an arbitrage-free approach to quasi-option value · }geddy lee of rush, freewill i. introduction...

Ž . JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT 35, 103]125 1998 ARTICLE NO. EE981024 An Arbitrage-Free Approach to Quasi-Option Value 1 Jay S. Coggins 2 Department of Applied Economics, Uni ¤ ersity of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 and Cyrus A. Ramezani Department of Consumer Sciences, Uni ¤ ersity of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 and Haas School of Business, Uni ¤ ersity of California, Berkeley, California 94720 Received October 2, 1996; revised February 9, 1998 In the presence of uncertainty and irreversibility, dynamic decision problems should not be solved using expected net present value analysis. The right to delay a decision can be w valuable. We show that the value of this right equals Arrow and Fisher’s Quart. J. Econom. Ž .x 88, 312]319 1974 quasi-option value. In a discrete model we show how to derive quasi-op- tion value using methods from finance. These methods yield the advantage that they permit avoidance of the common pitfall of improperly matching a riskless discount rate with a risky project. In our arbitrage-free model, use of the riskless rate is appropriate. Two main findings are presented. First, if the stochastic dynamic process underlying the problem is known, the w Ž .x w Arrow and Fisher Quart. J. Econom. 88, 312]319 1974 and Henry Amer. Econom. Re ¤ . Ž .x 64, 1006]1012 1974 result, that improper use of net present value too often leads to early development, is correct. Second, if the process is assessed incorrectly, their result can be incorrect in the sense that net present value methods may lead to the correct outcome while the dynamic rule does not. Q 1998 Academic Press If you choose not to decide You still have made a choice. }Geddy Lee of Rush, Freewill I. INTRODUCTION Decision problems with stochastic, dynamic, and irreversible elements should not Ž . be treated using expected net present value ENPV analysis. Replacing future stochastic variables with their expected values, discounting costs and returns back to the present, and investing whenever ENPV is positive }as the rule 1 Without implicating them for remaining errors, we thank Tom Stinson and especially Paul Fackler for many helpful discussions and suggestions. We also thank an associate editor, two anonymous reviewers, and seminar participants at the Ohio State University and the University of Wisconsin, as Ž . well as at the 1996 meetings of the Southern Regional Information Exchange Group SRIEG-70 and the Canadian Resource and Environmental Economics Study Group. For their hospitality, Ramezani thanks the Faculty of Economics, and especially M. H. Pesaran, at the University of Cambridge, where he was a visitor while much of this work was completed. 2 E-mail: [email protected]. 103 0095-0696r98 $25.00 Copyright Q 1998 by Academic Press All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

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Page 1: An Arbitrage-Free Approach to Quasi-Option Value · }Geddy Lee of Rush, Freewill I. INTRODUCTION Decision problems with stochastic, dynamic, and irreversible elements should not be


An Arbitrage-Free Approach to Quasi-Option Value1

Jay S. Coggins2

Department of Applied Economics, Uni ersity of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108


Cyrus A. Ramezani

Department of Consumer Sciences, Uni ersity of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 andHaas School of Business, Uni ersity of California, Berkeley, California 94720

Received October 2, 1996; revised February 9, 1998

In the presence of uncertainty and irreversibility, dynamic decision problems should not besolved using expected net present value analysis. The right to delay a decision can be

wvaluable. We show that the value of this right equals Arrow and Fisher’s Quart. J. Econom.Ž .x88, 312]319 1974 quasi-option value. In a discrete model we show how to derive quasi-op-

tion value using methods from finance. These methods yield the advantage that they permitavoidance of the common pitfall of improperly matching a riskless discount rate with a riskyproject. In our arbitrage-free model, use of the riskless rate is appropriate. Two main findingsare presented. First, if the stochastic dynamic process underlying the problem is known, the

w Ž .x wArrow and Fisher Quart. J. Econom. 88, 312]319 1974 and Henry Amer. Econom. Re¨ .Ž .x64, 1006]1012 1974 result, that improper use of net present value too often leads to early

development, is correct. Second, if the process is assessed incorrectly, their result can beincorrect in the sense that net present value methods may lead to the correct outcome whilethe dynamic rule does not. Q 1998 Academic Press

If you choose not to decideYou still have made a choice.

}Geddy Lee of Rush, Freewill


Decision problems with stochastic, dynamic, and irreversible elements should notŽ .be treated using expected net present value ENPV analysis. Replacing future

stochastic variables with their expected values, discounting costs and returns backto the present, and investing whenever ENPV is positive}as the rule

1 Without implicating them for remaining errors, we thank Tom Stinson and especially Paul Facklerfor many helpful discussions and suggestions. We also thank an associate editor, two anonymousreviewers, and seminar participants at the Ohio State University and the University of Wisconsin, as

Ž .well as at the 1996 meetings of the Southern Regional Information Exchange Group SRIEG-70 andthe Canadian Resource and Environmental Economics Study Group. For their hospitality, Ramezanithanks the Faculty of Economics, and especially M. H. Pesaran, at the University of Cambridge, wherehe was a visitor while much of this work was completed.

2 E-mail: [email protected].

1030095-0696r98 $25.00

Copyright Q 1998 by Academic PressAll rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

Page 2: An Arbitrage-Free Approach to Quasi-Option Value · }Geddy Lee of Rush, Freewill I. INTRODUCTION Decision problems with stochastic, dynamic, and irreversible elements should not be


prescribes}can lead to costly mistakes. It is better to solve the correct dynamicproblem, accounting properly for the irreversibility, than to take advantage of the

w xshortcut that is ENPV. This is the advice handed down by Arrow and Fisher 3 andw xby Henry 20 }hereafter AFH}in two similar articles addressing natural resource

development problems specifically. Both articles also claim that use of ENPV willsystematically favor early development. Yet ENPV is ubiquitous in environmentalpolicy. Much of the environmental planning carried out by and on behalf of U.S.regulatory agencies from the EPA to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers rests uponcost-benefit exercises that use ENPV analysis.3

w xThe literature on this matter in resource economics begins with Weisbrod 31 ,who asserted that preservation of a natural resource confers ‘‘option value’’ overand above the value of development. From Weisbrod have arisen two separate

w x w xstrands of literature. The first, due primarily to Bohm 8 , Graham 18 , andw xSchmalensee 29 , seized the phrase option value to describe a premium accruing to

preservation that can be attributed to risk aversion.4 The second, due to AFH, isw xexpressly independent of risk preferences. Arrow and Fisher 3 introduced the

Ž .phrase ‘‘quasi-option value’’ QOV to describe the extra value that can be gainedif one eschews ENPV analysis in favor of the fully dynamic alternative.

The AFH admonition against using ENPV in a dynamic and stochastic settingwas not, in itself, new in 1974. It is, after all, akin to the suggestion}familiar fromdynamic programming}that a dynamic problem should be solved using the appro-priate dynamic techniques. Even the effects of irreversibility, a twist that AFHincluded, had been studied before 1974.5 By assuming that the developmentproject is all or nothing, AFH added another twist, which together with irreversibil-ity yields a scenario quite different from many dynamic programming problems inresource economics. Nonrenewable resource extraction models, for example, haveas a solution a path of control decisions. With its one-time, all-or-nothing nature,the solution in the AFH model amounted to an optimal stopping rule.

For resource economists, the special appeal of the AFH articles is of course theirfocus on resource development problems. Bellwether articles in resource eco-

w xnomics following the AFH tradition include, among others, Conrad 11 , Fisher andw x w xHanemann 17 , and Hanemann 19 . For a 2-period model, Conrad showed that

quasi-option value is equivalent to the value of information. Also working with a2-period model, Fisher and Hanemann and Hanemann developed a definition ofQOV that they called the value of information conditional upon no development inthe first period. Emphasis in their work is on whether, in the second period, thedecision maker knows which state has occurred.

w xAt about the time the AFH articles appeared, Black and Scholes 7 and Mertonw x25 solved the problem of pricing a European option. Their work provided theanalytical machinery upon which the subsequent explosive growth of the financialderivatives industry was based. In the 1980s, the usefulness of these methods forsolving general investment problems was first appreciated. Prominent among theearly articles exploiting the relationship between a real investment and a financial

3 For a relatively broad introduction to environmental policy from a practitioner’s viewpoint, seew xArnold 1 , who provides numerous examples supporting our point.

4 w xWe will have nothing to say about this notion or the connected literature. See Bishop 6 and Coryw xand Saliba 13 .

5 w x w x w xArrow and Fisher 3 themselves cite Arrow 2 and Arrow and Kurz 4 .

Page 3: An Arbitrage-Free Approach to Quasi-Option Value · }Geddy Lee of Rush, Freewill I. INTRODUCTION Decision problems with stochastic, dynamic, and irreversible elements should not be


w x w x w xoption are Bernanke 5 , McDonald and Siegel 23, 24 , and Majd and Pindyck 22 .w xDixit and Pindyck’s 16 recent book contains a thorough and authoritative survey

of the literature and of the techniques employed there, and explains how a realinvestment problem can be treated as an option valuation problem.

While resource economists were developing the literature based upon AFH, aparallel literature sprang up in which the option-pricing methods were applied to

w xresource valuation problems. Tourhino 30 appears to have originated this applica-w x w xtion. The articles by Brennan and Schwartz 9 and Paddock, Siegel, and Smith 26

are important and much-cited pieces. More recently, the financial methods wereapplied to natural resource problems by authors who also trace their roots to AFH.The two literatures, once largely separate, are now converging.6

What exactly is quasi-option value? In the present article we aim to show thatthe mistake one makes by inappropriately employing ENPV is the same as themistake one makes by ignoring the right to delay a decision. The value of themistake is quasi-option value, and it can be expressed

ŽQuasi-option value s Value of the development opportunity.including delay option}Expected net present value .

Sometimes QOV s 0, either because development should never occur or becausedevelopment should occur immediately, a distinction that is sometimes unclear. Itwill be critical to maintain another distinction, between uncertainty generated by astochastic process whose parameters are known and correct, and an incorrectassessment of the process itself. If the process is known, the AFH insight isimpeccable: the AFH rule is correct and ENPV is biased in favor of immediatedevelopment. If the process is misunderstood, the AFH insight can be wrong:ENPV might yield the correct outcome while the AFH rule does not.

The first case gives us the first theme of the article, which is that techniquesfrom financial economics can often be used to place a value upon the right to delayan irreversible development decision. It will be seen that these techniques makeexpected value itself obsolete by removing all dependence of present values uponthe probabilities of alternative future outcomes. We demonstrate this by develop-ing an ‘‘arbitrage-free’’ alternative to net present value. The second case gives usthe second theme of the article, which is that the AFH insight might sometimes beincorrect. If the level of volatility of the underlying stochastic process is assessedincorrectly, following the AFH recipe can lead to an incorrect developmentdecision when a decision maker using ENPV would have gotten it right.

The contributions of the article are threefold. The first is a clear description ofthe portfolio approach to valuation. Here, we emphasize the inappropriateness ofusing a riskless rate to discount the costs of and returns to a risky project. Second,it is shown that if arbitrage-free methods can be used, the objective probabilities offuture states become irrelevant. This has the fundamental implications that expec-tation in the usual sense no longer plays a role, and that the riskless discount rate

Žmay legitimately be employed. Third, we demonstrate that if the parameters i.e.,.volatility of the underlying stochastic process are assessed incorrectly, the AFH

insight can lead to incorrect decisions.

6 w x w x w x w xCochrane 10 , Zinkhan 32 , Reed 27 , and Conrad 12 are just a few members of this literature.

Page 4: An Arbitrage-Free Approach to Quasi-Option Value · }Geddy Lee of Rush, Freewill I. INTRODUCTION Decision problems with stochastic, dynamic, and irreversible elements should not be



In this section we develop a technique for calculating QOV that uses theprobabilities of alternative states occurring in the future. Later it will be shown whythis approach should not be used, but it is perhaps more natural than the preferredalternative, which appears in Section III.

Suppose a certain tract of wilderness land can be put to two alternative uses. Itcan either be preserved in its undeveloped state or it can be developed to extractsome marketable resource. The developed project may be a mine, for example. In

Ž .its undeveloped state, in each year t t s 0, 1, . . . the land yields a constantamenity value A from recreation uses.7 Letting r denote the constant risk-free

Ž .interest rate and letting R s 1 q r denote the risk-free compounding factor, the` i Ž .value of the land if preserved is A s Ý ArR s ARr R y 1 .is0

If the land is developed at t, the stream of amenity returns is immediately andirretrievably sacrificed in return for a stream of random net revenues from theproject. The developed project has a known, finite life of n years and is assumedeach year to yield one unit of the marketable output with certainty. We rule outtemporary shutdown and reclamation of the land after the project is completed.With the exception of a known output level, relaxing these assumptions will notsubstantially change our results. Instantaneous construction at period t requires aknown fixed, irreversible investment of I ) 0. Annual per-unit operating costsc ) 0 are assumed to be constant. With this assumption the present value of the

ny1 i wŽ ny1. Ž ny1Žn-period stream of operating costs is given by Ý crR s c R r R R yis0..x1 s cQ.Output price, P , is the lone source of uncertainty. We assume P follows at t

stationary multiplicative random walk. That is, between t and t q 1 the price eitherrises by U percent to Pq s uP or falls by D percent to Py s dP , where ‘‘q’’tq1 t tq1 tand ‘‘y’’ denote the up and down states, respectively, and where u s 1 q U and

8 Ž .d s 1 y D. The probability of an up state at t q 1 is q g 0, 1 . We assume that qŽ .is fixed. These conditions imply that the P rP are independently and identi-t ty1

cally distributed for all t G 1. Formally, we have the following definition.

� 4DEFINITION. A price process starting at t s 0, denoted PP s P , u, d, q , is a0binomial tree consisting of P , together with the up and down increments u and d0

Ž .and a scalar q g 0, 1 describing the probability that the up state occurs at each t.

Because the developed project yields one unit of output in each period, priceand gross revenues coincide. Given P , for i G 0 the expected price at t q i istŽ . Ž Ž . . iE P s qu q 1 y q d P , and at time 0 the expected value of the stream oft tqi t

Ž . ny1 Ž . irevenues from immediate development is G q s Ý E P rR . Letting m s0 is0 0 iŽ Ž . .qu q 1 y q d , we have

Rn y mnŽ .G q s P s P V q ,Ž . Ž .0 0 0ny1ž /R R y mŽ .

7 This amenity value could also include nonuse values so long as these values can be countedlegitimately as returns to the owner of the land. The land could be owned privately or publicly.

8 To prevent riskless arbitrage, u and d must satisfy the inequality u ) R ) d. Note that u and d areknown constants.

Page 5: An Arbitrage-Free Approach to Quasi-Option Value · }Geddy Lee of Rush, Freewill I. INTRODUCTION Decision problems with stochastic, dynamic, and irreversible elements should not be


Ž .where V q denotes the ratio in parentheses. A decision maker employing theŽ . Ž .ENPV rule would develop the project if P V q y cQ q I G A, and would not0

Ž . Ž .develop if P V q y cQ q I - A.0Our first objective is to derive the value of the land to its owner or to prospective

buyers. Under the ENPV rule this value is

W q s max A , P V q y cQ q I . 1Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .0 0

Suppose now that the development decision can be delayed one period, whichmakes use of the ENPV rule inappropriate.9 To calculate the value of the land inthis situation, we begin at t s 1 and work backward. The value of the land in theup or the down state is given by

" "W q s max A , P V q y cQ q I . 2Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .1 1

If the development decision is delayed, A will be collected in period 0 and thevalue of the land is

qWq q q 1 y q Wy qŽ . Ž . Ž .1 1UW q s A q . 3Ž . Ž .0 R

The decision whether to develop at t s 0 is based upon a comparison betweenŽ . U Ž . Ž . U Ž .W q and W q . If W q ) W q , development should take place immediately;0 0 0 0

otherwise the optimal choice is to delay the decision. At t s 0, the value of theUU Ž .land itself, W q , is given by0

UU UW q s max W q , W q .Ž . Ž . Ž .0 0 0

Finally, the value of the right to delay the decision is the maximum of 0 and theU Ž . Ž .difference between W q and W q . This quantity is quasi-option value. It is here0 0

defined as

U UO q s max 0, W q y W q .Ž . Ž . Ž .0 0

The value of the right to delay the decision equals the cost of the mistake onecommits by using ENPV in this setting. Our framework can be seen to agree with

w xthat of Fisher and Hanemann 17 , though their emphasis is somewhat different.Our approach to QOV emphasizes whether development should take place imme-diately in a way that theirs, with its explicit conditioning of QOV on delay, does

9 Delay is not obligatory. Thus, the problem is akin to valuing an American call option, which grantsits owner the right to exercise it at any time up to the expiration date.

Page 6: An Arbitrage-Free Approach to Quasi-Option Value · }Geddy Lee of Rush, Freewill I. INTRODUCTION Decision problems with stochastic, dynamic, and irreversible elements should not be


not.10 A more important difference also emerges in the next section, where q dropsfrom the analysis.


In its treatment of quasi-option value, the preceding section is in principleperfectly sound. The treatment of the dynamic and uncertain problem itself isflawed, however. The flaw inheres in the mismatch between the project’s risky cashflows and the riskless rate used to discount them.

In general, projects fall into two categories: those whose risk is completelydiversifiable and those whose risk is idiosyncratic, or specific to the project. If aproject’s risk is not completely diversifiable, one would need to employ an equilib-rium model such as the capital-asset-pricing model to obtain the risk-adjusteddiscount factor appropriate for the particular project. This discount factor, incombination with q, could then be used to compute OU as in the previoussection.11

Another alternative, which is employed in our model, is to discover the value ofthe land via arbitrage principles. This is done so as to include the value of the delayoption. It is worth emphasizing that this approach applies only to projects withdiversifiable risk. The development project we have considered falls within thiscategory: the output price is uncertain but its riskiness is diversifiable.12

In order to use the arbitrage-free valuation method, a spanning condition mustbe satisfied: there are exactly as many states as there are assets whose prices canbe discovered in the market. In the present problem the ‘‘priced’’ assets are theoutput of the project and a riskless bond. The value of the ‘‘unpriced’’ asset}theland}can be derived from them. In addition to the spanning condition, for the

10 U ˆFisher and Hanemann define V and V to be the expected value at t s 0 of the land at t s 1 if atU ˆŽ . Ž .t s 1 the decision maker does not in the case of V or does in the case of V know P }conditional1

U ˆon no development at t s 0. In our notation, V and V correspond to the expected value at t s 0 of

q yW q s max A , qP q 1 y q P V q y cQ qI ,Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .w xŽ .1 1 1

andU q yW q s max A , qW q q 1 y q W q ,Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .w x1 1 1

Ž . U Ž .respectively. In W q the development decision at t s 1 cannot depend on P , although in W q it1 1 1can. The mapping between our setup and Fisher and Hanemann’s setup is given by

W qŽ .1UV s E W q s s W q ,Ž . Ž .Ž .0 1 0R

W U qŽ .1U UV s E W q s s W q .Ž . Ž .Ž .0 1 0R

So long as W U G W , our OU corresponds to their quasi-option value, V .0 0 q11 w xThis approach often follows Samuelson 28 . Adjusting the discount rate in this manner is difficult.12 This would not be true if, for example, there were no well-developed market for the output of a

given project. If the project involved developing a wilderness area for recreational use, because themarket for recreation services is not well developed the project’s risk cannot be diversified}it isidiosyncratic. Our spanning condition is not satisfied. Even so, it is possible to draw upon financialmethods. One would then have to estimate the price of the project’s risk and use dynamic programming

w x w xmethods to value the land. See Cox and Rubinstein 15 or Dixit and Pindyck 16 .

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remainder of the paper we shall maintain three assumptions. First, we assumeriskless arbitrage opportunities will not persist.13 Second, we assume no limit uponshort sales. Third, there are no transactions costs. Relaxing these assumptions,familiar in financial economics, will seldom alter the results materially.

We now develop a financial approach to deriving O*, which is driven by theabsence of arbitrage opportunities. It will be seen that q is no longer needed. Theparallels to the previous section are strong, and our notation reflects this, though qno longer enters the analysis. Assume as before that the decision can be delayedone period and that the parameters of the stochastic price process are known.Rather than starting with W , we begin here by deriving W U. We reason backward0 0from t s 1, when delay is impossible. Let W denote the value of the land at t s 1.1We have

" "W s max A , P V y cQ q I . 4Ž . Ž .1 1

We will return shortly to derive V, and to show that the no-arbitrage principleensures it is independent of q.

Now consider forming a portfolio at time t s 0 consisting of the land itself and ashort position of quantity y of the underlying asset, say copper.14 The aim is todesign the portfolio so that its value is independent of price movements at t s 1.The portfolio is formed by holding the land and by borrowing y units of copper,which are immediately sold at price P . The money derived from the sale is0invested at the riskless rate, which will yield a sure value of RyP at t s 1. The0copper is then repurchased at t s 1 at a cost of yuP or ydP , and the loan is0 0repaid. For a given y, the value of the portfolio, P , at t s 0 is P s W U y yP .0 0 0 0Its value at t s 1 is

Pqs Wqy yuP q RA, 5aŽ .1 1 0


Pys Wyy ydP q RA 5bŽ .1 1 0

in the up and down state, respectively. The portfolio value at t s 1 includes thecompounded value of A. The key to risklessness is to choose y so that the portfolio

Ž . Ž .has the same value in each state at t s 1. Setting 5a and 5b equal, we can solvefor y as

Wqy Wy1 1

y s . 6Ž .P u y dŽ .0

Ž y q. Ž .For this value of y, P s RA q uW y dW r u y d in either state and hence is1 1 1riskless.

13 An arbitrage opportunity is a situation in which one can form a costless portfolio that has strictlypositive future cash flows.

14 This is a hedge portfolio. We could alternatively have formed a replicating portfolio, consisting ofthe riskless bond and the underlying asset, to replicate the payoffs to the land. The results would beidentical. In either case, the assumptions of no limit on short sales and no transactions costs areinvoked.

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To solve for W U , we invoke the requirement that the portfolio, being riskless,0must yield precisely the riskless rate.15 It is in this requirement that the price of the

Ž .riskless bond}the other spanning asset}is put to use. Letting S s R y 1 yP0Ždenote the cost of holding the short position the trader on the other side of the

.transaction requires at least this payment , the gain to holding the portfolio isŽ .P y P y S. This quantity must equal R y 1 P , the riskless return on holding1 0 0

Ž .P for one period, hence P y P y S s R y 1 P . Using the expression for y,0 1 0 0and a bit of algebra, this can be manipulated to yield

uWyy dWq Wqy Wy1 1 1 1URW s RA q q .0 u y d u y d

Ž .For later reference, note that P s P y S rR. Finally, we can write the value of0 1the land, allowing for delay, as

q y1 1 y d W y 1 y u WŽ . Ž .1 1UW s A q0 R u y d

pWqq 1 y p WyŽ .1 1s A q , 7Ž .R

Ž . Ž .where p s 1 y d r u y d . Remarkably, given P the probability q of an up0state, and by extension the expected price, is irrelevant to the value of the land.16

Equivalently stated, the no-arbitrage principle implies that risk preferences play norole in valuing the land by this method.

What is one to make of p? It appears now to play the role of q, which suggeststhat p is like a probability, though it does not describe the likelihood of any actual

w xevent. Cox and Ross 14 called p a ‘‘risk-neutral probability,’’ because in conjunc-Ž . Ution with R, as in 7 , one obtains the value W that a rational decision maker0

would place on the portfolio. The phrase ‘‘risk-neutral’’ is unfortunate insofar as itsuggests the result is valid only if the decision maker is risk neutral. On thecontrary, the replication method works regardless of risk preferences. The absenceof arbitrage forces risk-averse investors and risk-loving investors to agree on thecorrect value of W U.0

The value of V is also calculated using p rather than q. It is not difficult to seewhy this is true. In the last year of the project’s life, its value can be derived byforming a portfolio just as before, assigning ‘‘probability’’ p to an up state anddiscounting using R. Working backward, we see that the arbitrage-free value at

15 This is the point at which our three assumptions come into play. The no-arbitrage condition isused, for if the portfolio does not yield the riskless rate our decision maker would be the source ofarbitrage profits.

16 This is also true in the continuous-time version of our model. In a wonderful understatement,w xwhen describing the differential equation at the heart of Black and Scholes’s 7 continuous-time

w xoption-pricing model, to which our treatment can be traced, Hull 21, p. 239, emphasis added writes,‘‘The Black]Scholes differential equation would not be independent of risk preferences if it involvedthe expected return on the stock, m. This is because the value of m does depend on risk preferences.The higher the level of risk aversion by investors, the higher m will be for any given stock. It is fortu-nate that m happens to drop out in the deri ation of the equation.’’ Fortunate indeed. The result is thelinchpin}and the genius}of the method.

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period t of the stochastic returns to the project developed at t is

w iny1G s P Ý s P V ,t t is0 tiR

Ž . Ž n n. Ž ny1Ž ..where w s pu q 1 y p d, V s R y w r R R y w , and n is the life ofthe project. But it is easy to check that given our definition of p, w ' 1.17

The remaining elements of the model may now be derived. The counterpart toŽ .W q from the previous section is0

W s max A , P V y cQ q I .Ž .0 0

This is not an expected value, so rather than ENPV we will call it ANPV:arbitrage-free net present value. The value of the land is

UU w U xW s max W , W .0 0 0

Quasi-option value, which is the value of the right to delay the decision, is given by

U w U xO s max 0, W y W .0 0

The connection between OU and the development decision is strong. If OU s 018and W ) A, one should develop immediately.0

An example will help to fix ideas. Suppose the parameters in the model are as inTable I. Figure 1 contains the four curves of interest}W , W U , W UU , and OU}as0 0 0a function of P . The other parameters are fixed at the values given in Table I, so0

UA s 825. To begin, observe that there are two kinks in W and one in W and0 0denote them PX , PY, and PZ in the figure. The interpretations to be placed on0 0 0them are as follows.

PX : This is the price corresponding to the first kink in the W U curve. If0 0P - PX , a decision maker who defers the decision would not develop at t s 1 even0 0in the up state. Thus, if P - PX the project should never be developed.0 0

17 Thus, our approach to valuing a stochastic stream of returns amounts to assuming the priceremains fixed at P in the future. This is a subtle but important point. Rather than presenting this0argument for deriving the arbitrage-free G , we could simply have assumed that at the moment oftdevelopment the owner could contract with a buyer to sell the entire stream of production at price P .tThe results would have been identical to what we obtain. This is because assuming we can create theriskless portfolio is equivalent to assuming that the riskiness of the project is completelydiversifiable}which it must be if such a forward contract is available.

18 It is well known that an American call option on an asset that pays no dividends should never beŽ w x.exercised early Merton 25 . This result does not apply in the present problem. The output of the

developed project is like a dividend payment. Thus, early exercise may be optimal, and is optimalUprecisely when O s 0 and W ) A.0

TABLE IExample Parameter Values

Parameter R n u d q I A c

Value 1.1 10 1.3 0.7 0.60 1000 75 50

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FIG. 1. W , W U , W UU , and OU as a function of P .0 0 0 0

PY : This is the price corresponding to the kink in the W curve. If P ) PY, a0 0 0 0decision maker employing the ANPV rule would develop immediately.

PZ : This is the price corresponding to the second kink in the W U curve. If0 0P ) P -, a decision maker who defers the decision would develop at t s 1 even in0 0the down state.

One other price is important. Indeed, it turns out to be the most important forour story.

PU : This is the price at which W and W U intersect. If P ) PU , the optimal0 0 0 0 0decision is to develop the project immediately.

It turns out that PZ is never interesting. It is straightforward to show that0PZ ) PU always holds: if development should occur at t s 1 even in the down0 0state, then development should not be delayed.

Consider now the OU curve. We see that OU s 0 in two regions: where P - PX0 0

and where P ) PU. In the first, development should never take place. The right to0 0wait until tomorrow to decide whether to develop has no value. In the second,development should take place immediately. Once again the right to wait until

19 Ž X U .tomorrow has no value. For P g P , P , the story is very different. Here the0 0 0right to wait is valuable. The most important range of initial prices, at least in the

19 w xThis possibility appears to be what Arrow and Fisher 3, p. 319 meant when they wrote, ‘‘Justbecause an action is irreversible does not mean that it should not be undertaken.’’

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Ž Y U .context of the AFH insight, is P , P . For prices in this interval, ANPV analysis0 0leads one to develop immediately though the best decision is to wait and to developat t s 1 only in the up state.

The price PU plays the role of a trigger: for a given set of parameters, if the0current price exceeds PU development should occur immediately. In this case,0employing ANPV leads to the correct decision to develop immediately. Of course,in practice one must calculate the portfolio to derive PU , so it is never safe to use0the ANPV rule alone.

Given its function as a trigger value, we wish first to discover how PU responds0to changes in the parameter values. We show that as A or I grow, the thresholddevelopment price rises, making immediate development less likely. On the other

Ž .hand, as the life of the project n increases, the threshold development price falls.

Ž . U Ž .PROPOSITION 1. For any gi en parameter ¨ector R, n, u, d, q, I, A, c , P is i0Ž . Ž .increasing in A, ii increasing in I, and iii decreasing in n.

Proof. We begin by deriving an analytical expression for PU. Note first that,0because PZ ) PU , if development is delayed it must be true that in the relevant0 0

Uyregion W s A. The expression for W thus becomes1 0

p uP V y cQ q I q 1 y p AŽ . Ž .Ž .0UW s q A. 8Ž .0 R

Using the definition of W , we can solve for PU by setting W s W U , which yields0 0 0 0

1 R y p cQ q I q 1 y p A q RAŽ . Ž . Ž .UP s . 9Ž .0 ž /V R y pu

The denominator of the rightmost term must be positive. To see this, note thatŽ . Ž . Ž .pu s u y ud r u y d - 1, and R ) 1 by assumption. Thus, the proof of i and

Ž . Uii follows without difficulty from partial differentiation of P with respect to A0and I.

Ž . U Ž . U Ž .Result iii is a bit more subtle. It suffices to show that P n q 1 rP n - 1.0 0Ž . Ž . ŽBy definition, V n q 1 ) V n for any n G 1. Substituting V s Q which is true

.because w s 1 , we have

PU nŽ .0UP n q 1Ž .0

V n R y p cV n q 1 q I q 1 y p A q RA r R y puŽ . Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .Ž .Ž .s .ž /V n q 1Ž . R y p cV n q I q 1 y p A q RA r R y puŽ . Ž . Ž . Ž .Ž .Ž .

10Ž .

ŽŽ . Ž . . Ž .Combining terms, let b s R y p I q 1 y p A q RA . The ratio in 10 may nowbe written

PU n V n c R y p V n q 1 q bŽ . Ž . Ž . Ž .0 sU ž /P n q 1 V n q 1 c R y p V n q bŽ . Ž . Ž . Ž .0

c R y p V n V n q 1 q bV nŽ . Ž . Ž . Ž .s - 1.

c R y p V n V n q 1 q bV n q 1Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .

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Ž . Ž .The last inequality holds because V n q 1 ) V n . This completes the proof ofthe proposition.

Everything to this point was driven by the irreversibility of the developmentdecision, together with uncertainty about the future returns to developing the land.To complete this section and to set the stage for the next, we now turn to a deeperquestion: what if the le¨el of uncertainty increases?20 We examine the effect uponPU and OU of a mean-preserving increase in the volatility of the price process,0which in this binomial setting takes the form of an increase in the spread of theprice realizations in each period.

The relationship between u, d, and q was unspecified to this point. AssumeŽthere is a continuous-time stochastic process with drift m and volatility or standard

.deviation s that determines the evolution of the price process. For our binomialmodel to be consistent with the widely used Brownian price process, the followingmust hold:21

's D tu s e , 11aŽ .1

d s , 11bŽ .u

and1 1 m 'q s q D t . 11cŽ .ž /2 2 s

For simplicity we let D t s 1.This formulation, which links u and d to a single parameter that captures the

level of variability of the process, will prove useful in the sequel. So long as u, d,Ž .and q are computed according to Eqs. 11 , an increase in s with m fixed is a

mean-preserving spread in the process.

DEFINITION. Given a price process PP, where u, d, and q are defined by Eqs.Ž . Ž .11 , together with a pair m, s , a mean-preserving spread is an increase in s .

Note that because w remains constant, a mean-preserving spread leaves V andW unchanged. We are now prepared to show that PU , the threshold price,0 0increases in s . Thus, the greater the price dispersion, the greater the inclination todelay development.

PROPOSITION 2. A mean-preser ing spread in the price process PP causes anincrease in PU. That is, ­ PUr­s ) 0.0 0

Ž .y1Proof. The definition of d implies that p s u q 1 . Thus, dprdu s y1r2Ž . Ž .Ž . Ž .u q 1 - 0. Let d s R y p cQ q I q 1 y p A q RA ) 0 denote the numer-

20 w xThis question was investigated by Hanemann 19 , who found that his quasi-option value increasesin response to an increase in the uncertainty of future realizations.

21 w xThat is, dP s mP dt q s P dz, where z is a standard Weiner process. See Cox and Rubinstein 15for a discussion of the close connection between the discrete- and continuous-time versions of theproblem. In particular, as D t ª 0, the discrete-time version approaches the continuous-time version.Furthermore, the discrete-time m that denoted the mean of a discrete process in the previous section,approaches its value here as an instantaneous mean.

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Ž .ator of the term in parentheses in Eq. 9 . Then

­ PU ­ PU dus

­s ­ u ds

1 d p q u dprdu y R y pu cQ q I q A dprduŽ . Ž . Ž . Ž .Ž .ss e .2ž /V R y puŽ .

Ž . Ž .2The term multiplying d , p q u dprdu , can be reduced to 1r 1 q u ) 0. Be-cause dprdu - 0, then, the term in parentheses is positive. Thus, ­ PUr­s ) 0,which was to be proved.

We now show that an increase in s leads unambiguously to an increase inquasi-option value. Intuitively, this is due to the ability to avoid an ever lessattractive outcome by waiting.

PROPOSITION 3. Quasi-option ¨alue OU is nondecreasing in response to a mean-preser ing spread in the price process. If OU ) 0, it is strictly increasing in response to amean-preser ing spread.

Proof. Consider first the case in which OU s 0, so that P - PU. Obviously, by0 0its definition, OU cannot decrease. Now suppose that OU ) 0, which means thatPX - P - PU. Because w always equals 1, V is constant as s changes and0 0 0

Uw Ž .xW s max A, V P y cQ q I is invariant to changes in s . Thus, O increases0 0U U Ž .precisely when W increases. But in the relevant region W is given by Eq. 8 .0 0

Thus, the response of OU to an increase in s is given by the following derivative,

­ OU ­ W U ­ W U du0 0s s­s ­s ­ u ds

1 dp dp dus P V p q u y cQ q I q A .Ž .0 ž /ž /R du du ds

Ž Ž ..But from the proof of Proposition 2, we know that p q u dprdu ) 0 and thatdprdu - 0. Thus, the derivative ­ OUr­s must be strictly positive, and the proof iscomplete.

Figure 2 illustrates the effect of changes in s on W , W U , W UU , and OU. The0 0 0Ž .four panels of the figure differ only in the value of P . In Fig. 2 a , where0

P s 150, for s smaller than about 0.75, OU s 0. At such a low price, if s is0small development should never occur. If s is above 0.75, though, waiting becomes

q q Ž .valuable as P becomes large enough to drive W above A. Figure 2 b is similar,1 1except there is no value of s for which OU s 0. Notice that OU is also everywhere

Ž . Ž .greater than it was in Fig. 2 a . In Fig. 2 c , where P s 450, we once again find0U Ž . Uthat O s 0 for small s . Contrary to Fig. 2 a , here O s 0 does not mean that

development should never occur but that it should occur immediately.This result linking s to the value of the right to delay is important in many

real-world resource development problems. The perceived volatility of futurereturns can be large, and the larger the volatility the greater the value of waiting.

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FIG. 2. W , W U , W UU , and OU as a function of s . P s 150, 300, 450, and 600.0 0 0 0


To this point, it was assumed that the parameters of the underlying stochasticprocess were correctly assessed. In this setting there is nothing more one can know.The stochastic process is all. It is now time to relax this assumption and to supposethat though our decision maker has obtained an assessment of s , denoted s fora‘‘assessment,’’ his or her assessment may be incorrect. Note that though thedecision maker believes s to be correct and behaves accordingly, the passage ofa

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Ž .FIG. 2. Continued

time may prove that s is incorrect. Our aim is to show how fragile the AFHarecommendation can be in this situation. All that is required is for the decisionmaker to be wrong about s .22

Ž .Suppose the price process is described by Eqs. 11 . What, if anything, changes ifs is in fact incorrect? The decision maker must calculate the value of the land,a

22 We do not imply s is random. One could specify a distribution for s . In this instance the spanningcondition would require the existence of an asset for hedging the additional source of uncertainty. Inpractice no such asset exists.

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and in the belief that s is correct, this decision will be made using the method ofthe previous section. Is this scenario far-fetched? We believe it is not. Calculatingthe volatility of a stochastic process is usually difficult and sensitive. Yet profes-sional traders routinely form portfolios using methods like ours. Sometimes theylater learn that their assessment of s was incorrect, as our decision maker may do.

In the previous section the portfolio was hypothetical, formed only to price theland. The calculation also yielded the optimal y, along with W UU and OU. In0practice, it is at the decision maker’s discretion whether to protect against risk byforming this portfolio or to hold a naked position. In the remainder of this sectionwe will assume the portfolio is formed if the decision is delayed when development

Ž w X U x.may occur that is, if P g P , P and that the land is not sold.0 0 0We wish to understand the effect upon the valuation problem and the develop-

ment decision if s / s . The section possesses two main thrusts. First, we showahow to calculate the effect of a mistake in specifying the stochastic process usingthe portfolio methods previously described. Second and more important, we show

Žthat it is possible in this case that following the AFH program develop immedi-U .ately only if W ) W can lead to a worse outcome than following the simple0 0

Ž .ANPV rule develop immediately only if W ) A .0If s / s , the effect is felt in two ways. First, because s is wrong our decisiona a

maker will choose an incorrect short position and the portfolio will be imperfect.The financial loss due to being wrong about s is the value today of the differencebetween the portfolio value that would be achieved if s were known, and theportfolio value that is achieved by acting as if s were correct. In both cases weaevaluate the portfolio using the values of P " that obtain under the correct s .1Second, if s is wrong there may be an error in the development decision itself.aThis mistake could go either way: the project may be developed immediately whenit should be delayed, or it may be delayed when it should be developed immedi-ately. We will call this the real loss due to being wrong about s . The total loss frombeing wrong is the sum of the two quantities.

Recall that the portfolio consists of the land and a short position in copper. Wesaw that this portfolio’s value at t s 0 equals the value of the portfolio at t s 1 less

Ž .the cost of the short position, discounted 1 period: P s P y S rR. Now, let0 1u s esa and d s 1ru be the up and down increments as a function of s , anda a a a

Ž .let y be the short position in the portfolio, calculated as in Eq. 6 . This portfolioadiffers from the correct one only in the size of the short position in copper. At

Ž .t s 1, the portfolio’s value in the up and down states will be given by Eq. 5 usingy and the correct P " based upon s . Denote these values P" . Though thea 1 1, adecision maker is unaware of it, this portfolio is not riskless: Pq / Py . The1, a 1, adecision maker discounts the portfolio using R and assigns ‘‘probabilities’’ p and

q Ž . y Ž .1 y p: P s pP q 1 y p P . Thus, using S s R y 1 y P ,1, a 1, a 1, a a a 0

P y S1, a aP s .0, d R

If the portfolio is formed, the financial loss due to a mistaken s is the difference,a

L s , s s P y PŽ .f a 0 0, a

p y y y Pqq 1 y p y y y P -y R y 1 y y y PŽ . Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .a 1 a 1 a 0s .R

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Note that if this quantity is positive, the mistake leads to a gain; if it is negative, themistake leads to a loss. If development occurs immediately or if the decision makerexpects never to develop, there will be no portfolio. In this case L s 0.f

The financial loss is only part of the story. Potentially more important is thepossibility that if s is wrong an incorrect development decision might be chosen.aFor a given set of parameter values, we can define the threshold value s U at whichOU becomes positive,

U � U 4s s inf s : O ) 0 .

This threshold value plays a crucial role in determining the real loss due to amistaken assessment of s . We observe without proof that if P is finite, then s U

a 0is finite, and for intuition we direct the reader to Fig. 2. There are two possibilities:

Ž . Ž Ž . Ž ..either ANPV s A as in Fig. 2a or ANPV ) A as in Figs. 2 c and 2 d . IfUANPV s A, s F s means that development should never take place, and

s ) s U means that development should be delayed and the portfolio should beformed. In the latter case, development will occur at t s 1 in the up state, and theportfolio is formed in an attempt to remove the riskiness of owning the land. If

UANPV ) A, s F s means that development should take place immediately, ands ) s U once again means that development should be delayed.

U ŽBased upon s , for each of the two situations just described ANPV s A or. Ž .ANPV ) A we can divide s , s -space into four regions. Table II describes thea

possible relationships between the decision made using s and the decision madeusing s if ANPV s A, when an ANPV decision maker would not develop atat s 0.23

Note that here the decision maker will never develop the project immediately.No matter what s happens to be, this is the correct decision and thus there is noareal loss. If ANPV ) A, though, this is no longer true. Table III describes therelationships between the decision made using s and the decision made using saif ANPV ) A, when an ANPV decision maker would develop at t s 0.

Now it is possible that a mistaken s can lead to an incorrect developmentadecision. In Region II, development occurs immediately when it should be delayed.The real cost of this error is simply foregone quasi-option value, OU. Because noportfolio is formed, there is no financial loss. In Region III, development is delayedwhen it should occur immediately. The real cost of this error is W U y W , a0 0negative number because in this region W ) W U.0 0

23 In the table, the phrase ‘‘walk away’’ indicates that the decision maker decides development willnever be profitable, so does not develop at t s 0 and does not form a portfolio.


Decisions if ANPV s A

s F s * s ) s *

Region I: Correctly walk Region II: Incorrectly walks F s *a away; form no portfolio away; should form a portfolio

Region III: Incorrectly form a Region IV: Correctly form as ) s *a portfolio; should walk away portfolio

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Decisions if ANPV ) A

s F s * s ) s *

Region I: Correctly develop Region II: Incorrectly develops F s *a immediately; form no portfolio immediately; should delay, form portfolio

Region III: Incorrectly delay; Region IV: Correctly delay,s ) s *a should develop immediately form portfolio

The real loss suffered due to a mistaken s is 0 if the correct developmentŽ .decision either delay or develop is made. However, as function of s and s , reala

loss can be expressed as follows,

¡0 if ANPV s A;0 if ANPV ) A and Region I or IV;~L s , s sŽ .r a UyO if ANPV ) A and Region II;

U¢W y W if ANPV ) A and Region III.0 0

Total loss due to a mistaken s is the sum of L and L , which we may expressf r

¡L if ANPV s A;f

L if ANPV ) A and Region I or IV;f~L s , s s L q L sŽ .a f r UL y O if ANPV ) A and Region II;f

U¢L q W y W if ANPV ) A and Region III.f 0 0

Ž .The three-dimensional surface of L s , s is depicted in Figure 3 for fouradifferent values of P , the initial price.0

Ž .From the figure, note that the financial loss, L , can be positive. In Fig. 3 a , forfexample, where P is such that ANPV s A, L ) 0 in Region II. One might0 fexpect that being wrong in an arbitrage-free setting is always costly. Not so. In Fig.Ž .3 a , if s s 1.2 and s s 0.5, for example, our decision maker has formed aa

portfolio which, by sheer luck, yields a financial gain. Because s - s , the shortaposition is too small: y - y. Because of this, in the down state at t s 1 theashort-sale loss is smaller than it would have been using y. The value of the land inthe up state, meanwhile, is greater than anticipated. The development decision is

Ž .correctly delayed as it always is when ANPV s A , so this financial gain is notoffset by a real loss.

Ž .In Fig. 3 c , L - 0 in region II, but L ) 0 in Region III. In both cases the wrongdevelopment decision is taken. In Region II, s is small enough that it leadsaincorrectly to immediate development. The realized loss here is OU. This is thesame mistake an ANPV decision maker would make by ignoring the value of thedelay option. In Region III, because s - s U , the correct decision would have beento develop the project immediately. Our decision maker delays, which yields a real

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FIG. 3. Loss due to mistaken s , as a function of s and s . P s 150, 300, 450, and 650.a a 0

loss of W U y W - 0. The financial position, however, yields a gain that more than0 0offsets this loss. The end result is that L ) 0, representing mistakes that do notcause an incorrect development decision but are profitable financially.

Finally, all that remains is to support the claim that if s / s , the ANPV ruleamay yield the correct development decision though the AFH rule yields the

Ž .incorrect development decision. The illustration of this claim is found in Fig. 3 d ,in which P s 650. Here, we have s U s 0.85. The result we seek is achieved when0s s 0.5 and s s 0.87. Because ANPV ) A, the wrong development decision isa

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Ž .FIG. 3. Continued

made in Regions II and III. In Region III, development is delayed when it shouldnot be and the ANPV rule would ha¨e led correctly to immediate de¨elopment. Inmany cases the cost of the real mistake is offset by a gain in the financial side. Insome cases, however, the development decision is wrong and the value achieved islower under the AFH rule than it would have been under ANPV.

PROPOSITION 4. There exist cases in which the AFH rule leads to delay whende¨elopment should occur immediately. In some of these, the period-0 ¨alue of thereturns to the land}including the outcome of the short position}is negati e.

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UProof. The first statement is true if ANPV ) A and s - s - s . In order toaprove the second, we need only present one situation in which it is true. Let theparameters P , R, n, I, A, and c take values 280, 1.1, 10, 1000, 75, and 50,0

Žrespectively. Let s s 0.5 and let s s 0.87. In this situation we have aftera.rounding ,

W s 3055.4, W Us2852.60 0

L s 148.9 L s y202.8, L s y53.9.f r

It is evident that the correct decision would be to develop the project immediately,which an ANPV decision maker would do. The decision maker using the AFH rule,however, would incorrectly delay development. This would lead to a real loss ofL s y202.8. The financial position taken to remove the perceived riskiness of thisr

Ž .project yields a positive return of L s s 148.9. The sum of these, however, isf anegative. This completes the proof of the proposition.

Ž . Ž .Figures 3 c and 3 d suggest the following caution. If the ANPV calculationrecommends immediate development, it appears that less harm is done if theassessment of s is too high than if it is too low. Of course, which of the differentpossibilities is most common is an empirical matter. But although this section has

Ž U .shown that sometimes the dynamic AFH rule develop if W ) W is faulty, we0 0may also extract a final recommendation that is certainly in the same spirit asAFH: be conservative. The most costly mistakes tend to be in the direction ofpremature development.


The option to delay an irreversible decision can be valuable. This is true innatural resources as in general investment problems. Ignoring this option, whichone does when the net-present-value rule is used, can be costly. How costly? Wehave shown how to calculate the cost, QOV, for a simple model using arbitrage-freemethods. If the parameters of the stochastic process are correctly known, in oursetting the AFH result holds true. One should not use a net-present-value rule. Ifthe parameters are incorrectly known, however, things are not so clear. In some

Žsituations the rule yields the correct decision which is the decision a person who.knows the process correctly would make while the dynamic AFH rule yields the

incorrect decision.We also showed that QOV grows as the volatility of the process grows. For a

development problem whose source of uncertainty has low volatility, then, theŽ .potential cost of improper early development is low. At the same time, as Figs. 3 c

Ž .and 3 d indicate, the worst mistake one can make involves an underassessment ofvolatility and resulting premature development.

Our simple, discrete model could be extended in many directions. The delayoption could be extended to an arbitrary number of periods. The amenity benefits,A, could be made stochastic, although one may not be able to use arbitrage-free

Ž .methods in this case see footnote 12 . A number of additional options could beintroduced. These might include the option to shut down the project, to expand it,

Ž .to speed up production thereby shortening its life , or to reclaim the land after theproject is over.

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These extensions are all feasible in a discrete model. They would be more easilyaccomplished in a continuous-time model, though, because the discrete versionquickly becomes unwieldy. As noted earlier, we used a discrete model primarilybecause we feel it is a better vehicle for describing how arbitrage-free methodsfrom financial economics can be employed to value natural resources. The task ofexploring the effect of other options is deferred to future work.

For purposes of creating realistic models of development problems, particularlyif these models are to be employed empirically using discrete data, the subtlety anddifficulty of continuous-time models should not be underestimated. One appeal ofthe Black]Scholes model is that it has an analytical solution. Seemingly straightfor-ward extensions can erase this advantage. Only very seldom can a real-worldproblem be squeezed into the pure Black]Scholes framework. The most excitingcurrent work on resource development decision making, it seems to us, consists instretching the replication methods to cover more realistic cases.


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