analysis of double page spread


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Post on 17-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Analysis Of Double Page Spread

The back round colours separate everything and make the page jump out, then surrounded by the photos, it really makes the page something decent to look at.

The double-page spread here is very image first, but the article is rather large and has a great amount of writing.

If I was to change something for this spread, I would spice up the columns of writing a bit more, maybe a few more pull quotes or a picture of someone / something, with relevance to what is being said in the article.

The layout is very individualistic, I think they way that it has been edited is around the action shot’s of the band.

The pull quote here is a good way of breaking up the writing, with the writing being quite heavy, it’s necessary to make the writing as intriguing as possible.

Page 2: Analysis Of Double Page Spread

The image here is clever in how it separates itself and uses the double spread page to it’s advantage, this could be an idea to consider in my magazine because it makes you go from the left page to the right without even realising your looking at a different page.

This little arrow used is a nice way of putting the reader in their place, showing where they need to start reading, it’s just one of them things that make a magazine professional and individual.

This idea of changing the writing to white with a black back round makes it seem like the writing criminals have to hold up when being processed, gives a sense of danger to the article and generally works well with the black and whit colour contrast.

The title “will he won’t he?” grabs me when I read it then I think who is it talking about? And the picture has been washed out on 3 of the band members and not on one person, this says to me the article is about the bolder person.

Black on white

The effect here is done by reducing the opacity in photoshop.

Page 3: Analysis Of Double Page Spread

FIRST things noticed, pull quote and picture!

The writing is like that used by criminals in TV, when they write things using letters from magazines, makes it dangerous or in this case kind of crazy!

The picture lets you know who the article is about. Looks like she is giving a bit of attitude with the hands on the hips, becomes quite intimidating for the reader, and the reader wants to know what she has to say for herself.

Another one of them little touches magazines always use, is the first letter is nearly always huge! Drawing the reader in and getting them started on reading the article.

As you can see the picture and title have taken up a lot of room, which helps to attract the reader to this part of the written article at the bottom, letting the reader know the rest of the information, when they are ready.

Drop Cap

Black on white

Stand first-Gives a brief introduction to the article.