an egocentric semantic reference system for affordances · an egocentric semantic reference system...

An Egocentric Semantic Reference System for Affordances Editor(s): Aldo Gangemi, Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, Italy Solicited review(s): Giovanni Pezzulo, Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, Italy; Gaurav Sinha, Ohio University, USA; Aldo Gangemi, Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, Italy Jens Ortmann a,*,** , Giorgio De Felice b , Dong Wang c and Desiree Daniel c a Softplant GmbH, München, Germany Email: [email protected] b Department of Mathematics and Informatics University of Bremen, Germany E-mail: [email protected] c Institute for Geoinformatics (IfGI) University of Münster, Germany E-mail: {wang.dong,desiree.daniel} Abstract. This article suggests a theory of egocentric semantic reference systems for human observations of affordances that can be used to semantically account for subjective human observations on the web. Based on the perceptual theory of affordances, which suggests that humans perceive the potential actions the environment affords, an egocentric semantic reference frame is established, which is anchored in the observer’s specific capabilities for perception and action. The theory is completed with transformations that allow to project values of observed affordances from one user’s ordinal reference frame into another user’s ordinal reference frame. The potency of the theory to capture the semantics of human observations is demonstrated through the implementation of a full fledged egocentric semantic reference system for the prototypical affordance of hikability that a mountain path affords to a hiker. The prototype uses real user-ratings from a community driven web portal. Keywords: Affordance, Egocentric Reference System, Human Observation, Semantic Reference System . . . man is “the measure of all things, of the exis- tence of the things that are and the non-existence of the things that are not.” [Protagoras as quoted in 30, 152a] * Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. ** This work has been partly supported through the International Research Training Group on Semantic Integration of Geospatial In- formation by the DFG (German Research Foundation), GRK 1498 and by the China Scholarship Council. 1. Introduction The above quote, which is attributed to the Greek philosopher Protagoras (490-420 BC) 1 has not lost any of its original significance and controversy. In partic- ular in the field of observations and measurements the reference to the observer is an important, but often neglected aspect. Motivated by the opportunities and promises of the semantic web, this paper suggests a theory of egocentric semantic reference systems for human observations of affordances, which uses an on- 1 see (all websites in this article were accessed 27.01.2012)

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An Egocentric Semantic Reference Systemfor AffordancesEditor(s): Aldo Gangemi, Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, ItalySolicited review(s): Giovanni Pezzulo, Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, Italy; Gaurav Sinha, Ohio University, USA; AldoGangemi, Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, Italy

Jens Ortmann a,∗,∗∗, Giorgio De Felice b, Dong Wang c and Desiree Daniel ca Softplant GmbH, München, GermanyEmail: [email protected] Department of Mathematics and InformaticsUniversity of Bremen, GermanyE-mail: [email protected] Institute for Geoinformatics (IfGI)University of Münster, GermanyE-mail: {wang.dong,desiree.daniel}

Abstract. This article suggests a theory of egocentric semantic reference systems for human observations of affordances that canbe used to semantically account for subjective human observations on the web. Based on the perceptual theory of affordances,which suggests that humans perceive the potential actions the environment affords, an egocentric semantic reference frame isestablished, which is anchored in the observer’s specific capabilities for perception and action. The theory is completed withtransformations that allow to project values of observed affordances from one user’s ordinal reference frame into another user’sordinal reference frame. The potency of the theory to capture the semantics of human observations is demonstrated throughthe implementation of a full fledged egocentric semantic reference system for the prototypical affordance of hikability that amountain path affords to a hiker. The prototype uses real user-ratings from a community driven web portal.

Keywords: Affordance, Egocentric Reference System, Human Observation, Semantic Reference System

. . . man is “the measure of all things, of the exis-

tence of the things that are and the non-existence

of the things that are not.” [Protagoras as quoted in

30, 152a]

*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected].**This work has been partly supported through the International

Research Training Group on Semantic Integration of Geospatial In-formation by the DFG (German Research Foundation), GRK 1498and by the China Scholarship Council.

1. Introduction

The above quote, which is attributed to the Greekphilosopher Protagoras (490-420 BC)1 has not lost anyof its original significance and controversy. In partic-ular in the field of observations and measurements thereference to the observer is an important, but oftenneglected aspect. Motivated by the opportunities andpromises of the semantic web, this paper suggests atheory of egocentric semantic reference systems forhuman observations of affordances, which uses an on-

1see websites in this article were accessed 27.01.2012)

tology as semantic reference frame. We show how thistheory can overcome the problems and inaccuraciescaused by a questionable objectivism, which assumeshuman-independent observations and measurements.Current approaches to represent human observationfall short of representing the subjectivity of observa-tions and often perform computations, such as averag-ing, that are not possible on ordinal reference framestypically used by human observers. For example, whata Dutch tourist perceives as a “challenging hike” mightbe “a stroll” for a Swiss mountaineer and what theSwiss mountaineer perceives as a “challenging hike”might actually put the Dutch tourist in serious danger.

Egocentric reference systems have been well estab-lished in Geographic Information Science. Most peo-ple are used to egocentric reference frames from carnavigation systems that adopt the driver’s perspective.Egocentric reference frames are often contrasted withallocentric reference frames that use an external refer-ence, for example the equator as reference for latitudevalues of geographic coordinates. In this paper we ex-tend the distinction between egocentric and allocentricreference systems from geographic to semantic refer-ence systems. A semantic reference system allows toassign symbols to any observable instead of only coor-dinates to locations on earth.

This work adopts the theory of affordances [14,15],to explain how and what humans perceive. The theoryof affordances suggests that humans perceive opportu-nities for action. These opportunities for action are al-ways taken with reference to the observer. Hence, hu-man observations are inherently subjective. The per-ception of opportunities for action fits well the manysocial web platforms, where users can rate ameni-ties, services and opportunities for activities. The af-fordance theory is combined with accounts of humanjudgements in computer science [7,9,8] and introducedto previous work on reference systems [22,23,32,33].It is hypothesized that an egocentric semantic refer-ence system for human observations of affordances al-lows capturing the subjective meaning of observationvalues in ordinal reference frames. Thereby, an ego-centric semantic reference system establishes the in-dividual observer as the measure of her own observa-tions, while at the same time making the subjective ob-servation values usable in information systems and so-cial web applications. Semantic transformations acrossindividual reference frames will enable a transforma-tion of values from one person’s reference frame intoanother person’s reference frame. We validate the the-ory of egocentric semantic reference system by provid-

ing a full implementation of a semantic reference sys-tem. To the author’s knowledge this is also the first im-plementation of a real semantic reference system withall its components.

The next section presents the background on ref-erence system, affordances and human observationin information system. Section 3 introduces the twoleading examples of stair-climbability and mountain-hikability. In Section 4 and 5 the theory of a seman-tic reference system with datum, reference frame andtransformations is presented and afterwards prototyp-ically implemented as described in Section 6. Sec-tion 7 discusses the achievements and limitations ofthis work, before concluding in Section 8.

2. Background and Related Work

This section presents the central ideas of referencesystems, affordances and human observations, whichwe use to establish egocentric semantic reference sys-tems for observations of affordances.

2.1. Reference Systems

Reference systems are fundamental to information[31,5,22]. A reference system basically establishes aset of shared reference entities (usually something ob-servable) to allow describing new things in terms of thereference entities. Reference systems emerged fromthe need to compare observations and measurements.One of the first to investigate reference systems on ageneral level was Stanley Stevens, who suggests a verybasic definition of measurement as “the assignment ofnumbers to objects according to a rule” [43, p. 677;as quoted in [5]]. A reference system specifies theserules. Chrisman [5] distinguishes reference systems forspace, time and attribute as the three types of refer-ence systems for geographic information. Kuhn [22]and Kuhn and Raubal [23] generalize from these typesof reference systems to a theory of semantic referencesystems.

2.1.1. Spatial Reference SystemsIn a spatial reference system, the position of a point

is identified by two or three dimensional coordinates.In a geographic reference system, a spatial referencesystem for the earth, the coordinates are assigned toplaces on earth. These coordinates are distributed ona virtual grid and establish the reference frame. Somefix-points (reference points) in the reference frame are

10 20 6040 5030 70 80 90










10; 70

30; 15

50; 90

85; 70

90; 30

65; 35

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of a spatial reference system. Thereference frame (dotted grid) is anchored in landmarks whose coor-dinates are known (black coordinates). New places like the moun-tain peak or the road crossing get a coordinated (grey) based on thedistance to place whose coordinates are known.

tied to physical, observable points by explicitly assign-ing that this point in the reference frame representsthis physical location on earth. A regional referenceframe is often realized as a Cartesian coordinate sys-tem. Global reference systems use angular distancesand their reference frame is realized as a polar coordi-nate system. Figure 1 illustrates how a reference framedefines a virtual grid that assigns coordinates to places.

Additionally, a reference frame has a map scalegiven by the ratio of distance in the representation anddistance in the real world. The map scale usually de-termines the level of detail displayed. An ontology de-sign pattern to describe the map scale and to integratedifferent information sources under explicit considera-tion of the map scale is presented in [4].

The reference points realize the datum. For exam-ple, the World Geodetic System 84 (WGS84)2 uses an-gular distances from the equator (latitude) and fromthe meridian that runs through Greenwich, UK (lon-gitude). The reference entities can be chosen arbitrar-ily. The choice of the zero meridian of, for instance theWGS84, does not influence the accuracy and unique-ness of the reference system. However, to facilitate re-

2See for more information.

producibility a famous landmark (the royal observa-tory in London) was originally chosen to fix the zeromeridian. In this case, the great circles and the merid-ians form an ellipsoid that approximates the shape ofthe earth. The ellipsoid serves as reference surfacefor the coordinate system. It is anchored in a set ofknown points. The ellipsoid can be described by a setof parameters, such as length of major axis, flatten-ing and parameters for the orientation relative to theearth. These parameters specify the datum of the ref-erence frame [5]. In Figure 1 the places denoted byblack coordinates show the fix points that anchor thereference frame. The grey coordinates are assigned toplaces by establishing the distance relation betweenthe place in question and places whose coordinates arealready known.

Depending on how a datum is specified, differenttypes of datums can be distinguished. Relevant for thiswork are allocentric and egocentric datums. An allo-centric datum is defined independently of an agent andit does not depend on the choice of reference points[21]. Most spatial datums that are used in GeographicInformation Systems are allocentric. An egocentric da-tum models the perspective of one particular agent[21]. A car navigation system that gives direction ofright and left turns from the driver’s perspective canbe seen to adopt the egocentric spatial datum of thedriver. The reference frame is solely anchored in thelocation and orientation of the car driver and the ref-erence frame moves as the car moves. A bridge that is“in front of” the car will be “behind” the car after driv-ing over the bridge and whether you have to turn left orright to reach the city center depends on the directionyou are coming from.

The third component of a reference system is com-posed by transformations that allow an integration ofvalues across different reference frames. For example,one might want to convert the coordinates given in aregional reference frame such as Gauss-Krüger3 intothe global reference frame of the WGS84 using a po-lar coordinate transformation. Transformations are im-portant when integrating datasets, for example acrossdifferent countries which use their individual nationalreference systems.

2.1.2. Semantic Reference SystemsThe commonalities of spatial, temporal and attribute

reference systems led Kuhn [22] to suggest semantic

3the Gauss-Krüger coordinate system is a regional reference sys-tem used for instance in Germany.

reference systems as a generalization of the known ref-erence systems. A semantic reference system is not re-stricted to assigning numbers to objects, but allows as-signing any symbol to an object, thereby allowing toaccount for the semantics of the symbol.

Kuhn and Raubal [23] and Janowicz and Scheider[19] suggest implementing reference frames for se-mantic reference systems with ontologies. The seman-tic reference frame specifies a set of allowed symbols.Probst [32,33] investigates semantic reference framesfor observations and measurements grounded in theDescriptive Ontology for Linguistic and Cognitive En-gineering (DOLCE) [26]. Probst provides an ontolog-ical theory for unary qualities and an implementationin the Web Ontology Language (OWL)4. To overcomethe agent-independence of Probst’s approach, Ortmannand Daniel [27] suggest an ontology design pattern forreferential qualities that can be used to model qualitiesthat depend on their host and on an additional refer-ent entity. The ontology design pattern for referentialqualities uses the same version of DOLCE as Probst’swork [32,33].

The datum in a reference system anchors the ref-erence frame. It fixes the interpretations of the prim-itive terms and values in the reference frame. Fixingthe interpretation requires a reference to the real world.The reference, which points from the system of sym-bols into the real world, is a foundational problemof reference systems. It has been dubbed the ‘symbolgrounding problem’ [16]. Two approaches have beenproposed for semantic reference systems to deal withthis problem. Firstly, one can simply assume the mean-ing of a fixed set of symbols to be given, for exam-ple by a foundational ontology [23]. A foundationalontology defines the general and shared top-level no-tions. Secondly, the meaning of symbols denoting ob-servable entities can be grounded in perceptual oper-ations that are shared across humans and that can bespecified in information systems [40,41,39]. In eithercase, the meaning of new symbols can then be definedin terms of the existing symbols, thereby restricting theinterpretation of the new symbols within the referenceframe. Figure 2 provides a schema that shows how asemantic reference frame generalizes a spatial refer-ence frame to reference observables of any type. Espe-cially, the similar network structures of nodes that havevalues and edges that specify the relations between thenodes are shown in Figure 1 and 2.


"Route 27"

"Hiking Path"

"Red Peak"


"is a"

"is a"



"Red Mountain"


"is a"



"lays on"

"lays on"



Fig. 2. Schematic representation of a simple semantic referenceframe. Similar to a spatial reference frame, observables are assignedvalues. The values in a semantic reference frame are labels. From agiven set of values, for instance waypoint, peak and mountain, it ispossible to reference a new value for a hiking path and relate it tothe known values.

The distinction of allocentric and egocentric datumsand reference frames has not yet been investigated forsemantic reference systems. However, to the authorsknowledge all currently existing semantic referenceframes for observations and measurements are allocen-tric. A closer examination of affordances in the nextsubsection will indicate that the explicit inclusion ofthe observing agent as a referent for its observationsleads to egocentric reference frames for affordances,which take the personal perception and expression ofthe observer as set of fixed terms.

Transformations across semantic reference framesare the least explored component of semantic referencesystems. In Geographic Information Science, Schade[38] offers an approach to transform schemata for ge-ographic data sets encoded in the Web Service Mod-elling Language (WSML)5 using the functional lan-guage Haskell.

2.2. Affordances

Gibson [14,15] devises a theory of how animals6

perceive opportunities for action. These opportunitiesfor action are called affordances. Gibson introducesthe notion of affordance as follows:

The affordances of the environment are what itoffers the animal, what it provides or furnishes,whether for good or ill. The verb to afford is found

5see this work the term “agent” is used as the more general term,

encompassing humans and animals. Gibson studied animals and hu-mans, and most ecological psychologists study humans. When refer-ring to specific work the respective types of agents are used.

in the dictionary, but the noun affordance is not. Ihave made it up. I mean by it something that refersto both the environment and the animal in a waythat no existing term does. It implies the comple-mentarity of the animal and the environment. [15,p. 127, emphasis in original]

Even more important for our program, Gibson statesthat

affordances are properties of things taken with ref-erence to the observer. [15, p. 137, emphasis inoriginal]

Gibson characterizes an affordance as an observableproperty of a thing that an animal can act upon. Fur-thermore, Gibson establishes the perceiving animal asthe measure of all the things it observes.

Despite the intuitiveness and appeal of the idea ofaffordances, there exists no single ontology of affor-dances. Since Gibson was not able to fully develop thetheory of affordances [20], there exist competing viewson how the notion should be defined. We follow Shawet al. [42], who suggested that affordances are proper-ties of the environment that are complemented by so-called effectivities, which are properties of the animal.Turvey [45] formalized this dual model of affordancesand thereby provided the first formal specification ofwhat an affordance is.7

Warren [46] provides an early experimental proof ofthe human ability to perceive affordances. His exper-iments show that humans can judge the climbabilityof stairs nearly perfectly, and that this ability can bemodelled as depending on the observing human’s leglength, which is the reference for the riser height of thestairs. Similar experiments have been conducted forexample, for reachability [3], sitability of chairs [24]or crossability of a road [29]. Generally, these exper-iments provide evidence that humans can accuratelyperceive which actions they can perform and how dif-ficult these action are to them. In the cited experimentsthe humans were asked to express their perceptionsand the degree to which the affordance was providedto them (except for [29] where the actual actions wereobserved).

Ortmann and Kuhn [28] investigate the place of af-fordances in an information system ontology of ob-servations. Following the interpretation of affordances

7Stoffregen [44] suggests an alternative formal specificationwhere affordances are relational system-properties at the boundaryof animal and environment.

suggested by Shaw et al. [42] and Turvey [45], Ort-mann and Kuhn [28] model affordances as qualities inDOLCE. DOLCE characterizes qualities “as the basicentities we can perceive or measure” [26, p. 16]. Ort-mann and Daniel [27] refine the view of affordancesas qualities by making the observing agent as a refer-ent explicit. In their view an affordance is a referentialquality, which is specifically dependent on its host andon the observer.

2.3. Representing Human Judgements

Freksa [7,8] and Freksa and López de Mántaras [9]investigate human observations and their representa-tion in information systems in comparison to metricmeasurements. Measurements are well established inthe hard-sciences, where scientists mostly deal withmetric measurements, but in the soft-sciences the sci-entists often face descriptive observations and judge-ments made by human subjects. Experiments con-ducted by Freksa and López de Mántaras [9] andFreksa [8] suggest that human judgements of phenom-ena should be represented through verbal descriptionsrather than metric values. The verbal descriptions re-fer to ordered categories that are represented as sim-plified version of fuzzy sets [48]. Therefore, instead ofmaking the judgements appear more precise throughtranslating them into a metric system, the imprecisionis preserved, but made explicit. Hence, more informa-tion about the actual judgement is preserved. Freksa[7] argues that this approach requires only compar-atively small vocabularies of judgements, but is stillmore accurate than metric human judgements. A smallset has the advantage that it is rather easy to handle,yet its expressiveness and granularity might be limited.However, experiments show that the results of humanjudgements using even small sets of descriptions aresuperior in accuracy and expressiveness to the resultsof the same humans using numeric values, if the fuzzi-ness of the judgements is made explicit [9,8].

Freksa [7] suggests two types of context-dependentadaptation for the semantics of the terms used asjudgements. The concept of global adaptation refers tothe problem that the same set of values (terms) can beused differently. For example, judgement of distanceis different whether you talk about your travel desti-nation or your workout run. Local adaptation refers todifferent judgements based on a set of given objects ofthe same type. Encountering three trees with heights4m, 6m, and 8m, an observer would refer to the lattertree as “tall”, yet if there are three trees 8m, 10m and

12m, then the same observer would likely refer to anequally high tree as “small”.

Such subjective and context-dependent judgementscan be made more objective when there is a referenceobject. In the stair-climbing experiment it is possible toobjectivize the subjective judgements through the mea-surement of the leg length of the observing person, butthis is not possible in the case of user-ratings, whereevery user has its own (local) set of ratings.

Aiming for a mathematical model of human ob-servation Zadeh [49,50,51] promotes a computationaltheory of perception. One of his observation is that

perceptions are f-granular, meaning that (1) theboundaries of perceived classes are unsharp and (2)the values of attributes are granulated, with a gran-ule being a clump of values (points, objects) drawntogether [...].” [49, p. 73]

In contrast to this, measurements are numerical andcrisp. In a similar way to Freksa [7,8] and Freksaand López de Mántaras [9], Zadeh [49,50,51] firstargues for a distinct treatment of perceptions basedon their specific characteristics, but goes on to statethat the computational theory of perception appliesto both, perceptions and measurements, or in otherwords, that measurements are a special case of percep-tion. In essence, the computational theory of percep-tion takes linguistic propositions and assigns fuzzy se-mantic constraints to them. The computational theoryoffers means to compute and propagate the fuzzy truthvalues.

The presented work imparts the important insightsthat (1) the results of (technical) measurements and(human) perception fall in different scales, but that(2) there exists a theory of perception that is generalenough to cover the results of measurements and per-ception.

3. Examples

Two exemplary affordances are used to show the po-tency of egocentric semantic reference systems for af-fordances: (1) The stair-climbability afforded by a stepto a person and (2) the hikability afforded by a hikingpath to a hiker. The examples are chosen from very dif-ferent domains and scales each capable of demonstrat-ing the specific peculiarities and challenges that oc-cur at that scale and domain. Additionally, this allowshighlighting the specific characteristics of very differ-ent domains and shows that our approach is generalenough to deal with them without any modification.

3.1. The Stair-Climbing Affordance

The stair-climbing affordance is the affordance thatis offered by a step to a person to climb up that step.It can be easily extended to other objects like the af-fordance to climb on a chair. The stair-climbing affor-dance has been investigated in laboratory conditionsby the psychologist William H. Warren [46]. It has be-come a standard example in Ecological Psychology.

The practical relevance of investigating and docu-menting simple and daily affordances such as the stair-climbability affordance lies, for example, in the designof navigation applications for elderly or handicappedpeople and in the design of ambient assisted living en-vironments.8 The greater difficulties that elderly peo-ple have in climbing stairs or reaching out to a cup-board have to be taken into consideration to designconveniently liveable environments.

Warren [46] conducted a set of experiments with agroup of his students as his subjects. Warren used pic-tures of stairs instead of real stairs and asked his stu-dents to judge the climbability. His results show thathis students are perfectly capable to judge the leastclimbable stairs (i.e. the maximum riser height thatthe subject thought she or he could climb) and alsothe optimally climbable stairs (i.e. the stairs with ariser height that appeared most convenient for themto climb). The results suggest two things. Firstly, theperception of his subjects is in perfect accordance toclinical studies and measurements of bodily capabili-ties and secondly, the riser height of the stairs chosenfor least or optimal climbability depends on the sub-jects leg length. Warren even identifies a ratio betweenleg length and riser height that is the same across allhis subjects. The homogeneity of the group of subjectswith respect to their physical fitness and abilities al-lows for modelling the affordance of stair-climbabilitybased on only one parameter. A more heterogeneousgroup of people and a more diverse set of objectswould require more parameters to accurately modelthe stair-climbability.

The experiments show that humans have a referencesystem for stair climbability according to which theycan judge the climbability of stairs upon perception. InWarren’s [46] set up, the reference frame for climba-bility can be anchored in the subject’s leg length.

8Ambient assisted living environments are environments that areequipped with non-intrusive technology to support elderly people inindependent daily life in their familiar surroundings.

3.2. The Hikability Affordance of a Mountain Path

The hikability affordance is the affordance to hikethat a mountain path offers to a hiker. This example isinspired by a web portal9 where users can share theirreports and judgements of hiking tours. Similar por-tals exist for many amenities and activities such as ho-tels, restaurants, running-, skating- and cycling tracks,playgrounds etc. The ratings of the degree to which anaffordance is offered to a person is usually made afteracting on the affordance.

The individual rating of an amenity cannot be mod-elled through physical parameters as it is possible forthe stair-climbing affordance. Indeed, the hikabilityof a mountain path depends on the hiker’s head ofheights, surefootedness, stamina, ability to cope withthin air and on the mountain path’s steepness, expo-sure, height and on many other characteristics. Further-more, it is not always clear how the properties of themountain paths are to be taken with reference to the ca-pabilities of the hiker. When rating hotels and restau-rants, parameters for social and cultural aspects haveto be added. In current rating portals, the rating of aservice, amenity or activity is simply the average ofall users. However, as indicated before this ignores abias in the group of observers. For example, a hotel inan area with a lot of nightlife is rated by the predom-inantly young guests, the high rating might not applyto a family and their expectations. The same appliesto the hiking example. A route in exposed and rockyterrain might be rated in a medium difficulty by hikersused to exposed routes, but regardless of the fitness, aperson from the lowlands might find the tour very dif-ficult.

To model egocentric reference systems for the hik-ability affordance that a mountain path offers to ahiker, we have crawled data from the online is a community driven portal whereregistered users can share tour reports. The tour re-ports have a name, date and contributing hiker, andcan have additional attributes such as a list of way-points (peaks, huts and other landmarks), duration,height gain, height loss, and most importantly a rat-ing. There exist different ratings for hiking paths, win-ter tours, climbing routes etc. For this work, only thehiking paths and their hikability ratings are of interest.The hiking rating is given according to a scheme rang-ing from T1 (“Valley Hike”) to T6 (“Difficult Alpine


Hike”). Tours from all over the world have been con-tributed, but most tours are from Europe, with a par-ticular bias to Switzerland. Therefore, only tours fromSwitzerland are taken into account for the prototype.The earliest tour crawled is from 2006 and the ex-tracted dataset ranges until November 6th, 2011.

From the website, a total of 22913 tours werecrawled, 15956 of them have a rating. These tours werecontributed by 1152 users. The contributions made peruser follow a power law distribution, with the top-contributor having 668 tour reports, 81 users havingmore than 100 reports and a long tail of 313 users hav-ing only one report. The tours have a total of 14042waypoints assigned to them. The waypoints can appearin several tour reports, for example, the waypoint forthe Matterhorn appears in 21 tour reports.

4. Datums and Reference Frame for Affordances

In this section the datum and the reference frame ofan egocentric reference system for affordances are in-troduced. These two aspects are individual to the userand manifest the ‘man as measure’ postulation. The se-mantic datum specifies how the primitive values are re-lated to the observable world. The semantic referenceframe specifies how the values are related to each otherand how values can be derived from the primitive ones.This section develops generally applicable statementsabout egocentric datums and reference frames for af-fordances. Readers familiar with foundational ontolo-gies will notice that the terminology used here is in-spired by DOLCE. This is not necessary for the theorybut is a result of previous work [e.g. 32,33,28,27] andthe intention to make this theory applicable in seman-tic web applications.

4.1. The Egocentric Datum

The semantic datum specifies how observations val-ues are related to the observables in the world. The se-mantic datum for affordances specifies how the termsof one particular observer refer to the affordances sheobserves in the world. Akin to the theory of affor-dances [15,17], the specification of the semantic datumfor affordances makes the observing agent explicit. Ittakes the observing agent with her qualities and capa-bilities as the yardstick for the observations. This ideaof using the observing agent as a measure for its per-ception is found throughout the affordance literature[e.g. 15,17,45]. We assume the observer expresses her

leg length




"not climbable"

riser height

Specification with


Realization with


Fig. 3. The observer provides the datum for the reference frame. Inthe information system the datum can be specified through parame-ters or realized through a set of fixed sample observations.

observation and thereby provides a set of initial val-ues for observed affordances. This initial set of val-ues, whose meaning is clear to the observer, suffices tospecify the semantic datum of the observer. Bringingthe theory of affordances into the research on datumsin semantic reference systems leads to egocentric se-mantic reference systems. In an egocentric referencesystem the human observer is modelled as part of thereference system in the information system. Hence, apartial representation of the user is necessary, for ex-ample by specifying qualities or capabilities of the useror by explicitly relating the results of observations tothe observer.

In general, we distinguish two ways to formalize thesemantic datum in an information system. Firstly, theegocentric datum can be specified through a set of pa-rameters that represent qualities or capabilities of theobserver taken with reference to an observable objectthat provides the affordance. Secondly, the egocentricdatum can be realized through a set of reference ob-servables that the user has expressed. The differencebetween specifying and realizing a semantic datum issimilar to the difference between an intensional and anextensional definition of a set. The specification usesparameters to define a mapping between the observ-ables to the values. The realization uses an explicit setof values that are related to an explicit set of observ-ables. Specification and realization of the datum are il-lustrated in Figure 3.

In the example of the stair-climbing affordance War-ren specifies a datum with one parameter that is suffi-cient to approximate the person’s judgements. The pa-

rameter is the observer’s leg length. The person’s leglength is different but fixed for every observer. Hence,the egocentric semantic datum for affordances is de-termined by the observer and has individual but fixedparameters. The knowledge about the datum parame-ters allows specifying the perceptual operations, whichground the meaning of expressions [41,39].

Unfortunately, the parameters that specify the se-mantic datum are not always known. The observer usu-ally does not make the datum explicit. The datumsfor observations of affordances that are more complexthan the stair-climbing affordances and that cannot bemodelled based on very few easily measurable physi-cal parameters cannot be specified in this way. For ex-ample, the hikability affordance does not only dependon one property of the observer, but a whole set ofproperties has to be considered, probably with a dif-ferent individual weighting. In this case, only the real-ization of the datum through a set of reference pointsthat anchor the reference frame can be derived fromthe observer’s expressions and judgements.

Every individually observed affordance of the sametype that is expressed by the observer explicates oneparticular fix-point that realizes the egocentric datum.For example, the set of rated reports that a hiker postsonline realizes the user’s semantic datum for hikabilityin the information system.10

The statements about the egocentric semantic da-tum make an important assumption about the symbolgrounding problem [16]. The egocentric semantic da-tum for affordances does not explicitly deal with thesymbol grounding problem, but it can be seen to em-brace the problem by assuming that there exists an en-vironment that is shared by observers, and that the ob-servers have equivalent access to.

For the egocentric datum this means that the param-eters of an egocentric datum are given in other refer-ence frames that are grounded in their respective da-tum. For example, the leg length and riser height of thestair-climbability datum require a reference system forlength and height measurement. Such reference sys-tems exists and are well known and used. Thereforethe grounding problem of stair-climbability is shiftedto the grounding problem of length and height and thusexcluded from this work.11

10The rating can change according to seasonal or weather condi-tions, which are not considered in this work.

11How to deal with the grounding problem has been scrutinizedby Scheider [39].

For the realization of the datum through shared ob-servations it is assumed that the observer performs thesame observation procedure for each individual hika-bility affordance. Additionally, it is assumed that ob-servers can identify mountain paths and that a moun-tain path rated by one person can also be hiked andrated by another person with her own egocentric da-tum. This corroborates Gibson’s claim of a shared en-vironment across observers [15] and avoids solipsistpositions that could otherwise be derived from ego-centric reference systems. Hence, the perceived affor-dance (its value) is specific to the observer, but the en-vironment, which provides the affordances, serves as acommon ground for all observers.

The benefit of evading some of the challenges in thesemantic datum comes at the price of a stronger focuson semantic translations. Interoperability among ego-centric semantic reference frames ultimately dependson semantic translations from one user’s egocentricreference frame into another user’s egocentric refer-ence frame.

4.2. The Egocentric Reference Frame

The egocentric semantic reference frame for affor-dances specifies the scale and units for the magnitudesof an observed affordance. A magnitude can be seen asa mapping from degrees of an affordance into units ofmagnitude [2]. A scale is a mode of representation thatentails the order and the spacing of the magnitude unitsthat represent the degrees of the observable affordance[2]. In the following the magnitude units are calledvalues. If the semantic datum that anchors the refer-ence frame is realized, some of the values are explicitlylinked to representations of observables. Additionally,the reference frame allows to assign values to observ-ables, which are not yet explicitly rated by the user.The datum can be seen to span the reference frame, andthe reference frame specifies how the spanned space isfilled with values.

The values do not need to have the same extent onthe scale, the values can be fuzzy and they might over-lap. Theoretically, each observer can freely choose thevalues she uses to describe her observations. Practi-cally, the range of values is usually very limited [9,8].In the mentioned social web applications where userscontribute their observations of, for example, the qual-ity of a hotel or restaurant or the difficulty of a hikingpath, the values are usually fixed and only few valuesare used.

Requiring a definite choice of only one rating perobservation excludes fuzzy ratings from the applica-tion. For hotel ratings, portals often provide a referenceframe ranging from zero stars (lowest) to five stars(highest) alluding to allocentric reference frames ap-plied by hotelier associations. In the case of the hikingexample a reference frame of values ranging from T1(“Valley Hike”) to T6 (“Difficult Alpine Hike”) is ap-plied. Naturally, the values of human observations candenote overlapping magnitudes and the values can befuzzy, but the fuzziness is often excluded by offering anon-fuzzy set of predefined categories.

Predefined values might suggest that they are objec-tive. Yet, the effects of local adaptation [7], when rat-ings are made in the context of previous experiences,make judgements subjective. Every observer has hisown subjective mapping of observed degrees of an af-fordance to the values for his ratings. Every new ratingis adapted to the previous ones. For example, the rat-ing of the same hiking path by a skilled mountaineerand by a visitor on vacation might result in differentexperiences of difficulty and in different values, eventhough the same labels and descriptions of the valuesare used.

The scale of the reference frame specifies the rela-tions among the values. For example, an ordinal scaledefines an order among values and specifies an ordi-nal reference frame. Additionally, the relative extent ofthe magnitudes that the values refer to can be speci-fied. For example an interval scale has values that areordered and all values denote magnitude degrees of thesame extent. The values of an egocentric semantic ref-erence frame for affordances are usually of differentsize and denote categories. The judgements are usuallyordered, but categories can overlap so that the orderonly applies to categories that do not overlap.

Figure 4, shows a reference frame for the affordanceof stair-climbability. The values are delimited accord-ing to the results of the maximal and optimal climaba-bility of stairs [46]. In this case, four values termed“low”, “perfect”, “high” and “too high” (as depicted inFigure 4) can be assumed and are laid out on an or-dinal scale. “Perfect” is the value that is used to de-note the stairs that are perfectly climbable. This valuerepresents an atomic granule of the observer’s percep-tion. Stairs lower than perfectly climbable steps fallinto the value “low”, higher stairs belong to the value“high”, unless the value of the riser height/leg lengthratio exceeds the critical point. In a simplified case onecan group the first three values into one value termed“climbable”, where “climbable” = “low” or “perfect”

or “high”. The values in the reference frame have adifferent extent, from an atomic granule for “perfect”climbabiliy to a theoretically unlimited extent for stepsthat are “too high”. The categories in this simple refer-ence frame do not overlap, and the order relation holdsacross all categories.

In conclusion an egocentric reference frame speci-fies the allowed values and the relation among them. Itusually consists of a set of descriptive values that areordered on a nominal, ordinal or partly ordinal12 scale.The values represent sometimes fuzzy and overlappingsets of individual ratings. The ratings of individualsfall into one of the values of the reference frame.

The theory presented so far allows to establish ego-centric semantic reference frames for affordances. Thereference frames are grounded in egocentric semanticdatums defined by the observing agents. Often a set ofvalues can be predefined, but every user has her owninterpretation of the categories that is manifested in theuser’s personal ratings. It is even possible to let everyuser have a personal set of units of any size and withlabels that the user chooses. Thereby, the egocentricreference frame for affordances substantiates Protago-ras’ postulation of ‘man as measure’ in the context ofobservations.

5. Transformations in Egocentric SemanticReference Systems for Affordances

Establishing egocentric reference systems at firstundermines the idea of interoperability, which typi-cally relies on a common basis. The grounding in ashared reference frame along with the transformationthat can be built between egocentric reference framesof affordances turn affordances into operational ob-servables. A subjective observations made by one userbecomes a valuable information source for anotheruser.

Borrowing from Geographic Information Science,two types of transformations are distinguished: (1) da-tum transformations and (2) direct transformations. Adatum transformation is a transformation based on thedatum parameters. The direct transformation estab-lishes a transformation function based on observables,whose values are known in both reference frames.

12Partly ordinal in the sense that the order relation does not holdbetween overlapping values. This is not to be confused with a partialordering.

5.1. Datum Transformations

The datum transformation requires explicit knowl-edge of the datum parameters. If all parameters areknown for the input and the output reference frame,then a datum transformation can be derived.

For very simple, purely physical affordances the da-tum parameters are sometimes known and datum trans-formations can be derived. One such case is the stair-climbing affordance. In the following, one exampleof a datum transformation for stair-climbing referenceframes (cf. Figure 4) is discussed. Despite the factthat the datum parameter leglength is given on a ratioscale, the datum transformation is a mapping betweentwo ordinal reference frames.

One can define a transformation function f thattakes the parameter pI of the input datum, the parame-ter pO of the output datum and the value vI that shouldbe transformed as input. The resulting transformationfunction is shown in Equation 1. To keep the examplesimple only the values “climbable” and “too high” areused in the equation. If the leg length parameter pI ofthe input datum is bigger than the leg length parame-ter pO of the output datum and the input value vI is“climbable”, then the output value is “climbable” aswell. If in the same case the value vI is “too high”, thenno constraint can be projected into the target referenceframe and the output value can be “climbable” or “toohigh”. If pI is smaller than pO and vI is “too high",then also the output value will be “too high". If in thiscase the rating is “climbable", again no statement canbe made about the climabability and the output valueis “climbable” or “too high”.

f(pI , pO, vI) =

“climbable”if pI > pO and vI =“climbable”

“too high”if pI < pO and vI =“too high”

“climbable” or “too high”otherwise


The transformation function with all four abovementioned values “low”, “perfect”, “high” and “toohigh” is shown in Equation 2. The transformations ofordinal reference frames can be seen as a transforma-tion of qualitative boundaries into the output referenceframe that exclude certain values from the interpreta-

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

low high too highperfect

leg length

riser height



Fig. 4. Reference frame for stair-climbability with granular categories demarcated by the critical and optimal point, atomic granules of perceptionand metric scale as applied by Warren [46]. The illustration is inspired by [Figure 7.1 in 32, p. 89].

tion of the value in the output reference frame.

f ′(pI , pO, vI) =

“low”if pI < pO and vI =“low”or “perfect”

“low” or “perfect” or “high”if pI < pO and vI =“high”

“climbable” or “too high”if pI < pO and vI =“too high”

“climbable” or “too high”if pI > pO and vI =“low”

“high” or “too high”if pI > pO and vI =“perfect”or “high”

“too high”if pI > pO and vI =“too high”


The function f and f ′ apply to the case that pI 6= pO.In the case of pI = pO the transformation function isthe identity function. The transformation functions fand f ′ are not uniquely defined as mappings into onlyone of the original values, but there exist cases wherethe original values are mapped to the union of two ormore values.

The practical benefit of a datum transformation forsemantic web applications might seem arguable. Inmany applications of simple, physical affordances, da-tum transformations are not necessary because theagents and the objects in the environment are suffi-ciently modelled to allow direct computations of theratios that stand for the affordance. For example, in anambient assisted living apartment all objects that af-ford climbing, in particular the stairs, are known withtheir height. Therefore, the climbability affordancesfor a new resident could be calculated when the newresident’s length is known. In many cases, such anapartment is already designed according to the param-eters of prospective residents.

However, reference systems for simple, physical af-fordances can be used as a common ground for da-

tum parameters of more complex affordances. Further-more, artificial agents, such as robots, which are usu-ally equipped with technical sensors, can benefit fromdatum transformations.13

5.2. Direct Transformation

A direct transformation requires the identification ofvalues denoting the same entity in the world in dif-ferent reference frames. The identification of this en-tity assumes the existence of a reference system forthe entity that is shared across the agents who definethe input and output reference systems. Given a set ofentities whose values for the observed affordance areknown in the original and in the target reference frame,there are different ways to derive the transformationfunction. This work uses a method of transformationthat is closely aligned with the method of coordinatetransformation in Surveying [cf. 18,13]. In the follow-ing the representation of values, the establishment ofthe transformation function and a small example arediscussed.

5.2.1. Representing the Values for DirectTransformations

To allow for a direct transformation the representa-tions of the values have to be brought into an interoper-able form of representation. As there are no constraintson this in the egocentric reference frame, it cannot beassumed that the values and terms in one referenceframe are convertible into the values and terms of an-other reference frame in their respective form. This ar-ticle employs a simple vector form, as used in Informa-tion Retrieval [37], to represent the values of the ordi-nal reference frame. The vector’s dimension is equal tothe number of possible values. Such a vector allows tobetter deal with the discrete nature of the values than asingle value for the rating. The vector’s dimensions are

13see for instance [36,35] for an example of a system of agentsinteracting with each other and with the environment and [34] for afunctional affordance-based model of a robot.

linearly independent. The linear independence of thevectors dimensions causes a loss of information aboutrelations between the values. In particular, the orderingamong values is not reflected. An extended model forvector representation that allows linear dependence ofvalues has been suggested in [47]. To avoid overly in-creasing complexity of our transformations this modelhas not been explored for this work.

As the vector representation is rather space consum-ing on paper, a simpler example than the six-valuereference frame of hiking paths is used.14 The refer-ence frame has three values T1 (“Valley Hike”), T2(“Mountain Hike”) and T3 (“Challenging MountainHike”). These values correspond to the canonical unitvectors as follows:

T1 =


, T2 =


, T3 =



It has to be kept in mind that even though vectors withnumbers are used, the values are not given on a met-ric scale, but they still represent ordinal values. Forcomputations, the simplest way is to interpret the zerosand ones in the vector as boolean values, so that thecanonical unit vectors would represent only one value.However, transformations can result in vectors differ-ent from those depicted in Equation 3. A vector result-ing from a mapping from T1I in the input referencesystem to either T1O or T2O would have a 1 in thedimension for T1 and T2. These examples would beinterpreted into the following predicates:10


→ T1∧¬T2∧¬T3,


→ T1∨T2∧¬T3 (4)

A slightly more expressive interpretation of the vec-tors in Equation 3 takes the component values as prob-abilities of value membership. The vectors in Equa-tion 3 express that the rating is 100% certain. This isreasonable for the user-ratings, which are directly con-tributed by the user. The move to interpret the num-bers in the vector not as the ordinal value but as prob-ability for an observable is a mathematical “trick” [2,p. 106]. It allows for quantitative computations on thevalues that are not possible with the original ordinalvalues. However, this has to be kept in mind through-

14The reference frame used in the implementation has six values.Only the first three values are used here.

out the transformation. In the initial case when usersgive a rating according to a predefined scheme of or-dinal or nominal values, the values correspond to thecanonical unit vectors given in Equation 3. The result-ing vectors can carry probability values that must addup to 1.15 For example, it is possible to express that thetransformed rating of the path is T1 with a probabil-ity of 0.8 and T2 with a probability of 0.2 in a targetreference frame:0.80.2


→ (T1, 0.8) ∧ (T2, 0.2) ∧ (T3, 0) (5)

The vector represents a fuzzy predicate, and a transla-tion back into a reference frame with non-fuzzy val-ues is only possible by giving up the information aboutthe probabilities or by approximating it through a fixedset of special predicates. Alternatively, the referenceframe can be modelled to take fuzzy values.

5.2.2. Establishing the Transformation FunctionGiven the algebraic representation of the values as

vectors, the transformation function takes the formof a weight matrix. The weight matrix is multipliedwith the input vectors and results in the output vec-tor, which represents the value in the target referenceframe. Again, the mathematical approach is closely re-lated to well-known approaches for coordinate trans-formations in Surveying [e.g. 18,13]. The general for-mula is written down as follows:

O = W ∗ I (6)

Writing out the vectors and the weight matrix the gen-eral form of the equation looks like this:O1



w11 · · · w1n

.... . .

...wm1 · · · wmn



The matrix W is an interaction matrix [2] between thetwo sets of values given by the two users for the sharedobservables. It contains weights that state which im-pact the various components from the input vectorhave on the output vector. wij models the impact that

15This claim ignores cases where rounding leads to a sum dif-ferent than 1, for example, when the three values denote one third,which is represented as 0.33, then the sum only adds up to 0.99. Thisproblem does not change the theory.

the jth component of I has on the ith component ofO. In the general case the matrix does not need to bea square matrix, but can also transform between ref-erence systems with different numbers of values. Themajor challenge is to find the values for the weight ma-trix W .

In geographic reference systems the matrix is builtup by first identifying points whose coordinates areknown in both systems. When a sufficient number ofpoints has been identified in both systems, a systemof equations is set up and solved to derive the matrixweights.

There is no sufficient number of shared observ-ables for a transformation between semantic referenceframes for human observations. A higher number usu-ally results in more accurate results, but there are ex-ceptions to this rule, for example, when the observ-ables are not exactly equivalent. This can be caused bytime difference between the observations, a restaurantmight be renovated or change the chef, the area of a ho-tel might change, or a hiking path can be in a differentcondition in fall than it is in summer. Additionally, inmany cases the very high values might not be used forratings by a user. In the hikability rating scenario thetours given the highest value typically require substan-tial experience and mountaineering skills, which onlyfew users have. Hence, a matrix with missing weightsin some places is the normal case rather than the ex-ception. Additionally, the ratings are not unique as co-ordinates for locations are. Different observations ofaffordances are very likely to take the same descriptivevalue. For a boolean weight matrix this work suggeststhree simple rules to fill the weight matrix:(1) wij = 1 if there exists a shared referent

that is rated with the jth valuein the input reference frame, andthat is rated with ith value in theoutput reference frame.

(2) wij = 0 if there exist one or more sharedreferents that are rated with thejth value in the input referenceframe, and none of them arerated with ith value in the outputreference frame.

(3) wij = NA if there is no shared referent thatis rated with the jth value in theinput reference frame the weightis assigned the value “NA” fornot available.

An approach to reduce the number of unspecifiedplaces is to exclude the dimensions that represent val-

ues that the user does not use. The changes in the com-ponents have to be considered when establishing thematrix.

Moving to a weight matrix for the transformation ofvectors that represent probabilities, rules (2) and (3)remain the same as compared to establishing a booleanweight matrix, only rule (1) has to be adapted:(1′) wij =

|vO,i||vI,j | if there exists a number

| vI,j |> 0 of shared ref-erents that are rated with thejth value in the input ref-erence frame and that arerated in the output referenceframe, then wij is the ra-tio of the number | vO,i |of shared referents that arerated with the ith value inthe output reference frame tothe number of shared refer-ents | vI,j |.

For example, if in a three value rating system withvalues T1, T2, T3 there are three tours rated T1I in theinput reference frame, and these tours are rated T1O,T1O and T2O, then w11 = 0.67 and w21 = 0.33,rounded to the second decimal place.

5.2.3. ExampleIn the following example, we consider two avid

hikers –Ian and Otis– who both completed six simi-lar paths and rated their individual experiences. Otiswould like to hike a seventh path that Ian has hikedbefore and needs a transformation of Ian’s rating intohis own rating. Table 1 shows the values Ian and Otisassigned to the hikabilities of the paths. The table alsoshows that the entity in the real world that Ian refers toas Path 1 must be the same as the entity that Otis refersto as Path 1. This assumes an underlying allocentricreference frame for the paths (not their affordances) asreference objects.

Table 1Values resulting from Ian’s and Otis’ tour ratings.

Ian Otis

Path 1 T1I T2OPath 2 T1I T1OPath 3 T2I T3OPath 4 T2I T2OPath 5 T1I T1OPath 6 T3I T3OPath 7 T2I

To fill the weight matrix, the probabilities of a map-ping from T1I to values in O are calculated from thegiven matches. In the example the three paths ratedwith the value T1I , are rated two times with T1O andonce with T2O. According to rule (1’), the weight w11

is constructed as follows: There exists a path rated withvalue 1 (T1) in the input reference frame (Path 1, 2 and5) and two of these paths (Path 2 and 5) are rated withvalue 1 (T1) in the output reference frame, which givesa ration of 2/3 for the weight w11. Likewise, there ex-ists one path (Path 1) among the three paths rated T1Ithat is rated with value 2 (T2) in the output referenceframe. This gives a ratio of 1/3 for the weight w21.This leads to a mapping of T1I as follows (the compo-nents are rounded to the second decimal place):10






The mapping expresses that a path that is rated withT1I is rated with a probability of 0.67 as T1O andwith a probability of 0.33 as T2O. Applying rule (1’)to each weight in W the resulting weight matrix lookslike this:

W =

0.67 0 00.33 0.5 00 0.5 1.0


Hence, Path 7 would result in a probabilistic ratingof 0.5 for T2O and 0.5 for T3O: 0




0.67 0 00.33 0.5 00 0.5 1.0




As a result, a theory that allows to account for the val-ues of individual user-ratings taken with reference tothe user’s specific capabilities is established. Further-more, the transformations allow to estimate additionalratings, based on transformations from a second user’svalues into the first user’s reference frame.

6. Egocentric Semantic Reference Systems forSemantic Web Applications

In the introduction it was hypothesized that an ego-centric semantic reference system for human obser-vations of affordances allows capturing the subjec-

tive meaning of observation values in ordinal refer-ence frames. This section presents a prototypical im-plementation of an egocentric semantic reference sys-tem. The prototype illustrates at hand of a social webapplication how user ratings can be represented accu-rately and ontologically correct, how this helps to over-come the challenges of individual and subjective rat-ings and how these ratings can be transformed acrossthe users’ ordinal reference frames without making un-necessary and invalid assumptions about the user’s ref-erence frame and its values.

Throughout this section typewriter font will be usedto indicate RDF16 nodes like User. RDF classes startwith a capital letter, RDF properties start with a lowercase letter.

6.1. The Dataset

After crawling the data from the website,the proprietary stored data have been processed ac-cording to the Linked Data principles [1] and storedas an RDF-graph. The Linked Data approach focuseson linking data items and datasets and describing themby reference to URIs. It allows representing the hikingdataset in a flexible way, which also complies to se-mantic web standards. The adherence to semantic webstandards such as RDF and SPARQL17 also increasesthe reproducibility of the results. The original data isretrievable through the portal.

The graph structure of the dataset is depicted inFigure 5.18 The respective properties and classes havebeen added in the processing step, aiming to approx-imate the structure of the dataset as presented onthe website as closely as possible. The total num-ber of triples added up to 552912 and is stored ina Jena19 triple store with a fuseki SPARQL server.The SPARQL endpoint20 allows to query the RDFgraph through the SPARQL Query Language for RDF.The RDF graph has five classes: Tour, Waypoint,User, Region and HikingDifficulty. Theclass Region is not used in this work. Addition-ally, the individuals of these classes are connectedthrough relations, i.e. RDF object properties. Each

16The Resource Description Framework (RDF), see

17see concept maps have been created in CMap Tools, available

for download at

Fig. 5. Concept map illustrating the RDF dataset of hiking tours. The numbers in brackets present the number of individuals for classes and thenumber of subject-property-object triples for properties. Large round boxes represent classes, small square boxes represent datatypes.

Tour individual, which represents a rated tour isrelated through hike-rating to an individual ofHikingDifficulty. User individuals are relatedto Tour individuals through the relation has-hiked,and the inverse relation hiked-by. Similar rela-tions has-visited and visited-by exist be-tween User individuals and Waypoint individuals.Waypoint individuals are assigned to Tour individ-uals through the waypoint relation, and through theinverse has-tour relation. The datatype propertiesheight-gain, height-loss and duration arespecified for the individuals of the class Tour. TheWaypoints can have a datatype property altitude.Additionally, all individuals have a datatype propertytitle from the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set21.

6.2. Establishing an Egocentric Semantic ReferenceFrame and Datum

To establish a semantic reference system for obser-vations of affordances, this work draws from previ-ous work by Probst [32,33] and is loosely aligned toDOLCE. DOLCE models observable qualities in a so-called EQQS-pattern [25], wherein a quality (Q) in-heres in an entity (E). The magnitude of the quality isa quale (Q), which is a region in a quality space (S).Probst [32,33] suggests modelling qualities accordingto the DOLCE pattern and then built a reference frameas a second layer of representation of qualities andqualia in a partitioned reference space. This model cor-


responds closely to Bunge’s [2] analysis of measure-ment, which distinguishes properties (DOLCE quali-ties) from property degrees (DOLCE qualia), whichare mapped to magnitude units (Probst’s reference re-gions), which then are ordered on a scale (Probst’s ref-erence space). The ontology design pattern for referen-tial qualities [27] together with Probst’s [32,33] refer-ence spaces allows to establish an egocentric semanticreference frame and a semantic datum for affordances.

The prototypical implementation of the egocentricsemantic reference system makes one important sim-plification. The implementation does not make the dis-tinction between qualia and quality spaces on the onehand and reference regions and reference spaces on theother, which is suggested by Probst [32,33]. Instead,the implementation only requires a part of the DOLCEpattern and models the qualia as values and the qualityspaces as reference frame. This simplification comeswith a significant reduction in the complexity and sizeof the implementation. This simplification does not af-fect any of the reference system’s parts.

The datum in the egocentric reference system isgiven through the observer. The ontology design pat-tern for referential qualities [27] allows to include theobserving agent as a required entity for the observedaffordance. Ergo, the observer as datum is accountedfor. In the case of the hikability example, no datumparameters, i.e. qualities of the observer, are speci-fied. However, the explicit consideration of the observ-ing agent is manifested in modelling every individ-ual observer with its own egocentric semantic refer-ence frame. That is, instead of six values for the whole

dataset, there are six values for each user in the im-plementation of the egocentric semantic reference sys-tems for hikability affordances.

Classes and individuals that represent the affordance-quality, the quale and the quality space have to beadded. The extended EQQS pattern requires at first anentity in which the quality inheres, i.e. the thing thatprovides the affordance. The implementation uses theclass that originally was intended to represent the tourreport.

Here, one could argue that the assignment of a dif-ficulty to a tour report is ontologically inaccurate be-cause the path is rated and not the tour report. For thehikability affordance a new class Hikability is cre-ated along with individuals for every rating given bya user. As the user is an integral part of the hikabil-ity affordance, paths hiked by more than one user, alsohave more than one hikability affordance. This leadsto 29677 individuals for the hikability affordance, eachrelated to a path and a user.

The classes so far represent the affordance as aquality but not yet the rating. The actual rating thatis assigned to the affordance is the quale (the classhQuale). Since not all paths were rated in the orig-inal dataset, only 20559 out of 29677 Hikabilityindividuals have a quale assigned to them. A qualityhas one quale in each reference frame in which it isobserved. Given 1152 users, there are 1152 egocen-tric frames with six values each. Therefore, there exist6912 hQuale individuals, which are part of the 1152respective quality spaces (class hQSpace).

The dataset modelled with reference frame and da-tum is depicted in Figure 6. In total, the tripleset in-cluding the semantic reference frame is with 715241triples about 30% bigger than the original dataset. Thereference frame and the datum capture the semanticsof human judgements of the hikability affordance thata mountain path affords to a hiker. The human judge-ments are given as terms referring to six possible val-ues. The meaning of the term is grounded in the user,and by extension in the user’s use of these terms torefer to specific paths in the mountains. The resultingcategory of individual judgements with the same valueestablishes the extension of the term’s meaning for auser.

6.3. Performing Semantic Transformations

The final step to an operational notion of affordanceobservation is the implementation of semantic trans-formations. Unfortunately, there is far less previous

work that can be drawn from. Therefore, some prag-matic simplifications have to be made throughout theestablishment of semantic transformations.

There are 1152 reference frames in the dataset, andtransformations are specific to each pair of two ref-erence frames. Not only the sheer amount of possi-ble transformation functions, but also the dynamic na-ture of community driven portals, with an ever chang-ing (increasing) dataset impedes a pre-computation ofweight matrices. To provide an idea of a typical appli-cation that requires a semantic transformation a smallscenario is chosen:

Rita plans to visit a friend in Lucerne and wouldlike to hike up the famous Rigi Mountain close by.As she has never hiked in this region before, shewould like to know how difficult it would be for herto hike the Rigi (and maybe even which route totake).

The waypoint for Rigi Kulm22, the top of the RigiMountain appears in 91 tour reports. 89 of these re-ports are rated, with ratings ranging from value T1 toT5. Rita is a frequent user of the hiking portal, she con-tributed 92 reports to the portal. 85 of her reports arerated according to the given six-value rating scale. Ritahas hiked mostly in the Canton of Ticino.

The matching of tours poses an additional challengein the hikr dataset. Each tour report is unique, andrefers to a specific hike on a hiking path at a certaindate. A shared reference frame for hiking path refer-ents in the real world is missing. Therefore, the ap-proach here has to resort to the waypoints assigned tothe hiking path. The waypoints are predefined in thehiking portal, and the set of waypoints can be consid-ered an allocentric reference frame. The matching ofpaths can only be performed at hand of a similaritymeasure that allows to treat sufficiently similar pathsas equivalent. This work uses an overlap of waypointsamong paths as naive measure for the similarity ofpaths.

To derive an expected rating of a path to the Rigi inRita’s reference frame the following steps have to beperformed:

1. Find users that have hiked paths that include thewaypoint for Rigi Kulm.

2. Find the waypoints that these users have hiked.

22Waypoint Rigi Kulm:

Fig. 6. Concept map illustrating the RDF dataset of hiking tours including the reference frame for hikability. Classes of the original hikr.orgdataset are depicted in white, the classes for the reference frame extension are shown in grey. Properties between individuals are depicted asarrows between the classes of individuals.

3. Find matches between Rita’s waypoints and thewaypoints found in Step 2.

4. Rank the users resulting from Step 1. accordingto the number of matches found in Step 3.

5. Select the highest ranked user from Step 4. andfill the matrix according to the three rules statedabove (cf. Section 5).

The first two steps can be solved with SPARQLqueries to the triplestore. The respective queries areshown in Listing 8 and Listing 8 in the Appendix.Steps 3 and 4 are more complex and are explained inthe following.

6.3.1. Similarity-based Tour-matchingThe ratings in the hiking portal face one problem

that other rating portals (for example, for hotels orrestaurants) do not have: Users do not rate the same ob-servable over and over again, but users rate their ownindividual hiking tour. For the semantic translations,we have to make the assumption that the user’s ratingof the tour is actually a rating of the hiking path orroute that this tour comprised. Thereby, the rating ab-stracts from temporal influences, such as varying con-ditions due to different seasons. Yet, even with this as-sumption equivalent paths have to be identified among

the individual reports. In the portal a set ofwaypoints is predefined, so that users can assign thesame waypoints to their individual tour report. Thewaypoints that different paths have in common can beexploited to come up with a simple similarity mea-sure. Sufficiently similar paths are potential candidatesof shared observables for the weight matrix. A simplealgorithm matched the paths according to their com-mon waypoints. However, a closer examination alsorevealed that the user Rita, has hiked the same pathsseveral times. To preclude a bias towards certain paths,only the most recent tour of a set tours with equivalentpaths is taken into account.

The similarity based strategy bears some peculiari-ties. In a heterogeneous landscape such as mountains,an additional waypoint, maybe an additional peak, canadd substantially to the difficulty. There might also ex-ist several paths of different difficulties between thesame two waypoints. Moreover, the paths have verydifferent total amounts of waypoints, ranging fromzero to more than ten. First queries indicated that thepaths seldom share more than four waypoints. To ob-tain a sufficient number of equivalent paths the thresh-old for assumed equivalence of paths was set to twoshared waypoints. This is very low and comes with a

large degree of uncertainty, but for the sake of the pro-totype and as proof of concept this uncertainty is ac-cepted.

The peculiarity is mostly induced by the automaticmatching that even exceeds the state of the art for geo-graphic reference systems. Even today, direct transfor-mations are usually based on shared points that haveto be identified manually. A manual identification, orat least verification, is possible, but requires more userinteraction and was not feasible for the example in thiswork.

All users that have hiked a path, which includes thewaypoint Rigi Kulm are querried. The result is a setU of 65 users. For each user ui in U , the waypointsthat this user has visited are queried returning sets Wi

with waypoints. Each set of waypoints Wi is com-pared to Rita’s set of waypoints WRita and the users ui

are ranked according to the number of waypoints theyhave in common with Rita. The highest ranked useris selected as suitable candidate to establish the trans-formation matrix between this user’s reference frameand Rita’s reference frame. In our implementation thehighest ranked user was named “chaeppi”. He has 56waypoints and 13 paths in common with Rita.

6.3.2. Establishing the MatrixGiven user chaeppi and his paths that match one of

Rita’s paths, the weight matrix can be established. Firstthe ratings for the paths are queried for Rita and forchaeppi to derive rating pairs, which reflect the uniquepaths rated in Rita’s and in chaeppi’s reference frame.From these pairs the probabilities for the weight matrixcan be calculated according to the rules (1′), (2) and (3)specified in Section 5. The resulting matrix is shownin Equation 11, again rounded to two decimal places.

Wchaeppi−Rita =

NA 0.14NA 0.33 0 NANA 0.71NA 0.67 1 NANA 0 NA 0 0 NANA 0.14NA 0 0 NANA 0 NA 0 0 NANA 0 NA 0 0 NA


The matrix is incomplete, because chaeppi’s did notuse the values T1, T3 and T6 in any of the shared paths.The weights that cannot be specified are marked NA inthe matrix.

The final step is to query chaeppi’s path, which in-cluded the waypoint Rigi Kulm and its rating, and toproject this rating into Rita’s reference frame. Userchaeppi has rated the path he took to the Rigi Kulm

waypoint with T2. The transformation into Rita’s ref-erence frame is shown in Equation 12.




NA 0.14NA 0.33 0 NANA 0.71NA 0.67 1 NANA 0 NA 0 0 NANA 0.14NA 0 0 NANA 0 NA 0 0 NANA 0 NA 0 0 NA



Hence, in our scenario the path that chaeppi took up tothe Rigi mountain, would be rated with 71% probabil-ity as T2 by Rita, and only with 14% probability as T1and with another 14% probability as T4 (1% percenthas been lost to rounding errors). The implementationof the example in R is documented online23.

6.4. Comparison of transformed ratings to actualratings

The example has shown that the method works andresults in a vector of probabilities. The probabilitiesindicate how likely the user would perceive the sug-gested path in the categories of her egocentric refer-ence frame. To gain an insight if the method also yieldsresults that actually match the users actual perception,we have conducted a few more tests in our dataset.

After comparing the matches of tours across allusers we have selected four pairs of users that havetwenty or more matching tours and that have not hikedtoo many tours together, using an equivalence mea-sure of four shared waypoints among the tours. Table 2shows the pairs of users with the number of matchingtours and the overlap between the users. The overlapis the number of tours that were hiked together by thetwo users and that are reported and rated in the sametour report.

Table 2User pairs with matching tours used for the comparison of trans-formed and actual ratings and the number of tours that were hikedtogether by the two users.

User 1 User 2 Matches Overlap

Lena chaeppi 20 0Mauro78 beppe 22 0Bombo rgauss 25 8Ivo66 alpstein 66 9

For each pair of users we have calculated the ma-trices for each subset of matching tours that lacks one


tour. For example in the case of 20 matching tours, wehave computed 20 transformation matrices, each basedon a subset of 19 tours. We have then calculated thetransformed rating of the second user by multiplyingthe vector representation of the first users’s rating withthe transformation matrix. We have then compared thetransformed rating with the actual rating of the user.Table 3 shows the accuracy of transformation results.

Table 3Accuracy of the transformed rating between User 1 and User 2. Thecolumn “+/- 0” indicates the ratio of correct projections. The column“+/- 1” lists the ratio of transformations that were off by at maximumone category in the ordinal rating scale.

User 1 User 2 +/- 0 +/- 1

Lena chaeppi 0.525 0.725Mauro78 beppe 0.492 0.929Bombo rgauss 0.636 0.856Ivo66 alpstein 0.447 0.869

For example, the projected rating from Lena’s ref-erence frame into chaeppi’s reference frame resultedin 52.5% of the cases in the actual rating that chaeppigave to the tour. In 72.5% of the cases the rating re-sulted in the actual category or in an adjacent category.The best accuracy for matches +/- 0 among the fourtest cases was achieved between the users Bombo andrgauss. 63.6% of the projected ratings matched the ac-tual rating. However, the two users had hiked 8 of the25 tours used to compute the matrices together. Amongthe four tested pairs of users, the highest percentage forprojected ratings that are only one rating off was foundbetween Mauro78 and beppe. 92.9% of the projectedratings were in the actual or in the directly neighbour-ing category and only 7.1% of the projected ratingswere off by more than one category.

The results show that the projected ratings are plau-sible and that we can capture the subjective interpreta-tion of the users’ hikability ratings. Thereby, the resultsalso validate the theory of egocentric semantic refer-ence systems. Given the simplifying assumptions wehave made, there is space for improvements that yieldmore accurate results in real applications.

7. Discussion

In this section the theory of egocentric semantic ref-erence systems is discussed. First, we closely examinethe theory. We show what has been achieved and whatis possible with the theory that was not before, but also

point to remaining shortcomings and persisting prob-lems. Then, the implementation of the theory for theaffordances of hikability is discussed. After that, wepoint to some caveats and offer a critique of the workdone.

7.1. Discussion of the Theory

The theory of egocentric semantic reference sys-tems for affordances provides a solution to describe,interpret, compare and integrate the results of hu-man observations of affordances. The suggested the-ory is the first attempt to capture the ontologicallychallenging notion of affordances in a reference sys-tem. The presented theory is compatible with existingtheories for affordances [e.g. 14,15,42,46,45], theo-ries of human judgements in information systems [e.g.48,7,9,8,49,50,51] and theories of reference systems[e.g. 2,18,22,23,32,33,13,19]. Important tenets, for ex-ample, ‘affordances are subjective’ [15]; ‘the environ-ment is shared’ [15] and ‘the observer serves as refer-ent of its observation’ [15] are found compatible withthe suggested theory of egocentric reference frames foraffordances. In addition to that, our work corroboratesthe findings in [39] that observations can be groundedin observation procedures. Furthermore, the suggestedegocentric semantic reference frames can be seen asknowledge patterns in the sense of [12], which capturetask-specific knowledge and at the same time facilitateontology design.

The reference system for affordances is developedfrom an information science and semantic web per-spective. The focus is on the symbolization of the ob-served affordances and not on attending to them inthe form of performing actions. Thereby, the action-relatedness of an affordance fades into the background.Instead the expression and communication of an affor-dances gains centerstage. The presented theory allowsto semantically integrate human observations of af-fordances across different observers. Furthermore, thecompliance with previous work on semantic referencesystems fulfils a major requirement for the integrationwith other reference systems of observations and mea-surements. A prototypical implementation has demon-strated the validity of the theory, the practical applica-bility of the approach and the plausibility of the pro-jected ratings.

Specifically, an egocentric reference system offersthe opportunity to account for subjective observations.An explicit consideration of the observer and the sub-jectivity of his/her observations is not possible with

current allocentric reference systems. Thereby, the pre-sented theory offers a whole range of new opportuni-ties to deal with human observations as informationsources. Akin to Freksa [7,8] and Freksa and López deMántaras [9], making explicit the peculiarities of hu-man observations ultimately leads to more accurate re-sults and the increased knowledge about the observa-tions provenance leads to more trustworthy informa-tion sources. With egocentric reference systems for hu-man observations of affordances it is possible to rep-resent ordinal reference frames of observations and totranslate observations across ordinal reference frames.The theory allows to suggest transformed categoricalvalues and probabilities thereof. We avoid assumptionsof interval scales for our ordinal reference frames,which are often made in current rating websites whereusers rate on an ordinal reference frames, but the pre-sented average rating assumes an interval scale. Theexample of a reference frame for stair-climbability il-lustrates that this assumption cannot simply be made.Finally, the presented approach to transform across dif-ferent observations of affordances makes these obser-vations operational. The transformation provides a so-lution to the challenge of subjectivity, thereby refutinga possible conjecture such as: subjective observationsare not comparable. Through transformations, usershave access to other users’ observations in a novel way,which respects the users’ own reference frames andvalues.

Even though we find that the theoretical contribu-tion of this article achieves our goals, there remain sev-eral opportunities for future expansion and improve-ments. Transformation across reference frames of dif-ferent observers are only discussed as to achieve theminimal result. Especially, the consideration of the or-dering across values during the transformation is adesideratum for more reliable applications. Addition-ally, the establishment of the transformation functioncan be more sophisticated, for example by weightingthe shared observables.

Furthermore, the recent investigations in map scales[e.g. 4] and resolution of sensor observations [e.g. 6]are worthwhile exploring for improving the seman-tic integration of egocentric semantic reference systemusing different scales.

7.2. Discussion of the Semantic Web Application

With the prototypical implementation of a semanticreference system we have proven that the theory can beput in practice and that it yields reasonable results. It

has been shown that the semantic reference system forhuman observations of hikability affordances allowsto capture the semantics of subjective human obser-vations and that we can perform semantic translationsof values from one user’s reference frame into anotheruser’s reference frame. The transformed results havebeen found to correspond to that user’s rating. Yet,the transformation makes simplifying assumptions andonly employs a very simple transformation function.Thus, there is room for improvement that allows tomake the projections even more accurate.

One simplification is the reduction to qualia andquality spaces to represent ratings, instead of using thefull system of qualia, reference regions, quality spacesand reference spaces suggested by Probst [32,33].Probst, akin to DOLCE, models a quality that inheresin a host and is mapped to a quale in a quality space.Though the quality is individual to the host, several in-dividual qualities can be mapped to the same quale.Qualia are then mapped to reference regions in refer-ence spaces. A reference region is a unit in a refer-ence frame. Through the structure and granularity ofreference frames, several qualia map to the same ref-erence region. The distinction of qualia and referenceregions is reasonable for allocentric reference frames,where the qualia of different agent’s can be mappedto a shared reference frame. However, in the case ofan egocentric reference system, the qualia and refer-ence regions are both individual to the agent. Further-more, the exact mapping of qualia to reference re-gions in the egocentric reference frame is internal tothe agent. There is no need to replicate this mapping.Instead, qualia can be used as reference regions. Ref-erence regions as well as qualia are both subcategoriesof regions in DOLCE. Thereby, our implementation ofan egocentric semantic reference system remains on-tologically close enough to allocentric semantic refer-ence frames established as in [32,33]. This in turn al-lows semantically integrating the results of egocentricand allocentric reference frames. In addition to that,we avoid unnecessary cognitive assumptions about theinternal world of the agent and at the same time have avalid and sound semantic representation of the originalhikability dataset. Thereby, a new knowledge pattern[12] that is used as an ontology design pattern [10,11]for egocentric reference frames emerges.

The implementation uses an RDF triplestore to rep-resent semantic reference frames and datums and ituses R to query the triple store with SPARQL and ex-ecute the transformation based on the query results.One could argue that (1) R is not a semantic web tech-

nology, (2) the transformations performed in R do notuse reasoning in the semantic web sense and (3) theresults of the calculations in R are not semanticallyintegrated with the original semantic reference frame.While we agree to the first two points, we disagreewith the third one. Firstly, the values that are used inR are always taken as values in the semantic referenceframe. Even though the typing is not checked and en-forced in R, we have taken care of the type consis-tency within the R transformations. Therefore, the re-sulting values are values that can be interpreted in thesemantic reference frames. Secondly, the R scripts aremostly used to perform SPARQL queries on the triplestore and to iteratively perform more SPARQL querieson the triple store, eventually counting the results andperforming ratios between values of the same type.Thereby, we have manually bridged across the discon-tinuity between the semantic technologies and the non-semantic technologies. The manual effort that is re-quired to specify the transformations reduces the flexi-bility of using R for semantic interoperability. Seman-tic interoperability across reference frames remains re-stricted to the transformation operation that we havespecified. A functional language with a stronger typingmight allow to better approximate the semantics of thereference frame and datum to offer a better support fora richer semantic interoperability.

The implementation of the egocentric semantic ref-erence system for the hikability affordance does notexceed a prototype stage. Several simplifications havebeen made and no effort has been put into increasingthe performance. Yet, it shows that it is possible withcurrent technologies to establish a full fledged seman-tic reference system for human observations of affor-dances that even allows semantic translations acrossdifferent reference frames in the same reference sys-tem.

7.3. Critique and Caveats of Egocentric SemanticReference Systems

The theory of egocentric semantic reference sys-tems is particularly useful for subjective human obser-vations and where the group of users is very hetero-geneous. An example are hotel ratings, where the ob-servations are made by people of very different ageand with very different backgrounds, such as students,families and pensioners. Another example are ratingsof restaurants and dishes where the subjective tasteof for example saltiness or spiciness differs stronglyacross people.

Ratings of physical affordances, for instance thehikability and the stair-climbing affordances fall into aborderline category. On the one side, most humans areequipped with more or less the same physical capabil-ities. Stairs are standardized in many countries, so thatthe stairs we encounter are usually easily climbable foreveryone. On the other side, physically more challeng-ing activities and activities that require experience andskill are more subjective because fitness and skills canvary strongly from person to person.

Generally, the designer of a reference system has tomake a decision how subjective the ratings are, andwhether the influence of subjectivity can impact theratings to a degree that justifies or requires the ad-ditional implementation and data storage effort thategocentric semantic reference systems require. Thedatabase of prototypical implementation was about30% larger after the semantic reference frames hadbeen established, and deriving the matrices for trans-formations is computationally much more expensivethen calculating a simple or weighted mean.

The accuracy currently achieved with the proto-type might not suffice for applications where decisionwith a high risk are based on the transformed ratings.A mountain tour that exceeds the hikers capabilitiesclearly puts the hiker in a high risk, but the hiker stillwould have the chance to just turn around. This mightfor instance not be the case for rock climbing. How-ever, the accuracy of transformations strongly dependson the assumptions made and it has been highlightedthat the assumptions made in the prototype are verysimple. More sophisticated assumptions about equiv-alence of tours are likely to increase the accuracy oftransformations.

Finally, transformations across categorical referenceframes require a rather high number of matches ofobservables between the observers. For hiking tourswith a reference frame of six categories, we found thatabout 20 equivalent tours are necessary to come upwith a conclusive transformation matrix. To have 20matches between two users, these users must have con-tributed a significant number of hiking ratings. How-ever, this also introduces a incentive for users to con-tinue contribute reports to the portal.

In summary, the theory of egocentric semantic refer-ence systems for human observations provides a valu-able extension to the semantic reference systems. Itprovides a solution to deal with and to respect the re-strictions of ordinal reference frames, where the ex-tends of the values cannot be assumed to be equal. The

theory is particularly helpful for very subjective humanobservations.

8. Conclusion

This paper began with a more than 2000 year oldpostulation of “man as measure" by the Greek philoso-pher Protagoras. This postulation has been put intothe context of modern psychological theories of per-ception and of current contributions of human obser-vations as information sources in social and seman-tic web application. Inspired by Protagoras bold claim,the paper introduced a theory of egocentric referencesystems to information science, and showed how ego-centric reference systems allow to capture subjectiveinterpretations of terms and values in semantic web ap-plications.

We have detailed how to specify the semantic da-tum that grounds a set of values outside the referencesystem, how to establish the semantic reference framethat covers the observation values an observer uses todenote her observations of affordances and we havesuggested a way to derive transformation functions be-tween different egocentric reference frames. The the-ory has been found valid and a prototypical imple-mentation has shown the practical benefits but also re-vealed remaining issues and limitations.

The prototypical implementation of a dataset of rat-ings of mountain tours is the second contribution.Though only intended as a prototype, it is fully us-able. The prototype establishes egocentric referenceframes for more than 1000 users and specifies morethan 20000 ratings in these reference frames. R scriptsallow to transform values from one reference frameinto another, yielding a vector of probabilities for theratings in the target reference frame. We have madethe dataset available in a triple store with a SPARQLendpoint. An exemplary R script is available online.

Finally, the results of the theory and the prototypehave been discussed and critically reviewed. The re-sult of the discussion allows to accept the hypothesisthat an egocentric semantic reference system allows tosemantically account for human observations of affor-dances and we conclude that the theory of egocentricsemantic reference systems for observations of affor-dances makes every user the measure of his or her ownobservations.


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The Appendix provides two example queries as they

are used to retrieve necessary information to establish

the transformation matrix.

PREFIX rdf: <>

PREFIX jo: <>

SELECT ?uWHERE {GRAPH <>{?u jo:has-visited <> .


Listing 1: SPARQL Query for Step 1, finding users thathave hiked paths that include the Rigi Kulm Waypoint.

PREFIX rdf: <>

PREFIX jo: <>

SELECT ?wWHERE {GRAPH <>{?w jo:visited-by <> .}


Listing 2: Example SPARQL Query for Step 2. Findthe waypoints that the user Tina has visited.