ancient china notes

Ancient China

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Post on 12-Jan-2015




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Ancient China

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China is one of the world's oldest continuous civilizations.

221 BC is the commonly accepted year when China became unified under a large kingdom or empire.

China was first united by Qin Shi Huang in 221 BC.

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GeographyThe geography of ancient China can be conveniently

divided up into three regions:

1) The Yangtze and Yellow Rivers

2) The Gobi and Taklamakan Deserts

3) The Himalayan Mountains

In ancient China, the importance of the Yangtze and

Yellow Rivers is hard to overstate. People mostly

settled along these rivers, and different settlements were

ruled by different kings

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Ancient Chinese people traded salt, iron, fish, cattle, and silk.

Silk was traded for goods and services – Silk route

At the eastern end of the route, the Chinese traded with people from India, providing them with silk and getting lapis lazuli, coral, jade, glass, and pearls in exchange.


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In ancient China there was a massive demographic gap between farmers and kings and the nobles.

The farmers worked very hard for little money.

The nobles lived in palaces while the farmers survived in tiny huts.

The nobles were highly regarded and lived with great riches.

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Position of Women

Male domination was common in ancient China. The women were asked to take care of the children and household. They never had their choice in marriage and were not included in any decision making.

The ancient Chinese had many peculiar customs one being foot binding.

Girls at the age of puberty were made to go through this painful custom. Their toes were broken and bandaged. This normally reduced the size of their feet. This process continued for a long time.

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Ancient China practiced mainly three religions




They had a rich spiritual heritage and they believed in YIN and YANG - the male and female energies which complimented each other.

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Ancient China had dynasties Dynasties were led by

one family

When another family took over it was a new dynasties

Examples include: Han Dynasty Qin Dynasty Manchu Dynasty

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Invented Paper

Invented the compass