an accurate and nondestructive gc method for determination of cocaine on us paper currency

An accurate and nondestructive GC method for determination of cocaine on US paper currency Yuegang Zuo Kai Zhang Jingping Wu Christopher Rego John Fritz

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An accurate and nondestructive GC method for determination of cocaine on US paper currency. Yuegang Zuo Kai Zhang Jingping Wu Christopher Rego John Fritz. Abstract. ∋. 실제 US 지폐의 67% 에서 cocaine 이 검출 . 이는 마약거래 및 마약 복용에 있어 지폐가 이용됨에 따름. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: An accurate and nondestructive GC method for determination of cocaine on US paper currency

An accurate and nondestructive GC method for

determination of cocaine on US paper currency

Yuegang ZuoKai Zhang

Jingping WuChristopher Rego

John Fritz

Page 2: An accurate and nondestructive GC method for determination of cocaine on US paper currency


Pharmaceutical Analysis / S.K.K.U. Dept. of Pharmacy

실제 US 지폐의 67% 에서 cocaine 이 검출 .이는 마약거래 및 마약 복용에 있어 지폐가 이용됨에 따름 .

Page 3: An accurate and nondestructive GC method for determination of cocaine on US paper currency

What is cocaine?

Pharmaceutical Analysis / S.K.K.U. Dept. of Pharmacy

3-benzoyloxy-8-methyl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]octane-2-carboxylic acid methyl ester

흰색 결정성 알칼로이드 .코카나무 (Erythroxylum coca) 의 잎에서 추출되는 성분 .(C17H21NO4) 신경 , 점막자극을 방해 -> 마취제로 사용 .소량 복용 시 식욕감퇴 · 피로회복 ·각성효과 ( 쾌감발생 ).다량 및 연속적 복용 시 우울증 ·불안감 · 자극과민성 · 수면장애 ·만성피로 · 정신혼란 · 편집증 -> 사망 .

Page 4: An accurate and nondestructive GC method for determination of cocaine on US paper currency


Pharmaceutical Analysis / S.K.K.U. Dept. of Pharmacy

지폐의 코카인 분석이 중요한 이유

: 법의학적 증거 – 용의자 검색

: 유출 route 를 파악하기 위한 수단 – 마약 사용의 정성적 데이터 획득

Page 5: An accurate and nondestructive GC method for determination of cocaine on US paper currency

Material / Methods

Pharmaceutical Analysis / S.K.K.U. Dept. of Pharmacy

US banknote(1,5,10,20,50,100$)

: 실험군 – Southeastern Massachusetts 에서 무작위 추출

: 대조군 – American Bank 에서 제공

Page 6: An accurate and nondestructive GC method for determination of cocaine on US paper currency

Material / Methods

Pharmaceutical Analysis / S.K.K.U. Dept. of Pharmacy

Sample extraction and preparation

: 지폐 + 15ml 의 물 (MeOH) => 20ml 의 유리 vial 에 봉합 => 실온에서 5 분간 초음파 욕조에서 sonicated

: C18 cartridge – 2.00ml 의 물 + 2.00ml 의 MeOH 로 washing.

: 목적시료 – 5.00ml 의 MeOH, ethyl acetate, hexane 의 혼합물로 eluting.

: Nitrogen, MeOH 475 ㎕ + internal standard 25 ㎕ => 500 ㎕

Page 7: An accurate and nondestructive GC method for determination of cocaine on US paper currency

Material / Methods

Pharmaceutical Analysis / S.K.K.U. Dept. of Pharmacy

Internal standard

: 내부 표준 물질

: 분석용 검출기에 제시되는 값은 절대적이지 않음=> 재현성 있는 결과를 주지 못함

: 매 분석 시에 기준을 부여하는 역할=> 원하는 시료에 대한 상대 값 산출 가능

Page 8: An accurate and nondestructive GC method for determination of cocaine on US paper currency

Pharmaceutical Analysis / S.K.K.U. Dept. of Pharmacy

VWR, Signature Ultrasonic Cleaner Model 75D, 90W

Material / Methods

Page 9: An accurate and nondestructive GC method for determination of cocaine on US paper currency

Pharmaceutical Analysis / S.K.K.U. Dept. of Pharmacy

Material / Methods

: Shimadzu GC-17A gas chromatograph equipped with a FID 로 수행 .: Injector – Shimadzu AOC-20i GC auto-injector 를 사용 .: Data 산출 – Gateway E-4200 computer with

CLASS-VP Chromatography Data System Version4.2: Column – 30 m60.32 mmid, 1.00 lm film ECTM-5 capillary column: Stationary phase – 5% phenyl-polysiloxane 95%

dimethyl-polysiloxane 혼합물: Carrier Gas – Helium (27cm/s)

FID 검출을 위해 Nitrogen 을 보충 가스로 사용 .: Injection – Splitless mode(2 ㎕ ): Column temperature – 초기 2 분간 80℃ 유지

3 분간 40℃/min (80℃ ->200℃ ) 4 분간 20℃/min(200℃->280℃) 마지막은 3 분간 유지 Injector(290℃ 유지 ), Detector(310℃ 유지 )

Page 10: An accurate and nondestructive GC method for determination of cocaine on US paper currency


Pharmaceutical Analysis / S.K.K.U. Dept. of Pharmacy

: Sample injection method – Liquid sample injection via special microsyringe : Number of samples – 6 vials : Syringe speed – 2 Modes(Fast, Slow) : Plunger speed – 3 Modes(Fast, Medium, Slow) : Wait time – 0~99 sec following sample aspiration (in 0.1sec steps) : Type of sample injection – 3 Modes (Traditional, Solvent Flush, Solvent Flush with a Second Solvent) : Injection volume linearity – ±0.5% (injection volume 1~5 µl, sample n-C12)Shimadzu AOC-20i GC auto-injector

Page 11: An accurate and nondestructive GC method for determination of cocaine on US paper currency

Shimadzu GC-17A gas chromatograph equipped with a FID


Pharmaceutical Analysis / S.K.K.U. Dept. of Pharmacy

Page 12: An accurate and nondestructive GC method for determination of cocaine on US paper currency

CLASS-VP Chromatography Data System Version4.2

Gateway E-4200


Pharmaceutical Analysis / S.K.K.U. Dept. of Pharmacy

Page 13: An accurate and nondestructive GC method for determination of cocaine on US paper currency

Flame Ionization Detector(FID)

: 가장 널리 사용되는 검출기 중 하나 (GC 에 일반적 사용 )

: Column 의 용출물이 버너에서 수소 및 공기와 혼합되고 전기로 점화 , 연소 .

: 버너 끝과 불꽃 위에 위치한 수집 전극 사이에 수백 Volts 의 전위가 걸려 전류 (∼10-12QA) 발생 (Impedance 연산증폭기로 측정 )

: 생성 이온 수 ∝ 불꽃에서 환원되는 탄소원자의 수

: 질량감응장치 – 단위 시간 당 검출기로 유입되는 탄소원자 수에 감응


Pharmaceutical Analysis / S.K.K.U. Dept. of Pharmacy

Page 14: An accurate and nondestructive GC method for determination of cocaine on US paper currency

: The peak identification, 순도 재확인 – a Hewlett –.Packard (HP) model GC 5890 Series II gas chromatograph coupled with an HP 5971 series mass selective detector and an HP 7673 GC auto sampler 로 수행 .

: Capillary – DB-5fused-silica capillary column(30 m60.32 mm id,0.25 lm film, J & W Scientific, Folsom, CA,


: Column temp. – 초기 3 분간 80℃ 유지 .그 후 20 도℃ /min (to 260℃)

: Carrier gas – 3 psi column head pressure/tech oxygen trap 사용

: Injector – 280℃ / 1.0 ㎕의 volume 을 splitless mode 로 injection.

: Interface temp. – 305℃


Pharmaceutical Analysis / S.K.K.U. Dept. of Pharmacy

Page 15: An accurate and nondestructive GC method for determination of cocaine on US paper currency

Hewlett –.Packard (HP) model GC 5890 Series II gas chromatograph


Pharmaceutical Analysis / S.K.K.U. Dept. of Pharmacy

Page 16: An accurate and nondestructive GC method for determination of cocaine on US paper currency

Mass spectra: m/z 50 에서 650 까지 1.5 scans/sec. 의 속도로 cocaine 검출을 위해 사용 .

Cocaine 으로 의심 되는 피크의 고정시간과 표준 코카인의 피크를 비교하여 수행 .

Quantification of Cocaine: IS 의 피크 면적을 통한 비율에 기초를 두어 수행 .


Pharmaceutical Analysis / S.K.K.U. Dept. of Pharmacy

Page 17: An accurate and nondestructive GC method for determination of cocaine on US paper currency

Results / Discussion

Pharmaceutical Analysis / S.K.K.U. Dept. of Pharmacy

Page 18: An accurate and nondestructive GC method for determination of cocaine on US paper currency

Results / Discussion

Pharmaceutical Analysis / S.K.K.U. Dept. of Pharmacy

코카인 분리 정량의 용매 결정

: 유기 용매 사용 시 지폐의 손상 및 타 오염물질의 추출 => 물을 solvent 로 활용 – 코카인 확인 방해요소 차단 (초음파의 응용 )

: Recovery experiment 로 물과 MeOH 의 추출 효용성 평가 => 두 solvent 모두 높은 효용성 – 지폐 손상이 없는 물을 선택

Page 19: An accurate and nondestructive GC method for determination of cocaine on US paper currency

Results / Discussion

Pharmaceutical Analysis / S.K.K.U. Dept. of Pharmacy

Page 20: An accurate and nondestructive GC method for determination of cocaine on US paper currency

Results / Discussion

Pharmaceutical Analysis / S.K.K.U. Dept. of Pharmacy

Page 21: An accurate and nondestructive GC method for determination of cocaine on US paper currency

Results / Discussion

Pharmaceutical Analysis / S.K.K.U. Dept. of Pharmacy

Page 22: An accurate and nondestructive GC method for determination of cocaine on US paper currency

Results / Discussion

Pharmaceutical Analysis / S.K.K.U. Dept. of Pharmacy

Method Validation

: Calibration curve – 0.00~100 ㎕ /ml 사이의 standard solution 사용

– r=0.994, s=1.33×10^-2, i=2.85×10^-3

: LOQ – 지폐 당 4ng 으로 설정

: Retention time 의 재현성 – 25 회의 연속된 injection 으로 평가 – 0.02% 미만의 RSD%( 높은 재현성 )

: Precision of peak area ratio – better than 1.0% (10 회의 injection)

Page 23: An accurate and nondestructive GC method for determination of cocaine on US paper currency

Results / Discussion

Pharmaceutical Analysis / S.K.K.U. Dept. of Pharmacy

검체에 따른 분석 결과

: 5, 50 달러에선 모두 검출

: 10, 20 달러의 대부분에서 검출

: 1, 100 달러에선 거의 미검출

=> 모든 지폐에 같은 빈도로 검출되리라는 기존의 가설을 무너뜨림

Page 24: An accurate and nondestructive GC method for determination of cocaine on US paper currency

Further Questions

: # of banknotes – 사용된 지폐의 적은 양이 문제될 수 있음

: Location for collecting – Massachusetts 라는 국소적 영역에 국한

: Validation for retention

: Using internal standard(IS) for avoiding influence of circumstance

Results / Discussion

Pharmaceutical Analysis / S.K.K.U. Dept. of Pharmacy

Page 25: An accurate and nondestructive GC method for determination of cocaine on US paper currency

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Pharmaceutical Analysis / S.K.K.U. Dept. of Pharmacy