your hidden song

Post on 20-Jun-2015






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There's a song in your heart that you need to listen to. It's you.


You were born to make music, a unique composition that is a perfect expression of you.You have a distinctive and individual something to offer the world.

Your offering can make the world a better place.You have a song to sing.What is your hidden song?

What can you do that nobody else can?You have a natural way of doing things, like a beautiful colour that you shine on all of your interactions.

As soon as you worry, doubt or fear, you lose your song.What is this hidden song?What do you need to express?What is your heart’s dream?

What is it that you really feel an urge to do? I’m not talking about wealth or luxurious extravagances.What is important to you?What is your message?

What do you want to express that will make this world a better place? This is your song, your hidden song.

You can find it, if you are willing to make a little consistent effort.You can find it by listening to your heart.It’s you, it’s right with you, in your heart.

You have unlimited access to your heart.This is the doorway to understanding yourself.This is the way to learning your hidden song.

Your heart is not only a portal to understanding yourself,It is an intelligence, far greater than your head intelligence.Try it if you don’t believe it.

For a few days, try thinking from your heart, instead of from your head.Try placing your problems in your heart and clear your head of your worries.

You will find many small changes occurring.Your timing will improve.People will seem warmer.Life will look a little brighter.

Your heart intelligence touches the infinite you.Your head intelligence is limited to your earthly experiences.

Once you become comfortable using your heart intelligence, you can work to uncover your hidden song.

You only need a combination of peace, patience and persistence, and your heart will guide you to the understanding you seek.

Your heart is the doorway to your hidden song, which is more of you, much more of you.Release your hidden song by playing with your heart.

Watch the world take on a new understanding,a unique colour, as you sing the song you were born to sing.

It doesn’t have to be a grand song to the whole world.It might be a quiet song that lets you sing your way gently through your life.

There are no rules,there is no right way,Each song is a personal song and has it’s own secret purposes.

You need to find your song,so that you can sing life your own personal way, which is the only way for you.

What is your song?What is your hidden song?Ask your heart, your infinite heart.

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