www.lebenslanges-lernen.at lebenslanges-lernen@oead.at aims of the seminar and introduction to the...

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www.lebenslanges-lernen.at lebenslanges-lernen@oead.at

Aims of the seminar and introduction to the programme

Nina Hojjat-Apostolidis

Austrian National Agency

Grundtvig & Study Visits

Grundtvig Contact Seminar

„Intercultural Dialogue and Political Learning“

24-27 September 2008

2 www.lebenslanges-lernen.at lebenslanges-lernen@oead.at

Aims of the seminar

find partners with common interests

define the aims, objectives and methodology of a future Partnership;

define partner roles, responsibilities and tasks within a future Partnership;

develop a work plan for a future Partnership, including methods for monitoring, evaluation and dissemination;

complete the joint Partnership application form.

3 www.lebenslanges-lernen.at lebenslanges-lernen@oead.at

The European social challenge

social inclusion together in diversity

promote intercultural dialogue European Year of the Intercultural Dialogue

raise awareness Active European Citizenship

4 www.lebenslanges-lernen.at lebenslanges-lernen@oead.at

Adult Learning

Concrete actions of the European Commissionto reduce poverty and social


to increase the integration

of migrants

to increase participation

in lifelong learning

(hospital learning,

prison learning)

5 www.lebenslanges-lernen.at lebenslanges-lernen@oead.at


Grundtvig: it is always a good time to learn!

Grundtvig addresses the teaching and learning needs

Grundtvig: all forms of learning: formal, non-formal and informal

Why the name „Grundtvig

Nikolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig(1783-1872)

6 www.lebenslanges-lernen.at lebenslanges-lernen@oead.at

Grundtvig actions for institutions

Learning partnershipsbring institutions togetherare a framework for co-operation activities trainers and learners from at least 3 participating countries work together

develop together methods and approaches Multilateral projects

New Actions:Senior Volunteering ProjectsWorkshops

7 www.lebenslanges-lernen.at lebenslanges-lernen@oead.at

Grundtvig actions for individuals

Mobility of individuals- In service staff for adult education staff and preparatory visits for learning partnerships

New ActionsVisits and exchanges


8 www.lebenslanges-lernen.at lebenslanges-lernen@oead.at

Other Grundtvig actions

Thematic Networks

Accompanying Measures

9 www.lebenslanges-lernen.at lebenslanges-lernen@oead.at

Thank you for your attention!

www.lebenslanges-lernen.at lebenslanges-lernen@oead.at

www.lebenslanges-lernen.atlebenslanges-lernen@oead.atSchreyvogelgasse 21010 WienTel.: 01 / 534 08-0Fax: 01 / 534 08-20

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