writing effective corrective action plans

Post on 08-Apr-2018






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  • 8/7/2019 Writing Effective Corrective Action Plans


  • 8/7/2019 Writing Effective Corrective Action Plans



    A lighthearted but practical approach to

    writing effective A-123 Appendix ACorrective Action Plans


    Disclaimer:I take credit for all the jokes and illustrations you

    enjoy. The rest were slipped in by my staff.

  • 8/7/2019 Writing Effective Corrective Action Plans



    Hell take

    care of it!

    After we determine we have a problem, whats next?a. Ignore it. The problem will go away eventually.

    b. Blame it on your predecessor.

    c. Create a Corrective Action Plan.

    Houston, we have a problem.


    c. Corrective Action Plan

  • 8/7/2019 Writing Effective Corrective Action Plans



    Corrective Action Plan

    What is a Corrective Action Plan anyway?

    Corrective A practical strategy to resolve the impediment

    Action Active steps we can realistically accomplish

    Plan Organized, purposeful, accountable, measurable

    + =



    without a


  • 8/7/2019 Writing Effective Corrective Action Plans



    1. State the weakness succinctly

    2. Have owners who are accountable for results

    3. Break the solution into discrete actions

    4. Identify the accountable office for each action

    5. Set achievable deadlines

    Effective Corrective Action Plans

    A journey of athousand miles begins

    with a single step.

    6. Monitor progress andspecify measurable results

  • 8/7/2019 Writing Effective Corrective Action Plans



    Corrective Action Plan Components

    1. State the weakness succinctlyAddress a specific problem related to one of the five audit assertions.*The assertions will be on the quiz at the end of this slide show.

    DONT: Military equipment is not audit ready (Too vague)

    In FY 2007, we reported military equipment of $100M (No problem specified)

    This corrective action plan is designed to correct the problem with Accounts

    Payable which was that we cannot explain the amount reported on the financial

    statements because the transactions dont match up. (Not succinct)

    *Completeness, Obligations, Valuation, Existence & Reporting (COVER)

  • 8/7/2019 Writing Effective Corrective Action Plans



    Corrective Action Plan Components

    2. State the weakness succinctlyAddress a specific problem related to one of the five audit assertions.*

    *Completeness, Obligations, Valuation, Existence & Reporting (COVER)



    DO: Accounts Payable transactions do not reconcile to

    the amount reported on the MDA Financial


    All military equipment is not reported on MDA

    Financial Statements

    Military equipment may not be valued accuratelyon MDA Financial Statements

  • 8/7/2019 Writing Effective Corrective Action Plans



    Corrective Action Plan Components

    2. Owners who are accountableThe Comptroller is responsible for Appendix A implementation.

    Program Managers write Corrective Action Plans.

    So whos in charge? Whos accountable?

    Its a joint effort.Well share

    the work.

  • 8/7/2019 Writing Effective Corrective Action Plans



    Corrective Action Plan Components

    How do the Comptroller and Program Managers work together?Step 1: Program Managers identify impediments during their day-to-day routine

    Step 2: Program Managers write Corrective Action Plans

    Step 3: As part of the Appendix A process, the Comptroller requests Corrective

    Action Plans from Program Managers

    Step 4: The Comptroller ensures the Plan meets Appendix A requirements

    Step 5: Program Managers review/approve any

    revisions recommended by the Comptroller

    Step 6: The Comptroller checks in with Program

    Managers in order to report progress as required

    by the Statement of Assurance

  • 8/7/2019 Writing Effective Corrective Action Plans



    Corrective Action Plan Components

    Bonus slide!! Bonus slide!! Real MDA experienceTo increase accountability for Corrective Action Plans:

    - In the Targets and Countermeasures Corrective Action

    Plan, management specified the number of additional

    personnel required to implement the Plan.

    - Real Property management included property

    accountability targets in their NSPS performance


    - Material weaknesses and associated Corrective Action

    Plans for Real Property and Environmental Liabilities

    were included in the 2007 MDA Statement of


  • 8/7/2019 Writing Effective Corrective Action Plans



    3. Break the problem into discrete actionsWeakness: All military equipment is not reported on MDA Financial Statements

    DONT: E-mail Program Managers with a request for a list of their military

    equipment and its value. Add the list of equipment to the financial


    Too much is included in a single step. Further, critical details are omitted.

    DO: a. The Comptroller works with Program Managers

    to inventory assets on handb. Jointly document value/title via Form DD 250

    c. The Comptroller updates amounts reported on

    financial statements with documented inventory

    How do you eat anelephant? One bite

    at a time.

    Corrective Action Plan Components

  • 8/7/2019 Writing Effective Corrective Action Plans



    4. Identify the accountable office for each actionDONT: a. MDA issues a data call for Military Equipment

    b. MDA reports Military Equipment on its Financial Statements

    c. MDA writes an SOP for the new process

    DO: a. The Comptroller issues a data call to Program Managers with a request for

    Military Equipment asset information

    b. Program Managers send a spreadsheet and supporting information to the


    c. The Comptroller verifies the information received

    d. The Comptroller reports the information on the Financial Statements

    e. Program Managers develop SOPs; the Comptroller reviews the SOPs for


    Corrective Action Plan Components

    Many hands make light work in

    the kitchen or at the office!

  • 8/7/2019 Writing Effective Corrective Action Plans



    Corrective Action Plan Components

    5. Set achievable deadlinesDONT:

    Tasks Deadline

    - Inventory all MDA real property 28 DEC 2007 (too fast)

    - Update SOP for new process 29

    NOV 2017 (too slow)- Move to new system TBD (no accountability)

    Deadlines that are too short or too far off are not realistic. TBD is not acceptable.

    Unrealistic deadlines and TBD mean that more detail is required.

  • 8/7/2019 Writing Effective Corrective Action Plans



    Corrective Action Plan Components

    5. Set achievable deadlines


    Task: Deadline

    Inventory all MDA real property 30 JUN 2008

    a. Determine all MDA locations 28 DEC 2007 b. Obtain POC for each location 11 JAN 2008

    c. Meet with all POCs 14 FEB 2008

    and request inventory or schedule

    property inventory

    d. Conduct property inventory 30 JUN 2008

    Based on the additional detail, the inventory task can be completed by 30 JUN 2008.

  • 8/7/2019 Writing Effective Corrective Action Plans



    Corrective Action Plan Components

    6. Monitor progress and specify measurable resultsDONT: - Improve the financial reporting process for Accounts Receivable

    - Learn how the current system of calculating payroll accrual operates

    - Determine if all Military Equipment is reported on Financial Statements

    Hint: If you saw these statements on a resume, youd think that person isnt telling

    me anything. The same philosophy applies here.

    DO: - Establish an allowance for loss on Accounts Receivable if needed

    - Verify the payroll accrual is accurate

    - Inventory MDA Sensors Directorate Military Equipment

    This clip art looks like the guywho created this briefing.Steve, please stand up and

    embarrass yourself.

  • 8/7/2019 Writing Effective Corrective Action Plans



    To recap:

    1. State the weakness succinctly

    2. Have owners who are accountable for results

    3. Break the solution into discrete actions

    4. Identify the accountable office for each action


    . Set achievable deadlines6. Monitor progress and specify measurable results

    Put these components together and you get .

    Effective Corrective Action Plans

  • 8/7/2019 Writing Effective Corrective Action Plans



    Effective Corrective Action Plans

  • 8/7/2019 Writing Effective Corrective Action Plans



    Effective Corrective Action Plans

    For my next trick, I will walk you

    through two actual Corrective Action

    Plans. The first was created weeks ago

    expressly for this conference.*

    *No animals were harmed during the creation of this Corrective Action Plan

  • 8/7/2019 Writing Effective Corrective Action Plans



    Example #1 - Straighten the leaning Tower of Pisa*

    *Trust me. Im not an architect

    but I stayed in a Holiday Inn

    Express last night.

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    The Leaning Tower of Pisa


    Blow it up and build another

    tower in its place.

    On three, PUSH!


    Ensure the land underneath the

    Tower is solid and then straighten

    the foundation.

    Corrective A practical strategy to resolve the impediment

  • 8/7/2019 Writing Effective Corrective Action Plans



    The Leaning Tower of Pisa


    Nature created the problem so

    nature will cure it.

    Tilt your head a bit and its fine.


    Assess the foundation and the

    land underneath, get the required

    permits to do the work, and hire

    people to do the work.

    ACT! ACT! ACT!

    Action The problem wont go away on its own

  • 8/7/2019 Writing Effective Corrective Action Plans



    The Leaning Tower of Pisa


    No fishing expeditions. (Cast

    your line and hope it works)

    No mazes. (Keep going until you

    stumble, then back up and try a

    new path)


    Concrete, measurable steps with

    realistic milestones that lead to a


    1. Assess the foundation (January 1)

    2. Obtain permits, hire crew (March 1)

    3. Straighten the tower (June 1)

    Plan Organized, purposeful, accountable, measurable

  • 8/7/2019 Writing Effective Corrective Action Plans



    The Leaning Tower of Pisa

    Corrective Action Plan (1 of 3)

    Weakness: The Tower of Pisa leans1. The AALT* will assess the foundation and land

    underneath (January 1)

    1a. Hire an independent surveyor experienced

    with limestone, lime mortar, and marble. Italiana plus.

    1b. The surveyor will assess the tower foundation

    and the surrounding land.

    1c. The surveyor will write a report stating how

    the tower can be straightened. The report willinclude the materials and labor required.

    AALT: Architects Against Leaning Towers

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    2. The AALT will obtain permits, hire a team, and procure materials (March 1)2a. The AALT government liaison will take the report to the Italian

    government and request permission to shore up the foundation (and land, if


    2b. The AALT site manager will use the independent surveyor report to hire a

    project team and procure the building materials.

    AALT: Architects Against Leaning Towers

    The Leaning Tower of Pisa

    Corrective Action Plan (2 of 3)

  • 8/7/2019 Writing Effective Corrective Action Plans



    3. The project team will straighten the tower (June 1)

    3a. The AALT site manager will oversee team straightening the tower.

    3b. After work is complete, the independent surveyor will re-assess to make

    sure the work is acceptable.

    AALT: Architects Against Leaning Towers

    The Leaning Tower of Pisa

    Corrective Action Plan (3 of 3)

  • 8/7/2019 Writing Effective Corrective Action Plans



    Effective Corrective Action Plans


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