an assasains

Upload: monique-deleon

Post on 03-Jun-2018




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  • 8/12/2019 An assasains


    Anton Thacker, the poor thirteen year old who lives in the tavern, was felling a pine tree, he could

    hear the thwack, thwack, thwack of the other woodcutters as they chopped and felled trees. Antons

    face was covered in wood and dirt, he was used to it, used to being covered in debris. After four

    more hours of this continuous work the day was up. Anton started slowly walking back to the lumber

    mill where he would collect his pay, fifteen crons every two weeks, not much but enough, because

    fifty driks equals one cron. So when Anton got back he collected his pay went to the tavern and fell

    onto a stool, hark the bartender asked the usual?.

    Anton answered with a slow nod, his usual was a big glass of whiskey. After that Anton payed the

    bartender and went up to his room. His room was the tiniest of them all, it had a small bed and a

    dresser thats it, Anton chose this one because its the cheapest, twenty five driks a night.

    When Anton woke up he went to the lumber mill and collected his axe and two man saw then

    headed out to his new designated area to mill. On the way he felt like he was being watched, like

    eyes were watching him in the bushes, or maybe the trees. He decided he would do a bit of

    adventuring after work, so four hours later he carefully went back the way he came, and looked

    around until he found something laying in the middle of the track, a piece of parchment. On the

    parchment it had a form of directions, to somewhere. So Anton being the curious boy he is decided

    to follow them, he followed them for about an hour then he decided it was Ludacris, just idle

    ramblings someone did in there spare time and carelessly dropped them. So he decided to lay back

    on the rock ledge behind him. As he lent back he fell back into a hidden cavern, it was lit with

    torches. And finely hewn out of stone as if a master stonemason had taken several years to shape

    and carve the glossy walls and floor. The most strange thing was that the furniture looked as if it had

    been used regularly, because there was no dust buildup on the furniture. It was then and only thendid he notice him, he was a giant man, the size of a baby fire drake, maybe even bigger. But Anton

    only then recognised his battleaxe it was taller than Anton. so youre da one ive herd so much

    about? said the man in an accent Anton did not recognise.

    W-what h-have you heard-d b-bout?said Anton starting to get a little worried for his life.

    Noot much besides thires a yong lad hoo is poor an needs moony, an is a little sneacky according to

    round ere. Evenmore accented this time.

    Anton didnt answer.

    Boot im gonna offa yoo a job, as an assassin. Said the man grinning.

    An a assassin? said Anton starting to slowly lose the fear for his life.

    Yep an assassin, wadda ya say?said the man with his hand out ready to shake.

    I dont know, whats the pay? said Anton curiously.

    Depends on da job yar takin said the man with a grin.

    I think im in said Anton.

    Good, your gonna liv ere with the rest of The Shadow Walkers den. said the man.

    By da way me names Sedgar, im da boss round ere. said Sedgar.

  • 8/12/2019 An assasains
