writing body paragraphs from your outline

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Writing Body Paragraphs from your Outline

Using your Outline to Write Paragraphs

The use of code talkers dates back as early as World War I. In World War I, England, France and the United States were fighting German aggression in Europe. To send messages of battle plans and troop movements, the U.S. military used mobile phone and radio contact. The Germans were extremely good at intercepting the messages and breaking the codes that the U.S. was using. At this time, the US military thought they had broken every code in use. In 1928, Colonel A.W. Bloor of the 142nd Infantry in France saw two of his men who were using the Choctaw language with each other and it dawned on him that it might be a great idea for use as a code (Choctaw Code Talkers).

I. World War I A. German code breakers B. Colonel Bloor discovers Choctaws

1. First Use of Choctaws

a. Successful troop removal b. Bloor-complete surprise c. Germans baffled C. Cherokee 1. Battle of the Somme-3oth Infantry

Moving on…

The military agreed and nineteen Choctaw from Oklahoma “pioneered the use of Native American language as military code” (Choctaw Code Talkers).

The first chance for the code talkers to perform came on October 26, 1918. Bloor ordered that two companies of the 2nd battalion in Chufilly, France needed to withdraw to Chardeny. It would be a difficult maneuver that would require secrecy. They decided to utilize the Choctaw code to see if it would, indeed, baffle the German army. The

1. First Use of Choctaws

a. Successful troop removal b. Bloor-complete surprise c. Germans baffled C. Cherokee 1. Battle of the Somme-3oth Infantry

• companies were moved with few problems or casualties and the experiment was called a success. After the operation, Colonel Bloor stated, “ The enemy’s complete surprise is evidence that (they) could not decipher the messages” (Choctaw Code Talkers). A German officer who was captured during the operation confirmed that they(the Germans) were completely surprised by the Indian language and gained no benefit whatsoever” from tapping into the conversation (Choctaw Code Talkers). As a result of this success, Choctaw code talkers were placed in each company in the battalion to send and receive messages by telephone Choctaw Code Talker).

End of first part…

Another group of Native Americans, the Cherokee were also used as coders in the 30th Infantry in France beginning with the 2nd Battle of the Somme. Code talkers from Native American groups were able to make many contributions to the victory in World War I (Code Talker).

1. First Use of Choctaws

a. Successful troop removal b. Bloor-complete surprise c. Germans baffled C. Cherokee 1. Battle of the Somme-3oth Infantry

Outline Section II

In the next Great War, World War II, code and code talk continued to play an important role in battle strategy. As Adolph Hitler, Chancellor of Germany, began to make war plans, he remembered stories of the Native American code talkers of World War I. He decided to try and foil the American attempts at an unbreakable code by sending thirty anthropologists to the United States to infiltrate Native American tribes and learn their languages (Code Talker).

II. Code continues to play an important role. A. WWII-Hitler attempts code break B. 30 Anthropologists C. Meskwaki D. Basque

Outline Part II cont’d…

Hitler’s anthropologists had very little luck in learning the languages as most languages were very difficult to learn the basics of, let alone master. Hitler’s attempt at breaking the code proved to be fruitless (Code Talker). Due to the fact that Hitler had tried to break the codes, and being unsure of his success, Americans did not use much Native American code in the European Theatre. One attempt was the use of Meskwaki language in the U.S. Army in Germany. In 1941, right after we entered the war, twenty-seven men of the Meskwaki tribe enlisted in the army; this number constituted 16% of their total population in the United States. With a population of roughly 160 people, the Meskwaki had a language that was known to a scarce number of people (Code Talker). This made it ripe for the purposes of code talking, and it was used successfully in the war against Germany. Since the Allies were uncertain of the Germans’ knowledge of the native speakers’ languages, it was really the only example of Native code talking in that part of the war (Code Talker).

II. Code continues to play an important role. A. WWII-Hitler attempts code break B. 30 Anthropologists C. Meskwaki D. Basque

Section II

Code talking was used with languages other than Native American. There is a little known language called Euskara which is spoken by people from the Basque region of northern Spain and southwestern France. This language is only spoken by about 25% of the people who inhabit that region, less than 700,000 (Basque Language). With the language being spoken by so few people, and even among them there were 5 different dialects, it lent itself well to code talk. In May of 1942, Captain Frank Carranza encountered 60 marines who were of Basque heritage, who were speaking fluently in Euskara. Carranza got the idea to create a code using the Basques’ language and it was

II. Code continues to play an important role. A. WWII-Hitler attempts code break B. 30 Anthropologists C. Meskwaki D. Basque

• approved by the U.S. military for use in Hawaii and Australia. The U.S. was reticent to use it in China and the Philippines, since those areas had been missions of the Jesuits(an order of priests who were originally of Basque extraction) and were likely to have some knowledge of the language already. The plan was put into effect in August of 1942 near Australia in the Solomon Islands. On the first of the month, three Basque code talkers, Lieutenants Aguirre, Bakaicoa and Juanna, sent Euskara coded messages to warn Admiral Nimitz of the upcoming Operation Apple which was to remove the Japanese from the Solomon Islands. The operation was a success, due in part to the warning of Admiral Nimitz and the element of secrecy that the code afforded the soldiers (Code Talkers).

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