analyzing the different socio·economic factors … · important factor affecting the demand of an...

B & E Review Vol. 7 No .1 1994 - 1996 ANALYZING THE DIFFERENT SOCIO·ECONOMIC FACTORS AFFECTING THE DEMAND FOR HEALTH CARE FACILITIES AND SERVICES IN THE PROVINCE OF PAMPANGA Rayomand Parvez Khatao Ana Fe Ongtioco Lansangan Penelope Chan Tan Philippines, being a Thi rd World Country, has always been on the search of the right approaches that would improve the worsening eco- nomic condition of the country. The government seems to be concentrating more on its external undermining the internal problems that the country is facing. One of which is the provision of good social basic services of the Filipino people, such as health. This is one thing that the government has to concern itself with . There appears to be a direct relationship between development and health. Health care is regarded by most government (at least in theory) as a productive investment, increasing labour productivity, reducing waste of life and enhancing quality of life (Phillips, 1990). Thus, an improvement in the health conditions of the Filipino people would therefore result to a better quality of life and an improved standard of living for them. There is no doubt that health plays an important role in the development of a nation. Third World citizens, such as the Filipinos are faced ' with different kinds of health care systems, such as the private, public and traditional health care (e.g ., albularyo). In the Philippines, health care is provided both by public and pri- vate sectors. The government provides a range of preventive, curative and rehabilitative services. The private sector, however, provides , mostly

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Page 1: ANALYZING THE DIFFERENT SOCIO·ECONOMIC FACTORS … · important factor affecting the demand of an individual. It measures the capability of the individual to acquire the preferred

B & E Review Vol. 7 No . 1 1994 - 1996




Rayomand Parvez Khatao Ana Fe Ongtioco Lansangan

Penelope Chan Tan

Philippines, being a Th ird World Country, has always been on the search of the right approaches that would improve the worsening eco­nomic condition of the country.

The government seems to be concentrating more on its external undermining the internal problems that the country is facing . One of which is the provision of good social basic services of the Fil ipino people, such as health . This is one thing that the government has to concern itself with .

There appears to be a direct relationship between development and health . Health care is regarded by most government (at least in theory) as a productive investment, increasing labour productivity, reducing waste of life and enhancing quality of life (Phillips, 1990).

Thus, an improvement in the health conditions of the Filipino people would therefore result to a better quality of life and an improved standard of living for them. There is no doubt that health plays an important role in the development of a nation .

Third World citizens, such as the Filipinos are faced ' with different kinds of health care systems , such as the private, public and traditional health care (e.g ., albularyo ).

In the Philippines , health care is provided both by public and pri­vate sectors . The government provides a range of preventive, curative and rehabilitative services. The private sector, however, provides , mostly

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curative and rehabilitati-,e care. Privatively operated health facilities such as hospitals and clinics generally cater to upper and middle income groups. Government health facilities are expected to cater to the lower income groups. Traditional healers play an important role in health ser­vice delivery in the rural areas where modern health facilities are defi­cient (Health Care Financing, 1987).

The maldistribution of health care personnel and resources between areas of lTlany Third World Countries are frequently unaffordable charges is counterbalanced to some degree by the existence of traditional medi­cal practitioners (Phillips , 1990).

Hindrances to rational health care and environmental improvement have persisted for some decades such as the scarcity of resources, man­power, equipment, education and housing as critical (King, 1966).

Cultural, social and psychological acceptance of health systems other than the modern scientific has been long established and recog­nized in lTlajority of the Third World countries.

Third World citizens, such as the Filipinos are faced with different kinds of health care systems, such as the private public and traditional healers .

Countries typically plan their medical care systems by focusing ion broad measures of health status, geographic accessibility of government facilities , and general theories of how health services should be deliv­ered . Health planners rarely take into account economic data on de­mand, eXisting use patterns, or alternative sources of care (Griffin & Paqueo, 1987).

Studies show that there are several socio-economic factors that affect the preference of individuals on what type of health care system he chooses.

Some of these factors are household income, level of educational attainment, location of the health care facilities and services he wants to avail , transportation cost in going to that place, and consultation fees the individual has to pay for the facil ities and services rendered.

Income is an important factor to consider because it serves as a basis as to what type of health care the user will choose, whether mod­ern or traditional health care. The concept of income elasticity states that demand is income ela.stic if a slight change in the income of the individual would create a great change in their demand patterns .

Income is thought ti be an extremely important deterrent to using medical services (Akin, 1986).

A recent examination of the literature ion use patter[1s shows sur­prisingly high patronage of nongovernment providers in both urban and rural areas of many developing countries (Akin et ai. , 1985). Aggregate expenditure estimates indicate that private spending as a proportion of total health expenditure estimates is highest among the poorest coun­tries (World Bank, 1987) Household expenditure surveys in a number of countries also suggest that the poo rest households often spend higher

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percentages of their income on health care than do high income house­holds, even when free government care is available (Griffin , 1987).

Demographic characteristics such as education also has an effect on the demand of the user.

Andersen and Benham claim that these variables are proxies for tastes or for "attitudes and values about health care," to use their termi­nology. Suppose it were true, however, that an increase in education did not shift tastes but rather increased the efficiency of the production pro­cess by which health is produced . If an increase in education raised productivity, it would lower the relative price of health . Thus, by the fundamental law of the downward-sloping demand curve, more educated people would demand more health (Grossman , 1970).

Ching (1992), on the other hand, stated otherwise . The economist said that the more educated the person is, the more willing he is to seek early treatment. Moreover, an educated patient tends to seek more on preventive services and less on curative services.

The concept of price elasticity states that demand is price elastic if a slight change in the price would create a great change ion the demand pattern of an individual

The other basic factor affecting elasticity of demand is the relative importance of the price of a commodity to an individual's total income. If the commodity takes up only a tiny fraction of total income, then the demand for that commodity will be inelastic. On the other hand, if a large share of the income goes to the consumption of the commodity, then it will be elastic (Santiago et aI. , 1993)

In the study that was done, price was considered to be another important factor affecting the demand of an individual. It measures the capability of the individual to acquire the preferred types of health care, .

The definition of "accessibility" is rarely clear-cut. Accessib il ity may be considered a slippery notion , meaning , in general term , that some­thing is "get-at-able" (Moseley, 1979). In health care te rms, the prov i­sion of a facility of a given type within a specified distance of an in­tended user population is frequently considered to give more or less ac­cess to all "potential" users-hence the derivation of the concept of "po­tential " accessibility (viz. because a facility exists, it may be used). In many Third World countries, one of the greatest challenges to health care planning is the extension of effective accessibility (Phillips, 1990)

For this particular study, the variables distance and transportation cost were used as a measure of the accessibility of the individual to the health care facility of his choice.

Distance which was measured in kilometers , would suggest that the farther the distance, the less accessible it wou ld be for the individual.

On the other hand , transportation cost incurred in going to and from the health care facility (measured in pesos) , suggests that the more expensive it is , the farther the location of the facility.

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GivEln the variables mentioned above, the researchers believe that there are many factors that may influence the utilization of health care facilities by the individual and the type of facility he may choose, whether modern or traditional health care.

The researchers want to know which among the socio-economic factors related to health that were used for this particular study done in the province of Pampanga would greatly affect an individual 's decision on choosing the kind of health care system they prefer

For this specific study, the researchers have surveyed four hun­dred respondents from ten municipalities in the area of study (Pampanga ).

The researchers used three dummy dependent variable models to be able to quantify the qualitative dependent variable which is the de­mand of individuals for the type of health care they prefer The three models used were Linear Probability Model (LPM) , Logit Model and Pro bit Model.

The purpose of using these three dummy dependent variable mod­els for the study, is to know which among them would produce best re­sults that wou ld closely reflect the actual situation on the area of study.

Among the three models that were mentioned above, the research­ers have chosen the Logit model for the following reasons: (a) the results of the said model met with one of the objectives of the study, which is to determine the most significant among the independent variables that may affect the demand for hospital and clinical health care services ; (b) the significance of the independent variables produced by this model depicts the real condition existing in the area of study.

In analyzing the surveyed data (see TSP tables), th e researchers divided th ,= respondents into three: those using the private health care systems , those using the public health care systems, and those using the traditional health care systems.

The study used two sets of demand equations, The first set of demand equations (for private health care users, public health care us­ers and traditional users) uses distance as one of its independent var I­ables . Distance (measure din kilometers) would measure how far the respondent has to travel to reach the health care facility he chooses . whether pl'ivate hospitals or clin ics , public hospitals or health centers , or the traditional healers. The second set of demand equations (for private health care users , publ ic health care users , and tradit ional users) uses transportation cost (measured in PESO) would measure the monetary value a respondent has to spend to reach his desired health care system

In analyzing the demand of the private health care facilit ies users the demand equation which used distance as one of its independent var i­ables produced the following results : all of the variables used in this equa­tion were significant and that conSUltation fee has the greatest impact on one's decision of acquiring the said health care system

Income (Y), Edu cation (EDU ), and Consultatio n fee (PRF ) are in­versely related to the deman d of private health care systems. while dis -

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tance (PRO) is the only variable which is directly related ti the demand of private health care systems.

Therefore, as Y, EOU, and PRF of the respondent increases, the probability that they will demand such health care systems decreases. This is because as their income increases they can now afford to acquire the basic need of man such as food , shelter, clothing, etc . Also their educational attainment increases, an individual would have better nutri­tion and would basically know the right health attitudes, like how to prop­erly take care of himself. Likewise if the consultation fees of private health care systems increase, the individuals demand for the health care sys­tems declines.,

On the other hand as the distance of private health care systems (PRO) increases, the greater the probability of a the respondent going to it. This is because the respondent using the private health care systems believe that it is at this level of health care that you receive the best treatment.

For thew public health care system users (still using distance as one of its variables) Y, EOU, and PUO (distance of public health care systems) are all significant. Only PUF (public consultation fee) was in­significant. This is because public health care systems do not charge any amount to its users, but individuals may give donations in cash or in kind. Among the three significant variables, Y has the greatest impact on one's demand for the public health care systems.

Like in the case of private health care systems, only the distance is directly related to the respondents demand for public health care sys­tems .

As Y, EOU, and PUF increases, the probability of individuals ac­quiring such health care systems decreases. This is because as the individual 's income increases he can now afford to acquire the services of private health care systems. Also since his income has increased he can now have better nutrition , shelter, and clothing . The reason behind the effect of EOU on the demand for public health care systems. For the consultation fee, as fees would increase the probability that the individual would demand public health care systems would decrease and he not seek such services,

As distance increases, there is still a probability that the individual would continues to seek public health care systems because it is gener­ally free and you mayor may not give donations.

The results for the respondent using the services of traditional heal­ers (using distance as one of its independent variables) is as follows : the only significant variable is Y, pointing out that has the greatest impact on individuals using traditional health care systems

Y, EOU, and ALO (distance to traditional healers) are all indirectly related to the demand for traditional health care systems, while ALF (con­sultation fees) is directly related to the demand for traditional health care systems.

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Thus as Y, EDU, and ALD increases the probability that the respon­dent would continue to acquire such services would decrease. This is because as their income would increase they would rather go to the pri­vate health care systems. Also they can afford to have better nutrition , shelter, and clothing . The reason for the effect of EDU on traditional health care systems is the same as that of private and public health care systems Since traditional healers are located within an individuals com­munity, it has to go farther than usual he would not use the services be­cause he would acquire public health care systems which also do not charge consultation fees .

Looking at the second set of demand equations using transporta­tion cost as one of its independent vari ables, these are the results, .

For the private health care facilities users , the demand equation which used transportation cost as one of its independent variables pro­duced thl~ following results all of the variables used in this equation were significant and that consultation fee has the greatest impa ct on one's decision of acquiring the said health care system

Income (Y), Education (EDU ), and Consultation fee (PRF) are in­versely redated to the demand of private health care systems, while trans­portation costs (PRT) is the only variable which is directly related to the demand of private hea lth care systems.

The reason behind the effects of Y, EDU , and PRF are the same as in the case of private health care systems using distance as one of its independent variable .

On the other hand as the transportation cost of private health care systems (PRT) increases, the greater the probability of a the respondent going to it. This is because the respondents using private health ca re systems believe that it is at this level of health care that you receive the best treatment and that they do not min d spending a little to make such services accessible.

For the public health care system users (using transportation cost as one 01 its variables) only Y and EDU are significant. PUF (public con­sultation fee) was insignificant. This is because public health care sys­tems do not charge any amount to its users , but individuals may give donations in cash or in kind . Also PUT (public transportation cost) turned out to be insignificant. Among the two significant variables , Y has the greatest impact on one's demand for the public health care systems.

Both Y and EDU are indirectly related to one's demand for public health care systems Meanwhile PUF and PUT are directly related to one's demand for public health care systems.

As Y and EDU increase, the probability of individuals acquiring such hea lth care systems decreases . The reason for which is the same as that mentioned above for public users having distance as one of its independl~nt variables. It is because as the individual's income increase he can now afford to acquire the services of private health care sys­tems ., Also sin ce his income has increased he can now have better

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nutrition , shelter, and public health care systems. For the consultation fee, as fees would increase the probability that the individual would de­mand public health care systems would decreases and he not seek such services ,.

As transportation cost increase, there is still a probability that the individual would continue to seek public health care systems because it is generally free and you mayor may not give donations.

The results for the respondent using the services of traditional heal­ers (using transportation cost as one of its independent variables) is as follows: the only significant variable is Y, pointing out that Y has the greatest impact on individuals using traditional health care systems.

Y and EDUI are inversely related to the demand of traditional health c::lre systems, while ALF (consultation fee ) and ALT (transportation cost to traditional healer) are directly related to the demand for tradition health care systems.

Thus as Y and EDU in crease the probability that the respondent would continue to acquire such services would decreases. The reason behind the effects of these two variables is the same as the equation of traditional healers using distance as one of its independent variables.

Among the respondents , 46 percent use private health care faci li­ties and services 44.31 percent prefer going to public health care facili­ties and services, and 9.69 percent still seek the services of traditional healers.

One of the reasons that was considered why there is a bigger per­centage among the respondents that use private health care facilities and services is because there are municipalities included in the areas of study that are urbanized (like Angeles City and San Fernando) and have a higher level of income. Thus , there would be more respondents ca­pable of seeking [private health care facilities and services .

The gathered data show that respondents who use private health care facilities and services have the highest average net monthly house­hold income, P982301 per month .

The private practitioners charge an average consultation fee of P100 .00 for services rendered. In the case of docto rs serving in public hospitals and health centers, no consultation fee is required. However, the patients give donations in the average amount of P45 . Respondents who go to traditional healers are also not required to pay any amount of money. Payment is done on a voluntary basis. An average of P7 .50 is being given to the traditional healers as donation . The payment for the traditional may also come in kinds like packs of cigarette , liquor, and livestock .

Respondents who go to the private health care facilities and ser­vices are at least high school graduates While the users of public health care facilities and services and traditional healers are high schoo l under­graduates .

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Th,a survey data indicate that respondents who choose to seek pri­vate health care services and facilities have attained a higher educational attainment, and are earning a higher income as compared to those who use the public health care services and facilities and traditional healers. Taking these facts into consideration, these enable the private health care users to continuously use these kind of facilities amidst the fact that the average distance of the private hospitals and clinics from the respon­dents' place is the farthest as compared to the other two types of health care, and it is also the most expensive based on the average consulta­tion fee paid by the respondents.

Comparing the public health care users to the users of traditional health care. The respondents have attained a higher degree of educa­tional attainment. They know that modern science is more reliable in­stead of the traditional medicine,. When asked why they choose to go to the doctors and not to the traditional healers, most of the respondent said that they feel safe in the hands of doctors because there are profes­sional and have gone to medical school. The doctors know what they are doin~;J. The public health care users go to public hospitals or clinics instead of private ones because of financial constraints . The average monthly household income of the public users is only 46 .22 percent of the average monthly household income of private users They cannot afford to go to thew private practitioners and avail of their services and use of their facilities,

The modern health care users said that they do not believe in the expertise of the traditional healer because they give importance to the academic background of doctors and some respondents said that their decision not to seek the services of traditional healers is influenced by their religion, for example, Iglesia ni Kristo followers

Only a small percentage of the respondents , 9.7 percent seek the services of the traditional healer. Most of the respondents have a rela­tively large household . They also have the lowest level of educational attainment and have the lowest monthly average household income as well , compared to the pri vate and public health care users. Among the common reasons given by the respondents when asked why they choose to go to traditional healers include high cost of modern health care , com­mon practice in the family and some of them even believe that there are some illnE~sses that the doctors cannot cure.


Economists have con sidered issues in health care as important and is considered to be as other vital area that has to be carefully stud­ied and planned by the government for the welfare of the people it gov-erns .

The people in Third W orld co untries are fa ced with different health care systems where they can cho ose from for th eir medi cal needs.

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These health care systems include the private, public and the tradi­tional healers.

With the existence of these health care systems, people can choose what type of health care they prefer to seek. They have their own rea­sons on selecting their choices. Besides, individuals differ as regards to their preferences, way of thinking and the knowledge that they have.

Studies regarding health issues have indicated that there are dif­ferent factors that can influence a person 's utilization behavior of health care facilities and services.

Different factors such as income, education , consultation fee, dis­tance of the health care facility and transportation cost incurred in going to the health care facility are some of the specified factors in previous studies conducted.

It is in this regard that this study has been pursued by the research-ers.

For the users of the private health care system . The study revealed that all of the factors mentioned were significant but among all of these, consultation fee has the greatest impact on the user.

As consultation fee increases, the demand for private health care facilities and services decreases.

For the users of the public health care system and the traditional healer, income if the most significant among all of the factors.

If the income of the user will increase, the probability of the user ti utilize the public health care system or acquire the services of a tradi­tional healer will decrease. An increase in his income would enable him to acquire private health care facilities and services, since he can now affords to pay. Another reason that may be considered is that with an increase in an income, he would be able to get better nutrition and gain better health ., Thus, this would lessen the probability of the user getting sick.

Indeed, income can be considered as the widely used measure in determining the demand of an individual.

As shown in the study, income has been a consistent significant factor in the case of each type of health care user.

Further, most of the studies related to health have indicated that income, since it is the primary measure of a family's resources deter­mines their demand for basic goods and services as well as their medi­cal care consumption .

The researchers have prepared recommendation concerning each of the socio-economic factors that were considered to be affecting the demand for health care facilities and services by the people in the prov­ince of Pampanga .

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Income has always been noted as one of the most important factors in measuring the demand for health care services and facilities of an indi­vidual. Thus, it would definitely affect the preference of an individual in choosing among the several health care services and facilities present in th e society.

Unfortunately, most of the people in Pampanga suffer from pov­erty. However, this was not due to the very low income they receive for they actually earn a relatively high compensation . The private health care users receive an averaged monthly income of P9,823 .01, while the public health care users receive P4 ,539 .99 every month . On the other hand, respondents who resort to services of traditional healers in times of sickness posted the lowest average monthly income , as expected (P3,765.95). The reason why many families in Pampanga are consid­ered as poor is because of the fact that several members of the house­hold share in spending the average monthly income of the household . The households using private health care services and facilities have an average of nine members; public health care users consist of an average of six members; and households seeking for traditional healers' services have an average of seven members . In effect , the average household income per head of the private health care users declines to as low as P1 ,039 .36 a month , and P759.45 a month for the public health care us­ers, while on the other hand , the users of traditional health care services have settl l~ for an average household income per head of P537 .99.

Therefore, it becomes more unlikely for the poor household to seek for proper modern health care service and facilities due to their relatively low average household income received .

There are several possible ways in order to minimize or slowly wipe out this problem. First, the government must regularly monitor the dif­ferent fee8 being charged by the practitioners of modern health care and set the said fees in a very reasonable level. Secondly, the department of health is doing a very good job in carrying out preventive measures to stop the occurrence of vital diseases (such as polio) among the future generation . They should pursue to come up with more preventive health programs.

To be able to generate more employment opportunities, the gov­ernment may resort to granting of incentives to investors who are willing to put up firms (factories or manufacturing) in the countryside (like Pampanga) . However, this is a long term process . For the meantime , they shou ld resort to strateg ies which co uld give immediate results, . An example of this would be by en co urag ing the rural po or to engage in businesses which does not require high capital In carrying out these strategies, the government should teach the parti cipating ho usehold with skills which can help them in building up their own business Su ch in­clude seminars on sewing , food preparati on, basi c engineering co urse

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jewelry appraisal, pawning, teaching modern techniques in farming and the likes. These kinds of activities which the government impart would help them not only for a short period of time but for lifetime. It would be useless if the government would just try to increase the minimum wage rate of poor individuals in the place, for even if they do, the correspond­ing increase would still be considered as almost immaterial (increase of P10 to P15) since the fees being charged to unhealthy individuals suffer­ing from grave illnesses such as TB, cholera, hepatitis, cancer kidney stones are generally very high.


Similar to household income, the level of educational attainment of an individual plays a significant role ion how he views the different health care services and facilities available in the society.

In theory, as one's level of educational attainment increases, his demand for modern health care services and facilities would also tend to increase. This could be due to his increasing awareness of the available health care services and facilities in the market. But the result of this study proved otherwise.

In this study, as one's ;Ievel of educational attainments increases, the less he would demand for health care services and facilities. This behavior is attributed to the fact that as one's level of education attain­ment increases, the more he is aware of how to keep himself healthy and free from diseases. He would then learn how to first apply self-medica­tion before going to hospitals or clinics.

Truly, educational attainment has a tremendous impact on the kind of health that an individual has. So, it would then be proper and neces­sary for the government to provide a more improved educational system . Further, the centers for learning should also be conducive to learning,. Educators must also be given enough compensation which must be at­tractive enough so as not to give them any reasons at all to complain. It is not necessary that education should be in the form of "degree produc­ing", but one which can impart the people with the necessary skills they need to learn to be able to find their own competitive edge over the oth­ers. In effect this will help them starts on their own.

The government has to implement health education programs that would raise public awareness and promote health-oriented behavior for the people through seminars and talks given by professionals. Govern­ment officials working for the Department of Health can visit different rural areas, or in the underprivileged areas for that matter and conduct a dialogue between the people so that they will be aware of their health problems.

The health education programs should not only be a means of making the people aware but should also be geared towards disseminat­ing important and helpful information that would make the people knowl­edgeable about health concerns.

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Another relevant variable in determining the demand for health care services and facilities of individuals is the fees being charged by practi­tioners.

In this study, only the fees (consultation) charged by the private health care practitioners turned out to be significant. Fees charged by pubic hospitals and health center and tradition healers revealed an insig­nificant t-stat. This occurrence is attributable to the fact that private practition.ars require a certain amount of money as a professional fee everytime a patient would seek for his health checkups., On the other hand, patients going to the public hospitals and health centers and tradi­tional healers are not required ti pay any professional fee or consultation fee , Although, they are informed that they may give donations if they wish to .

In analysing the resulting averages of the surveyed data, there are two reasons why people prefer to seek private practitioners' services even when they impose a relatively high professional fee . First, the income of private health care users is 216 percent higher than those who go tot the public health care practitioners for consultation . Secondly, since they have higher income, they are more aware of th e benefits these private health care practitioners and hospital or clinics can offer them ,.

In brief, the reason why respondents tend to got to private health care facilit ies for consultation is that they can actually afford the cost of going there and because they have better capabilities to study, they are more educated and are more informed of what private health care ser­vices and facilities can give them.


The last two independent variables considered in this study are distance (I<ms .) and transportation expenses. Only the distance and trans­portation ,expenses incurred in going to private health care facilities re­sulted to be significant. , This was primarily due to the far locations of private hospitals and clinics to several municipalities. The average dis­tance of private hospitals the domicile of the private health care users is 10.045 kilometers while the average distance of public health care facilities from the domicile of the public health care users is 7 .532 kilometers. and the traditional healers are generally living next door or are easily reached by walking

Accessibility of private health clinics and hospitals should then be improved to be able to reach the patients who need then the most. How­ever, another way of making the private health clinics and hospitals more accessible to the households is by improving the means of transporta­tion an communication of municipalities encountering related problems It would be much easier for the far municipalities to reach the private

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clinics and hospitals located in selected municipalities if the mass trans­portation is made more mobile. In cases of emergencies, an efficient communication (telephones) systems can save many lives and really be of great help. This is one factor much lacking in most rural areas. Al­though Pampanga is an area which is considered to be mostly urban, still, its communication systems is not that efficient.

Comprehensive studies regarding health issues and health prob­lems in the Philippines should be conducted in order to be able to come up with more effective health policies and programmes that will benefit the people, giving them a better quality of life.


THE LOGIT MODEL The statistical results for the Logit Model that uses distance as one

of its independent variables are as follows:


VARIABLE Income (Y) Education (EDU) Consultation Fee (PRF) Distance (PRO)

R-squared Durbin-Watson stat F -statistic

COEFFICIENT -0.1601060 -0.4622536 -0.3604034 0.1185461

-0 .045522 0.467731



VARIABLE Income (Y) Education (EDU) Consultation Fee (PUF) Distance (PUD)

R-squared Durbin-Watson stat F-statistic

COEFFICIENT -0.4163234 -0 .3279778 -0.0108600

0.1665454 0.041717 0.627682 1.915455038

T-STAT -3.2799178 -3 .4117590 -4 .3351502 3.6301815

T-STAT -10.557197

-2 .3543134 -0.2106050 3.4724005

Page 14: ANALYZING THE DIFFERENT SOCIO·ECONOMIC FACTORS … · important factor affecting the demand of an individual. It measures the capability of the individual to acquire the preferred



VAF<IABLE Income (Y) Education (EDU) ConsultLltion Fee (ALF) Distance (ALD)


Durbin-Watson stat F-statistic

COEFFICIENT -0 .3815464 -0 .5244466 0.1183919

-00852564 -0 .037273 0.503984

-0 .2994470436

T-STAT -4.2877672 -1.6753434 0 .5531176

-1 .3437222

The statistical results of the Logit Model using transportation as one of its independent variables are as follows:


VAF1IABLE Income (Y) Education (EDU) Consultation Fee (PRF) Distance (PRT)

R-squared Durbin-Watson stat F-statistic

COEFFICIENT -0 .1560288 -0.4606106 -0 .3551688 0 .0079335

-0 .087376 0.410873



VAFlIABLE Income (Y) Education (EDU) Consultation Fee (PUF) Distance (PUT)

F<-squared Durbin-Watson stat F -statistic

COEFFICIENT -0 .4100825 -0 .3333101 0 .0037686 0.0084805

-0028789 0.493192

-1 .231268997

T-STAT -3 .1305312 -3 .3323554 -4 .1790879 2.2039255

T-STAT -10.023904

-2 .3093023 0.0707483 1.4781207


VARIABLE Income (Y) Education (EDU) Consultation Fee (ALF) Distance (ALT)

COEFFICIENT -0 .3665037 -0 .5289389 0 .0603617 0 .0061348

T-STAT -3 .9928682 -1 .6348193 0.2776483 0 .3229649

Page 15: ANALYZING THE DIFFERENT SOCIO·ECONOMIC FACTORS … · important factor affecting the demand of an individual. It measures the capability of the individual to acquire the preferred

R-squared Durbin-Watson stat F-statistic


-0.107568 0.447521

-0 .809340826