an undergraduate thesiscerita anak, berdasarkan teori hugh bredin tentang tiga tipe onomatope yaitu...


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Page 1: AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIScerita anak, berdasarkan teori Hugh Bredin tentang tiga tipe onomatope yaitu direct, associative, dan exemplary. Permasalahan yang kedua berkaitan dengan bagaimana




Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 134214060








Page 2: AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIScerita anak, berdasarkan teori Hugh Bredin tentang tiga tipe onomatope yaitu direct, associative, dan exemplary. Permasalahan yang kedua berkaitan dengan bagaimana





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 13421406








Page 3: AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIScerita anak, berdasarkan teori Hugh Bredin tentang tiga tipe onomatope yaitu direct, associative, dan exemplary. Permasalahan yang kedua berkaitan dengan bagaimana


Page 4: AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIScerita anak, berdasarkan teori Hugh Bredin tentang tiga tipe onomatope yaitu direct, associative, dan exemplary. Permasalahan yang kedua berkaitan dengan bagaimana


Page 5: AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIScerita anak, berdasarkan teori Hugh Bredin tentang tiga tipe onomatope yaitu direct, associative, dan exemplary. Permasalahan yang kedua berkaitan dengan bagaimana


Page 6: AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIScerita anak, berdasarkan teori Hugh Bredin tentang tiga tipe onomatope yaitu direct, associative, dan exemplary. Permasalahan yang kedua berkaitan dengan bagaimana


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I Do Believe in Luck, Fate, and Chances

I Do Believe More in Hard Work, Passion, and Positive Vibes


Page 8: AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIScerita anak, berdasarkan teori Hugh Bredin tentang tiga tipe onomatope yaitu direct, associative, dan exemplary. Permasalahan yang kedua berkaitan dengan bagaimana







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First, I would like to express my gratitude to Jesus Christ and Mother

Mary for always being on my side, guiding me to the completion of my study.

I address my sincere gratitude to my thesis advisor, Anna Fitriati, S.Pd.,

M.Hum. for her caring support and guidance. I also deliver my gratitude to my co-

advisor Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd., M.A. for his corrections and suggestions for the

betterment of my study.

This study would not be viable without the help of Kinderstation Junior

High School and Budi Utama Junior High School Yogyakarta students and staffs

in the process of data collection. My appreciation is also dedicated for the

lecturers and staffs of English Letters Department Sanata Dharma University who

guide and help me during my study.

My grateful expressions also go to my parents Andreas Wargunanto and

Maria Sugiharyani, and my family. Additionally, I address my sincere love to

close friends of mine for walking by my side through ups and downs, giving me a

lot of advice, experiences, laughter, and lessons.

Last but not least, thank you for everyone who always gives their caring

support. Thank you for always understanding and believing in me.

Marietta Dea Karina


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TITLE PAGE ...................................................................................................... ii

APPROVAL PAGE ........................................................................................... iii

ACCEPTANCE PAGE ...................................................................................... iv

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ................................................................... v


MOTTO PAGE ................................................................................................. vii

DEDICATION PAGE ...................................................................................... viii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................... x

APPENDICES ................................................................................................... xii

LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................... xiii

ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................... xiv

ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................ xv

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Study ............................................................................ 1

B. Problem Formulation .................................................................................. 3

C. Objectives of the Study .............................................................................. 3

D. Definition of Terms .................................................................................... 4

CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL REVIEW ...................................................... 6

A. Review of Related Studies ......................................................................... 6

B. Review of Related Theories ....................................................................... 9

1. Onomatopoeia ........................................................................................ 9

a. Direct Onomatopoeia .................................................................... 10

b. Associative Onomatopoeia ............................................................ 10

c. Exemplary Onomatopoeia ............................................................. 11

2. Children‘s Literature ............................................................................ 11

3. Semantics ............................................................................................. 13

a. Lexical Meaning ............................................................................ 13

b. Homonym ...................................................................................... 14

c. Polysemy ....................................................................................... 14

4. Pragmatics ............................................................................................ 14

a. Contextual Meaning ...................................................................... 14

C. Theoretical Framework ............................................................................ 14

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ................................................................. 17

A. Object of the Study ................................................................................... 17

B. Approach of the Study .............................................................................. 18

C. Method of the Study ................................................................................. 18

1. Data Collection .................................................................................... 18

2. Data Analysis ...................................................................................... 21



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A. Onomatopoeia Types in Children‘s Books ............................................. 22

1. Direct Onomatopoeia .......................................................................... 24

2. Associative Onomatopoeia.................................................................. 27

3. Exemplary Onomatopoeia ................................................................... 28

B. Reader‘s Understanding on the Meanings of Onomatopoeic Words ........ 29

1. Data Presentation ................................................................................ 29

2. Test Result ........................................................................................... 30

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ......................................................................... 46

BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................................. 48


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Appendix 1. Onomatopoeic Words in Children‘s Books ..................................... 50

Appendix 2. The Onomatopoeic Words‘ Types and Frequency of Appearance .. 64

Appendix 3. The Blueprint of The Test‘s Question Sheet .................................... 66


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Table 4.1. The Data Presentation of Onomatopoeia Types in Children‘s Books . 23

Table 4.2. The Data Presentation of Readers‘ Understanding .............................. 31

Table 4.3. The Result of Question no.3 PART B.................................................. 40

Table 4.4. The Result of Question no.4 PART B.................................................. 41

Table 4.5. The Result of Question no.1 PART C.................................................. 42

Table 4.6. The Result of Question no.2 PART C.................................................. 43

Table 4.7. The Result of Question no.3 PART C.................................................. 44


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KARINA, MARIETTA DEA. English Onomatopoeia in Children’s Books:

Types and Readers’ Understanding. Yogyakarta: English Letters Department,

Faculty of Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2017.

Literary works employ onomatopoeia to represent an imitative sound of

the object it associates to. Gaining recognition to the meaning of these words has

an essential role in reading comprehension on the literary works.

There are two problems that this study wants to answer. The first problem

is the types of onomatopoeia in children books. It was discussed based on Hugh

Bredin‘s theory which classifying them into three types: direct, associative, and

exemplary onomatopoeia. The second problem concerns with finding out how the

readers of children‘s books understand the meaning of the onomatopoeia.

This research is a text analysis which collects the data by purposive

sampling. It analyzes onomatopoeia in children‘s books with the purpose to

classify them into three types of onomatopoeia. It is also a survey research which

applies a test in order to check the research participants‘ understanding on the

meaning of some onomatopoeic words in the excerpts of the selected children‘s


The research leads to the findings that from the data of onomatopoeic

words in children‘s books, there are twenty eight words classified as direct

onomatopoeia, eight words as associative onomatopoeia, and there are six words

as exemplary onomatopoeia. These classifications are based on the characteristics

of the onomatopoeic words.

Discussing readers‘ understanding on the meanings of onomatopoeic

words in children‘s books, the test results found that the research participants‘

understanding was categorized into the category of very good, shown by high

numbers of correct answer that the research participants assessed. The researcher

found that there some difficulties that the research participants were facing in

determining the meaning of the words in the test. Most of difficulties are being

unfamiliar to the onomatopoeia mentioned, having difficulties in suiting the

context of the story, and having confusion in recognizing the meaning of the

words due to the word‘s possibility of having multiple meaning.


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KARINA, MARIETTA DEA. English Onomatopoeia in Children’s Books:

Types and Readers’ Understanding. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris,

Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2017.

Karya-karya sastra kerap menggunakan onomatope untuk menirukan

bunyi dari objek yang digambarkan. Dalam kemampuan membaca, sangatlah

penting memahami arti dari kata-kata tersebut agar dapat mendapat pemahaman

tentang karya sastra tersebut,

Dalam penelitian ini terdapat dua rumusan masalah yang akan dibahas.

Permasalahan yang pertama berkaitan dengan tipe-tipe onomatope dalam buku

cerita anak, berdasarkan teori Hugh Bredin tentang tiga tipe onomatope yaitu

direct, associative, dan exemplary. Permasalahan yang kedua berkaitan dengan

bagaimana pembaca memahami arti dari onomatope yang ada di buku cerita anak.

Penelitian ini menggunakan pengambilan data menurut tujuan guna

menganalisis onomatope yang terdapat di dalam buku cerita anak dan

menggolongkannya dalam tiga tipe onomatope. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan

instrumen tes untuk mengecek pemahaman pembaca pada arti kata-kata

onomatope di buku cerita anak.

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dari data onomatope di buku cerita anak

terdapat dua puluh delapan kata yang digolongkan dalam tipe direct, delapan kata

dalam tipe associative, dan enam kata dalam exemplary. Klasifikasi ini didasarkan

karakteristik onomatope tersebut.

Dalam hal pemahaman pembaca terhadap onomatope di buku cerita anak,

hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar partisipan paham dalam

menentukan arti kata-kata yang dimaksudkan. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh banyaknya

perolehan jumlah jawaban benar. Peneliti menemukan bahwa terdapat berbagai

masalah yang menyebabkan partisipan kesulitan dalam menentukan arti kata-kata

dalam tes, permasalahan tersebut sebagian besar adalah tidak pernah mendengar

atau menemukan kata tersebut sebelumnya, permasalahan dalam menyesuaikan

dengan konteks cerita, dan kebingungan dalam menentukan arti karena adanya

kemungkinan makna ganda.


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A. Background of the Study

Onomatopoeia is a term to label the creation of words which resemble

natural sounds, physical efforts, and human expressions. Onomatopoeic words are

classified into some types based on the objects they denote and the process of

word‘s association in imitating the sounds. Based on the theory proposed by

Bredin (1996), he differentiates onomatopoeic words into three types of

onomatopoeia. The types are direct, associative, and exemplary.

Onomatopoeia generally appears in literary works, including children‘s

books. Compared to any books intended for adults, children‘s books are written in

their own characteristics for their intended readers, children. As stated by Lukens,

Since their experiences are more limited, children may not understand the

same complexity of ideas. Since their understanding is more limited, the

expression of ideas must be simpler-both in language and in form

(Lukens, 2003:8)

Many differences then can be seen in their literary devices, for instances

illustrated pictures, easy-to-understand stories, comprehensible moral values, and

stories that evoke imagination and fantasy. Another thing that children‘s books‘

readers look at is the characteristic that children‘s literature typically requires

some attracting expressions and dictions to evoke personal enthusiasm for reading

books and support the ideas of the story.


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In children‘s literature, especially in children‘s books, onomatopoeia

commonly appear in the character‘s expressions, as seen in the word ding dong

which resembles the sound of clock‘s bell in Carol Dickens‘ A Christmas Carol:

“Ding, dong!”

“A quarter past,” said Scrooge, counting.

“Ding, dong!”

“Half past,” said Scrooge (Dickens, 1939:61)

In comparison with oral communication, written texts such as children‘s

books employ broader variety of lexical items including onomatopoeic word.

Thus there will be more unknown words which the readers need to predict and

recognize based on its context and lexical meaning in dictionary.

For the readers, it is significant to comprehend the ideas that the author

wants to communicate through his/ her written words. Singer also adds,

to comprehend these sequences (sequences of words), it is necessary to

retrieve the meaning of each word, analyze the syntax of the sequences,

and extract the propositions conveyed by the message (Singer, 1990:18)

In the process of reading, the reader is expected to have the ability of

recognizing and interpreting the words or expressions employed in the story based

on his/her range of word vocabulary. In other words, reading skill requires a

comprehension to the meaning of the author‘s lexical item choices. This quality

further can be gained by contextual guessing that involves the ability to utilize any

cues in the preceding or following words/sentences in the purpose of

understanding its intended meaning.

This study aims to observe onomatopoeia types which commonly found in

children‘s books by looking at their lexical meaning in the dictionary and their

contextual meaning. This study also aims to analyze the readers‘ understanding


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towards onomatopoeia. The study is conducted by listing onomatopoeic words in

children‘s book, classifying them into three types of onomatopoeia, observing the

types of onomatopoeia to find out any types that authors generally use or pattern

in children‘s literature, and checking the readers‘ (children) understanding on the

definitions of the onomatopoeic words in children‘s books.

B. Problem Formulation

There are two problems formulated in this study. Those problems are:

1. What are the types of onomatopoeia in children‘s books?

2. How accurate are the readers of children‘s books (children) in

understanding the meanings of the onomatopoeic words?

C. Objectives of the Study

Regarding the problem formulation stated above, the writer would like to

achieve two objectives of the study. Firstly, it aims to discover what types of

onomatopoeia are found in children‘s books. Onomatopoeia in the realm of

linguistics is divided into some types based on Hugh Bredin‘s theory. Thus, this

study would like to observe the types of onomatopoeia in children‘s books.

It is essential for children‘s book readers (children) to understand the

meaning of every words and expressions used by the author. In children‘s books,

onomatopoeia is commonly employed. This matter leads to a curiosity about the

readers‘ of children‘s books understanding towards the meanings of onomatopoeic

words used in the story. Therefore, the study also aims to find out how accurate


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the onomatopoeic words are understood by the readers, and if there does a

correlation between the types of the onomatopoeia found and the readers‘


D. Definitions of Terms

In order to gain understanding about this study and to avoid

misunderstanding on several terms used, the definitions of some terminologies are

presented in this part.

This study focuses on onomatopoeia. In defining onomatopoeia, Bredin

(1996:555) states that ―There is less unanimity, however, and more difficulty,

when attempts are made to define onomatopoeia‖. Furthermore, he asserts

onomatopoeia‘s definition by looking at the theory of Quintilian's Institutio

Oratoria, that ―onomatopoeia refers here to what its etymology implies: namely,

the creation of a word ex novo‖ (p.556). It suggests a definition that onomatopoeia

is the naming of a subject (creating a word) throughout the process of imitating

sounds of nature.

There are various ways of a speaker perceives sounds. For calling the

sound of dogs, English speaker perceives it as ―woof woof‖ while Indonesians

think of ―guk guk‖, and any other terms to call in other languages. This matter

causes any differences in onomatopoeia among English and other languages, since

language opens to perception and interpretation to the sounds and the concept it


Any attempt to show a constant relationship between language, words,

object noises to nature and across cultures and language is


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unprecedented…Whether our perceptions of object noises can be

translated over different situations, time frames and other parameters

remains to be seen (Nash, 2001:185).

Nodelman suggests the definition of children‘s literature as follows: ―As

its name implies, children‘s literature is a body of texts defined by its intended

audience‖ (Nodelman, 2003:79). It implies that children‘s literature is

intentionally created for its audience, children. Therefore, the words and

expressions used in children‘s literature including children‘s book is designed for

the concern of knowledge and ideas which children‘s mind can perceive.

In defining child or children in its plural form, the lexical meaning refers

to person in young age or in the age younger than the majority. Kail (2011)

classifies children based on their stages of development into newborn (ages 0–4

weeks), infant (ages four weeks until one year), toddler (age one years until three

years), preschooler (ages four until six years), school-aged child (ages six until

twelve years), and adolescent (ages thirteen until eighteen years). This study puts

concern on the children ages range eleven until twelve years (school-aged

children) as the readers‘ of children‘s books.


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A. Review of Related Studies

In conducting this study, the writer uses some related studies in order to

gain better understanding about the topic discussed.

The first study used is an undergraduate thesis written by Kusuma (2013).

The aims of this study were to find onomatopoeia types found in the comic The

Life and Time of Scrooge McDuck and its bahasa Indonesia translation Kisah

Hidup Paman Gober, and to find out the strategies used in translating the

onomatopoeia (Kusuma, 2013: xii).

The writer listed every onomatopoeic words found in the comic balloon.

For instance, English onomatopoeia Yipes, which is translated into Huaaa,

conveys meaning an exclamation of surprise or shock. In the conclusion, she came

to findings that some onomatopoeic words were not listed in dictionary, and the

translation strategy used was communicative translation with technique of

equivalence from oblique translation. Kusuma‘s study is quite similar to the

writer‘s study in discussing onomatopoeia types, but different in the objects

focused since Kusuma analyzed the translation of the comic Scrooge McDuck and

its translation strategy.

In discussing children literature, the second study, an undergraduate thesis

from Assa (2013) gives details on analyzing the characterization of children and

adults in order to gain the concept of children desire and adults


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knowledge in Wilder‘s Little House in the Big Woods novel (2013: xi). The writer

focused on one of story‘s intrinsic aspects, characterization, applied binary

opposition concept using structuralism approach, and applied Nodelman‘s theory

about children desire and adults knowledge. She classified the characterization

into two main groups to draw the similarities and differences between children

and adults. At the end of the study, she found out that the children character

became disobey, and the adults‘ knowledge possessed roles in transferring the

knowledge to children. The adult characters came as the source of information for

the children using their knowledge as adults.

Both of Assa‘s and this study focus on the same object, children‘s

literature. Despite that matter, the researcher finds some differences between this

study and Assa‘s. Firstly, Assa‘s focuses to analyze the concept of children desire

and adults knowledge in children‘s literature, beside this study tries to observe the

onomatopoeia types and reader‘s understanding towards the onomatopoeic words

in children‘s books. Secondly, Assa uses literary methods in her study; on the

other hand the researcher employs linguistic approaches to analyze the data.

The journal from Nash (2001), discusses onomatopoeia and language

perception. He collects onomatopoeia data set (animals‘ sounds) from some

languages to look for the universality, similarity, arbitrariness, and humour of

animal/ object noises. He observes animal sounds which people perceive in

various languages/countries, and finds out that onomatopoeia is not a strong

argument for the notion that language is based in non-arbitrary foundations (p.2).


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Nash‘s research is related to this study in terms of the topic onomatopoeia.

It provides further information about onomatopoeia which is very useful to this

study, yet there is a difference in the objectives that Nash‘s and this study want to

achieve. Nash in his journal wants to figures out the characteristic of the

arbitrariness of onomatopoeia while this study focuses on finding the types of


Discussing onomatopoeia, Bredin (1996) provides details about

onomatopoeia and its types. Bredin suggests the definition of onomatopoeia as the

name of relationship between the sound of a word and something else. He asserts

that ―the relation generates names: imitates, echoes, reflects, resembles,

corresponds to, sounds like, expresses, reinforces, and has a natural or direct

relation with‖ (p.555).

Defining onomatopoeia, Bredin also suggested its etymology in Greek that

implies onomatopoeia as the making of word, and asserts two terms in a

onomatopoeic relation. The first is verbal sound and the second is meaning, as

reference and sense (p.557). Furthermore, he also introduces the classification of

onomatopoeia into direct, associative, and exemplary onomatopoeia.

His study is similar to this study in that it talks about onomatopoeia and its

relation to meaning. It also provides a resource theory about the types of

onomatopoeia that become guidance for a better understanding about

onomatopoeia and its types. However, Bredin talks about the types of

onomatopoeia in general explanation. Besides, this study aims to explain and


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observe it in children‘s books, and also to find out the readers‘ understanding on

the meanings of the onomatopoeic words used in the story.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Onomatopoeia

In communicating ideas through stories, authors might use onomatopoeia

to make the expressions vary. Dofs (2008:4) defines onomatopoeia as ―a form of

auditory icon sign, a name for an object which is made from an imitation of the

sound it produces‖. In other words, onomatopoeia gives name to the resemblances

to sounds of the object it denotes.

Another point to be underlined is that not all acoustical resemblances to

the denoted objects considered as onomatopoeia. Bredin states,

The moral to be drawn here is that onomatopoeic words of this first type

are heavily determined by convention, and just by a ―natural‖ resemblance

between sounds. (Bredin, 1996:559)

The preceding lines emphasize the conventionality of onomatopoeia which

makes it different with focusing only on imitating the sound in mimicry. Due to

the conventionality of onomatopoeic words, language speaker is provided the

agreed meaning of the concept expressed by the words.

In giving further details about onomatopoeia, he asserts that ―the

knowledge of how to speak a language seems to naturally involve knowledge of

whatever principle it is that underlies onomatopoeic idioms, coinings, and usages‖

(1996:555). In the relation with literature, it is important for readers to gain


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understanding of onomatopoeia in literary works to understand ―the language‖

that author wants to deliver.

Bredin finds out that there are three kinds of onomatopoeia. They are

direct, associative, and exemplary onomatopoeia. The categorization according to

Bredin was conducted based on the relation between verbal sound and meaning

differentiated into referent, denotation, and connotation (Bredin, 1996:558).

a. Direct Onomatopoeia

The first type is direct onomatopoeia. This is a word that similarly

resembles the sound of the object. Bredin states the required criterion for this

type: 1) the denotation of a word is a class of sound, 2) the sound of the word

resembles a member of the class (p.558). The examples direct type words are

bang, cluck, and hiss.

The members of this type have acoustical resemblance to the objects they

are associated with. This resemblance in some onomatopoeic words differs in

degrees of acoustical resemblance. Some words might have either a high or low

degree of resemblance.

b. Associative Onomatopoeia

The second type is associative onomatopoeia, which concerns with the

sounds associated with the objects that the word denotes. As Bredin says,

association is just as much a matter of degree as is acoustic resemblance, and also

a matter of convention (1996:560).The words such as cuckoo and whip are

classified into this kind.


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This type of onomatopoeia involves two levels of conventionality: 1) A

conventional association between something and a sound. The word bubble for

example does not resemble the object it denotes but has similarity to a sound of a

bubbling liquid (p.560). The next level, 2) A conventional relationship of naming

between a word and the thing named by it (p.561), such as cuckoo which refers to

the name of the bird not the sound itself.

c. Exemplary Onomatopoeia

The third is exemplary onomatopoeia which is related with words uttered

in physical work. The words are categorized based on the amount and character of

the efforts of the speaker in uttering the words. For instance nimble and dart

convey less effort compared to the words sluggish and slothful. All these words

are adjectives which define ability to move but they differ in the amount of effort

conveyed by their meaning. In further analysis, the words nimble and dart are

synonyms, having the property of (+quick). On the other hands, the words

sluggish and slothful have the quality of (+slow) in its meaning. It creates sense in

the meaning of sluggish and slothful that the muscular and pulmonary effort to

utter the words is needed much more than the other two words.

2. Children Literature

Nodelman gives the definition of children‘s literature as follows: ―As its

name implies, children‘s literature is a body of texts defined by its intended

audience‖ (2003:79). They emphasize that the contents of children‘s books are

customized based on children‘s needs and characteristics.


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There is a gap between children‘s literature and any other kind of literary

works. It especially concerns with characteristics to suit its intended audience,


Children‘s books are generally shorter; they tend to favor an active rather

than passive treatment, with dialogue and incident rather than description

and introspection; child protagonist are the rule; convention are much

used; the story develops within a clear-cut moral schematization with

much adult fiction ignores; children‘s books tend to be optimistic rather

than depressive; language is child-oriented; plots are of a distinctive order

(MacDowell (1973) cited in Hunt, 1992:45)

In addition Nikolajeva adds that children‘s literature appears as an

educational media for children.

It (children literature) has gone hand in hand with pedagogical views;

literature was means, and a very powerful one, for educating children.

Therefore, children‘s literature has also been studied with this view in

mind- that is, the suitability of books for children‘s reading. (Nikolajeva,


According to the previous statements, children‘s literature is shorter

compared to other story, rich in dialogue, and positive in values. In further details,

these characteristics are designed to suit children‘s knowledge in using language.

As stated by Lindfors,

Their (children) understanding of what they hear and what they read, and

their ability to express what they know in speech and writing, depend on

their knowledge of the relationships between the sounds and the meanings

of their language. (Lindfors, 1980: 8)

It means that authors of children‘s literature need to consider printed

symbols which engage with children‘s range of uses of language, or there will be

a confusion that the readers might accomplish.


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3. Semantics

In this field of study, the concern focuses on how words acquire meaning.

Semantics analyzes the relationships which words have with each other within the

language, based on the key idea that words are sign (Finch, 2000:146). In further

details, learning a language includes ―learning the agreed- upon meanings of

certain strings of sounds and learning how to combine these meaningful units into

larger units that also convey meaning‖ (Fromkin, et al, 2003:174). It means there

is convention that language users have to obey in defining the meaning of words.

a. Lexical Meaning

Macaulay states that ―the most important fact about language is that it is a

way of communicating meaning‖ (2011:1). It is a language characteristic used by

human to conduct everyday business or social functions. Additionally, ―knowing a

word means knowing both its sounds and meaning‖ (Fromkin, et al, 2000:156).

Those both statements imply the importance of having understanding about

word‘s meaning. In semantics, lexical meaning covers of knowing a word as a

symbol which carries meaning.

Macaulay points out to the notion by Ferdinand de Saussure in Course in

General Linguistics about the sound image called the signifier and the concept

labeled as the signified in the mind of language user. Saussure‘s notion presents

understandings of the ability of word to represents the abstract concept or idea

about an object.


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b. Homonym

In English language, homonym is a term to call words that are either

pronounced the same, or spelled the same or both (Fromkin, et al, 2000:156). The

examples are to, two, and too which have the same way in pronunciation. In its

relation with onomatopoeia, some onomatopoeic words can be found homonyms

for instance bump the noun which have exactly the same pronunciation and

spelling but carry two different unrelated meanings. The first meaning of bump is

the sound of a light blow and the second meaning is a protuberance on a level


c. Polysemy

Related to meaning, some words having multiple meanings are related

conceptually or historically, it is called as polysemy (Fromkin, et al, 2000: 157).

The onomatopoeic word crash is polysemy in the way it can mean a loud sound

caused by breaking or collision, a breaking to pieces by or as if by collision, or a

sudden failure. These meanings are related in term showing an act of breaking

either literally or metaphorically.

Since one word might have more than single meaning in order to define

meaning of word, information about polysemy can be helpful to check how one

meaning of the word is related to another hence the addressee can gain

understanding to the intended meaning.

4. Pragmatics

According to Yule (1996:3), pragmatics involves definition as ―the study

of meaning as communicated by a speaker (or writer) and interpreted by a listener


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(or reader), it is also called as ―the study of contextual meaning‖, and ―the study

of the relationship between linguistics forms and the users of those forms‖

(1996:4). It means that pragmatics covers understanding on interpretation of the

speaker‘s utterances in particular context and involves knowledge of the use of

linguistics meaning to convey intended meaning and purposes.

a. Contextual Meaning

Besides having understanding about lexical meaning, a reader needs to

understand the utterances by looking at the contextual information found. Yule

explains the necessary of analyzing what people means by their utterances in

particular context. ―It requires a consideration of how speakers organize what they

want to say in accordance with who they are talking to, where, when, and under

what circumstances‖ (1996:3).

Those perspectives lead us to the discussion about onomatopoeia, and the

meaning. Since the words might convey a wide variety of meaning, gaining

understanding on the agreed meaning of onomatopoeic words in particular context

will be essential hence the utterances that what is said or written will not be


C. Theoretical Framework

There are some theories used in this study to analyze onomatopoeia in

children‘s books and answer the problems formulated in the previous chapter. The

theories are onomatopoeia, children‘s literature, semantics, and pragmatics.


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The first theory, onomatopoeia, will provide guidance for the writer to find

out the characteristics, types and any theories related to onomatopoeia. This

information is needed to solve the first problem formulation in finding the types

of onomatopoeia that commonly appear in children‘s books.

The theory of semantics gives help in providing methods to find out the

meaning of lexicons to identify the meanings of the onomatopoeic words found.

The third theory, pragmatics, is employed to understand the intended meaning

uttered by the speaker (in this case, children‘s books writer) based on its context.

Pragmatics also gives further information about the objects that the writer wants

to point out through the word, by using the theory of reference. Therefore, the

theory helps this study in analyzing what the onomatopoeia refer to. Besides, in

order to assist understanding about children‘s books, its characteristics, and

essential aspects, the theory of children‘s literature takes important role to give the

information about details related to children‘s literature. The theory is also

important to be employed because there are many differences in styles and

contents conveyed by children‘s literature.


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A. Object of the Study

The object of the study is onomatopoeic words in children‘s books. The

children‘s books used are Dickens‘ A Christmas Carol, Dahl‘s Charlie and The

Chocolate Factory, introduction chapters of Milne‘s The World of Pooh: The

Complete Tales of Winnie-The Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner, Andersen‘s

Selected Fairy Tales: The Ice Maiden, and Exupery‘s The Little Prince.

The books are chosen for a consideration that they are popular children‘s

books and best sellers in years. This reason is expected to widen the possibility for

the research participants to be familiar with the stories and characters. Based on

the oral interview preceding the test about the participants‘ familiarity on the

children‘s books used, they knew the books before and ever read at least one from

the selected books.

B. Approach of the Study

This study is comprised of some linguistics approaches. The first approach

applied in this study is semantics; it is applied in the aim of identifying the

meaning of the onomatopoeia. Semantics as one of linguistics approaches

concerns with the meaning of words. In order to discover the meaning of the

onomatopoeia, lexical semantics will be conducted. This concept deals with the

relation among words, its sounds, and the meaning.


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The next approach employed is pragmatics. As stated before, pragmatics is

the study that deals with the utterances communicated by the speaker, and how it

is interpreted by the addressee. Pragmatics also concerns with the context of

utterances and the speaker‘s intended meaning which is delivered. In this study,

the concept of contextual meaning is used to examine the meaning of the

onomatopoeia based on the context in the story. The excerpts of the children‘s

books used in the multiple choice questions may have little of context but serve as

onomatopoeia vocabulary check for the research participants. It is used in the test

as a media to know their ability in recognizing the meaning of the onomatopoeia

provided, and matching up the meaning to the context of the story.

C. Method of The Study

This study is conducted under two procedures. They are data collection

and data analysis.

1. Data Collection

A purposive sampling study was applied to gather onomatopoeic words

found in children‘s books in order to examine the types of the onomatopoeia. This

kind of sampling strategy is chosen to avoid time and energy consuming process

in data collection.

In collecting the data, the researcher employed some procedures. First, the

researcher, by scanning-reading strategy, acquired certain sentences containing

onomatopoeic words in several children‘s books. Second, the words found were

listed and classified based on the type of onomatopoeia according to the theory of


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Hugh Bredin (1996). The researcher then checked the meanings of the

onomatopoeic words in the dictionary and examined these words to find the

contextual meaning based on the context of the story. The next procedure was

eliminating the onomatopoeic words which later would be used in the test

questions. The words used should fulfill the characteristics: 1) The lexical

meanings of the words are listed in the dictionary; 2) A narrow scope of context

(about two or three sentences) is needed enough to recognize the meanings; 3)

Repetitive words are avoided. Thus, the following step was putting the data in the

table including the meaning, for further examination. These procedures were used

on purpose to find out the types of onomatopoeia in children books.

Meanwhile, in order to provide data for readers‘ understanding on the

meanings of onomatopoeic words in children‘s books, the researcher prepared a

test to the research participants. The data expected here was a set of scores that is

gathered from thirty respondents. The test had the purpose to measure the

language proficiency of the research participants in understanding the

onomatopoeic words that appear in children‘s books by checking the research

participants‘ basic knowledge about onomatopoeia and diagnosing their ability in

defining the meaning of the selected words in context. Furthermore, the test was

an assessment of receptive understanding (reading comprehension) in the format

of multiple choices. In this test, the researcher utilized the data of onomatopoeia

in children‘s books as the items for measuring the understanding of the research

participants in matching the onomatopoeia and definitions.


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The research-participants are students with Junior High School English

proficiency level. They become the objects of the test for the reason that they

match the qualities: 1) in term of age, they are still considered as children

according to Kail (2011) (considering the matter that children‘s books are written

for its intended readers, children); 2) they have learnt reading skill involves

reading comprehension which covers the recognition to the words on the written

text they read; 3) they have ability to speak feedback to their difficulties and

experience in the test, also follow the instructions of the test (which is predicted

better compared to other subjects under their ages, since they have acquired more

knowledge from their longer learning period).

The question sheet was divided into three parts: Part A, B, and C. In part

A, the researcher provided ten parts of children‘s books consisting onomatopoeic

words. Respondents were directed to analyze and select the appropriate meaning

for the underlined words by giving a circle mark on the best answer they chose.

For each questions, researcher provided four answer choices (a, b, c, and d).

The part B of the test questioned about the research participants‘

understanding about onomatopoeia and the background conditions of the research

participants (their basic knowledge of onomatopoeia, and reading habits that

might be factors influencing their understanding). Otherwise, part C examined

more on the discussion about Part 1. This was a medium for the research

participants to spot any particular problem or difficulty in the test.

The time allocation for the test was twenty minutes in one meeting, it is

estimated enough to fulfill each sessions of PART A ten minutes (one minute for


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each items), PART B five minutes and PART C five minutes. The answers of the

test would be data for examining the accuracy of their understanding towards


2. Data Analysis

In order to analyze the data, this study applied several steps. The first step

was categorizing the onomatopoeia on a table, with some information provided

about its meaning according to dictionary, the meaning based on the context of the

story, and the type of the onomatopoeia. The theory of onomatopoeia type by

Hugh Bredin took essential role in differentiating the onomatopoeia as direct,

exemplary, or associative onomatopoeia. The next step was managing some

analysis on the number of correct answer and on the errors from the research

participants‘ test result about their understanding on the meanings of

onomatopoeic words in the selected children‘s books in Part A of the test and also

analysis on the feedbacks that the participants gave in Part B and reviews on Part

C. Next, the last step was summing up the discussions and analysis to make

conclusions on the types of onomatopoeia in children‘s books and the readers‘

understanding towards the meanings of onomatopoeic words in children‘s books.


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In this section, there will be provided analysis on the topic discussed in the

previous chapters. The first part of the analysis focuses on the type of

onomatopoeia in children‘s books. Some theories about onomatopoeia are

employed to deliver understanding on the differentiation of the types of

onomatopoeia (direct, exemplary, and associative), and its further descriptions.

The next part of the chapter will discuss the results of the test which is

conducted to check readers‘ understanding on onomatopoeic words‘ meanings.

A. Onomatopoeia Types in Children’s Books

This part examines children books: A Christmas Carol, Introduction

Chapters of The World of Pooh: The Complete Tales of Winnie-The Pooh and The

House at Pooh Corner, Hans Christian Andersen’s Selected Fairy Tales: The Ice

Maiden, The Little Prince, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The researcher

employed a scanning reading strategy to find onomatopoeic words on these books.

Therefore, these selected words next are classified into three types of


Based on the research findings, from the five children‘s books observed,

there are forty two onomatopoeic words compiled, and some words appear

repeatedly in the stories.


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Table 4.1 The Data Presentation of Onomatopoeia Types in Children’s Books

Types of Onomatopoeia Words Classified into The Type

Direct Onomatopoeia Bang, Bump, Buzz, Clash, Crack, Crash, Ding

dong, Hum, Knock, Squawk, Boom, Buzz,

Clank, Clap, Click, Cluck, Crack, Crash,

Crunch, Flap, Growl, Hiss, Hum, Mew, Pop,

Whirr, Whizz, Yawn

(28 words)

Associative Onomatopoeia Flash, Roar, Smash, Splash, Squeak, Twinkle,

Wink, Bubble

(8 words)

Exemplary Onomatopoeia Bah, Whoop, Whoopee, Yippee, Hooray,


(6 words)

In the table above, the onomatopoeic words in children books examined

are classified into three types: direct, associative, and exemplary onomatopoeia.

Many of them having the same root yet functioning in different part of speech in

the sentences. For example the root crack that can be modified into different

words either without any addition of affixes (crack the noun and crack the verb

are polysemous), or with affixes such as –er, (cracker), -ing (cracking), and –ly

(crackly) that changes it lexical category.


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1. Direct Onomatopoeia

The words that are classified in this type have acoustical similarities

(Bredin, 1996:558) to their denoted objects. From the selected parts of the

children‘s books, there are forty words categorized as direct onomatopoeia. This

number is the highest compared to the other types of onomatopoeia found in the

children‘s books. These words are grouped in the type of direct onomatopoeia for

similarly and directly imitating the sounds of the objects.

All of them meet the requirements to be in direct type since they all are

considered in the class of sounds that resembles the objects it denotes, and the

sounds of the words resembles a member of the class. Not just imitating the

sounds like mimicry, they are a result of convention that defines their lexical


For instances, onomatopoeia ding dong that resembles the sound of the

clock‘s bell, the word knock that directly resembles the sound of caused by a blow

on the door, and buzz as the sound made by bees. In defining the meaning of these

words, English language users need to think of the agreed concept of the object

that symbolized by the sounds they heard.

Otherwise, some words in this type are not in the class of sounds but

considered as resembling the member of that class such as clank, clap, crunch,

flap, mew, pop, and yawn. The words are verbs that carry meanings as actions of

making sounds like clank, clap, crunch, flap, mew, pop, and yawn. It confirms a

relation between these verbs with the sounds they denotes. Therefore, based on

the classification of onomatopoeia, they are considered as direct onomatopoeia.


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Based on research finding, some onomatopoeic words classified in direct

onomatopoeia become roots for the making of other words which also appears

frequently in the children‘s books for instances knock, crack, and whizz. These

roots are attached to some affixes which cause changes to mark either new

meaning or grammatical contrast. Some of the words as the result of the roots‘

modification are in the class of adjectives, derived from its roots with additional

suffixes of –ing, and –ly functioned to modify the following noun. The others are

words knocker, whizzer, and cracker in the class of noun with suffix –er that

describes somebody or tool as the doer of the action they denote, or the object

used in the action. In further details of lexical meaning, knocker is defined as

metal object on the door for knocking, whizzer as the tools made continuous

sound of whizz, and cracker as a tool functioned to do the act of cracking. All of

these mentioned words undergo a derivational change (the changing of words‘

lexical category due to the addition of affix (es)). Considering the changes, it

definitely affects the meaning of the words.

Some words in English are possible to have wide variants of meanings.

Some of the meanings might relate one and another while others might have

different and unrelated definitions. However, a first recognition to the definition

of the words cannot be stretched far from its roots and other possible meanings.

Hence, in other words, there is still a common connection the language user can

relate to define these words to the words‘ class of sounds when it comes into use.

Therefore, the meanings of the words trace back reader‘s recognition to its direct


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resemblance to the sounds of the objects which it denotes. This can be observed

from the use of onomatopoeia knock in sentences in the children‘s books below.

a) At that moment there was a knock at the door.

b) So he reached up and knocked at the door.

c) And Pooh looked at the knocker and the notice below it.

From the context (a), knock as a noun is merely used to describe a loud

sudden sound made when someone is striking the door. While, functioning it as a

verb as in (b),the language user is driven to have the meaning of knock as the act

of striking the door in the purpose to gain entry. The meaning of knock also

appears differently in (c), with additional suffix –er, it describes a tool used in the

act of striking the door (knocking).

Another example is direct onomatopoeia crack which having different

meanings in some cases. Again there are some additional suffixes either

representing changes to its lexical category, or just having relation to grammatical


d) He was nearly there now, and if he just stood on that


e) Scrooge was not much in the habit of cracking jokes, nor did he

feel, in his heart, by any means waggish then.

f) The panels shrunk, the windows cracked…

g) And the shiny paper wrapper made little sharp crackly noises in

the quiet room.

h) And in the old man’s room stood a large press, full of all sorts of

carved things nut-crackers, knives and forks, boxes with beautifully

carved foliage, leaping chamois.

Looking at the uses above, the readers of the children‘s books are expected

to cope with various meanings from the root crack. In sentence (d), crack as a

noun has the definition of sound created when an object is splitting or breaking.

Therefore, there is a connection that can be made to define the meaning of crack


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when it functions as adjective, verb, and even as same lexical category of noun

but different meaning as in (e), (f), (g) and (h).

Functioning as adjectives, cracking in context (e) and crackly in (g)

modify the nouns followed (jokes and noises) which made the sound. While the

verb cracked tend to define the action that causes the sound crack. And in other

hand, cracker which functions as a noun presents meaning, not as the sound, but

as the tool used in the action of cracking that also creates the sound crack.

As with the noun crack as a sound, the adjectives, verb and the noun

cracker bring the link to concept of sudden sound of the object breaking to its

lexical meaning.

2. Associative Onomatopoeia

This kind of onomatopoeia classifies onomatopoeic words according to the

principle of association. As stated by Bredin, it happens when the sound of a word

resembles a sound associated with whatever it is that the word denotes

(1996:560). It depends to convention to affirm what object that the onomatopoeia

associated with. Based on the researcher‘s findings, from the data of

onomatopoeic words found, there are twelve words that are included in the type of


One example of this type is roar. It suggests the association to a loud

prolonged sound which commonly related to the sound that is made by animal

especially lion. However, in the context of the story in Andersen‘s The Ice

Maiden the word suits the meaning of a very long deep prolonged sound made by


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thunder. It shows that the word adopts the acoustic resemblance of a lion‘s sound

and associates it into a loud prolonged sound of something inanimate.

The next examples are smash, bubble and splash. None of these words

resembles the sounds that it names. These words are the results of association

process that relates them with the sounds they associated with. Splash has

similarity to the sound when something (an object) is falling or striking into water

even in, while bubble denotes similarity to the sound of bubbling liquid. In other

hand, the word smash has a slight resemblance to a sound that may accompany

the act of breaking or destroying (Bredin, 1996: 560).

3. Exemplary Onomatopoeia

Exemplary onomatopoeia contains words which imitate sounds related to

the amount and character of physical works in uttering the words. Based on the

data of children‘s books that the researcher gathered, there are six words

belonging to exemplary types such as bah, whoop, whoopee, yippee, hooray,

humbug. These words function as interjections that express the emotion of the

speakers such as happiness, delight, or dislikes. When a speaker utters all these

words, it carries qualities, affecting the meanings. For instances the words bah

and humbug which suggest a low and slow sounds since it imitates the expression

of dislikes, compared to whoop, whoopee, yippee, hooray which are uttered with

louder and more powerful voices to express the happiness of the speaker. As the

result, to utter the words will expend more amounts of efforts.

Children‘s books are especially intended for readers considered in children

ages, so the content and its characteristics are designed to adapt their language


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skills. Based on theories about children‘s literature, the researcher concludes that

children‘s books commonly present simpler language which comprehensible for

its intended reader, children. This issue triggers reason for the frequent appearance

of direct onomatopoeia type that found in children‘s book. Considering the

findings on onomatopoeia types in children‘s books, the researcher found that the

characteristics of direct onomatopoeia fits as simpler language required by

children‘s books.

As discussed in the previous discussion, direct onomatopoeia directly

resembles the sound of objects it denotes; therefore the reader will be able to

identify it easier, compared to the other two types of onomatopoeia. In direct type,

there is no number of associations to the concepts of onomatopoeia that the

readers need to recognize in understanding the meaning of the word.

B. Readers’ Understanding on the Meanings of the Onomatopoeic Words

1. Data Presentation

To support this study, the researcher took data using a test to thirty

respondents who practice English as a primary/second language in their daily life,

proficient English in both written and verbal. Considering that English is their

second language, the research participants easily recognized the meaning of

English onomatopoeia (compared to students who take English as a foreign

language), as the result some aspects that only need to be concerned are their

understanding on vocabulary, and reading comprehension particularly in term of

defining the words‘ meaning by its context.


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In assessing the test, to answer the questions the test-takers are expected to

recognize the meaning of the onomatopoeic words analyzed in the previous part.

From the onomatopoeic words found in the children‘s books, not all the words are

employed in the test, due to the limitation of time there will be only ten

onomatopoeia chosen. Therefore, the words also should fulfill the characteristics:

1) The lexical meanings of the words are listed in the dictionary; 2) A narrow

scope of context (about two or three sentences) is needed enough to recognize the

meanings; 3) Repetitive words are avoided.

In addition, they are supposed to suit the meaning based on the context of

the story since there is a possibility for each word to have more than one single

meaning. The context here engages to other words in the excerpts that are able to

be used as clues to find the meaning. Those words can appear preceding the

onomatopoeia or/and following the word. Avoiding the context makes the readers

would be risky to guess the meaning of the word. This matter is possible to lead

the test-taker to wrong association since context helps the readers to accelerate the

recognition to words in the story through the process of guessing.

In the next session, there will be a presentation of the result of the test

conducted previously and the researcher‘s analysis on the result and the research

participants‘ feedback on the test.



In this part, onomatopoeic words analyzed in the previous session are

utilized in the test. The onomatopoeia is presented in the short part of paragraph it


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belongs to, thus there are four options of the definitions that the research

participants required to choose. It tests the research participants‘ recognition

knowledge to the onomatopoeia in the purpose of measuring their understanding

on onomatopoeia in children‘s books. Hence the result is presented as follows:

Table 4.2 The Data Presentation of Readers’ Understanding on the Meanings

of Onomatopoeic Words in Children’s Books

According to the data of reader‘s understanding on the meanings of

onomatopoeic words in children‘s books, it can be summed up that the research

participants‘ error in recognizing the meaning of the onomatopoeic words in the

test is quite low, except for question number 2 questioning about onomatopoeia

bump. Further information about the test results in Part A will be discussed in the

next section.

i. Question no.1 Part A

The quarter was so long, that he was more than once convinced he must have

sunk into a doze unconsciously, and missed the clock. At length it broke upon his

listening ear.

“Ding, dong!”

“A quarter past,” said Scrooge, counting.

“Ding, dong!”

Onomatopoeic Words



















Total Number of

Correct Answer

27 1 29 30 27 25 23 24 25 26

Total Number of

Incorrect Answer

3 29 1 0 3 5 7 6 5 4


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“Half past,” said Scrooge.

“Ding, dong!”

“A quarter to it,” said Scrooge.

“Ding, dong!”

“The hour itself,” said Scrooge triumphantly, “and nothing else!

(Dickens p.61)

A word might have more than one possible meaning in dictionary, yet

there will be only one best meaning that suit the context. Thus, the next step

performed by the researcher is examining the meanings based on the context of

the stories.

The word ding dong in A Christmas Carol directly represents the sound of

Scrooge‘s (the character in the story) clock bell. The readers are given the context

in which Scrooge waiting impatiently while counting the time. The reader could

gain some clues about the meaning of the word using the word ‗clock‘, and the

context when Scrooge‘s counting on time.

In the number questioning about ding dong sound, there were 27

respondents answered it correctly, whereas, there are some respondents took it

wrong, one of them considered the answer as Scrooge‘s (the character in the

story) sound and the other as a door‘s bell. For the answer of Scrooge‘s sound,

this kind of error might be caused by the mistake in understanding the context, the

respondent misunderstood ding dong as the part of Scrooge‘s utterances since it

comes in the preceding and following line of his speaking, as can be seen below:

In the second problem, the incorrect answer the research participants chose

is a door’s bell that can be related to their confusion with bahasa Indonesia term

in which using ding dong to refer a door‘s bell instead of the correct answer, a

clock‘s bell. This cause can be assumed by considering the background of the


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research participants who also use bahasa Indonesia. It proves that there is a

connection of cultural understanding in their language learning.

ii. Question no.2 Part A

Here is Edward Bear, coming downstairs now, bump, bump, bump, on the back of

his head, behind Christopher Robin. It is, as far as he knows, the only way of

coming downstairs, but sometimes he feels that there really is another way, if only

he could stop bumping for a moment and think of it…

He nodded and went out, and in a moment I heard Winnie-the- Pooh- bump,

bump, bump- going up the stairs behind him.

(Milne p.15)

The onomatopoeia bump is found in Milne‘s in which we are introduced to

Winnie-the-Pooh and some Bees, and the Stories Begin. In the story, Milne

describes Edwards Bear (Robin‘s bear doll) behind Christopher Robin‘s coming

downstairs sounded ―Bump, Bump, Bump‖. It indicates that there is a sound of

blow on Robin‘s back caused by the doll.

In this item, twenty nine respondents (99% in percentage) failed to define

the meaning of the word bump. Most of the research participants chose ―the sound

of footsteps‖ as their final answer despite it is not even a possible meaning for that

word. It is because they failed to get the contextual meaning that bump is a sound

created by Edward Bear which crashing to the back of Robin‘s head.

Therefore, this low number of assessments initiates further examination to

any possible elements that perhaps the causes of it. The researcher in Part C

surveyed a review about the research participants‘ difficulty in Part A, there are

some options of responses provided to choose:


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(a) I never heard/seen the words before,

(b) I do not know the context,

(c) There is no correct answer provided, the words should mean something else,

(d) the research participants are given a spot to mention another answer outside

the options).

The findings show that the most answers in quantity are (a.) I never

heard/seen the words before (nine respondents) and (c.) There is no correct

answer provided, the words should mean something else (nine respondents).

These answers remark the problem in the research participants‘ familiarity on the

word bump and misconception on the meaning of that word.

iii. Question no.3 Part A

First of all he said to himself: “That buzzing- noise means something. You don’t

get a buzzing-noise like that, just buzzing and buzzing, without its meaning

something. If there’s buzzing-noise, somebody’s making a buzzing-noise…

”Isn’t it funny How a bear likes honey?

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

I wonder why he does? (Milne p.18- 19)

In the contrary to the result in no.2, in this item the research participants

performed a good assessment by achieving 99% in percentage for answering the

correct meaning of buzz. This accomplishment is possibly caused by their

familiarity to that word since it frequently spoken. In Part C item no.1 about

which words (onomatopoeic words mentioned in Part A) the research participants

familiar with, buzz was commonly stated. Another possibility is the story‘s

recognizable contexts that lead the readers to catch the meaning by employing

explicit clues in the paragraph hence the word bees.

iv. Question no.4 Part A

He was getting rather tired by this time, so that is why he sang a Complaining

Song. He was nearly there now, and if he just stood on that branch…



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“Oh, help!” said Pooh, as he dropped ten feet on the branch below him.

(Milne p.20)

In this part which questioning the meaning of the word crack, the

researcher found that the research participants gaining the understanding. This

finding is based on their perfect assessment in answering this question.

Crack in the story means the sound that came from the branch where Pooh

stood on, had split. The readers easily recognize the meaning by relating it to the

word branch that mentioned previously.

v. Question no.5 Part A

Edward Bear, known to his friend as Winnie- the- Pooh, or Pooh for short, was

walking through the forest one day, humming proudly to himself. He had made up

a little hum that very morning, as he was doing his Stoutness Exercises in front of

the glass: Tra-la-la, tra-la-la as he stretched up as high as he could go, and then

Tra-la-la, tra-la-oh, help! – la, as he tried to reach his toes.

(Milne p.33)

In the discussion about the onomatopoeic word hum, the research

participants mostly answered correctly (twenty seven respondents). The word

hum appears as a verb with additional suffix –ing, and presents the action of Pooh,

singing with closed lips.

The options for the answer in this question are framed to the action of

sing. This word is repeated in all four options, in order to lead the research

participants clearer to the intended correct answer. However, some of participants

still confused to define the word hum. Two of them chose sing loudly as the

answers, and one chose sing with opened lips.


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vi. Question no.6 Part A

“Paw-marks.” He gave a little squeak of excitement.

“Oh, Pooh! Do you think it’s a – a – a Woozle?”

(Milne p.33)

From the data collected, the participants‘ recognition to the word squeak is

classified as good. Twenty five test-takers answered it correctly, and the rest of

them responded in wrong answers. Based on this finding, it can be concluded that

they understand the meaning of the word which means a high pitched sound,

uttered by the character Piglet in the story.

However, still there are some research participants making mistakes in

defining squeak in the test. They misinterpreted this word as a loud noisy sound

(two participants), whisper (two participants), and expression (one participant).

vii. Question no.7 Part A

They are digging passages beneath the earth, and the noise is like the reports of

cannons. I shall throw down my palaces, for the clamour is louder than the roar

of thunder.

(Andersen p.68)

The researcher in this question challenge the research participants to look

at the context of the story by providing other possible meaning of the word roar in

the options, such as a prolonged cry uttered by lion. This definition is commonly

attached when we talk about this word since it actually resembles the sound of

lion. Nevertheless, this meaning does not suit the context since it is a sound made

by thunder, not a lion. Consequently, the correct answer should be a very loud,

deep, prolonged sound made by something inanimate. In the result of the test,

twenty three out of thirty participants are proven being able to notice that matter.


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The others answered it as a burst of laughter (three participants), a prolonged cry

uttered by lion (three participants), and a soft tone sound (one participant).

viii. Question no.8 Part A

The he put the paper in the bottle, and he corked the bottle up as tightly as he

could, and he leant out of his window as far as he could lean without falling in,

and he threw the bottle as far as he could throw- splash!- and in a little while it

bobbed up again on the water…

(Milne p. 130)

Answering this number, twenty four participants show good understanding

on the meaning of onomatopoeic word splash. The word without context actually

has performed property liquid, moreover the word water also stated in the

paragraph. This condition allows respondents to eliminate the option b which has

no word water. The next task is deciding the appropriate situation that make the

water sounds splash, and the best answer is the bottle (which the character threw)

striking into water. Unfortunately, in the test six participants failed to define the

intended meaning of the word, two of them chose the sound made by something

striking or falling into ground as their answer, one other defined it as the sound of

water in the bottle, and the three others thought that the word means the sound of

water flowing.

ix. Question no.9 Part A

"This is more entertaining than the visit to the king," the little prince said to

himself. And he began again to clap his hands, one against the other. The

conceited man again raised his hat in salute.

(Exupery p.28)


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The onomatopoeia clap is questioned in this item, and twenty five test-

takers respond it correctly. The meaning can be quite clear recognized by noticing

the word salute that implies an action to applaud on something. The research

participants who answered this part incorrectly defined clap as rub softly on

something (one participant), and the rest of them defined it as hands gesture to

give signal (four participants).

x. Question no.10 Part A

At that point, there came a loud knock on the front door. Mr Bucket went to open

it, and the next moment, swarms of newspapermen and photographers were

pouring into the house.

( Dahl p.32)

In this item, twenty six participants prove their good understanding on the

meaning of word knock which is often used literary works and basic

communication. They are able to relate the word door and phrase pouring into the

house to help them to recognize the meaning. Those who cannot answer the

question correctly thought that knock has the meaning of the sound of someone

opening the door (one participant), a sound of greetings (one participant), a noisy

sound (two participants).

The result shows that most of the research participants are classified into

category of very good for their assessment in choosing meaning for the provided

onomatopoeic words. It is concluded from the data which shows that 76% (twenty

three students) achieves high scores range 80-100. According to test results, the

research participants are competent in recognizing and understanding the meaning

of the underlined words in PART A. Despite their achievement is high, still there


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are some errors in answering the questions. It can be seen from the data that

several students failed to recognize some words especially items number 2, bump.

It might be caused by the mistake of determining the meaning without considering

the context.


PART B of the test covers a written interview with the research

participants in order to gain additional information about respondents‘ knowledge

about onomatopoeia, reading routine on fiction books, and experience in

recognizing the meanings of onomatopoeic words in books.

i. Question no.1 PART B

In this item, respondents were asked about their previous experience with

onomatopoeia whether they had ever heard/seen about onomatopoeia before the

test or not. Seventeen out of thirty respondents stated that they did know about


ii. Question no.2 PART B

The question required respondents to present knowledge about

onomatopoeia by stating some onomatopoeic words (excluding the words

mentioned in PART A). The answers involve: the onomatopoeic words bang,

bash, boom, kaboom, boing, tick tock, bam. These are expected correct responses

which support the test result of the research participants‘ understanding on



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Other answers in this part are non- English words such as duar, kring,

gubrak, zzz, ehm, shh, bruk, aaah, plak., and some English words not classified as

onomatopoeia such as dash, set, brak, since none of them having the characteristic

of resembling the sounds of natural sounds, expressions of human expressions or

physical efforts. These errors in this part imply interference of another language

that influences the research participants‘ performance in mentioning

onomatopoeic words, and also incorrect recognition to the onomatopoeic words‘


iii. Question no.3 PART B

Besides, discussing about how often they read fiction books to check if the

reading routine supports their understanding. The responses mainly portray quite

varied responses, but the results show they have a good reading habit. Moreover,

they are able to state other examples of onomatopoeia, excluding the words which

mentioned in the previous part.

Table 4.3 The Result of Question no.3 PART B

Options Number of Respondents

Choosing the Options

a. At least once a week 7

b. Sometimes/quite often 10

c. Only in my spare time 11

d. On my class only 2


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This result implies that the research participants‘ good assessments in

defining the meaning of the onomatopoeic words is influenced by their reading

habit which help them to comprehend the context of the story and use words in

the paragraphs as hints to recognize the meaning of the onomatopoeic words.

iv. Question no.4 PART B

It connects with the next question if they understand the meanings of

onomatopoeic words when they read children books, the answer with biggest

percentage is that sometimes they cannot find the meaning of some words.

Table 4.4 The Result of Question no.4 PART B

Options Number of Respondents Choosing

the Options

a. I always understand it. 8

b. Sometimes I can‘t find the meaning

of some words.


c. Mostly, I fail to find the words‘



d. I never consider the words‘ meaning.

I prefer to focus on the story.


According to the result, the researcher can sum up that the research

participants usually face some difficulties in recognizing the meaning of some

words in the books that they read.


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In order to ensure analysis on the readers‘ understanding, PART C

functions as a medium for the research participants‘ feedback of PART A to spot

any difficulties and familiarity on the words experienced by the test-takers.

i. Question no.1 PART C

The question in this part concerns with the onomatopoeic words employed

in PART A which the research participants think have difficult meaning to find. In

this item some respondents gave answers of having no difficulty, some others did

mistakes in giving the responses by stating other words exclude the

onomatopoeia. However, mostly the research participants gave their responses

properly as instructed. Therefore the result will be as follows:

Table 4.5 The Result of Question no.1 PART C

Onomatopoeia Number of Respondents

Considering The

Onomatopoeic Words


Ding dong -

Bump 5

Buzz 2

Crack 1

Humming 3

Squeak 5

Roar -


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Splash -

Clap 1

Knock 7

From the table above, it can be concluded that the research participants

had difficulty mostly in defining the words knock, bump, and squeak. These

responses matched the result in PART A that the word bump having the biggest

total number of wrong answers compared to the other nine onomatopoeic words.

The researcher in this section concerns in leading the research participants‘

awareness to their problem in choosing the best meanings for the words, and how

they account which words are unfamiliar in their vocabulary.

ii. Question no.2 PART C

Table 4.6 The Result of Question no.2 PART C

Options Number of Respondents

Choosing the Options

a. I never heard or seen the words before. 9

b. I do not know the context. 5

c. There is no correct answer provided, the

words should mean something else.


d. (another answer) 4

No Answer 3


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Based on the responses gathered, the research participants never heard the

words before, so recognizing its meaning would be unachievable. Other responses

stated they believe that there is no correct answer provided and the words should

mean something else. This statement confirms that several students faced

confusion to choose suitable meaning for the underlined words because the

correct meaning should have mentioned in the options.

iii. Question no.3 PART C

Moreover, PART C also provides data of some familiar onomatopoeic

words (in PART A) which recognized by the research participants. The answers

are varied but mostly the research participants suggested splash and ding dong.

Table 4.7 The Result of Question no.3 PART C

Onomatopoeia Number of Respondents

Considering The

Onomatopoeic Word


Ding dong 10

Bump 5

Buzz 8

Crack 9

Humming 6

Squeak 3

Roar 5

Splash 20


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Clap 7

Knock 9

This result shows that, in comparison to question no.1 Part C, The number

of responses from the research participants increased. The research participants

provided more responses which implied that they had more familiar onomatopoeic

words in the test than unknown words. Therefore, this result strengthens the

finding that the research participants have a good understanding on onomatopoeia

in children‘s books.

According to the preceding findings in the test PART A, B, and C, the

researcher notices the ability of the research participants in recognizing the

meanings of onomatopoeic words in the test which cover comprehension in

matching the meanings to the context of the stories, also notices the research

participants‘ ability in communicating or stating their difficulties, familiarity, and

knowledge about onomatopoeia.


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From the onomatopoeia in children books that the researcher gathered,

there are forty words in types of direct onomatopoeia, twelve in associative type,

and six words of exemplary onomatopoeia. The words such as ding dong, bump,

buzz, crack, hum, knock, etc. are classified as direct onomatopoeia since those

words directly imitates the sound of the referring object. On other side there are

flash, roar, smash (N), smash (V), splash, squeak (N), squeak (V), squeaky,

twinkle , wink which are classified in the associative type since in defining its

meanings, a process of association is employed to the resemblance of the sound of

object it denotes. The other words Bah, Whoop, Whoopee, Yippee, Hooray,

Humbug are classified in the exemplary type since they suggest the amount of

physical work in uttering the words that affects their meaning. To summarize, the

most frequent type of onomatopoeia appeared in children‘s books is direct

onomatopoeia. This finding is in line to the principle that children‘s books require

simple form in language.

Furthermore, based on the research findings the research participants‘

assessment in determining the meanings of onomatopoeic words in children‘s

books is classified as very good, shown by the high rate of correct answers. To

wrap up the discussion, the test results emphasize the test-takers‘ good

understanding of onomatopoeia in children‘s books.


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Referring to previous analysis, the research participants are capable to

choose the appropriate meaning for the words by referring to the context of the

story and mention some examples of onomatopoeia. It is supported by their good

reading habit, based on their statements that seven respondents read for at least

once a week and the ten other quite often do that habit.

Despite the very good assessments results, still there are many errors and

difficulties conveyed by the research participants. The errors that may lead by

unfamiliarity to the intended words, failure in attaining the context, confusion to

determine meaning since there are possibility for having more than one single

meaning and confusion with onomatopoeia in other language. Discussing

difficulties, the research participants states that it is because they never heard/

seen the words before and they claim that there is no correct answer provided, and

the words should mean something else.

A fluent reader should be able to use utilize word-recognition in their

reading. However, most children prefers to focus their reading on the story only

and ignore to decode unfamiliar words, this study guides children to develop their

reading ability to recognize words, specifically onomatopoeic words in English

learning. This study also suggests other researchers and language enthusiasts to

create more research and findings about onomatopoeia as a part of linguistic

features, also educators to provide materials that support the students‘

understanding on word-meaning recognition and reading comprehension on

literary works.


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Kusuma, Silvia Mega. The Study of Onomatopoeia Types and Translation

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Lukens, Rebecca J. A. Critical Handbook of Children’s Literature. Boston : Allyn

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Macaulay, Ronald K.S. Seven Ways of Looking at Language. New York: Palgrave

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Milne, A.A. The World of Pooh :The Complete Winnie-The Pooh and The House

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Onomatopoeic Words in Children’s Books

Books Page Onomatopoeia







18 Bah It was the voice of Scrooge‘s nephew,

who came upon him so quickly that this

was the first intimation he had of his


―Bah!‖ said Scrooge. ―Humbug!‖

18 Scrooge, having no better answer ready

on the spur of the moment, said ―Bah!‖

again; and followed it up with


18 Humbug

It was the voice of Scrooge‘s nephew,

who came upon him so quickly that this

was the first intimation he had of his


―Bah!‖ said Scrooge. ―Humbug!‖

18 ―Christmas a humbug, uncle!‖ said

Scrooge‘s nephew. ―You don‘t mean

that, I am sure?‖

18 Scrooge, having no better answer ready

on the spur of the moment, said ―Bah!‖

again; and followed it up with



―Humbug!‖ said Scrooge; and walked

across the room.

39 ―It‘s humbug still!‖ said Scrooge.


Humbug, I tell you; humbug!‖


Wink Some laborers were repairing the gas-

pipes, and had lighted a great fire in a

brazier, round which a party of ragged

men and boys were gathered, warming

their hands and winking their eyes

before the blaze, in rapture.


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If the good Saint Dunstan had but

nipped the Evil Spirit‘s nose with a

touch of such weather as that, instead of

using his familiar weapons, then,

indeed, he would have roared to lusty




Now it is a fact that there was nothing at

all particular about the knocker on the

door, except that it was very large


As Scrooge looked fixedly at this

phenomenon it was a knocker again.


But there was nothing on the back of the

door, except the screws and nuts that

held the knocker on, so he said, ―Pooh,

pooh!‖ and closed it with a bang.


What an honest expression it has in its

face! It‘s a wonderful knocker.


…he must have knocked his head

against the ceiling, Scrooge cried in

great excitement.


But now a knocking at the door was


35 Bang But there was nothing on the back of the

door, except the screws and nuts that

held the knocker on, so he said, ―Pooh,

pooh!‖ and closed it with a bang.

39 Boom

The cellar door flew open with a

booming sound…


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Crack Scrooge was not much in the habit of

cracking jokes, nor did he feel, in his

heart, by any means waggish then.


The panels shrunk, the windows




The Ghost, on hearing this, set up

another cry, and clanked his chain so



Ding dong The quarter was so long, that he was

more than once convinced he must have

sunk into a doze unconsciously, and

missed the clock. At length it broke

upon his listening ear.

―Ding, dong!‖

―A quarter past,‖ said Scrooge,


―Ding, dong!‖

―Half past,‖ said Scrooge.

―Ding, dong!‖

―A quarter to it,‖ said Scrooge.

―Ding, dong!‖

―The hour itself,‖ said Scrooge

triumphantly, ―and nothing else!

202 Clash, clash, hammer; ding, dong, bell!

Bell, dong, ding; hammer, clang, clash!

Oh, glorious, glorious!



Fowls clucked and strutted in the

stables, and the coach-houses and sheds

were overrun with grass.

72 Click

…no, not a clicking in the fire, but fell

upon the heart of Scrooge with softening




She clapped her hands and laughed, and

tried to touch his head…

126 Hiss

Mrs. Cratchit made the gravy (ready

beforehand in a little saucepan) hissing


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Clash Clash, clash, hammer; ding, dong, bell!

Bell, dong, ding; hammer, clang, clash!

Oh, glorious, glorious!


The World

of Pooh


Bump Here is Edward Bear, coming

downstairs now, bump, bump, bump, on

the back of his head, behind Christopher

Robin. It is, as far as he knows, the only

way of coming downstairs, but

sometimes he feels that there really is

another way, if only he could stop

bumping for a moment and think of it.

29 Winnie- the- Pooh hadn‘t thought about

this. If he let go of the string, he would

fall- bump- and he didn‘t like the idea of


32 He nodded and went out, and in a

moment I heard Winnie-the- Pooh-

bump, bump, bump- going up the stairs

behind him.



One day when he was out walking, he

came to an open place in the middle of

the forest, and in the middle of this

place was a large oak- tree, and, from

the top of the tree, there came a loud


First of all he said to himself: ―That

buzzing- noise means something. You

don‘t get a buzzing-noise like that, just

buzzing and buzzing, without its

meaning something. If there‘s buzzing-

noise, somebody‘s making a buzzing-

noise, and the only reason for making a

buzzing-noise that I know of is because

you‘re a bee.‖


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28 The bees were still buzzing as

suspiciously as ever.


Isn‘t it funny

How a bear likes honey?

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

I wonder why he does?

20 Crack He was getting rather tired by this time,

so that is why he sang a Complaining

Song. He was nearly there now , and if

he just stood on that branch…


―Oh, help!‖ said Pooh, as he dropped

ten feet on the branch below him.


Hum Edward Bear, known to his friend as

Winnie- the- Pooh, or Pooh for short,

was walking through the forest one day,

humming proudly to himself. He had

made up a little hum that very morning,

as he was doing his Stoutness Exercises

in front of the glass: Tra-la-la, tra-la-la

as he stretched up as high as he could

go, and then Tra-la-la, tra-la-oh, help! –

la, as he tried to reach his toes.

33 After breakfast he had said it over and

over to himself until he had learnt it off

by heart, and now he was humming it

right through, properly.

34 Well, he was humming this hum to

himself, and walking gaily along…

39 ―Hallo, are you stuck?‖ he asked. ―N-

no,‖ said Pooh carelessly.

―Just resting and thinking and humming

to myself.‖


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43 So, with a nod of thanks to his friends,

he went on with his walk through the

forest, humming proudly to himself.

64 Pooh rubbed his nose with his paw, and

said that the Heffalump might be

walking along, humming a little song

and looking up at the sky…

33 He had made up a little hum that very

morning, as he was doing his Stoutness

Exercises in front of the glass: Tra-la-la,

tra-la-la as he stretched up as high as he

could go, and then Tra-la-la, tra-la-oh,

help! – la, as he tried to reach his toes.

34 Well, he was humming this hum to

himself, and walking gaily along…

42 And then, all of a sudden, he said

―Pop!‖ just as if a cork were coming out

of a bottle.

46 Squeak ―Paw-marks.‖ He gave a little squeak of

excitement. ―Oh, Pooh! Do you think

it‘s a – a – a Woozle?‖

55 Knock Owl lived at the Chestnuts, an old-world

residence of great charm, which was

grander than anybody else‘s, or seemed

so to Bear, because it had both a

knocker and a bell-pull.


Then, to make quite sure, he knocked

and pulled the knocker, and he pulled

and knocked the bell- rope…


So they went outside. And Pooh looked

at the knocker and the notice below it,

and he looked at the bell-rope and the

notice below it…


Then, to make quite sure, he knocked

and pulled the knocker, and he pulled

and knocked the bell- rope…


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73 Bump And he tried bumping it against things,

but as he couldn‘t see what he was

bumping it against, it didn‘t help him…


―I can hear something,‖ said Christopher

Robin. It was Pooh bumping his head

against a tree-root he had found.

75 Crash

And while he was still laughing- Crash

went the Heffalump‘s head against the

tree root, Smash went the jar, and out

came Pooh‘s head again.


Smash And while he was still laughing- Crash

went the Heffalump‘s head against the

tree root, Smash went the jar, and out

came Pooh‘s head again.

81 Knock ―What are you trying to do?‖

―I was trying to reach the knocker said

Piglet. ―I just came around—―

81 ―Let me do it for you,‖ said Pooh

kindly. So he reached up and knocked at

the door.

81 ―and poor Eeyore is in a Very Sad

Condition, because it‘s his birthday, and

nobody has taken any notice of it, and

he‘s very Gloomy- you know what

Eeyore is- and there he was, and- What

a long time whoever lives here is

answering this door.‖ And he knocked


84 ―There‘s a notice about knocking and

ringing outside my door, which

Christopher Robin wrote. Could you

read it?‖


Bang Eeyore would be, he didn‘t look where

he was going… and suddenly he put his

foot in a rabbit hole, and fell down flat

on his face. BANG!!!???***!!!

99 Squeak ―Good afternoon, Kanga.‖

―Good afternoon, Pooh.‖


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―Look at me jumping,‖ squeaked Roo,

and fell into another mouse-hole.

122 ―Did you see me swimming?‖ squeaked

Roo excitedly, while Kanga scolded him

and rubbed him down.

148 ―Hallo, Pooh!‖ he squeaked.

―Hallo, Roo!‖ said Pooh.


Piglet made a squeaky Roo-noise from

the bottom of Kanga‘s pocket.


Knock At that moment there was a knock at the


―Come in,‖ said Kanga, and in come in

Christopher Robin.

121 Squeak But we shall never know what Pooh

thought, for there came a sudden squeak

from Roo, a splash, and a loud cry of

alarm from Kanga.


Splash But we shall never know what Pooh

thought, for there came a sudden squeak

from Roo, a splash, and a loud cry of

alarm from Kanga.

130 The he put the paper in the bottle, and

he corked the bottle up as tightly as he

could, and he leant out of his window as

far as he could lean without falling in,

and he threw the bottle as far as he

could throw- splash!- and in a little

while it bobbed up again on the water…


Squawk Luckily, a sudden loud squawk from

Owl, which was really part of the story,

being what his aunt said, woke the

Piglet up …

155 Bump He nodded and went out… and in a

moment I heard Winnie-the-Pooh-

bump, bump, bump – going up the stairs

behind him.


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The Little


6 Crash Remember, I had crashed in the desert a

thousand miles from any inhabited




And, after working with all this

painstaking precision, she yawned and



So he remained standing upright, and,

since he was tired, he yawned.



―It is contrary to etiquette to yawn in the

presence of a king.

―Ah, then,‖ the king said. ―I order you

to yawn. It is years since I have seen

anyone yawning. Yawns to me, are

objects of curiosity. Come, now! Yawn

again! It is an order.‖

25 The little prince yawned. He was

regretting his lost sunset.


Hum ―Hum! Hum!‖ replied the king; and

before saying anything else he consulted

a bulky almanac. ―Hum! Hum!‖


―Hum! Hum!‖ said the king.


The Little




―Clap your hands, one against the

other,‖ the conceited man now directed



The Little Prince clapped his hands. The

conceited man raised his hat in a modest



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28 "This is more entertaining than the visit

to the king," the little prince said to

himself. And he began again to clap his

hands, one against the other. The

conceited man again raised his hat in


39 Flash When the little prince arrived on the

Earth, he was very much surprised not

to see any people. He was beginning to

be afraid he had come to the wrong

planet, when a coil of gold, the color of

the moonlight, flashed across the sand.




and the



4 Whizz It had huge iron gates leading into it,

and a high wall surrounding it, and

smoke belching from its chimneys, and

strange whizzing sounds coming from

deep inside it.


And when the tub was nearly full,

Mr.Wonka pressed another button, and

immediately the runny stuff

disappeared, and a whizzing whirring

noise took its place; and then a giant

whizzer started whizzing round inside

the enormous tub…


'Watch!' said Mr Wonka.

Click went the machine, and the whizzer

stopped whizzing.


In the sky, they go whizzing around all

over the place until suddenly they hit the

antenna on the roof of somebody's


55 And when the tub was nearly full,

Mr.Wonka pressed another button, and

immediately the runny stuff

disappeared, and a whizzing whirring

noise took its place; and then a giant

whizzer started whizzing round inside

the enormous tub..


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'Watch!' said Mr Wonka.

Click went the machine, and the whizzer

stopped whizzing.



He can make chewing- gum that never

loses its taste, and sugar balloons that

you can blow up to enormous sizes

before you pop them with a pin and

gobble them up.

11 And then Mr.Slugworth‘s factory began

making sugar balloons that you can

blow up to huge sizes before you

popped them with a pin and gobbled

them up.

17 Smash

There was an ugly scene, and the

machine was smashed by the crowd.



He ran his fingers slowly back and forth

along the length of it, stroking it

lovingly, and the shiny paper wrapper

made little sharp crackly noises in the

quiet room.


Whoopee And I understand that afterwards he's

going to give me enough gum to last me

for the rest of my whole life. Whoopee!



Hooray And I understand that afterwards he's

going to give me enough gum to last me

for the rest of my whole life. Whoopee!




Charlie nodded and held out the bar of

chocolate. WONKA'S NUTTY

CRUNCH SURPRISE, it said on the



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26 Several people went hurrying past him

on the pavement, their chins sunk deep

in the collars of their coats, their feet

crunching in the snow.

30 Yippee Then the old man took a deep breath,

and suddenly, with no warning

whatsoever, an explosion seemed to take

place inside him. He threw up his

arms and yelled 'Yippeeeeeeee!

72 Then suddenly, as though it had come to

the top of the hill and gone over a

precipice, it dropped like a stone and

Charlie felt his tummy coming right up

intohis throat, and Grandpa Joe shouted,

'Yippee! Here we go!'


'I'll tell you where he is,' said Mr

Teavee, 'he's whizzing around above our

heads in a million tiny pieces!'

32 Knock At that point, there came a loud knock

on the front door. Mr Bucket went to

open it, and the next moment, swarms of

newspapermen and photographers were

pouring into the house.

46 Click

Mr Wonka turned around and clicked

his fingers sharply, click, click, click,

three times.


'Watch!' said Mr Wonka.

Click went the machine, and the whizzer

stopped whizzing.


Knock 'It's such a waste of precious time! Now,

over here, if you will all step this way, I

will show you

something that I am terrifically proud

of. Oh, do be careful! Don't knock

anything over! Stand back!


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53 Bubble The place was like a witch's kitchen! All

about him black metal pots were boiling

and bubbling on huge stoves, and kettles

were hissing and pans were sizzling, and

strange iron machines were clanking

and spluttering…

53 Hiss The place was like a witch's kitchen! All

about him black metal pots were boiling

and bubbling on huge stoves, and kettles

were hissing and pans were sizzling, and

strange iron machines were clanking

and spluttering…

53 Clank The place was like a witch's kitchen! All

about him black metal pots were boiling

and bubbling on huge stoves, and kettles

were hissing and pans were sizzling, and

strange iron machines were clanking

and spluttering…

55 Whirr

And when the tub was nearly full,

Mr.Wonka pressed another button, and

immediately the runny stuff

disappeared, and a whizzing whirring

noise took its place; and then a giant

whizzer started whizzing round inside

the enormous tub..


Whoope 'Glorious stuff!' said Mr Wonka. 'The

Oompa-Loompas all adore it. It makes

them tiddly. Listen! You can hear them

in there now, whooping it up

68 Flap 'But where?' shrieked Mrs Salt, flapping

her arms. 'What happens to the bad

nuts? Where does the chute go to?

80 Squeak

'I want to watch television!' he

squeaked. 'I want to watch television! I

want to watch television! I want to

watch television!

85 Twinkle

Mr Wonka's bright twinkling blue eyes

rested for a moment on Charlie's face


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89 Mr Wonka cocked his head to one side

and all at once the tiny twinkling

wrinkles of a smile appeared around the

corners of his eyes, and he said



The Ice


32 Crack And in the old man‘s room stood a large

press, full of all sorts of carved things-

nut-crackers, knives and forks, boxes

with beautifully carved foliage, leaping



Growl I could not tell; yet I knew I could not

alter my own condition, either by

barking or growling.‖


Crack Smooth as polished marble slabs, the

waves of snow cracked and loosened



―Nuts are given to us, but they are not

cracked for us.‖


Mew ―Well, I should have mewed,‖ said the


68 Roar They are digging passages beneath the

earth, and the noise is like the reports of

cannons. I shall throw down my palaces,

for the clamour is louder than the roar of



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The Onomatopoeic Words’ Types and Frequency of Appearance in the

Children’s Books

Onomatopoeia Type The Frequency of the


Appearance in the

Children‘s Books

Bah Exemplary 2

Bang Direct 2

Boom Direct 1

Bubble Associative 1

Bump Direct 5

Buzz Direct 4

Clank Direct 2

Clap Direct 4

Clash Direct 1

Click Direct 6

Cluck Direct 1

Crack Direct 7

Crash Direct 2

Crunch Direct 2

Ding dong Direct 2

Flap Direct 1

Flash Direct 1


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Growl Direct 1

Hiss Direct 2

Hum Direct 15

Humbug Direct 6

Hooray Exemplary 1

Knock Direct 17

Mew Direct 1

Pop Direct 2

Roar Associative 2

Smash Associative 2

Splash Associative 2

Squawk Direct 1

Squeak Associative 7

Twinkle Associative 2

Whirr Direct 1

Whizz Direct 12

Whoop Exemplary 1

Wink Associative 1

Whoopee Exemplary 1

Yawn Direct 8

Yippee Exemplary 2


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The Blueprint of The Test’s Question Sheet


Read the following paragraphs

What do the underlined words mean? Circle a, b, c, or d for the best answers

1. The quarter was so long, that he was more than once convinced he must

have sunk into a doze unconsciously, and missed the clock. At length it

broke upon his listening ear.

―Ding, dong!‖

―A quarter past,‖ said Scrooge, counting.

―Ding, dong!‖

―Half past,‖ said Scrooge.

―Ding, dong!‖

―A quarter to it,‖ said Scrooge.

―Ding, dong!‖

―The hour itself,‖ said Scrooge triumphantly, ―and nothing else!

Charles Dickens‘ A Christmas Carol p.61

a. A door‘s bell

b. A clock‘s bell

c. Scrooge‘s sound

d. A drum‘s sound

e. A noisy sound, made by Scrooge

2. Here is Edward Bear, coming downstairs now, bump, bump, bump, on the

back of his head, behind Christopher Robin. It is, as far as he knows, the

only way of coming downstairs, but sometimes he feels that there really is

another way, if only he could stop bumping for a moment and think of it…

He nodded and went out, and in a moment I heard Winnie-the- Pooh-

bump, bump, bump- going up the stairs behind him.

AA.Milne‘s The World of Pooh: The Complete Winnie-The Pooh and The

House at Pooh Corner p.15, 32

a. The sound of a crash to something

b. Something is falling

c. The sound of a drum

d. The sound of footsteps

3. First of all he said to himself: ―That buzzing- noise means something. You

don‘t get a buzzing-noise like that, just buzzing and buzzing, without its


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meaning something. If there‘s buzzing-noise, somebody‘s making a


‖Isn‘t it funny How a bear likes honey?

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

I wonder why he does?

AA.Milne‘s The World of Pooh: The Complete Winnie-The Pooh and The

House at Pooh Corner p.18- 19

a. A continuous sound caused by wind

b. The sound caused by something falling

c. The sound of someone whispering

d. A continuous humming or murmuring sound, made by bees

4. He was getting rather tired by this time, so that is why he sang a

Complaining Song. He was nearly there now , and if he just stood on that



―Oh, help!‖ said Pooh, as he dropped ten feet on the branch below him.

AA.Milne‘s The World of Pooh: The Complete Winnie-The Pooh and The

House at Pooh Corner p.20

a. The sound of a branch which has split without breaking into separate


b. The sound of someone falling to the ground

c. A part of the Pooh‘s song

d. The sound of footsteps of someone who is coming

5. Edward Bear, known to his friend as Winnie- the- Pooh, or Pooh for short,

was walking through the forest one day, humming proudly to himself. He

had made up a little hum that very morning, as he was doing his Stoutness

Exercises in front of the glass: Tra-la-la, tra-la-la as he stretched up as high

as he could go, and then Tra-la-la, tra-la-oh, help! – la, as he tried to reach

his toes.

AA.Milne‘s The World of Pooh: The Complete Winnie-The Pooh and The

House at Pooh Corner p.33

a. Sing with opened lips

b. Sing loudly

c. Sing slowly

d. Sing with closed lips

6. ―Paw-marks.‖ He gave a little squeak of excitement.

―Oh, Pooh! Do you think it‘s a – a – a Woozle?‖

AA.Milne‘s The World of Pooh: The Complete Winnie-The Pooh and The

House at Pooh Corner p.33


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a. A loud noisy sound

b. A short, high-pitched sound

c. Whisper

d. Expression

7. They are digging passages beneath the earth, and the noise is like the

reports of cannons. I shall throw down my palaces, for the clamour is

louder than the roar of thunder.

Hans Christian Andersen‘s Selected Fairy Tales The Ice Maiden

a. A soft tone sound

b. A very loud, deep, prolonged sound made by something inanimate

c. A prolonged cry uttered by lion

d. A burst of laughter

8. The he put the paper in the bottle, and he corked the bottle up as tightly as

he could, and he leant out of his window as far as he could lean without

falling in, and he threw the bottle as far as he could throw- splash!- and in

a little while it bobbed up again on the water…

AA.Milne‘s The World of Pooh The Complete Winnie-The Pooh and The House

at Pooh Corner p. 130

a. The sound made by something striking or falling into water

b. The sound made by something striking or falling into ground

c. The sound of water flowing

d. The sound of water in the bottle

9. "This is more entertaining than the visit to the king," the little prince said

to himself. And he began again to clap his hands, one against the other.

The conceited man again raised his hat in salute.

Antonie de Exupery‘s The Little Prince p.28

a. Rub softly on something

b. Strike the palms of (one's hands) together repeatedly, typically in order

to applaud someone or something.

c. Flap wings audibly

d. Hands gesture (to give a signal)

10. At that point, there came a loud knock on the front door. Mr Bucket went

to open it, and the next moment, swarms of newspapermen and

photographers were pouring into the house.

Roald Dahl‘s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory p.32


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a. a noisy sound

b. the sound of someone opening the door

c. a sudden short sound caused by a blow on a door to attract attention or

gain entry

d. a sound of greetings


1. Have you ever heard/ seen about onomatopoeia before?

a) YES

b) NO

2. Mention min. 3 examples of onomatopoeia (excluding the onomatopoeia

mentioned in part A) ?

3. How often do you read fiction books?

a) At least once a week

b) Sometimes/ quite often

c) Only in my spare time

d) On my class only

4. In reading the books, do you understand the meanings of onomatopoeic

words that found in the story?

a) I always understand it.

b) Sometimes I can‘t find the meaning of some words.

c) Mostly, I fail to find the words‘ meaning.

d) I never consider the words‘ meaning. I prefer to focus on the story.


1. In PART A, which words have difficult meaning to find?

2. Related to question no.1, what is the difficulty in identifying those words‘


(Choose the answer(s) which you think really represent your condition)

a. I never heard/seen the words before.

b. I do not know the context.

c. There is no correct answer provided, the words should mean

something else.

d. (another answer)

3. In PART A, which words you familiar with?


Page 85: AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIScerita anak, berdasarkan teori Hugh Bredin tentang tiga tipe onomatope yaitu direct, associative, dan exemplary. Permasalahan yang kedua berkaitan dengan bagaimana



Respondents’ Assessments on Onomatopoeia in Children’s Books

Respondents Onomatopoeia


g d




















R1 F F F T T F F T F T 4/10

R2 T T T T T T F F T T 8/10

R3 T F T T T T T F T T 8/10

R4 T F T T F F T F T F 5/10

R5 F F T T T F F T T T 6/10

R6 T F T T F T T T T T 8/10

R7 T F T T T T F T T T 8/10

R8 T F T T T T T T T T 9/10

R9 T F T T T T T T T T 9/10

R10 T F T T T T T T T T 9/10

R11 T F T T T T T T T T 9/10

R12 T F T T T T F T T T 8/10

R13 T F T T T T T T T T 9/10

R14 T F T T T T T F T T 8/10

R15 T F T T F T F T T T 7/10

R16 T F T T T T T T T T 9/10

R17 T F T T T T T T T T 9/10

R18 T F T T T T T T T T 9/10


Page 86: AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIScerita anak, berdasarkan teori Hugh Bredin tentang tiga tipe onomatope yaitu direct, associative, dan exemplary. Permasalahan yang kedua berkaitan dengan bagaimana


R19 T F T T T T T T T T 9/10

R20 T F T T T T T T T T 9/10

R21 T F T T T T T T T T 9/10

R22 T F T T T F T T F F 6/10

R23 T F T T T T T T F F 7/10

R24 T F T T T F T T F F 6/10

R25 T F T T T T T T F T 8/10

R26 F F T T T T T T T T 8/10

R27 T F T T T T T F T T 8/10

R28 T F T T T T F F T T 7/10

R29 T F T T T T T T T T 9/10

R30 T F T T T T T T T T 9/10



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