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TIME CAPSULE Presentation by: Anand Shah If all of the world´s cultural heritage (sports, music, fashion, architecture, literature, painting, etc..) was contained in a time capsule, what would you include to demonstrate the legacy of your country?

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Post on 10-May-2015




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Anand Shah, Applicant for Masters in Finance at IE Business School, Spain Power point presentation on the following question : If all of the world´s cultural heritage (sports, music, fashion, architecture, literature, painting, etc..) was contained in a time capsule, what would you include to demonstrate the legacy of your country?


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TIME CAPSULE Presentation


Anand Shah

If all of the world´s cultural heritage (sports, music, fashion, architecture, literature, painting, etc..) was contained in a time capsule, what would you include to demonstrate the legacy of your country?

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One of the greatest contributions of India to the world is The Bhagavad Gita which is considered to be one of the first revelations from the Hindu God, Krishna. The Bhagavad Gita is the essence of Vedic literature, a poem of 700 verses in Sanskrit and is a complete guide to practical life. 

I would want to include a copy of the Bhagavad Gita in the time capsule to safe keep the value systems and beliefs of the modern day Hindu.

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Indian classical music is rooted in antiquity, with traces of its origin found in ancient scriptures, tradition and the Vedas that has been passed on for thousands of years. The music can be further bifurcated into two broad categories- Hindustani (North Indian) and Carnatic (South Indian).

Music itself is a universal language and can be enjoyed by one and all. A modern icon of Indian classical music, Zakhir Hussain, sums it up by saying that Indian music has healing attributes and is rejuvenating.

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Mahatma Gandhi who lead India’s freedom struggle is also fondly remembered as the ‘Father of the Nation’ and lovingly as ‘Bapu’. His principle of ‘ahimsa’ or non-violence need no introduction.

Gandhism is a body of ideas and principles that describes the inspiration, vision and the life work of Mahatma Gandhi. Precepts of Gandhism are rooted in non-violence and truth, is that truth is far more powerful than any weapon of mass destruction.

I hope the world follow his principles, perhaps it will be possible to gain a perspective on creating a new world where there is no war, where people are no longer oppressed regardless of race, religion or sex and there is peace.

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Greatest writer in modern Indian literature, Bengali poet, novelist, educator, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913. This poetry, ‘Where the mind is without fear’ was written during India’s freedom struggle from the British and portrays ‘free India’ .

I believe that art has a function, that of making our lives a little better, a little more beautiful. This particular piece of poetry is very close to my heart. Reading this poetry gives me inspiration in times of self doubt and courage when I’m feeling weak.

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In India, khadi is not just a cloth. The history of khadi can be traced back to the time a movement started by Mahatma Gandhi which aimed at boycotting foreign goods and promoting Indian goods.

Indian hand spun khadi is cloth made out of raw material like cotton, silk or wool which suits the Indian weather perfectly. Though it is a part of the Indian heritage, use of khadi has been obscure for a while. However, recently a lot of efforts have been made to promote khadi. Further, khadi has also taken the fashion world by a storm. Best of globally known Indian fashion designers like Ritu Kumar and Sabyasaachi Mukherjee have started using khadi as well.

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Taj Mahal, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, is a monument of such incredible elegance that it is considered synonymous with beauty itself. In 1631, emperor Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal in memory of his wife Mumtaz, who died in childbirth. The white marble tomb at Agra has become the monument of a man's love for a woman.

In addition to being a ‘symbol of love’, Taj Mahal is one of the finest examples of Muslim art in India and one of the universally admired masterpieces of the world's heritage.

Love and beauty are two sides of a coin and Taj Mahal encompasses both these attributes equally.

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Diwali celebrates Lord Rama's glorious and long-awaited return to his Kingdom of Ayodhya after his fourteen long years of exile in the forests and is heralded as the triumph of good over evil. Diwali literally means a "Row of Lights." It is a time filled with light and love; a time when Indians all over the world rejoice.

This time of the year Indians, dressed in their best outfits, light ‘diyas’ or lamps all around the house, get together with family and friends, burst firecrackers and exchange sweets along with good wishes. The sky lights up with fireworks which lights up everyone’s smiles. ‘Spirit of Diwali’ is a potpourri of light, laughter and happiness.

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Rangoli is one of the richest Indian arts. Rangoli is the art of drawing images, patterns and motifs on the floor and walls of one's home using different color powders. Basically a floor painting, a Rangoli image stands for a sign of welcome. One of the most popular arts among Indian women, Rangoli is an age old custom of India, and practiced all over the country.

The best part about this particular art is that, being inexpensive, this can be practiced by Indian homes of all status. All you need is a little bit of creativity and imagination to add a little bit of cheer to your surroundings. Rangoli designs are passed down through generations, with some of them being hundreds of years old.

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From time immemorial, India has been considered as the "Spice Bowl of the World". Indian cuisine is characterized by the extensive use of numerous spices and Indian spices can turn an ordinary meal into an explosion of flavors on your palate. Along with giving exotic flavour to the dishes, the spices have many nutritional and medicinal values.

Most Indian kitchens have something known as “spice box” to store the spices for day to day use. The image of the spice box triggers my earliest memory of my mother cooking a wonderful meal for the family. Personally for me, spice box represents home and everything Indian.

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India being a cricket frenzy nation, one cannot escape its omnipresence. Cricket represents the spirit of sportsmanship and embodies Indians’ nationalism as well. There is no better icon of this sport than Sachin Tendulkar who recently retired after a sparkling career spanning 24 years and many unbreakable records.

His success story has served as an inspiration to all young Indians. Hailing from a middle class family background, he wrote his fate with his own hard work, determination and ‘never say never’ attitude. He has played cricket and excelled at it for longer than I have been alive and I would like to preserve his records in the time capsule as a testimony of an ordinary life and extraordinary innings.

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A.R. Rahman is an Indian composer, singer-songwriter, music producer, musician and multi-instrumentalist. Described as the world's most prominent and prolific film composer by Time, his works are notable for integrating Indian classical music with electronic music sounds, world music genres and traditional orchestral arrangements. AR Rahman has won host of awards including two Oscars and two Grammys.

A.R. Rahman not only put India on the map as far as music is concerned but global appreciation for his music is a testament to the fact music has no language.

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India is the largest producer of films in the world. The industry is supported mainly by a vast film-going Indian public.

Indian movies are best known for their song and dance routines where sometimes the hero can break into a number in the middle of a fight sequence even. However, there is more to bollywood movies than that. It has its share of classics, the ‘must-see’ as well as the ‘entertainers’.

All Indians grow up on a staple of Bollywood movies and I am no different. Bollywood for me represents all that is fun. These movies are just regular stories played out by regular actors shot by a regular crew but with a spicy Indian twist.

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Indian culture is rich and diverse. As a result India is unique in its very own way. India's languages, religions, dance, music, architecture, food and customs differ from place to place within the country.

Many elements of India's diverse culture, such as Indian religions, yoga and cuisine have had a profound impact across the world.

Nothing makes me more proud of being an Indian than showcasing the richness of the Indian culture and tradition.

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