an introduction to realistic ocean rendering through fft - fabio suriano - codemotion rome 2017

An Introduction to Realistic Ocean Rendering through FFT

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An Introduction to Realistic Ocean Rendering throughFFT


Ocean in Games and Movies

▷Games• Assassin’s Creed III• Assasins’s Creed Black Flag

Ocean in Games and Movies


• Crysis

Ocean in Games and Movies


• War Thunder

Ocean in Games and Movies


• Moana (Walt Disney Animation)

Ocean in Games and Movies


• Titanic

What they have in common ?

▷They all run an ocean simulation based on Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) (Simulating Ocean Water by Jerry Tessendorf [Tessendorf J. 2001])

▷The simulation takes as input a frequency domain spectrum representationand perfom the inverse of the Discrete Fourier Trasform (DFT) of thatspectrum

▷The result will be the time domain representation of the signal

▷The time domain representation is basically our heightmap at time t

Why FFT ?

▷Because computing the DFT as is, is expensive

▷DFT Complexity is for n samples

▷FFT (Fast fourier transform) has a complexity of

▷The FFT algorithm that we use is the so calledCooley–Tukey (or Butterfly) algorithm

How big should the Fourier grid be?

▷For many situations, values in the range 128 to 512 are sufficient [Tessendorf J. 2001].

▷Titanic and Waterworld were 2048x2048

▷Above a value of 2048, one should be careful because the limits of numerical accuracy for floating point calculations can become noticeable

▷We use a grid size of 512x512

Fourier Transform 101

▷But ! We can’t solve the previous integrals … unless …

▷Discretize the signal ! That means we sample the signal at discrete time intervals in a given range

Inverse Fourier Transform

Fourier Transform

Fourier Transform 101

▷k and t are in [0,N-1] range

Discrete Inverse Fourier Transform(IDFT)

Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)


▷We use the so called Butterfly algorithm to calculate our FFT [Sumanaweera T.]


▷Butterfly algorithm is quite complex

▷Normally you could find third party libraries that will perform FFT and inverse (IFFT) for you

▷I decided to implement a Radix-2 IFFT on my own on the Compute Shaderin order to transform our frequency spectrum to the time domain

▷Our ocean simulation is mostly implemented on compute shaders under Unreal Engine 4

▷We won’t go through the implementation details as you can find tons of information online on the butterfly algorithm itself

What’s the math(ter) ☺ ?

▷The FFT-based representation of a wave height field expresses the wave height h(x, t) at the horizontal position x = (x, z) as the sum of sinusoids with complex, time-dependent amplitudes [Tessendorf J. 2001]:

▷K are wavevectors that represent the direction in which the waves are traveling:

▷n = horizontal domain resolution▷m = vertical domain resolution

▷The fft process generates the height field at discrete points

What’s the math(ter) ☺ ?

▷FFT wave heightfield sum breakdown

What’s the math(ter) ☺ ?

▷FFT wave heightfield sum breakdown

What’s the math(ter) ☺ ?

▷FFT wave heightfield sum breakdown

What’s the math(ter) ☺ ?

▷FFT wave heightfield sum breakdown

What’s the math(ter) ☺ ?

▷FFT wave heightfield sum breakdown

▷ is the Phillips spectrum and and are two draw from a random gaussian distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation equal to 1

What’s the math(ter) ☺ ?

▷Animating Waves: The Dispersion Relation

▷Relationship between the set of frequencies and the magnitude of their corrisponding wave vectors

▷Given the Euler formula we have

And therefore we can easily derive that

Phillips Spectrum

▷It’s a spectrum derived from empirical data based on the observation of the real sea

▷ : global wave amplitude▷ : normalized wave direction vector▷ : the magnitude of ▷ : normalized wind direction vector▷ : wind speed ▷ : gravitational constant

Normal and Displacement map

Height Map Normal Map

Central Difference▷

Normal and Displacement map

▷But we need two additional displacement and otherwise the resulting displaced surface won’tbehave realistically (so two additional IFFT):




Normal and Displacement map

▷So the final horizontal displacement will be: , where lambda is a convenient factorused to scale the horizontal displacement in order to have sharper wave peaks, giving to them a more «choppy» look

▷So if we interleave the horizontal displacement and the height displacement (Dx Dy Dz), we’ll have:

Normal and displacement map

▷Picture from [NVIDIA]

Kenshiro is crying in this very moment …


▷So, the results of implementing the previous set of equantions are a tile of highly realistic sea surface


▷So, the results of implementing the previous set of equantions are a tile of highly realistic sea surface


▷So, the results of implementing the previous set of equantions are a tile of highly realistic sea surface

What about Ocean Foams ?

▷Ocean has Foams☺

Foams happen on the tip/crest of a given wave

What about Ocean Foams ?

▷We can use the Jacobian [Tessendorf J. 2001] of our displacement map in order to calculate a convenientmap that will mask only the wave peaks:

Folding Map


We will call this map folding map because it represents were the wave peaks self intersect them until they fold on themselves


▷So, the results of implementing the previous set of equantions are a tile of highly realistic sea surface

Ocean LOD

▷The grid we use to render the displaced geometry is a top down ray traced projection of a camera alignedmesh

Ocean LOD

▷The grid we use to render the displaced geometry is a top down ray traced projection of a camera alignedmesh

▷Method introduced and used by Crytek [Sousa T. 2011] in the first ocean implementation for the game Crysis

Ocean LOD

▷The grid we use to render the displaced geometry is a top down ray traced projection of a camera alignedmesh

▷Method introduced and used by Crytek [Sousa T. 2011] in the first ocean implementation for the game Crysis

▷Very cheap and gives consistent and uniform resolution from near to far distance

Ocean LOD

▷The grid we use to render the displaced geometry is a top down ray traced projection of a camera alignedmesh

▷Method introduced and used by Crytek [Sousa T. 2011] in the first ocean implementation for the game Crysis

▷Very cheap and gives consistent and uniform resolution from near to far distance

▷Artifacts free

Ocean LOD

▷The grid we use to render the displaced geometry is a top down ray traced projection of a camera alignedmesh

▷Method introduced and used by Crytek [Sousa T. 2011] in the first ocean implementation for the game Crysis

▷Very cheap and gives consistent and uniform resolution from near to far distance

▷Artifacts free

▷Other method are projected grid (not a top down but a perspective ray traced grid [Johanson Claes2004]). But suffers from artifacts in the distance because of the uneven mesh resolution distribution from near to far. Not very controllable in the end.

Ocean LOD

▷The grid we use to render the displaced geometry is a top down ray traced projection of a camera alignedmesh

▷Method introduced and used by Crytek [Sousa T. 2011] in the first ocean implementation for the game Crysis

▷Very cheap and gives consistent and uniform resolution from near to far distance

▷Artifacts free

▷Other method are projected grid (not a top down but a perspective ray traced grid [Johanson Claes2004]). But suffers from artifacts in the distance because of the uneven mesh resolution distribution from near to far. Not very controllable in the end.

▷Other more general solution would be the implementation of a quadtree based LOD system.

Ocean level of detail (LOD)

▷The grid used to render the displaced geometry is a top down projection of a camera aligned mesh

▷ Player Camera point of view (POV)

Ocean LOD

▷The grid used to render the displaced geometry is a top down projection of a camera aligned mesh

▷External Camera POV (Red arrow indicate where the player camera is normally placed)

Ocean Shading

▷Shading has been made under Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) and the Ocean simulation is written entirely in C++ (No Blueprint☺)

Ocean Shading

▷Water in general is rendered by a minimum of two main shading aspects:

• Reflection• Refraction

The Fresnel term will state the probability for a ray to be reflected

See the complete Fresnel expression below only for the vertical polarization:

So we normally won’t use the previous expression because it’s expensive

We use then the Schlick Fresnel approximation [Schilck C. 1994]

Ocean Shading

▷Fresnel Schlick approximation:

Where is the fresnel expression to a normal incidence angle

Which we can derive easily from the general fresnel (see previous slide) equation considering (and therefore )

▷The adapted Schlick approximation is about 30% faster than the unpolarized Fresnel equation if you avoid the costly pow function (if you don’t it’s twice as slow)

Ocean Shading

▷Because by the definition Fresnel (F) is a probability function, we know that will be in [0,1] range

▷Therefore our final reflected/refracted Ocean color will be

FinalColor = lerp(WaterColor,EnvMapColor,F)

▷Where F is our fresnel computed with the Schlick approximation [Schlick C. 1994]

▷When it comes to UE4 we also have the chance to add screen space reflections that will give us an additional occlusion for the ambient reflection that EnvMap can’t

Questions ?


[Tessendorf J. 2001]: Simulating ocean water. In ACM SIGGRAPH course notes (2001).

[Golias R., Jensen L.S.]: Deep Water Animation and Rendering.

[Schlick C. 1994]: An inexpensive BRDF model for physically-based rendering. Computer Graphics Forum 13 (1994), 233–246.

[Seymour M. 2012]: Assassin’s Creed III: The tech behind (or beneath) the action. FxGuide

[Sumanaweera T.]: Medical Image Reconstruction with the FFT. GPU Gems 2, Chapter 48

[NVIDIA]: Ocean Surface Simulation

[Sousa T. 2011]: CryENGINE 3 Rendering Techniques. Gamefest 2011

[Johanson Claes 2004]: Real-time water rendering - introducing the projected grid concept. Master of Science thesis in computer graphics

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