an introduction to the committee toolbox august 2011

An Introduction to the Committee Toolbox August 2011

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An Introduction to theCommittee Toolbox

August 2011

What is AP Leadership?• Advanced Planning Leadership provides committees the tools

and resources to be

– more effective in delivering existing member benefits and

– incubators for new and expanded member benefits

• The AP Leadership Committee (APLC) is composed of

experienced Section leaders specially selected to guide

committees through the AP Leadership planning process

The Committee Toolbox

A resource for all committees

What is the Committee Toolbox?

• Collection of key documents, templates, and sample documents to help all committee leaders in crucial areas

• The Toolbox is for everyone, not just AP Leadership selected committees

• Link from Leadership Portal home page on right hand navigation bar under “Quick Links”–

litigation_leadership/default.aspx • Committee leaders should suggest additions or changes

What Does the Toolbox Cover?

Applying for Selection as an AP Leadership CommitteeCommittee Self Evaluation ToolsCommittee Planning ToolsCommittee Membership SurveysThree Year Plan FormatCalendaring Tools for Committee Management

ABA StructureContact Information for ABA Staff and Section LeadershipTools to Develop Programming for Section Annual and ABA Annual ConferencesRegional CLE Programming ToolsPublications ToolsCommittee Structure ToolsMembership Growth and Sustainability Tools

• The toolbox collects materials related to:

Committee Self Evaluation

• This section of the toolbox collects materials that help committees: – understand how they can in engage in AP Leadership

techniques – conduct self-assessments and establish a vision– look at the committee’s SWOTs

• These materials are useful for committees that want to take a fresh look at what they have done and what they should be doing

Committee Survey

• This section of the toolbox provides: – results from past surveys of Section members– template committee surveys

• These materials are useful for committees that want to examine what members are telling us they want from the Section and the committees

APLC Quick Tip – Survey Data

• The ABA and the Section have survey data available to committees that tell us who are members are (age, geography, etc.) and what they want from the Section

• The data is there; ask for it and use it• The APLC has created a committee survey that

any committee can send to its members

Survey Results Example

Committee Self Assessment

• What needs to change?

• What needs to be done better?

• What new things need to be done?

APLC Quick Tip – SWOT Analysis

• What is a SWOT Analysis?• The acronym stands for Strengths Weaknesses

Opportunities and Threats• SWOT analyses are a strategic planning tool

that helps a committee articulate the objective of the committee (or a committee project) and identify the internal and external factors that facilitate or hinder achieving the objective

SWOT Analysis Example


• 6th largest committee • Personal agendas for business development over altruistic goals to help organization succeed

• AP Leadership Program

• Public’s lack of appreciation for lawyers

• ABA is largest and most influential legal organization in the US

• Organizational communication problems

• Website • Competition in key substantive areas by businesses fully staffed to provide immediate updates and that have greater IT resources, technology, etc.

• Legal acumen, experience

• Mixed messages • Networking • Economy

• Diversity • Too much uniformity that stifles creativity

• Publishing • Legislation

Planning Tools

• This section of the toolbox collects materials that: – help committee chairs get organized– provide ideas on planning & implementation– provide a template & framework for setting

SMART goals• These materials are useful for committees

that want to get off to a quick and coherent start

Committee Vision

• Where do you want the committee to be in 3 years?

• What does your committee want to be known for?

• What “space” does the committee want to own?

APLC Quick Tip – SMART Goals

• What are SMART goals?• The acronym stands for Specific Measurable

Achievable Realistic and Time-bound• The SMART criteria are a way for committees

to assess their objectives and ensure they are taking on projects that are relevant and capable of completion

SMART and Not SMART Goals

NOT SMARTImprove committee e-newsletter

Increase membership

SMARTPublish an e-newsletter each quarter with at least four articles

Increase membership by 100 members

Required Three Year Plan Format

• This section of the toolbox provides the current format of the committee three year plan

Calendaring Tools

• This section of the toolbox provides: – the Section calendar– templates for a committee calendar– tips for using technology to create a common

calendar that all committee leaders can access simultaneously

• These materials are useful for committees to set up deadlines and work streams for committee projects

Sample Project Management Listserv Calendar

ABA Structure

• This section of the toolbox collects: – the organization chart for the Section of Litigation– The organization chart for Section staff

• These materials are useful for committees that need to figure out who can help them with a particular issue

Contact Information

• This section of the toolbox collects contact information for ABA staff and Section leadership

• These materials are useful for committees that need a phone number or email address of someone in the Section

Programming Tools

• This section of the toolbox collects: – a sample program submission form– top ten tips for a successful program

• These materials are useful for committees that want to improve their chances of having a program selected and ensure a memorable program

Tips for a Successful Program

Regional CLE Programming Tools

• This section of the toolbox collects materials useful in designing and receiving approval for a regional CLE

• These materials are useful for committees that want to put on a Regional CLE

Toolbox Includes Sample Regional CLE Docs from A to Z

Publications Tools

• This section of the toolbox collects policies and tips related to publications, podcasts, and the committee web page

• These materials are useful for committees that want to develop new content

APLC Quick Tip – Publications

• The Web and Print Editors Resource Center is another great resource:

– Link from Leadership Portal home page on right hand navigation bar under “Quick Links”


Committee Structure Tools

• This section of the toolbox collects tips and templates for a vibrant and active subcommittee structure

• These materials are useful for committees that want to strengthen their subcommittees

APLC Quick Tip – Subcommittees

• Committee Chairs need to set expectations of their subcommittee chairs

• Consider an annual “appointment letter” that sets out your expectations for – attendance – participation – deliverables

• Make appointments for a defined term

Tips for a Strong Committee Structure

More Tips for Subcommittees

Membership Growth & Sustainability Tools

• This section of the toolbox helps increase membership in your committee

• These materials are useful for every committee in the Section because membership growth and retention are vital

• The Section’s Marketing & Membership Committee is an additional resource for committee chairs

APLC Quick Tip – Listservs

• What is a listserv?• A listserv is a brief (<2500 character) message sent to

every committee member who has provided an email address to the Section

• Listservs may be the most under-utilized tool committees have to communicate with members

• Committees can send two listserv messages a month• Plan out how you can use a program of listserv

messages to drive membership and participation• The AP Leadership Toolbox has a model listserv

schedule that will help you get started

Listserv Schedule Template for (Almost) any Committee

Applying for Selection as an AP Leadership Committee

• Competitively selected committees engage in multi-month planning having– close support of a senior Section leaders and staff and – additional resources

• Effort culminates in one day meeting following the Section Annual Conference to finalize plans for delivering enhanced and expanded member benefits with– senior Section leadership and staff, – participating committee leaders, including subcommittee

chairs (up to a maximum of 10 attendees per committee)

Toolbox Resources for Applying for AP Leadership

• This section of the toolbox collects materials that explain– the AP Leadership program– the AP Leadership application – the timeline of tasks and deadlines for AP Leadership


• Check the timeline in the Toolbox for an exact date, but applications for AP Leadership are generally due on or about the second Friday of November

APLC Quick Tip – Applying for AP Leadership

• Why apply? • It is a chance for you to take your committee to the

next level• You will set the direction of the committee for the

next few years• You will help groom the next generation of leaders in

your committee.• You will be leaving the committee stronger and

more focused than when you got there• It’s a lot of hard work, but it is also a lot of FUN

Contact the AP Leadership Committee Co-Chairs or your Division Director
