analysing already established music magazine pages


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Post on 29-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Analysing already established music magazine pages


Page 2: Analysing already established music magazine pages

FRONT COVER Body Language: The body language of the central image is quite serious but with a half smile kind of shows the two different sides to the person. The body language also is aimed directly at the reader with him looking directly at the reader, this is quite intimidating for them and may even sway them to but the magazine

Freebies:The use of free incentives would sway a reader to buy the magazine. The use of any free merchandise within anything usually gains a few more sales of the magazine especially if it consists of the readers favourites

Barcode and Price:NME follow the code and conventions of other magazines by having the barcode and price in the bottom right hand corner.

Skyline:The use of words such as ‘MASSIVE’ and ‘DOUBLE’ makes it feel like the reader would be getting their moneys worth and be getting more than an usual issue of NME. This also grabs the readers attention by being in bold and capital letters making it more effective.

Pull Quote:The quote on the left which indicates the interview between NME and Simon Cowell, this pulls the reader in to read the full story within. The quote also has humour by indicating Cowell is the Grinch this may also help sway the reader into reading the full article with added humour

Layout:The layout of this is quite spacious which allows easy reading of the titles without so much information going around. Also the readers attention goes from the picture to writing and down the page as if the reader is reading newspaper which makes it good flow of information being taken in.

Page 3: Analysing already established music magazine pages


Barcode and Price:Kerrang follow the code and conventions of other magazines by having the barcode and price in the bottom right hand corner.

Main image:The use of this image signifies the stereotypical view of a rock band as the band members are wearing short sleeve t-shirts, long hair and facial hair, this would appeal to the fans of the band. The band are also all looking at the camera in a intimidating manner.

Anchorage text:The use of this text and background instantly grabs the readers attention so that they are introduced to the band before looking at them. It also works as a pull quote as it makes the reader look inside for their view on things.

Pull Quote:The pull quote makes the reader open the magazine to the page about awards ceremony so that they could see their favourite acts.

Freebies:Kerrang use freebies such as free posters in order to lure the reader into buying the magazine, this would have a higher success rate if the posters are of well known bands.

Masthead:Kerrang follows code and conventions by having the masthead take up the width of the page and being placed up the top. Because the masthead is the largest font, it grabs the readers attention as it becomes the focal point of the magazine

Page 4: Analysing already established music magazine pages


Band Index:The use of this breaks codes and conventions as instead of having a contents they have a band index which shows the bands featured in the magazine in alphabetical order with their relevant page numbers, this makes it easier to follow and find the readers favourite bands.

Subscription:NME follow codes and conventions by having a subscription box at the bottom of the contents page, this acts as a lure as the reader is told it is cheaper doing this than buying every issue from a shop

Layout:The layout of this contents page is very grid like and regimented which would help target their target audience of 15-29 year olds. The regimented look is broken with the large picture in the middle, however this is acceptable as this is the main article so NME use this to grab the readers attention to the main article.

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House Style: Kerrang uses a consistent colour use of black, yellow, red and white. The contents page sticks to this in order to show a on going theme so that the magazine flows.

Subscription: Kerrang follows codes and conventions of magazines by including subscription offer that allows subscribers to get the next issues at a discounted price.

Layout:The layout of Kerrang contents page, is even more regimented than that of NME, this makes it easier to target their target audience of 15-29 year olds as it makes it easy to follow. However they have a larger image than the others in the middle, this would indicate the importance of this as it is the main article of the magazine. They also have included the front cover of the issue next to the editors letter this follows code and conventions of magazines.

Editorial:Kerrang follows codes and conventions with this idea by including an editors letter. This is also quite informal boasting about what's in the magazine. They also follow codes and conventions by having the editors handwritten signature, this makes it more personal feel to it

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House StyleNME has only used black and white font that resembles the two different races in the related article. Also the artists are seen to be wearing clothes that are the same colour as the font this helps the relationship between text and image.

LayoutNME has used a very simplistic layout in which the title is very bold and takes up the majority of the page. They also have a large picture of the artists which has the possibility of being used as a poster.

Drop Capital

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Drop Capital

LayoutThe layout of this from Kerrang is quite straightforward, the left hand side is filled with a large image, this shows an uncluttered feel where as the right hand side is the opposite as it is filled with three columns of text and five pictures. It coincides with the text as the pictures are surrounded with a red box which follows the red text in the interview.Main image

The main image is of a band around the age of 18-20, messing around. This is good example of what teenagers are really like, this would help relate to a younger audience as they could see themselves similar to this group. They have also used layering of the quote from the band in order to incorporate it with the image.