ancestors genesis chapters 24-50. why are dreams (both walking and sleeping one) important avenues...

Ancestors Genesis Chapters 24-50

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Page 1: Ancestors Genesis Chapters 24-50. Why are dreams (both walking and sleeping one) important avenues for self- understanding?


Genesis Chapters 24-50

Page 2: Ancestors Genesis Chapters 24-50. Why are dreams (both walking and sleeping one) important avenues for self- understanding?

Why are dreams (both walking and sleeping one) important avenues for self-understanding?

Page 3: Ancestors Genesis Chapters 24-50. Why are dreams (both walking and sleeping one) important avenues for self- understanding?

1. Discover what happened to the descendants of Abraham and Sarah in Canaan

2. Trace the recurring motif of separation and reconciliation in the family stories of Genesis

3. Discuss the significance of the surprising victory of the underdog, of younger sons trumping older brothers

Page 4: Ancestors Genesis Chapters 24-50. Why are dreams (both walking and sleeping one) important avenues for self- understanding?

Isaac is not mentioned much in Genesis but his life is an example of submission to God.

Isaac eventually marries Rebekah

Isaac and Ishmael briefly meet to bury their father Abraham

Rebekah has twin sons: Esau and Jacob

Jacob means holder of the heal

Page 5: Ancestors Genesis Chapters 24-50. Why are dreams (both walking and sleeping one) important avenues for self- understanding?

5 Min.

Page 6: Ancestors Genesis Chapters 24-50. Why are dreams (both walking and sleeping one) important avenues for self- understanding?

God tells Rebekah that Jacob, the younger of the two, will rule over his older brother.

Esau is the father’s favorite

Jacob is the mother’s favorite

Esau trades his birthright*- inheritance due to the eldest son under the patriarchal rule for a bowl of stew

Page 7: Ancestors Genesis Chapters 24-50. Why are dreams (both walking and sleeping one) important avenues for self- understanding?

3:35 min

Page 8: Ancestors Genesis Chapters 24-50. Why are dreams (both walking and sleeping one) important avenues for self- understanding?
Page 9: Ancestors Genesis Chapters 24-50. Why are dreams (both walking and sleeping one) important avenues for self- understanding?

Jacob also deceives Isaac his father into giving him Esau’s blessing

Jacob flees to his uncle Laban’s house

God sends Jacob a dream, known as Jacob’s Ladder.

Jacob builds a memorial to honor God and remember

God begins to use dreams, visions, etc when talking with Abraham’s descendants

Page 10: Ancestors Genesis Chapters 24-50. Why are dreams (both walking and sleeping one) important avenues for self- understanding?

Jacob wants to marry his cousin Rachel and works 7 years for her hand in marriage

He is deceived into marrying Leah and has to work another 7 years for Rachel

The deceiver has now been deceived

Page 11: Ancestors Genesis Chapters 24-50. Why are dreams (both walking and sleeping one) important avenues for self- understanding?

Jacob was on his way back home was attacked by a stranger and they fought all night

Jacob’s hip was dislocated

God changed his name to Israel*- renewed the covenant with God and Abraham

Page 12: Ancestors Genesis Chapters 24-50. Why are dreams (both walking and sleeping one) important avenues for self- understanding?
Page 13: Ancestors Genesis Chapters 24-50. Why are dreams (both walking and sleeping one) important avenues for self- understanding?

Jacob loves his son Joseph more than any other son

Made him a “coat of many colors”

Joseph is sold into slavery, imprisoned when falsely accused of sexual relations with Potiphar’s wife, and becomes second in command of Egypt

Joseph is finally reunited with his brothers because of famine in the land

Page 15: Ancestors Genesis Chapters 24-50. Why are dreams (both walking and sleeping one) important avenues for self- understanding?
Page 16: Ancestors Genesis Chapters 24-50. Why are dreams (both walking and sleeping one) important avenues for self- understanding?
Page 17: Ancestors Genesis Chapters 24-50. Why are dreams (both walking and sleeping one) important avenues for self- understanding?

Joseph’s story depicts major themes in the book of Genesis, God’s intervention in human life brings:


Page 18: Ancestors Genesis Chapters 24-50. Why are dreams (both walking and sleeping one) important avenues for self- understanding?

Jacob will eventually be the father of the 12 tribes of Israel

This will be the promised nation that the rest of the Old Testament will talk about

Joseph’s story finds the family in Egypt, and that is where Exodus will also find them