analytics ebook-sample

The Fat-Free Guide to Google Analytics Using Google Analytics for Business Analytics By Ian Lurie Portent Interactive Conversation Marketing

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The Fat-Free Guide to Google Analytics Using Google Analytics for Business Analytics

By Ian Lurie

Portent Interactive

Conversation Marketing

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From Google Analytics to Business Analytics 2

Legal, Notes and Other Stuff © 2010, The Written Word, Inc. d/b/a Portent Interactive and Ian Lurie. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Click here to read the license.

That’s a fancy way of saying: Ian scrapes out a living writing and selling books like these. Please, buy a copy.

If you like this book, you might want to check out Ian’s blog at, and his company, at

If you want to talk to Ian, you can reach him at [email protected] or on Twitter at


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Table of Contents

The  Cure  For  Analytics  Phobia ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6  

A  Business  Analytics  System ............................................................................................................................................................................. 7  A  Business  Analytics  System:  B2B.................................................................................................................................................................................. 8  A  Business  Analytics  System:  Charities........................................................................................................................................................................ 9  A  Business  Analytics  System:  News ............................................................................................................................................................................... 9  

1.   How  to:  Install  Google  Analytics.............................................................................................................................................................10  Resources:  Google  Analytics  Install.............................................................................................................................................................................15  

2.   Setting  up  and  tracking  goals..................................................................................................................................................................16  Figuring  out  your  goal  and  goal  page.........................................................................................................................Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  Example:  A  membership  site ........................................................................................................................................Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  Setting  up  a  page-­based  goal  in  Google  Analytics..................................................................................................Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  Setting  up  a  non-­page-­based  goal  in  Google  Analytics.........................................................................................Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  Lots  of  goals ........................................................................................................................................................................Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  

3.   Calculating  &  Applying  Value..................................................................................................................................................................17  Customer  value:  E-­commerce.......................................................................................................................................Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  Customer  value:  Lead  generation ...............................................................................................................................Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  Customer  value:  Publishing ..........................................................................................................................................Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  Customer  value:  Anything  else.....................................................................................................................................Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  Lead  conversion  rate.......................................................................................................................................................Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  Click  conversion  rate.......................................................................................................................................................Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  

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Click  value:  An  e-­commerce  site..................................................................................................................................Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  Click  value:  A  business-­to-­business  site ...................................................................................................................Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  Fudging  it.............................................................................................................................................................................Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  Sample  data ........................................................................................................................................................................Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  Resources:  Value  Calculation .......................................................................................................................................Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  

4.   Measuring  and  Building  Growth ............................................................................................................................................................19  Tracking  content  performance:  A  quick  trick.........................................................................................................Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  Tracking  traffic  sources .................................................................................................................................................Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  Tracking  traffic  sources:  Referring  sites ..................................................................................................................Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  Referring  sites:  An  example ..........................................................................................................................................Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  Tracking  traffic  sources:  Keywords ...........................................................................................................................Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  Improving  growth  using  traffic  sources:  Examples ..............................................................................................Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  Tracking  content  performance....................................................................................................................................Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  Tracking  content  performance:  Context  matters ..................................................................................................Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  Finding  high-­performing  content ...............................................................................................................................Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  Other  ways  to  find  ‘good’  content................................................................................................................................Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  Improving  growth  by  finding  ‘good’  content:  E-­commerce................................................................................Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  Finding  and  improving  poor-­performing  content.................................................................................................Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  Final  points  about  growth .............................................................................................................................................Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  

5.   What’s  next.................................................................................................................................................. Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  Additional  resources .......................................................................................................................................................Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  About  Ian  Lurie  &  Portent  Interactive.......................................................................................................................Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  

Other  stuff  by  Ian  Lurie.....................................................................................................................................................................................21  Contacting  Ian  Lurie .........................................................................................................................................................................................................21  

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Google  Analytics  Scares  the  Snot  Out  of  You  

You’re not alone.

It’s a great program. But with

dozens of metrics and dozens

more possible ways to view them,

there are literally thousands of

possible reports, data points

and other goodies in your

analytics report.

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The Cure For Analytics Phobia

Google Analytics is overwhelming because

people often let the reports drive their

research & strategy. So they click

around, trying to take in every last digit.

The cure? Have a goals-focused

method for using Google Analytics.

That will help you pick and choose

which reports to use and when,

and keep you from getting lost in the data.

You need a business analytics system.

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A Business Analytics System

You need to perform business analytics.

You can do that by focusing on what really matters to your business: Things that

generate value and improve growth.

Value comes from whatever generates bottom-line dollars or results for your

organization. Value = the value of one click that brings a visitor to your site. It’s

the King (Queen) of all analytics. Without it, nothing else matters.

Growth is all about reach and audience access. Growth is what you get when you

can bring more visitors and introduce them to the pipeline. The pipeline only

improves if your visitors want what you’re offering and find it when they arrive

on your site. Growth is all about visit source and quality: Where visitors come

from, how long they stay on your site, how many pages they look at, and how

engaged they really are.

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That value-growth duo is what drives your business, whether you know it or not.

If you use it when you look at Google Analytics, it’ll keep you focused on your

business, instead of the reports.

As you read this e-book, you’re going to create an at-a-glance system that’ll let

you do this efficiently day-to-day. Web analytics can work that way, if you use it


This system will work whether you’re in an e-commerce business or not. Here are

some examples:

A Business Analytics System: B2B

If you’re a purely business-to-business, lead-driven company, then your value

comes from leads.

Your growth opportunities come from expanded company reach (more people

finding you online), and from more, higher-quality visitors to your site.

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A Business Analytics System: Charities

If you’re a charity and/or a non-profit, your value comes from funding and

grants, as well as subscribers and supporters you recruit online.

Your growth opportunities come from reach, much like B2B. But in this case,

you’re attracting potential donors.

A Business Analytics System: News

If you’re a news site or other publication, your value comes from pageviews you

can turn into advertising sales.

Growth results from additional readers who find their way to your site. Your

business improves when those potential readers look at more pages per visit and

spend more time on your site. It also improves when readers subscribe to your

site’s RSS feed or newsletter, or pass stories along to friends.

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1. How to: Install Google Analytics

It’s easy! If you don’t have Google Analytics set up on your site yet,

this is where you start. Otherwise, skip ahead to Calculating &

Applying Value.

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From Google Analytics to Business Analytics 11

First step: If you don’t have a Google Account, get one.

1. Go to

2. Click ‘Create an account now’:

3. Fill out the form. All done.

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From Google Analytics to Business Analytics 12

Next: Set up your Google Analytics account.

1. Go to

2. Click ‘Sign up Now’.

3. Log in using your Google Accounts password (you set that up on page 11).

4. Click ‘Sign Up’, and you’re ready to set up your first site.

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Once you click ‘sign up’ you’ll see the form below:

You can track multiple sites in a single Google Analytics account. This form sets

up your first one.

For Website’s URL, enter the exact address of your site. That means, if your

site is at, include the ‘www’. If your site address doesn’t

include ‘www’, use Account Name will automatically reflect

the site address. If you’re going to manage multiple sites, you might want to

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change this to something you’ll recognize. Select your time zone and country, and

click ‘Continue’.

Finally, grab the code that Google Analytics provides and paste it into your web

site per their instructions. In about 24 hours, you’ll start seeing data. Woo hoo!

You’re off and running.

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Resources: Google Analytics Install

A few resources you can use to help you install Google Analytics:

I did a video tutorial:

And, of course, Google’s own tutorial ain’t bad:

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2. Setting up and tracking goals

Every business web site has one or more goals: An action they’d

like every visitor to take. That action might be a purchase, or a vote,

or a simple, “Hmmm, that’s interesting”. Before you can start

applying value and measuring growth, you have to set up Google

Analytics to measure those goals.

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3. Calculating & Applying Value

Last chapter, you learned to set up goals. That’s great, but a goal,

when accomplished, delivers value. Value is real cash generated,

not ‘attention’ or ‘eyeballs’. If you can’t calculate value, goals data is

one more distracting bar chart.

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4. Measuring and Building Growth

Time to apply all that cool stuff you just learned. In this section,

you’ll match value to specific sources, and tie them together with

goal measurement.

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Other stuff by Ian Lurie

The Fat-Free Guide to SEO Copywriting

The Web Marketing All-In-One Desk Reference for Dummies

Conversation Marketing

The Fat Free Guide to Internet Marketing (subscription-based)

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Contacting Ian Lurie

E-mail: [email protected]

Twitter: @portentint
