, was visiting his sister, Mrs Jeff Reynolds, la3t Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Reld Conine and Mr. John Daln autoed to Tacoma last Monday. The literary meeting at the Forest school last Friday evening was very largely attended and enjoyed by all present. It was decided to hold meetings only once a month. The next will ba held December 15th. Herbert Welk, of Tacoma, was shaking hands with his Eureka friends last Friday evening. I'lea.sant Glade (Jrunjfe Klects. At a well-attended meeting of the Pleasant Glade Grange last Saturday night, the following officers were elected for the coming year: Master, Mrs. R. B. Rowe; overseer, H. C. Kills; secretary, E. S. Gray; treas- urer, R. B. Rowe; steward. John Rowe; assistant steward, Mrs. E. T. Palmer; gatekeeper, Robert Spencer. The Grange is planning a Thanksgiv- ing dinner for members and their friends and will keep "open house" at the hall all afternoon Thanksgiv- ing day. NORTH LAKE Mrs. Alex Adair and daughter Leila tailed at Haydeen's and Jack Adair's Thursday. Mr. Ernest Reed is at home now. The children of this neighborhood rre all taking turns at being on the sick list. T)r. Partlow was called out to at- tend Archie Haydeen, who was very sfck the other day. but is reported much better at the present writing. Frankie Reed spent Saturday after- noon with Bertram Shincke. Miss Ethel Shincke, of Yelm, is vis- iting at Shincke's. Miss Ruby Reed, of Olympia, and Mrs. George Bump and daughters vis- ited at Reed's Sunday. For Sale or Trade ?Span of horses, about 1,500 pounds; wagon, woodrack. would consider good Ford auto. W. H. Dibble, Tumwater. tf rI i WASHINGTON STANDAUI). I KIDAY NOVK.MHKIi 24. 1!»HI WE DON'T PLEASE EVERYBODY BUT WE TRY DR. REED'S IMPROVED CUSHION SOLE SHOE FOR MEN fi Give your foot a treat and learn what "Foot Comfort" really nie.-.iis. These : hoes are made of high grade Kid, Kangaroo, and Calf Leathers, by shoemakers who know how. SO.OO >*< >..">() $7.00 EhremShoeCompany 423 MAIN STREET Up Ymmr ffltom© BY USING D@fc©=Light TIIE NEW SYSTEM WHICH FURNISHES E L E C TRICI T Y FOR EVERY FARM Besides 1 the lionse, the barn and other buildings, 1) E L C O - L I (J II T will furnish electric power for pump- ing water, operating a cream separator, churn, sewing machine, washing machine, electric irons, and all other light machinery. It is so simple a child can operate it, and it will light your home for much less than you would have to pay for electricity in Olympia. It is a complete electric light plant, safe, reliable, convenient and always ready. JUST LET US KNOW YOU'RE INTERESTED AND WE'LL DEMONSTRATE IT RIGHT IN YOUR OWN HOME. Price $3lO complete with standard battery $370 with large size battery f. o. b. Seattle. N. W. MOTTINGER 207 West Fifth St OLYMPIA Phone 87 Books fo BOOKS ARE EASY TO SEND BY MAIL. Our Book Store is now ready to make your shopping pleasant. Hooks in all classes of literature are shown? Books that will gladden the hearts of young and old BOOKS FOR BOYS AND QIRLS. Five Little Peppers $0.50 Treasure Island -S9 Animal Heroes -50 Children's Book of Birds 2.00 Penrod .SO When a Man's a Man 1.35 i The Buy Allien .50 Just David 1.25 <>eoi'Klna of the Hainhows 1.25 And hundreds of others. If you cannot come, write or phone for a complete list. CHRISTMAS CARDS, TOYS, GAMES, DOLLS Packages packed for mail without charge. The Bookstore Phone 1 P. O. Box 1 The Studebaker Four has the power and flexibility of inos+ Sixes ?let us demonstrate tint to you. SERIES 17, 40 H P., 7-PASSENGER, $876 f. o. b. DETROIT We Also Handle John Deere Farm Implements PLOWS, HARROWS, DRILLS AND CULTIVATORS THE BEST MADE Priced cheaper, quality considered, than anything you can buy from a mail-order house. P. J* O'Brien THIRD AND COLUMBIA STREETS PHONE 340

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Page 1: AND DR. REED'S

TWtiK Korii



Mrs. John Salo made a l'u. in -

trip to Rochester Monday.

Mr. Leslie Hearst, of AmericanLake, was visiting at tin home o

Mr. and Mrs. George Hoy "I ever

Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. Harry W. Johnson returned

home Sunday from his :"i»i o Op -

gon. He reports having a v ry en-

joyable trip.

Mr. Mollis Knapp made a busit e>s

trip to Centralia recently.

Mr. R. B. Parish made a busines-

trip to Centralia Sunday.

Miss M. Cully was visiting for a

few days in Seattle recently.

Mr. D. A. Drew was in town Tues-day between trains.

Evelyn Gott and Gladys Atwood,

ot Rochester, were in Gate Saturday,

v'siting their many friends.

Mrs. Emma Mudge is on the sicklist.

Mr. W. A. Morgan has been on thesick list.

Mrs. Hlanch Gott wac in GateThursday, taking invioce for theWashington mecantile company.

Mr. B. Gott is going to buy out

the Washington Mercantile store.

Mr. Gotchy has rented the J. E.McCleery place.

Mrs. Ross Bussard has organizeda Sunday school near her home southif Gate. Everybody is cordially in-vited to attend.

Mr. A. J. Gaisell made a businesstrip to Seattle the first of the week.


Mrs. B. H. Smith called on Mrs .

Stilson Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Whipple were shop-ping in Tenino the first part of theveek.

Mr. and Mrs. B. Risse and MissDorothy ..Riss.3 were in Olympia Sat-

urday.Mrs. 'Diamond and Mrs. Walker

visited Mrs. TaylOr Tuesday.Miss Inez Clawson spent the week

end with friends in Centralia.Mr. and Mrs. Crawford motored to

Centralia the first of the week.Mr. ana Mrs. Ipe and Bon were

Sunday callers at the Bush home.There will be a week's vacation

during institute and Thanksgiving.

William Hillwas visiting relativesin Olympia Monday.

Frank Kelsey spent Tuesday inOlympia.

Sam Starks was in Tenino don-day.

J. D. McGuire was a caller at theTaylor home Sunday.


Mrs. Hendrlckson, of Rock Dale,Wash., spent the week end at C. A.Rose's, with her daughters, Mae,Alma and Francis.

The pie social at the hall Satur-day evening, to raise funds to builda wood shed at that place, was verywell attended, and the short pro-

gram was much enjoyed by all. Theproceeds were $13.25.

tMrs. Kate Bryning, who has been

visiting relatives in Seattle for acouple of weeks, returned home Sat-urday.

Little Lora Bryning is quite sickwith whooping cough.

S. T. Madden is building a newcow stable.

We are glad to report Archie Hay- ideen able to be out again.

Miss Ruth Holmes has moved her (boarding place to Mr. Barnhart's forthe present on account of whoopingcough at A. L. Bryning's.

Hazel Ensign went to May townWednesday to visit her sister, Mrs.Henry, for a few days.

Mr. Durward returned Sunday lfrom visiting his daughter at Cen- 1tralia.

Fred Ensign came down fromBordeaux Monday and visited homefrlks over night.


The Pomona Grange met at theMcLane hall Tuesday for the regu-lar monthly meeting, and had a goodattendance. Besides the regular

business a class consisting of Mr. andMrs. Claude Aspinwall, W. D. Cook.Joseph Comstock, Jay Bolster, MarkAspinwall and Charles Carr. wasgiven the fifth degree in the after-roon. At noon Mrs. Charles Bren-rer, assisted by the best cooks in the

McLane Grange, served a dinner, in-cluding gome of Mrs. Brenner's fa-

mous clam chowder. After the din-ner, which was pronounced by all adecided success, officers for the en-suing year were elected.

Mr*. Blanche Dye returned home

from the hospital Friday and is

quite well again.The Ladies' Sewing Club met

Thursday of last week with Mrs.

Comstock, ate a fine lunch and oth-





eiwi.-- enjoy e-i »in? afternoon. The

l? xt Hi''' till" will Ij< ? held lilt: 'irs;t

I! ursila.. in I )i-i« til 1" \u25a0 i at .Mrs. WillS . H! 1' S.

Mr. of the Plaiir.iewchicken rari.h, hatched nut 1 ,*uo

.! i» 1%« ns la.-! spring for him elf andM iglibors He ii- keeping a bull! 400bens this winter and finds that chick-

< us can be mailt' to pay if well cared

for. He is developing a good laying: tain of White Leghorns.

.Miss Lowing, who teaches in theState School for Girls at GrandMound, visit'd .Mrs. C. Aspinwall

the first of the week.

Mr. Henry .Meyers was in Olympia

Wt dnesday <>n business-:.Mrs. John Barnes visited relatives

and friends at Mud Ilay Tuesday.Mr. and Mrs. Charles Starr visited

;>! StaufTarher's at Little HockWednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. L'tterback, grand-parents of Mrs. Mott Dye, and Mr.and Mrs. Martin Vogel and WalterMix visited at the Dye home Sunday.

Mr. Grsenman visited Henry

Meyers Sunday.

Charles Brenner and John Meyers

visited Mr. Swartz Sunday evening.

Jay Holster went to CentraliaWednesday.

A number of young people of thisv'einity attended the dance at MudPay Saturday evening.

Grandma Post returned home

from Alaska recently, after a fewweeks' visit with her grandson, PaulPost, and family.

It is reported that Alonzo Gilman

is on his way to Philadelphia with acprload of apples for the company

he has been working for.Jim Turner was unfortunate in

h sing a horse this week.

Chambers Prairie Grange met lastSaturday evening for the election of

officers, while the second and thirddegrees were conferred on six mem-bers and a delicious supper wasserved.

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Graham visitedMr. and Mrs. Forest Kegley, ofSouth Bay, Sunday.

Miss Ruth Whitham, of Seattle,

and a brother from Alaska have been

visiting their father, Robert Whit-

ham. for a few days.

Mr. Greenfield has just returnedfrom a business trip in the southernpart of the county.

There has been a crew of mencamped at the Esterly place for somet'me getting out ship's knees.

D. White has been hauling feedto L. D. Tilson's dairy for several

I days this week.E. Peregrine is in Tenino again at

vork, after being at home for a fewdays.

The Pomona Grange met and heldan all-day session In McLane Grangehall last Tuesday. Ten members

from McLane Grange were initiated.The ladies furnished a splendid din-ner at noon, after which came the

i annual election of officers. L. L.

j Snow was re-elected master and' James Housman overseer.

Mrs. E. A. Young and Mr. Emery

, Swan visited their mother, Mrs. M.L. Swan last Sunday.

! Mrs. E. A. Young and Miss Edith

1 Young autoed to Seattle last Fridayand called on relatives.

Mr. George Kelley purchased sev-eral fresh milch cows in Tacoma and

i they were delivered at the farmi Tuesday, being brought over in auto

, trucks.Mr. Ahearn has been remodeling a

burn for Mr. George Kelley.

Miss Margaret McLane visited overSunday in Tacoma.

Mr. and Mrs. Kelley, Miss DoraArnold and Mr. Burns and family vis-ited Sunday evening with Mr. andMrs. Ahearn.

Mrs. Calkins has gone to Wen-' stohee to make her home with a son.

The late frosts did very little dam-age to late sown grain in this dis-trict.


Mrs. Martha Kinney, a former resi-dent of this neighborhood, now liv-ing in Montana, visited amongfriends here last week.

The Holly club met with Mrs. Zel-ir,on Kllis last Thursday.

Bob McAllone was home for a fewI'MVS the first of the week.

Charles Lenhan spent a few daysthis week with his sister, Mrs. E. T.Palmer.

Mr. Cramp and Joe Long returnedlast Saturday from North Yakima,

where they had been working. Mr.

<iain i > brought his cousin, H irry

Martin, along with him fur a -hort

vnit. The latter returnedWednesday

Mis- Hi -sic Sli'at< r has been intuwii rh>' |>a .si week at .Mrs. 11 >-tii >

>! jtilton's

.1 *liii lio«i is working at Slu-r! -V

I'll.irh- ii' i Matt Hawson areworking on 'he Bushnell ranch.

Pom Slcatci and family and .Miss

l.iitou.N help d George Sleater 1» -

hrati' his 1>irl Inlay h\ fating sui>per

with him last Friday evening.

Mrs. H. A. Spencer and Mrs. Xel-n.oti Kllis ipent Monday afternoonv. ,;li Miss Mamie Stoll.

The school will give an entertain-ment at the Grange hall Saturday

evening. There will be a good pro-gram and supper will he served fora small charge. Peanuts and pop-corn w ill also he on sale.


Mrs. Cooper and children returnedto their home in T.icoma Wednesday

alter a week's visit with her mother,Mrs. Parsons.

Mr. A. Palms visited friends inOlympia one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Brasch tooksupper with their son, .1. D. Brasch.Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Benton and dauehterspent Thursday evening at the Par-sons home.

Andy Palms called on J. Benton'sSunday evening.

Mrs. Benton and daughter spent apleasant afternoon with Mrs. J.Prasch Tuesday.

Mr. Brasch and Mr. J. Bentonbutchered a veal for R. W. Bates


Mr. Hopkins visited the school oneday last week, making a very inter-esting talk to the children.

Mr. and Mrs. Nason were Olympiavisitors Saturday.

Mrs. J. Benton and daughter weredinner guests at the home of Mr. C.Pean and family at Alder Grove Sun-

day.Everett Bozarth spent the week-

end with his parents.

Mr. Parsons spent Sunday at home,returning in the evening to his newwork at Graham's camp.

Lulu Benton spent Saturday even-ing with Beatrice Jacobson at Alder

Grove and attended the dance atLittle Rock.

Mrs. A. Palms called on Mrs. Ben-

ton one day last week.Ethe' Bean, Lulu Benton and Will

Clark out to Bordeaux campSunday.

Mr. E. E. Overton and J. Braschand family autoed to the Olympia

dairy Sunday afternoon.Mr. and Mrs. J. Brasch drove to

Olympia Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bozarth autoed toOlympia Monday.


Edna and Gertrude Chambersspent Sunday afternon with Kather-

ine Becker.Mr. Loveland called at the Arnold

home Sunday evening.

Mr. George Brown spent a fewdays of last week at the home of hisdaughter, Mrs. Thelma Loertscher.

Bert Boltinghouse visited at theChambers home a few days last

week.Mrs. F. E. Bullard was entertained

£.t dinner last Friday by Mrs. GeorgeGartley and Miss Agnes Ashwill.

There was a dance at Phil Gid-ding's new home last Saturday night.

Cuite a crowd attended and every-body reports a fine time.

Mr. George Gartley was home lastSaturday night, returning to workSunday.

The Ladies' Sewing circle, whichmet with Mrs. Nathan Arnold lastThursday, was largely attended.Anyone who thinks that interest inpolitics drops after election shouldhave heard the heated discussion ofthe ladies at the luncheon table.

Mr. and Mrs. Harve Chamberscalled at the Sunny Beach farm Sun-day.

Mrs. George Gartley and Mrs.Nathan Arnold spent one day of lastweek in Olympia.


Mr. W. H. Coykendall of Taconiaand Mr. E. H. Bishop of Centraliavere guests at the home of W. K.liall for several days last week.

South Union was well representedSaturday in Olympia.

Mr. and Mrs. John Gunstone anddaughter visited in Centralia Satur-day.

Mr. Charles Gunstone is at homethis week.

Little Eva Campbell, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. L. R. Campbell, fellagainst the stove the other day,burning her cheek quite badly.

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Abbott, Mr.and Mrs. M. D. Haight and Mr. andMrs. R. L. Abbott visited at MoundPrairie Sunday.

Saturday afternoon a number ofpeople gathered at the church andmade quite an improvement in the


M \I.K\I VK\\ (il l K KKS CIIOSKNlt\ 1.11W1.K \T KIiKCTION


L. L. Snow was re-elected master

ot the Thurston County Pomona| Grange at the annual election last

1 uesda> in connection with the reg-ular November meeting, at the Mc--1 ane Grange hull at Mud Buy. The

I meeting was one of the lurgest of theI current year, 150 people sitting down

I to the big dinner served at noon.

I Other officers re-elected are: Mrs.I). M. Kagy, chaplain; Travis Ayer.

! noon.! assistant steward; D. M. Kagy, treas-

j treasurer, and Kuby Chilson, ladyI assistant steward. New officers are:'.lames 11. Housman. overseer; Mrs.

j .Jacob Gunstone, lecturer; Joe Com-istock, steward, and Mrs. L. IJ. Snow,

| secretary. The executive committeei will be elected at the next meeting,

! to be held at the Des Chutes Grange

hall December lit.At the morning session last Tues-

|day, Mr. and Mrs. .Joe Comstock, Mr.

I and Mrs. C. C. Aspinwall and sonMark. Charles li. Carr, Mr. and Mrs.W. I). Cook and Mr. and Mrs. JayBolster, all members of McLaneGrange, were initiated into thePomona degree. Dinner was thf.n

served, after which came the election

of officers.In the business meeting that fol-

lowed the Pomona members decided

to hold a dinner in this city Wednes-day, December 6, during the week ofthe extension school, to raise moneyv ith which to pay off the remainderof the Grange's portion of the deficitof the second Thurston County Fair.Some SBS remains to be raised.

The dinner, it is expected, willdraw a large crowd of farmers fromthose attending the extension schoolThe short program that will follow

will commemorate the fiftieth anni-versary of the founding of theGrange.

The Pomona this week endorsed

the plans for the extension school,December 4 to 9, and urged farmers

generally to attend.

building by cleaning and making

some needed repairs.Miss Peterson and Mr. Conrad

Hansen were guests at dinner Sun-day at the home of Mr. and Mrs W.K. Ball.

Mr. P. B. Glasford was in Olym-pia Monday on business.


Ralph Reynolds came Monday andwill stay for a while with his parents.

Mrs. Hastie, Sr., and Miss Adair,

who were spending a few days with

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hastle, Jr., re-turned to Seattle last Saturday.

Mr. Frank Handle, of North Yak-

ima, was visiting his sister, Mrs JeffReynolds, la3t Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Reld Conine and Mr.

John Daln autoed to Tacoma last

Monday.The literary meeting at the Forest

school last Friday evening was very

largely attended and enjoyed by allpresent. It was decided to hold

meetings only once a month. The

next will ba held December 15th.

Herbert Welk, of Tacoma, wasshaking hands with his Eureka

friends last Friday evening.

I'lea.sant Glade (Jrunjfe Klects.

At a well-attended meeting of the

Pleasant Glade Grange last Saturday

night, the following officers wereelected for the coming year: Master,

Mrs. R. B. Rowe; overseer, H. C.

Kills; secretary, E. S. Gray; treas-

urer, R. B. Rowe; steward. John

Rowe; assistant steward, Mrs. E. T.

Palmer; gatekeeper, Robert Spencer.

The Grange is planning a Thanksgiv-

ing dinner for members and their

friends and will keep "open house"at the hall all afternoon Thanksgiv-

ing day.


Mrs. Alex Adair and daughter Leila

tailed at Haydeen's and Jack Adair'sThursday.

Mr. Ernest Reed is at home now.The children of this neighborhood

rre all taking turns at being on the

sick list.T)r. Partlow was called out to at-

tend Archie Haydeen, who was very

sfck the other day. but is reported

much better at the present writing.

Frankie Reed spent Saturday after-

noon with Bertram Shincke.

Miss Ethel Shincke, of Yelm, is vis-

iting at Shincke's.

Miss Ruby Reed, of Olympia, and

Mrs. George Bump and daughters vis-

ited at Reed's Sunday.

For Sale or Trade ?Span of

horses, about 1,500 pounds; wagon,

woodrack. would consider good Ford

auto. W. H. Dibble, Tumwater. tf





Give your foot a treat and learn what "Foot Comfort" really

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It is so simple a child can operate it, and it will light yourhome for much less than you would have to pay for electricityin Olympia. It is a complete electric light plant, safe, reliable,

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