you're a real teacher if

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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You’re a REAL teacher if…

you declare “no cuts” when a shopper squeezes ahead of you

in a checkout line.

You’re a REAL teacher if…

you can “sense” gum.

You’re a REAL teacher if…

you move your dinner partner’s glass away from the edge of the


You’re a REAL teacher if…

you sing the “Alphabet Song” to yourself as you look up a

number in the phone book.

You’re a REAL teacher if…

you say everything twice. I mean, you repeat everything.

And then you ask “Does everyone understand?”

You’re a REAL teacher if…

you cheer when you hear April 1 does not fall on a school day.

You’re a REAL teacher if…

you can’t walk past a crowd of kids without straightening up

the line.

You’re a REAL teacher if…

you have been timed gulping down a full lunch in 2 minutes,

18 seconds. (Master teachers eat even


You’re a REAL teacher if…

you ask if anyone needs to go to the bathroom as you enter a

theater with a group of friends.

You’re a REAL teacher if…

you know it is better to seek forgiveness than to ask


You’re a REAL teacher if…

you know the best day-before-a-vacation

lesson plans can come from Blockbuster.

You’re a REAL teacher if…

you know the shortest distance and the length of travel time from your classroom to the


You’re a REAL teacher if…

you say “I like the way you did that” to the mechanic who

repairs your car.

You’re a REAL teacher if…

you ask “Are you sure you did your best?” to the mechanic who fails to repair your car.

You’re a REAL teacher if…

you have your best conferences in the parking lot.

You’re a REAL teacher if…

you will eat anything that is put in the teacher’s lounge

(but only AFTER you find out which family provided it).

You’re a REAL teacher if…

you ask a quiet person at a party if he has something to share

with the group.

You’re a REAL teacher if…

you know that secretaries and custodians run the school.

You’re a REAL teacher if…

you have the assistant principals’ and counselors’ home phone


You’re a REAL teacher if…

meeting a child’s parents instantly answers the question,

“Why is this kid like this?”

You’re a REAL teacher if…

you believe chocolate is a food group.

You’re a REAL teacher if…

you can tell it’s a full moon without ever looking outside.

You’re a REAL teacher if…

you feel the urge to talk to strange children and correct their behavior when out in


You’re a REAL teacher if…

you have no time for a life from August to June.

You’re a REAL teacher if…

you’ve ever had your profession slammed by someone who

would never DREAM of doing your job.

You’re a REAL teacher if…

you can’t have children because there’s no name you could give a child that wouldn’t bring on high blood pressure the moment you

heard it uttered.

You’re a REAL teacher if…

you have classroom rules about where people may put their


You’re a REAL teacher if…

you are irritated by adults who chew gum in public.

You’re a REAL teacher if…

you write your name conspicuously on all personal

objects, including your car keys, your masking tape, your textbook, and your chair.

You’re a REAL teacher if…

you always, to your family’s embarrassment, turn a pizza

into a math lesson on fractions.

You’re a REAL teacher if…

stacking piles of papers on the floor seems like a logical filing

system to you.

You’re a REAL teacher if…

you correct the grammar and spelling on restaurant menus.

You’re a REAL teacher if…

you consider a 2.3% pay raise above average.

You’re a REAL teacher if…

you never sit down without first checking the seat of the chair

(or toilet).

You’re a REAL teacher if…

can predict exactly which parents will show up at Open House and

Parent Teacher Conferences.

You’re a REAL teacher if…

you have explained to a child that being a rock in the school play

is an important role.

You’re a REAL teacher if…

you raise your hand when the server at the restaurant asks if

anyone would like water.

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