zabarwan times e-paper urdu 22 february

Post on 24-Mar-2016






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Azad lays Foundation Stone of Super-Specialty, Emergency Blocks of Safdarjang Describes it as part of its Redevelopment project


Jenab Omar Abdullah Hon’ble Chief Minister J&K


Sh. Sham Lal Sharma Hon’ble Minister PHE, I&FC, J&K

Sh. Nazir Ahmad Khan Gurezi Hon’ble MOS PHE, I&FC, J&K

“Sanitation is a not a Civil Engineering

Activity but it is about changing Attitudes and

Mindsets.” - Dr. Man Mohan Singh

Do You Know that: In India, Only 46.9% of the 246.6 million households have toilets while 49.8% defecate in the open. The remaining 3.2% use public Toilets. One child every second dies due to diarrhoea caused by dirty water, poor sanitation & bad hygiene. One in three people do not have a safe, clean & private toilet.

Initiatives Taken by Government:- Financial help of Rs. 9600/- for construction of Individual Household Latrine. Construction of Community Toilets Water Quality Testing Labs set up at Divisional / Sub-Divisional level. Field Water Testing Kits (FTKs) being provided to the Field Functionaries and the Village Water & Sanitation Committees to test the drinking water at village level. IEC campaign to spread awareness about conservation of traditional water resources and safe storage and use of Drinking water.

Issued in Public interest by Communication & Capacity Development Unit (CCDU), Water & Sanitation Support Organization (WSSO)

Department of PHE, I&FC, Govt. of J&K under the aegis of the

Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, GOI




NOTICE INVITING TENDERNIT No. 115-K1JP 7888-89 of 2013-14 e-tendering DATED: - 14-02-2014.For and on behalf of the Governor, J&K State e-tenders (in Single Cover System} are invited on item rate basis from approved and eligible Contractors registered with J&K State Govt., CPWD, Rail-ways and other State/Central Governments for the following works:-

s. No Name of Work Est Cost (Rs. In Lacs]

Cost of T/Doc. (In rupees')

Earnest Money (In rupees)

Time of Completion In days

Time & Date of Opening of Bid

Class of Contract or

Major Head of Account

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 Raising of 1st floor over existing ground floor and providing and fixing of CGI Sheet roofing to Veterinary Hospital building at Sogam.

9.25 600/- 18500/- 60 days’ti 1 27-02-2014 C&D 4403 Animal Husbandry NABARD

2 Raising of 1st floor over existing ground floor to Veterinary Hospital building at Kralpora

15.50 800/- 31000/- 60 days 27-02-2014 B&C 4403 Animal Husbandry NABARD

3 Raising of 1st floor over existing ground floor including laying of RCCslab to ground floor with CGI sheet roofing Veterinary Hospital building at Lalpora (Lolab)

11.50 600/- 23000/- 60 days 27-02-2014 BCD 4403 Animal Husbandry D/S

4 Balance items for construction of Medical Aid center at Reddi Chowkibal 18.50 800/- 37000/- 60 days 27-02-2014 B&C 4210 Medical D/S

Position of AAA/TS : AA Submitted Demanded Position of funds: Demanded1. The Bidding documents consisting of qualifying information, eligibility criteria, specifications, Drawings, bill of quantities (B.O.Q), Set of terms and conditions of contract and other details can be seen/downloaded from the departmental website www.jktenders.govjn as per schedule of dates given below:

01. Date of issue of Tender Notice 14-02-2014

02. Period of downloading of bidding documents From 16-02-2014 to 24-02-2014 (4.00P.M)

03. Bid submission start date 16-02-2014 from (10.00A.M)

04. Bid submission end date 24-02-2014 from (04.00P.M)

05. Deadline for receiving the Hard Copy (Original DD & EMD) 25-02-2014 from f4.00P.Ml in the Office of the Executive Engineer R&B Division Kupwara

06. Date & time of opening Bids (on line) 27-02-2014 at fll.00A.Ml in the Office of the Executive Engineer R&B Division Kupwara.

2.Bids must be accompanied with cost of Tender document in shape of demand draft in favour of ExecutiveEngineer R&B Division Kupwara (tender inviting authority ) and Earnest money /Bid security in shape ofCDR/FDR pledged to Executive Engineer R&B Division Kupwara (Tender receiving authority)3.The date and time of opening of Bids shall be notified on web Site and conveyed to thebidders automatically through an e-mail message on their e-mail address. The Hids of Responsive bidders shallbe opened online on same web site in the office of the Superintending Engineer PWD(R&B) Circle Baramulla/Kupwara (Tender receiving authority )4.The bids for the work shall remain valid for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of bids.a. Any bidder/ tenderer withdraws his bid/ tender during the period of bid validity or makes any Modifications in the terms and conditions of the bid.b. Failure of Successful bidder to furnish the required performance security within the specified time limit.c. Failure of Successful bidder to execute the agreement within 28 days after fixation of contract. 5.Instruction to bidders regarding e-tendering process. 5-1 Bidders are advised to download bid submission manual from the "Downloads" option as well as from "Biddejs Manual Kit" o,n websReAvw^ acquaint bid submission process.

DIPK: 14081 Sd/ Executive Engineer

Government of Jammu and KashmirOffice of the Executive Engineer Rural Engineering wing. Kupwara

Short Term Tender Notification No MV(I) 2013 dated 15.02.2014For and on behalf of Governor of Jammu and Kashmir State, Executive Engineer Rural Engineering wing Kupwara invites tenders affixed with Rs 21- revenue stamp for the works mentioned below from the approved PWD contractors which should reach to the office of the Executive Engineer REW Kupwara by or before 05-03.2014- up to 2 PM. The tenders will be opened on the same day in the after noon or some other day convenient to the tender opening authority in presence of tenderers who may like to be present at the time of opening. In case the date of receipt of tenders is declared as Hartal / Govt. Holiday the same shall be received on the next working day as per the same schedule. The CDR should be pledged to the Executive Engineer REW Kupwara. The tender documents can be purchased from the office of the Executive Engineer REW Kupwara from01.03.201 to 04.03.2014 -up to 2 PM during office hours on the production of valid enlistment card against the treasury receipt / cash payment non- refundable as shown below.

S. No Name of work Adv Cost Earnest money

Class of contractor

Time of completion

Cost of tender documents

Scheme Position of AA/Funds

I Construction of Common Facility centre (CFC) at Kawari Block Kupwara

19.24 lacs 38480/= CEE/BEE 4 months 1500/= Model village

AA:- under sub-mission Funds:-available

Terms and conditiom:-1 The tender should be sealed with proper cover /envelope with a name of contractor, name of work, CDR No and Date etc without which the tender shall not be entertained.2 The work should be executed strictly in accordance with specifications of the sanctioned estimate.3 Photostat copy of the Registration Card duly attested / renewed for the year 2013-14 should be attached with the application requesting for tender documents4 Income Tax / Sales Tax Clearance certificate of the year 2013-14 shouldTie attached with the application.5 The contractor should visit the site before participating in the tender.6 Any topographical error in the quantity schedule if found any shall be read as SSR 20087 All other terns and conditions shall remain same as per the detailed NIT and as per Form (25) PWD double leaf and FC -31 C.

DIPK:14121 Sd/- Executive Engineer



NO. 30 OF 2014 Dated: 18 /02/2014

For and on behalf of Commissioner Srinagar Municipal Corporation sealed tenders affixed with rupees five revenue stamps are invited from registered dealers, registered firms and contractors for supply of PVC flexible Corrigated Pipes and Collars( as per sample ) required for Suction Vehicles. The details can be had from the office off the Executive Engineer Mechanical from 20-02-2014 up to 28-02-2014.The interested firms/dealers shall enclose CDR equivalent to 2% of the total value of the contract from any scheduled bank of India pledged to the Financial Advisor /Chief Accounts Officer Srinagar Municipal Corporation.The last dated for the receipt of the tenders addressed to the Commissioner, SMC shall be 03/03/2014 up to 02 PM and in case the said date happens to be a holiday or the office remains closed due to any reason the next working day will be the last date of receipt of tenders and will be opened on the same date.or-any. other convenient date in presence of the tenderers who intend to be present.The rates quoted shall be pasted with transparent tape and no conditional tenderwill be accepted, The tender opening authority reserves the right to accept or reject anyoffer /tender without assigning any reason-thereof.NB: 2915 Executive Engineer Mechanical Srinagar Municipal Corporation

How else can we explain that the Hindu popula-tion of Kashmir was

ethnically cleansed when the state

was under direct rule from Delhi?This piece is being written in

the hope that by the time you read it, the BJP will not have changed its mind on the communal vio-lence Bill. I say this because past experience shows us that the BJP’s senior leaders are very good at stalling Parliament with a lot of sound and fury for a day or so and then quietly letting pass every new piece of dodgy legislation that Sonia Gandhi puts before them. If they do exactly the same with this new law, then they will be doing India an unforgivable disser-vice. The law was hatched by Sonia’s gang of jholawala do-gooders in her National Advi-sory Council (NAC) without se-rious thought being given to its consequences. So, if you get an autocratic, authoritarian prime minister after the 2014 general election, he will have licence to topple state governments on all kinds of specious grounds. Akh-ilesh Yadav would have been a goner after his abysmal per-formance during and after the violence in Muzaffarnagar. But the law’s ability to be misused is only part of the problem. The real problem is that it is com-

pletely unnecessary because, under present laws, communal violence can be stopped if po-litical leaders want it stopped and officials who fail to stop it can be punished. If this has not happened in the past, it is only because political leaders did

not want it to happen. How else can we explain that the Hindu population of Kashmir was eth-nically cleansed when the state was under direct rule from Delhi? When governor Jagmo-han failed to provide them with the security they needed at the time, why was he not punished? When more than 3,000 Sikhs were butchered in the streets of Delhi in 1984, was a single official punished for crimi-nal dereliction of duty? When uniformed thugs from the Pro-vincial Armed Constabulary opened fire on Muslims in their custody in a truck near Meerut in 1987, was anyone punished? Of course not. But not because India’s laws do not have provi-sions to prevent these things from happening. Derelict offi-cials have got away with their evil deeds only because they have been protected by political leaders, who have used violence and mass murder as weapons to keep vulnerable communities in their toils. In the case of the

Muslim community, this strat-egy worked so well that till the Babri Masjid was destroyed un-der a Congress prime minister, they always voted for the Con-gress. Their faith was shaken after that ugly episode but the ‘secular’ parties which began to

woo them used Congress meth-ods to continue to keep Mus-lims in their toils. The BJP bo-geyman was resurrected every time they showed signs of wa-vering in their loyalties, and it is the BJP bogeyman from Gu-jarat that is now making the Con-gress seek new ways to restore its Muslim vote bank. The newest of these ways is this communal violence Bill. It has been devised by Sonia’s advisors with the spe-cific intention of showing Mus-lims how much Madame cares for her Muslim subjects. Some of these advisors, incidentally, have made extremely lucrative careers out of expressing sympa-thy for victims of communal vio-lence. Huge funds have come from foreign donors to set up NGOs that supposedly take care of these victims. And who cares if it’s only tokenism? After the Assam riots, an NGO showed up with victims from Gujarat to comfort the new victims. An utterly bizarre exercise if you keep in mind that they would not have had even a language in

common. As someone who has been constant in my opposition to the NAC on the grounds that it is an extra-constitutional body, may I say that my opposition has deepened on account of the laws that it has imposed on us. Not one of them has been worthwhile and

the BJP should be ashamed of it-self for having happily gone along with passing them after the token amount of sound and fury. If this is what happens once more with this insidious new piece of legis-lation, then it does not deserve to ever come to power in Delhi. The Congress has done much harm to India in the name of ‘secularism’, but the BJP has done as much harm in the past decade for be-ing an opposition party that has worked virtually in absentia. If they want a degree of redemption, let them stop this Bill from becom-ing a dangerous new law. This is no longer about Muslim ‘appease-ment’ but about trying to ensure that, forever and ever, Muslims think of themselves as separated from the mainstream of India by a mostly mistaken sense of griev-ance. This Bill is of a piece with Rajiv Gandhi’s decision, under pressure from Islamic fundamen-talists, to uphold the Muslim per-sonal law. Let us remember the divisions and violence that came afterwards.

&&tuesday february | 11| 2014 Kashmir horizon

Kashmir horizontuesday february | 11| 2014

Although it is still being mooted that the people of Jammu and Kashmir

and their broad ‘over spread’ of leadership particularly in “Azadi” camp have yet to construct an in-dependent narrative of their case, they still continue to pedal the In-dian and Pakistani narratives. At a high point they end up in thank-ing Pakistan and cursing India af-ter unloading one or the other de-mand through a press statement. Our leaders remain on a look out not to miss an occasion of express-ing a gratitude to the Government in power in Islamabad. There has been a sparrow’s wing flutter on the issue of Kashmir in Pakistan. It may have been a single spread and shut of the wings yet the sparrow has been noticed for a short while. On 4 February 2014 the foreign sec-retary of Pakistan Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry held a briefing in con-nection with Kashmir Solidarity Day commemorated on February 5 for European Union, P-5 and OIC Ambassadors posted in Islamabad. He reiterated Pakistan’s unwaver-ing political, moral and diplomatic support to the Kashmiri people. He emphasized that resolution of the Kashmir dispute was pivotal for ensuring peace and security in the region.The National Assembly of Pakistan on the same day Tues-day 4 February 2014 unanimously passed a resolution reiterating Pakistan’s moral‚ political and diplomatic support to the Kash-miri people. The resolution moved by Maulana Fazl ur Rehman said Pakistan’s stance on Kashmir dis-pute is based on principles which have also been acknowledged by the International community as well as United Nations in its reso-lutions. The Kashmiri brothers and sisters have sacrificed their lives for the right of self-determi-

nation. The final settlement of Jammu and Kashmir should be in accordance with the aspirations

of Kashmiri people through an independent and fair plebiscite.The resolution impressed upon the Indian government to include the Kashmiri people in Pakistan-India dialogue process as they are the genuine party in the dispute. It noted that the resolution of Kash-mir dispute is also imperative for promotion of bilateral relations between Pakistan and India and it could bring peace to the region. The third important activity has been the explanation in regard to the validity of the UN resolutions and if these resolutions have been berated by Simla agreement. The Foreign Office spokesperson Tas-nim Aslam during her briefing on 6 February 2014 was asked, “Yesterday, the Prime Minister made a statement and invited In-dia for talks but he also called for plebiscite in Kashmir. India on the other hand says that the UN resolutions do not stand because of the Simla agreement. Is there any way out? Is Pakistan ready to look for options other than its stated position? She replied, “I would respond to your question in legal terms. Every year and on various forums in the UN and on one issue or the other, countries are condemned for violating the UN resolutions - General Assem-bly and Security Council. I don’t understand how can one country decide that UN resolutions are no more valid and how can legally speaking, a bilateral agreement, which does not even say that this

intends to override the UN Secu-rity Council resolutions, which in any case it could not, override the

UN Security Council resolutions. If at some stage Pakistan, India and the Kashmiris reach an agree-ment on the settlement of the Kash-mir dispute, legally speaking, they would have to go back to the UN Security Council to get another resolution to endorse that agree-ment. So this argument that Simla agreement has made the UN Secu-rity Council resolutions on Kash-mir invalid, has no legal basis.” Pakistan observed the Solidarity day with the Kashmir people on the 5th of February. A delegation of the Kashmir Committee pre-sented a memorandum at UN of-fice on Wednesday while another delegation went to Kohala Bridge to participate in the Human chain formed to express solidarity with the Kashmir people. So far there could be no issue with any of these three activities. One thing that has surfaced for the attention of the people and the leaders in Kashmir is the validity of the UN Resolu-tions. The variance in under-standing on this matter has been a source of avoidable discord among them. The only concern in this re-gard (explanation) remains that Governments in Pakistan have continued to exploit the sentiment and the jurisprudence of Kashmir case to its own advantage, in most cases to serve the domestic com-pulsions. The concern for the col-lective benefit and welfare of the people of Kashmir has never been the integral part of Pakistan’s politics on Kashmir. There would

not have been any misgivings on the merits of UN mechanism on Kashmir (UN Resolutions) if

Pakistan had not ignored these resolutions from November 1965 to August 1996. One should not curse Pakistan for not touch-ing the Kashmir case at the UN for about 31 years because Kashmiri people and their leaders too have failed in their duty to care. Kashmiri people and their leaders have failed on two counts. People and the leaders of Kashmir have failed to understand that the failure of Pakistan to honour the Stand Still Agreement with the Gov-ernment of Jammu and Kashmir has been an un-friendly act which has dis-

turbed the merits of Kashmir case. Our leaders have no clue that the Indian petition of 1 January 1948 made under article 35 of UN Char-ter to the UN Security Council sets out Kashmir case in its best man-ner. On the contrary Pakistan’s response made on 15 January 1948 that “India has chosen to con-fine the reference to the Security Council to one single aspect of the Kashmir question which ignores the basic and fundamental issues affecting the State of Jammu and Kashmir. But even the Kashmir episode in all its aspects is but one link in the chain of events which has been unfolding itself ever since it became obvious that there is no solution of the Hindu-Mus-lim problem except the partition of India. A reference to the Secu-rity Council must therefore cover much larger ground and embrace all the fundamental differences between the two Dominions”, shows Pakistan’s diplomatic wisdom in its poorest shape. Pakistan is seen unconcerned about Kashmir and has asked to cover “much larger ground and embrace all the fundamental dif-ferences”. Its principal interest in the division of military stores, division of cash balances and in-terference (Indian) with the Re-serve Bank so as to destroy the monetary and currency fabric of Pakistan are the highlights of a diplomacy that has caused a historic offence to the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

This piece is being written in the hope that by the time you read it, the BJP will not have changed its mind on the communal violence Bill. I say this because past experience shows us that the BJP’s senior leaders are very good at stalling Parliament with a lot of sound and fury for a day or so and then quietly letting pass every new piece of dodgy legislation that Sonia Gandhi puts before them. If they do exactly the same with this new law.

The resolution impressed upon the Indian government to include the Kashmiri people in Pakistan-India dialogue process as they are the genuine party in the dispute. It noted that the resolution of Kashmir dispute is also imperative for promotion of bilateral relations between Pakistan and India and it could bring peace to the region.

Kashmir Makes a Sudden Come Back

A law for a vote bank

syed nazir Gilani

Tavleen sinGh

What shocks people in Jammu and Kashmir does not schock the government and consequently the helmsmen in the state are least botheredabout

the incidents of crime more so when committed by power wielding politicians and bureaucrats. This aptly has become rele-vant to the allegations of molestation against former ministers of state for health Shabir Ahmad Khan evading arrest for one reason or the other since last so many day. Had the court arrest warrant of arrest against any commoner in any part of the state po-lice would not have sounded alert only accorss Jammu and Kashmir but across India. This is the rea-son for the anger and protests shown by the

opposition members in the assembly against delay caused in executing the warrant of arrest of the court against the minister and the sitting legislators. Question arises that when law makers don’t allow the law to take it own course against them how come the angered and deject people of the state are supposed to repose faith in the working of law en-forcement authorities of the state. Though law makers have been making talking much about the empowerment of wom-en but they are least bothered about the incidents exposing the vulnerability of women in work places in the state and thus violate the rights of women by treating their bodies as object to lower the dignity of the highest offices of the state they occupy. It is very unfortunate and saddening for the people of Jammu and Kashmir that the helmsmen obliged to maintain the prestige of highest public offices are low-ering their dignity by committing unpardonable offences month after month and year after year. In fact Shabir Ah-mad Khan is the third minister to quit on charges of moral and institutional corruption but neither the central high command of the Congress party nor the Chief Minister both-ers to contemplate action against the ministers of doubtful integrity. The Congress party facing a lot of criticism from all quarters for allowing the corruption to breed ground in the country should not have allowed a former minister fac-ing charges of molestation by a female doctor to go scot free the time when parliamentary elections are round the corner and assembly elections are to be held in next few months. Attempts of molestations against women in offices, public places, homes and elsewhere should not have been allowed to become a normal affair and more so in Jammu and Kash-mir state known for its distinct cultural identity world over. In Jammu and Kashmir ages old cultural traditions speak of the instances where even the socially and economically oppressed women have protected to the extent that any one trying to violate the right and bodies women is declared so-cially untouchable. So social isolation is the biggest punish-ment society given to a man intending to violate the rights or bodies of women any where any time. For this very reason the female doctor has shown the courage to go ahead with charges of molestation against a man occupying the position of a minister and society in Kashmir has saluted the coura-geous women for the bravery she has shown and condemned the disgraced minister for the cowardly act which brought bad name to him and his party. When such are the response from the people the government does not bother to deal with the minister within the given legal framework through a fair probe. The heads of Omar Abdullah government should go down in shame for the reasons that the molestation sur-vivor had to take the complicated route of approaching the court to get an FIR registered in the first place.It becomes a punishable offence when sexual violence survivors have to face a hostile atmosphere in police stations and goverb-ment offices for the reasons of lodging the complaints and many of them are treated in the most offensive manner.The situation demands that he government should right in the earnest sound an alert across the state and other parts of the country to ensure that the law maker facing charges of mo-lestation is arrested and a fair probe is conducted to unravel the mystery of why he tried to evade the arrest and police allegedly refused to lodge the FIR in the first instance. It has become imperative for the government that an appropriate legal action is taken against both the police for dereliction of duty and the former Congress minister for his cowardy act. . Let this present case of molestation against the former Congress minister wake up Omar Abdullah government to deal firmly with the unpardonable offences of sexual harass-ment in offices, public places and homes.

Punishing the powerful: Wake up call for Omar

Question arises that when law mak-ers don’t allow the law to take it own course against them how come the angered and deject people of the state are supposed to repose faith in the working of law enforcement authori-ties of the state. Though law makers have been making talking much about the empowerment of women but they are least bothered about the incidents exposing the vulnerability of women in work places in the state and thus violate the rights of women by treating their bodies as object to lower the dignity of the highest offices of the state they occupy.


"Garrison Engineer, 864 Engineer Works Section, C/o 56 APO on behalf of the President of India, from eligible, enlisted contractors of MES and enlisted/un-enlisted contractors working with other Govt. Departments invites applications meeting eiibility criteria for selection of Contractors for issue of tender of under-mentioned work :-

S. No Name of Work Estimated Cost in lakhs

Completion period

Amount of Earnest Money Cost of tender in favour of

(a) Certain B/R repair to floor .plaster join-ery and periodical services and allied work to ‘R’ centre at BB Cantt, Srinagar.

14.00 06(Six) Months

Rs. 28,000.00 in the shape of Call Deposit Receipt from any Nationalized bank/ Scheduled Bank. BGB not acceptable.

Rs 500.00 in the shape of DD / Banker's cheque from any Nation-alized Bank / Scheduled Bank in favour of Garrison Engineer 864 Engr Wks Sec, C/O 56 APO payable at Srinagar,

(b) Certain repairs to leakage /seepage in toilet of Md accn SS Colony, Thimmaya colony and allied work at BB Cantt Srinagar.

14.00 06(Six) Months

-do- -do-

(c) Certain petty repair to OTM and Md Accn in ZOne ‘A’ under AGE B/R 1 at BB Cantt Srinagar

14.50 06(Six) Months

Rs. 29,000.00 in the shape of Call Deposit Receipt from any Nationalized bank/ Scheduled Bank. BGB not acceptable.


(d) Maint and repairs /replacement, clean-ing of sewage line and manhole/septic tank in Zone ‘A’ at BB Cantt, Srinagar

14.50 06(Six) Months

Rs. 29,000.00 in .the shape of Call Deposit Receipt from any Nationalizec bank/ Scheduled Bank BGB not acceptable.


2. Last date of receipt of Applications 06 March 2014

3. Eligibility Criteria :-(a) For MCS Enlisted Contractors: Class ‘E’, Category for Srl No 1(a),to 1(c ): (a)(i) ; 1(d): (a)(II)(b) For Other Contractors (I) Meeting enlistment criteria of MES with regard to having satisfactorily completed requisite value of works, Annual turn over, Working Capital, Fixed Assets etc., (ii) No recovery outstanding in Govt. Deptts.4. Date of Issue of Tender On or after 07 Mar 20145. Date of receipt of Tender 27 Mar 2014 upto 1600 hrs.6. Notes :(i) Applications not accompanied by requisite value of DD/Bankers cheque towards cost of tender

shall not be considered for issue of tender.(ii) Contractors who not enlisted with MES will be required to enclose necessary documents to prove

their eligibility as given above including Affidavit for no recovery outstanding.(iii) In case of rejection of application for issue of tender, the applicant shall be refunded the cost

of tender. However, contractor may appeal to next higher Engineer Authority l.e HQ 133 WE, CIO 56 APO for rejection of his application for issue of tender, whose decision shall be final and binding and contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation what-so-ever for issue of tender.

MajorNo. 8806/131/E8 Garrison Engineer

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