analysis of content pages2

Vibe The contents page is laid out In the golden ratio form. The text is shifted to the left and the majority if the page is take up by the medium long shot image if Nicki minaj. The picture takes up more of the page because the magazine focuses on Nicki minaj. The contents page is consistent with the front cover in terms of the image on the front cover and the contents page. The features which attract buyers to purchase the magazine are the other music artists, who's names are in bold. Nicki Minaj is also wearing a tiara and holding what appears to be a sword. This intrigues people to find out why she is holding a sword and wearing a tiara. Within the contents page there are various language devices used such adjectives and rhetoric. The background is silver and bright which reflects that Nicki Minaj is superior. Not all the features in the magazine are numbered only the main features are numbered which, attracts the audienence to those particular pages. The page numbers are in white and the titles are in black. The colours contrast so you can clearly distinguish the page numbers from the title. The font on the contents pages is about size 12 which makes Nicki Minaj look like she's dominating.

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Analysis of content pages2


The contents page is laid out In the golden ratio form. The text is shifted to the left and the majority if the page is take up by the medium long shot image if Nicki minaj. The picture takes up more of the page because the magazine focuses on Nicki minaj. The contents page is consistent with the front cover in terms of the image on the front cover and the contents page. The features which attract buyers to purchase the magazine are the other music artists, who's names are in bold. Nicki Minaj is also wearing a tiara and holding what appears to be a sword. This intrigues people to find out why she is holding a sword and wearing a tiara.Within the contents page there are various language devices used such adjectives and rhetoric.The background is silver and bright which reflects that Nicki Minaj is superior.Not all the features in the magazine are numbered only the main features are numbered which, attracts the audienence to those particular pages. The page numbers are in white and the titles are in black. The colours contrast so you can clearly distinguish the page numbers from the title. The font on the contents pages is about size 12 which makes Nicki Minaj look like she's dominating.