#_an efficient server floor popup 1

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  • 8/22/2019 #_an Efficient Server Floor Popup 1


    It Starts With Send

    Ever wondered what happens when you send an email? Take a journey with Gmail and find out. Along the way, discover our data centers through videos, photos and more.It all begins when you click send.

    Title 1

    Chupa chups caramels tart carrot cake gum bears bear claw. Topping powder chocolate bar drage. Tootsie roll tart lollipop pastry pi donut faworki danish. Jelly beanspudding jujubes bear claw jello marshmallow marzipan. Icing powder jelly beans. Pie sweetly rolling topping donut ice cream sweet roll cake a cheesecake. Candychocolate cake gummies powder pudding pie sweet.

    Title 2

    Chupa chups caramels tart carrot cake gum bears bear claw. Topping powder chocolate bar drage. Tootsie roll tart lollipop pastry pi donut faworki danish. Jelly beans

    pudding jujubes bear claw jello marshmallow marzipan. Icing powder jelly beans. Pie sweetly rolling topping donut ice cream sweet roll cake a cheesecake. Candychocolate cake gummies powder pudding pie sweet.

    Title 3

    Chupa chups caramels tart carrot cake gum bears bear claw. Topping powder chocolate bar drage. Tootsie roll tart lollipop pastry pi donut faworki danish. Jelly beanspudding jujubes bear claw jello marshmallow marzipan. Icing powder jelly beans. Pie sweetly rolling topping donut ice cream sweet roll cake a cheesecake. Candychocolate cake gummies powder pudding pie sweet.

    Title 4

    Chupa chups caramels tart carrot cake gum bears bear claw. Topping powder chocolate bar drage. Tootsie roll tart lollipop pastry pi donut faworki danish. Jelly beanspudding jujubes bear claw jello marshmallow marzipan. Icing powder jelly beans. Pie sweetly rolling topping donut ice cream sweet roll cake a cheesecake. Candychocolate cake gummies powder pudding pie sweet.

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    Over to Google

    Once your message leaves your Internet Service Provider (ISP), it enters an Internet backbone router. Heres where Google picks up your message and guides it to theclosest Google data center. To provide the best possible user experience, we try to pick up your requests as early as possible from the local ISP, so weve built an extensiveInternet backbone across the U.S.

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    Title 1

    Chupa chups caramels tart carrot cake gum bears bear claw. Topping powder chocolate bar drage. Tootsie roll tart lollipop pastry pi donut faworki danish. Jelly beanspudding jujubes bear claw jello marshmallow marzipan. Icing powder jelly beans. Pie sweetly rolling topping donut ice cream sweet roll cake a cheesecake. Candychocolate cake gummies powder pudding pie sweet.

    Title 2

    Chupa chups caramels tart carrot cake gum bears bear claw. Topping powder chocolate bar drage. Tootsie roll tart lollipop pastry pi donut faworki danish. Jelly beanspudding jujubes bear claw jello marshmallow marzipan. Icing powder jelly beans. Pie sweetly rolling topping donut ice cream sweet roll cake a cheesecake. Candy

    chocolate cake gummies powder pudding pie sweet.

    Title 3

    Chupa chups caramels tart carrot cake gum bears bear claw. Topping powder chocolate bar drage. Tootsie roll tart lollipop pastry pi donut faworki danish. Jelly beanspudding jujubes bear claw jello marshmallow marzipan. Icing powder jelly beans. Pie sweetly rolling topping donut ice cream sweet roll cake a cheesecake. Candychocolate cake gummies powder pudding pie sweet.

    Title 4

    Chupa chups caramels tart carrot cake gum bears bear claw. Topping powder chocolate bar drage. Tootsie roll tart lollipop pastry pi donut faworki danish. Jelly beanspudding jujubes bear claw jello marshmallow marzipan. Icing powder jelly beans. Pie sweetly rolling topping donut ice cream sweet roll cake a cheesecake. Candychocolate cake gummies powder pudding pie sweet.

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    Safe and Secure

    We understand the importance of keeping your personal data secure. Thats why we protect your message with a wide range of security measures. Security cameras, irisscans and fingerprint scans at our data centers are just a few of the measures we take to secure and protect your information.

    At the Data Center

    See our security measures in action in this video tour.

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    Smart Heat

    Google runs some of the greenest data centers in the world. In fact, were the first major Internet services company to gain external certification of our high environmentalstandards. One way we save energy is by keeping the temperature on our server floors at a warm 80 degrees Fahrenheit. That means we dont need as much energy-intensive air-conditioning, and our employees get to wear shorts to work.

    Efficiency Pays Off

    Hear from expert engineers on why they decided to turn up the heat in our data centers.

    Industry Recognition

    Get the inside scoop on how we became the first major Internet services company to gain external certification for our high environmental standards.

    Smart Water Use

    See how our cooling system in Douglas County conserves water and helps us do our part to keep the local Chattahoochee River clean.

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    Clear Instructions

    When your email reaches the data center, it needs some guidance on where to go next. The networking room sends your message on its way, directing it to the servers thathandle Gmail.

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    See Inside the Networking Room

    Weve used temperature monitors and airflow simulations to design highly efficient networking rooms. One of the ways we keep the cold areas cold and the hot areas hot isby using plastic curtains similar to those used in a commercial refrigerator.

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    An Efficient Server Floor

    Your message then enters our server floor. Our servers support many products at a time thats the cloud. It means we can do more with less more searches andmore Gmail with fewer servers and less energy. In fact, our data centers are some of the most efficient in the world, using 50% less energy than typical data centers. Ourlarge scale also helps us better serve our customers by backing up data in multiple places and letting businesses easily increase their storage and speed.

    Using Less Energy to Do More

    Compare the environmental impact of everyday activities and objects to that of YouTube and Gmail. Here, you can see that streaming 3 days of YouTube is equivalent tothe energy it takes to manufacture, package and deliver one DVD.

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    A Little Goes a Long Way

    As a result of all our efficiency efforts, we use very little energy to power a Google search. The image above shows how the environmental impact of search compares tothat of a laptop, turning on a light, or drinking orange juice. For instance, 100 searches use as much energy as 28 minutes of a 60W light bulb.

    Hard-working Machines

    Our servers work together to process your data, including duplicating your message to create backups, scanning it for viruses, and filtering for spam. To cool the equipmentdoing all this work, we use energy-saving methods inspired by the natural environment around us. We also custom-build all of our servers so they are 93% efficient.

    Our Servers

    When it comes to building our servers, we only use parts that are essential for our applications and leave out the extras. We encourage all of our suppliers to producecomponents that operate efficiently at all times, whether theyre at full capacity or lower usage levels.

    Better Electricity

    See how electricity travels through our equipment in the most efficient way.

    Staying Cool

    Learn all about how we use seawater to cool our data center in Hamina, Finland.

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    Clean Power

    Whenever we can, we buy green power from wind farms near our data centers. We provide money to build new wind projects that generate more clean power for thecommunity. This, along with efficiency and investing in other projects, helps us eliminate our impact on climate change.

    Making a Real Difference

    Find out about a few projects that help us reduce carbon emissions outside of Google and eliminate our impact on climate change.

    Greening Our Grid

    Learn more about how our clean power purchases benefit the renewable energy industry and the environment.

    The Power of Wind

    We currently use renewable energy to power over 30% of our operations. Here you see photos from the wind farms near our Oklahoma and Iowa data centers.

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    Instant Delivery

    And there you have it! Now you know how email travels to help you keep in touch. You also know more about the innovative ways our data centers protect yourinformation and conserve energy.

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    No Unnecessary Waste

    Since 2007, weve recycled enough servers to avoid buying over 90,000 replacement machines. We always look for ways to reuse what we have, and when we cant, wecompletely erase any data components and resell them. Were proud that we recycle 100% of the electronic equipment that leaves our data centers.

    Google Green


    Home The Big Picture Efficiency Renewable Energy Products


    It Starts With SendOver to GoogleSafe and SecureSmart HeatClear InstructionsAn Efficient Server FloorHard working MachinesClean PowerInstant Delivery

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