analysis of double page spread

Analysis of Double Page Spread.

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Post on 12-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Analysis of double page spread

Analysis of Double Page Spread.

Page 2: Analysis of double page spread

The title of the article is usually found on the left hand side of the double page spread. This is because the readers eyes automatically read from left to right. The title has to grab the attention of the reader in order for them to read the rest of the article.

The main image takes up a whole page of the double page spread. This is to make the image stand out and get attention. The image usually represents what the article is about or who the article is about. The image must relate to the article.

Secondary Image is smaller then the main image. In this article it is showing the actress as her character in the programme. This is used to make the reader want to watch the programme.

The stand first usually gives a brief explanation about the article but on this double page spread it is informing the reader what other programmes this actress has been in. This is good because if the reader has watched one of these programmes they are more than likely to watch this programme too. The byline is the

smallest text on the article because readers tend not to read it. The byline shows what photographer was used.

The drop capital shows the start of the article. It is usually used in most articles.

The pull quote gives the reader an insight of what the actress is saying in the article. This teases the reader to make them want to read on.

The page number is always found at the bottom of the page in the corner. This helps the reader navigate through the magazine easily.

Page 3: Analysis of double page spread

In this double page spread half of the pages are filled with images. This is to give an insight to the reader what the TV programme looks like and to draw them in. This is the main image.

The main header is the title of the segment in the magazine.

This is the title of the article.

The stand first introduces the article in a small paragraph to try and make the reader read on.

The date and time shows when it is broadcasted.

This article has a three column layout and uses page numbers to help the reader navigate.

Anchoring image captions explains what is happening in the images shown.

Page 4: Analysis of double page spread

Here is the title of the article. The ‘&me’ has been put in red to make it stand out. I

This is the stand first. It gives information about the article briefly.

The quote from the programme has been put here to make the viewer interested. It is in red to grab the attention of the audience.

This tells the reader the issue of the magazine.

The drop capital shows where the paragraph is starting. It is also in red to match the theme of the article.

Anchoring image captions tells the audience what is happening in the secondary image.

The columns have been divided into three to make it more presentable and easier for the reader.

The main image takes us most of the double page spread.