your summer 2020 courses - · this “fast-track your summer 2020 courses”...

Post on 22-Jul-2020






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Your Summer

2020 Courses

Online course design and

delivery tips, solutions, and


About This Document

This “Fast-Track Your Summer 2020 Courses” workshop

booklet intends to support faculty both during and following

the synchronous workshop sessions, and can also be used

independently as a resource during course development.

Sections 1-5 of this booklet correspond with the synchronous

session topics and includes:

▪ A summary highlighting the role that this topic plays in

the design and/or delivery of your course.

▪ Fillable graphic organizers to help your work through

each session topic.

▪ Hyperlinked resources from the Fast-Track Summer

Asynchronous Training Canvas Course.

*Please note that first resource link is to the Canvas

module; additional resource links are to individual videos

within the various Canvas modules*

The 6th section of this booklet contains a “Course Start-Up

Guide”. This clickable checklist highlights the critical elements

of online course design and delivery. Use it to self-assess your

course during the development process.

For additional questions and consultation requests, please

reach out to us at

Table of Contents

1 Design the Syllabus & Choose Modes of Delivery

2 Organize the Course to Enhance Student Learning

3 Engage Students & Create a Class Community

4 Assess Student Learning in Meaningful Ways

5 Create Effective Media & Content from Home

6 Course Start-Up Guide

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Design the Syllabus & Choose Modes

of Delivery

Your syllabus contains the foundational components of your

course. With a shift to online delivery, revisiting your course

syllabus will be key. Take some time to identify areas of your

syllabus that you want to keep, modify, add, or drop as a way to

re-imagine your course components and the journey you want

to take your students on.

From there, you may be thinking about how you are going to

deliver the journey – in real-time (synchronous), no fixed time

(asynchronous), or a mixture of both? Consider the advantages

and disadvantages – for example, delivering your lectures

asynchronously gives students greater flexibility in accessing the

content whereas office hours hosted synchronously can allow

for greater personal engagement.

Graphic Organizers

Design: Work on Your Own | See an Example

Explore More

Module: Important Decisions about the Syllabus and Delivery

Video: Face-to-Face vs Online

Video: Asynchronous vs Synchronous

Video: Scaling Back

Design the Syllabus & Choose Modes of Delivery

Keep Modify Add Drop

Part 1

Part 2

How would I do this in a F2F


How do I want to do

this remotely?

How will I deliver this?

Word Bank (Ideas)

Presenting Content: Lecture, etc.

Synchronously Asynchronously Both

Infographic, video, blog post, podcast, article, graphics, Zoom meeting

Discussion: Synchronously Asynchronously Both

Discussion board, social me-dia posts, video & audio responses, Zoom

Exams/ Quizzes:

Synchronously Asynchronously Both

Kahoot, In-video quizzes, Google forms, case studies, Canvas quizzes

Presentations & Projects:

Synchronously Asynchronously Both

Web page design, video, social media advertisement, tutorial, podcast

Labs & Field Experiences:

Synchronously Asynchronously Both

Virtual tours, online simulations, data sets

Other: Synchronously Asynchronously Both

Instructions: Using your original face-to-face syllabus, identify the elements you want to Keep, Modify, Add, & Drop by categorizing them in the appropriate boxes below.

Instructions: Now that you have re-evaluated the components of your syllabus, consider how will you deliver these components to students. Work through each row, left to right, thinking through the delivery mode and the end product you will provide the student.

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Organize the Course to Enhance

Student Learning

A course that is structured and facilitates ease of use allows

students to focus their time and energy on what matters, the

learning goals. Taking time to map out how you want students

to navigate your course content can help minimize confusion,

frustration, and anxiousness.

Consider how you would breakdown your course into smaller,

manageable “chunks” and how you would divide those chunks

over a semester. Now, identify the necessary components for

each chunk. For example, students will need lecture content, an

assignment, a discussion, etc. Once you have this outline, you

can begin using Canvas to build out your content and


Graphic Organizers

Organize: Work on Your Own | See an Example

Explore More

Module: Organizing Your Course to Maximize Student Learning

Video: Why Use Templates (Video)

Video: Why Use Modules (Video)

Organize the Course to Enhance Student Learning

LEVEL 1: Course-level

Course Number: Course Name:

Main Student Learning Outcomes:

LEVEL 2: Chunking Your Course

How can your course be broken into major course sections or chunks? Write or type each major chunk of your course in the section below.

Here are a few ways you can chunk your course:

• Chronologically• Weekly• Modules• Units/By Topic• Other?

LEVEL 3: Weekly / Module / Unit Sections

How can you divide the chunks above into the # of weeks in the course?

How will you organize content in Canvas?

By Week

By Module

By Topic


LEVEL 4: Typical Week / Module / Unit

In a typical week/module/unit of your course, which components do you plan to assign?

Watch/Listen: Video Lecture

Other Video



Read: Textbook

Online Resource



Discuss: Live Discussion

Discussion Board

Breakout Rooms


Assess: Quiz/Exam

In-Video Quiz



Perform/Present: Live performance




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Engage Students & Create a Class


In the face-to-face classroom, student engagement is something

that we often see and feel. While a shift to online delivery may

pose challenges in the realm of engagement, it also affords us

new opportunities to interact with our students. Breaking down

the ways learners engage in the online environment (learner-

content, learner-learner, and learner-instructor) can help us

focus on developing strategies and experiences that keep

students interested and motivated.

As we are considering how we can engage with our students,

we also need to be mindful of our students’ sense of belonging.

Creating a class community that promotes inclusivity can ensure

our students feel like a valuable member of the online space.

Graphic Organizers

Engage: Work on Your Own | See an Example

Explore More

Module: Engaging Students and Creating Community

Video: Keeping Up Communication

Video: Using Discussion Boards

Video: Student to Student Interactions

Engage Students & Create a Class Community

Learner to CONTENT


Learner to LEARNER

What are some ways to incorporate STUDENT CHOICE?


How can I connect to my students' BACKGROUND & EXPERIENCES?

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Assess Student Learning in

Meaningful Ways

The online environment affords us a multitude of ways of

allowing our students to make their learning visible and receive

feedback. A meaningful assessment is one that incorporates

validity and authenticity; does the assessment measure what

you want to observe and is it relevant to what students’ will


Using the online medium, we can have students submit various

artifacts of their learning. From videos to live presentations,

infographics to case studies, we can offer students unique ways

of meeting their learning outcomes.

Graphic Organizers

Assess: Work on Your Own | See an Example

Explore More

Module: Choosing Meaningful Assessments

Video: How to Create Meaningful Assignments

Video: Formative Assessments and Why They’re Important

Video: Online Group Assignments

Video: Alternative Assignments

Video: Thinking About Cheating

Assess Student Learning in Meaningful Ways

Instructions: Begin by listing one of your major course assessments in row 1 labeled Type of Assessment. Then, think through rows 2-6 for the assessment listed at the top of that column.

Directions Assessment

1 Type of Assessment

In this row, list one of the major assessments in your course.

2 Student Learning


What is the student learning outcome (SLO) for this assess-ment? In other words, what is the goal?

3 Skills & Tools

What skills/tools will students need in order to successfully complete this assessment?

4 Potential Barriers

Consider the variability of students & their remote learning environments. What potential barriers might they encounter with this assessment?

5 Solutions & Options

Taking the above barriers into consideration, what solutions or options can be provided to help students achieve the learning outcomes for this assessment?

6 Scaffolding for Support

How can you provide support or scaffolding to help students achieve learning outcomes for this assessment?

Back to Table of Contents

Create Effective Media & Content

from Home

Online courses typically depend on a variety of media to

communicate important course material. Creating media

effectively and efficiently can be a balance of production and

instructional aspects.

Good production value may involve lighting, camera and audio

positioning, and scripting; many of these elements can be set-

up in the comfort of your own home. Instructional

considerations may include your video length, slide design, how

you transition and lead your student through the media, and

accessibility. Creating media and content with these ideas in

mind can ensure your presence and messaging is not only clear

but impactful.

Graphic Organizers

Create: Work on Your Own | See an Example

Explore More

Module: Creating Media and Content

Video: Creating Text and Video Content

Create Effective Media & Content From Home

What is the Learning Goal for Using


How Will I Deliver This Media?

Where Will This Media Content

Come From?

What Tools & Materials Do I Need

For This Media?

Video Audio Graphics/Images Simulations Text-based Other

Create by myself Create with help Link to outside source Multiple sources Other



Video Audio Graphics/Images Simulations Text-based Other

Create by myself Create with help Link to outside source Multiple sources Other



Video Audio Graphics/Images Simulations Text-based Other

Create by myself Create with help Link to outside source Multiple sources Other



Video Audio Graphics/Images Simulations Text-based Other

Create by myself Create with help Link to outside source Multiple sources Other



Video Audio Graphics/Images Simulations Text-based Other

Create by myself Create with help Link to outside source Multiple sources Other



Summer 2020

Course Syllabus Upload the course syllabus to the Canvas course shell.

Include required university policies on the syllabus.

Course Introduction Provide instructions for how to get started and where to fid various course components (syllabus, course schedule, instructor contact information) and explain the structure of the course.

Provide information to academic assistance resources provided by the University and Academic Units.

Provide instructions for use and technical support for each technology required to complete the course.

Learning Objectives Include learning objectives in the syllabus and describe outcomes that are measurable and observable.

Ensure that the course assessments and course content relate directly to the course learning objectives.

Organization Organize the course by weekly or topical modules.

Grading & Assessment State the course grading policy clearly at the beginning of the course and/or in the syllabus.

Clearly state the plan for providing feedback on graded assignments.

Course Delivery Establish clear expectations about communication, including preferred contact method and protocol.

Set the tone for an active, supportive, and inclusive learning environment.

Develop and utilize multiple and varied modes of engagement which provide active learning opportuni-ties within the course.

Plan course content and activities that provide opportunities for student-to-student interaction.

Plan course content and activities that provide opportunities for instructor-to-student interaction.

Accessibility Ensure that videos are captioned.

Provide images have alternative text (alt-text) description.

Ensure that there is significant color contrast between the text and the background (e.g., very dark text on very light backgrounds).

Ensure that documents use headers to designate page structure for organization and ease of reading.

Ensure that links are descriptive rather than being actual web addresses.

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