wp7 hub_diseño del interfaz con silverlight

Post on 15-May-2015






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Fase 3.3


User Interface Design with Silverlight


Topics Manipulating Silverlight element properties Editing the XAML for Silverlight elements Using the MessageBox class Adding and using assets Assets as Content and Resources

Silverlight Elements At the moment we know about three elements

TextBlock to display messages and labels TextBox to receive input from the user Button to generate events

In this session we are going to improve our understanding of these elements to create more interesting user interfaces


Elements as objects with properties

From a programming perspective we regard a Silverlight display element as an object

The object is an instance of the particular element type

We can call methods and set properties on the object

These can result in a change in the appearance of the object on the display


TextBlock properties

To change the text displayed by a TextBlock we just have to assign a string to the Text property

Behind the property will be some code that runs when the property is assigned

This will tell Silverlight that the text has changed and will result in the display updating

We don’t have to worry about how this works


resultTextBlock.Text = result.ToString();

Improving Error Handling At the moment our AddingMachine program is not tolerant of user errors

If they enter text rather than a number into a TextBlock the Parse method will throw an exception and the program will halt


Parse and Exceptions

The Parse method will throw an exception if we give it invalid inputs

Our program must deal with this more gracefully than just stopping


float v1 = float.Parse(firstNumberTextBox.Text);

Using TryParse to detect errors

The TryParse method will try to parse the string The clue is in the name

If the parse fails it returns false It will not throw an exception


float v1 = 0;

if (!int.TryParse(firstNumberTextBox.Text, out v1))


// Invalid text in textbox


Using the out parameter

TryParse is given a reference to the location where it must place the result

This is an out parameter The method is passed a reference it can

follow to put the result into v1


float v1 = 0;

if (!int.TryParse(firstNumberTextBox.Text, out v1))


// Invalid text in textbox


Changing the colour of Text

This version of the number conversion code turns the colour of the text in the TextBox red if the number is invalid


float v1 = 0;

if (!float.TryParse(firstNumberTextBox.Text, out v1))


firstNumberTextBox.Foreground =

new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);



Drawing and Brushes

The text is drawn using a Silverlight brush The simplest form of brush is a solid colour,

but you can make bushes from images and gradients


float v1 = 0;

if (!float.TryParse(firstNumberTextBox.Text, out v1))


firstNumberTextBox.Foreground =

new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);




Demo 1: Faulty Number Validation


Brush setup

This solution uses two brushes One is set to the error colour, Red The other is copied from the TextBox so that we

can use it to put the colour back if the entry is valid


private SolidColorBrush errorBrush =

new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);

private Brush correctBrush = null;

Storing the correct brush

The first time the method is called it makes a copy of the brush used in the TextBox


private void calculateResult()


bool errorFound = false;

if (correctBrush == null)

correctBrush = firstNumberTextBox.Foreground;

// Rest of method goes here


Proper Error display

The text is drawn using a Silverlight brush The simplest form is a solid colour, but you can

make bushes from images and gradients


private void calculateResult()


// Sort out brushes

if (!float.TryParse(firstNumberTextBox.Text, out v1))


firstNumberTextBox.Foreground = errorBrush;

errorFound = true;




firstNumberTextBox.Foreground = correctBrush;




Demo 2: Working Number Validation


Further Improvement At the moment the text

keyboard is displayed when the user starts to enter the numbers to be added

This is not what they would like The number keyboard

should be displayed first


Editing the XAML for an element The XAML is the part of the program that “declares”

the Silverlight display elements that are used in the user interface on the page

We can modify the declaration to tell configure the TextBox to display the digital keyboard

This is the best place to perform such settings Although you could also do this using C# code if

you wanted to


TextBlock XAML

This is the XAML used to configure one of the TextBlocks in AddingMachine

These settings position the control on the page and set up the text alignment

We need to add the numeric keyboard requirement


<TextBox Height="72" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="8,175,0,0"

Name="secondNumberTextBox" Text="0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="460"

TextAlignment="Center" />

XAML and attributes

The information about the TextBox is presently given as a series of attributes

You can think of an attribute as a simple name/value pair if you wish

These are given as part of a simple TextBox element


<TextBox Height="72" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="8,175,0,0"

Name="secondNumberTextBox" Text="0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="460"

TextAlignment="Center" />

Attributes and InputScope The keyboard required for a TextBox is selected

using the “InputScope” information for that TextBox

The InputScope is actually a collection of InputScopeName values

This makes it hard to express the InputScope as an attribute to the TextBox

So we have to change the format of the XAML used to describe the TextBox


Configuring using attributes

In this format the attributes are given between the <TextBox and the /> delimiters

This is a great way to express simple items of configuration information


<TextBox Height="72" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="8,175,0,0"

Name="secondNumberTextBox" Text="0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="460"



Configuring using properties

This version of TextBox configuration uses a property list as well as attributes


<TextBox Height="72" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="8,19,0,0" Name="firstNumberTextBox"

Text="0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="460" TextAlignment="Center">



<InputScopeName NameValue="Digits" />





The attributes are in the same place as before But the TextBox now contains a list of properties


<TextBox Height="72" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="8,19,0,0" Name="firstNumberTextBox"

Text="0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="460" TextAlignment="Center">



<InputScopeName NameValue="Digits" />




Attribute delimiter

This character marks the end of the attributes for the TextBox

If there were no properties it would be />


<TextBox Height="72" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="8,19,0,0" Name="firstNumberTextBox"

Text="0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="460" TextAlignment="Center">



<InputScopeName NameValue="Digits" />





These are the properties for the TextBox At the moment we just have the one, which is a list

of InputScope items


<TextBox Height="72" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="8,19,0,0" Name="firstNumberTextBox"

Text="0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="460" TextAlignment="Center">



<InputScopeName NameValue="Digits" />




Property Delimiter

This marks the end of the properties for the TextBox

We could have lots of other properties


<TextBox Height="72" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="8,19,0,0" Name="firstNumberTextBox"

Text="0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="460" TextAlignment="Center">



<InputScopeName NameValue="Digits" />




Attributes in action

As another example, consider a Person described in XAML

This person has a name attribute We can express the attribute in the simple form

above This is a name/value pair


<Person name="Rob"/>

Adding Properties

Now the Person has both attributes and properties The Address has attributes and properties too


<Person name="Rob">

<Address addressType="HomeAddress">

<FirstLine text="18 Pussycat Mews"/>

<Town text="Seldom"/>

<County text="Wilts"/>

<PostCode text="NE1 410S"/>



Attributes vs Properties If you are holding a something simple and

indivisible about an element, for example Height = 72, then an attribute makes very good sense

If you are holding something that is compound (i.e. contains sub elements), for example a list of InputScopeNames , then properties make good sense



Since the input scope will contain a list of items it makes sense to use the Property format


<TextBox Height="72" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="8,19,0,0" Name="firstNumberTextBox"

Text="0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="460" TextAlignment="Center">



<InputScopeName NameValue="Digits" />




Attributes as Properties

We can actually express attributes as properties if we wish

The syntax is a bit long winded


<TextBox HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="8,175,0,0" Name="secondNumberTextBox" Text="0"

VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="460" TextAlignment="Center">





XAML wrap up XAML “declares” the display elements and sets

their attributes and properties These are expressed in a customised form of XML Attributes provide a simple way of giving setting

information Properties are more structured They are equivalent, as they map onto properties of

a .NET class


Setting Properties in Code

This is the C# to do the same thing…


// Make a new input scope

InputScope digitScope = new InputScope();

// Make a new input scope name

InputScopeName digits = new InputScopeName();

// Set the new name to Digits

digits.NameValue = InputScopeNameValue.Digits;

// Add the name to the new scope


// Set the scope of the textbox to the new scope

firstNumberTextBox.InputScope = digitScope;


Demo 3: Setting InputScope


Displaying a MessageBox If you want to display a message box to alert the

user of a situation, or ask for confirmation you can do this

The MessageBox class exposes a Show method that is used to display this

There are a number of options you can use to allow the user to confirm actions as well as acknowledge messages


Simple Message

You can create a multi-line message by breaking it with the Newline value

The Show method will not return until the user presses OK


MessageBox.Show("Invalid Input" +

System.Environment.NewLine +

"Please re-enter");

User Selection

You can test the return value and use this to control program behaviour


if (MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to do this?",

"Scary Thing",

MessageBoxButton.OKCancel) == MessageBoxResult.OK)


// do scary thing here




// do something else


Using Assets in Windows Phone We have seen that Visual Studio can use the project

mechanism to allow you to combine code and assets such as images and sounds

These can then be used in your program to improve the user experience

Now we are going to find out how to manipulate these from within a program


Adding an Asset The plan is to use this image

as the background to the AddingMachine program

It is a jpeg image that has been cropped from a larger picture


Image Sizes Remember that the Windows Phone is a slightly

constrained device Limited resolution screen (800x480) Limited amount of program memory

Make sure when you add images that you don’t add them to a greater resolution than is required for the platform Otherwise you will waste memory


Adding an Asset If we simply drag a file onto a

project that file is added to the project

A copy of the file is made in the project directory and the project contains a link to this copy


Linking to assets

You can use the Project>Add Existing Item dialog to add an asset

If you do this you can add the asset as a link rather than making a copy of it

This can be useful if you want several projects to share a single resource item


Assets Build Action When you add an asset to a

project you specify how it is to be used in the solution

This is set as the “Build Action” of the asset

The two Build Actions we are going to consider are “Content” and “Resource”


Assets as Content An asset with the “Build Action” of “Content” is copied into the folder alongside the program executable

The program can then open this file as it would any other


The Image element

Silverlight provides an Image element that will draw images on a page

The Image element has a source attribute that can identify a file of content to load the image from


<Image Height="611" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="8,0,0,0"

Name="gearBackgroundImage" Stretch="Fill" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="472"

Source="AddingGears.jpg" />

Silverlight Draw Order Silverlight will draw elements in

the order they are given in the XAML

If the image is drawn first it will have the other items drawn on top of it



Demo 4: A background as Content


Assets as Resources An asset added as a Resource is

stored as part of the program assembly file

The easiest way to add an image as a resource is to use the Visual Studio Toolbox to add an image


The Source property of an Image We can use the Source item in

the Properties pane for an image to create a resource to load

If we click the browse button we can open a Choose Image dialog


Image resources in the applicaiton We are now looking for

images held as resources in the application

At the moment there are not any

We can click Add to add an image as a resource


Browsing for image resources We can select one or more

images to be added into the application as resources

We could add other file types as well


An image resource Once the image is added it

has a particular path that can be used to locate it as a resource

This path will be added to the xaml for the Image element


Using a resource in an Image

This version of the source path locates the image as a resource in the assembly

When the Silverlight component is built it will now load the image from the assembly


<Image Height="611" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Name="gearBackgrounds" Stretch="Fill"

VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="472" Source="/AddingMachine;component/Images/AddingGears.jpg"



Demo 5: A background as a Resource


Content vs Resources Content

Smaller program Faster load time for program, but slightly slower

access to the resource A bit more “untidy”

Resource Larger program Slower load time, but faster access to resources Just a single file to deploy


Review Silverlight elements have many properties that can

be manipulated by applications Initialisation properties are best set in the xaml for

an element Elements are described by attributes and properties A MessageBox is used to get a user response Assets are added to an application as content

(separate file) or resource (in assembly file)



Topics Responding to events from Silverlight elements Using DataBinding to connect Silverlight elements

to application classes Adding classes as resources to a page One way data binding Two way data binding

Silverlight element events

We have seen how Silverlight elements can link to event handlers in the code for a page


private void equalsButton_Click(

object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)




<Button Content="equals" Height="72" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="158,275,0,0"

Name="equalsButton" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="160" Click="equalsButton_Click" />

The TextChanged Event A Button can generate Click events when it is

clicked A TextBox can generate TextChanged events if the

user types in the TextBox We can use this to create an AddingMachine that

updates automatically No need to press Calculate each time a new

solution is required


TextBox Events The TextBox can generate lots

of different events We can create a binding to an

event by double clicking the event in the Properties pane

This updates the xaml description of the control and adds an event handler


Automatically calculating a result

Each time the text in the first number TextBox changes the calculation is performed

We can also bind an event to changes in the second TextBox too


private void firstNumberTextBox_TextChanged(

object sender,TextChangedEventArgs e)




Double TextChanged Events

There is a known issue with the TextChanged event. It may get fired twice

This code shows how to work round this


string oldFirstNumber = "";

private void firstNumberTextBox_TextChanged(

object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)


if (firstNumberTextBox.Text == oldFirstNumber) return;

oldFirstNumber = firstNumberTextBox.Text;




Demo 1: Auto update AddingMachine


Data Binding This is a very important subject It provides a coupling between the data in a

program and the user interface It removes the need to write “glue” logic to link

program data to display elements It can work in two ways

‘One-way’ ‘Two-way’


One Way Data Binding This creates a connection between a property in a

display object and a property in a C# class If the property in the class is changed, the property

in the display element is changed too We can use this in our AddingMachine to bind the

result of the calculation to the display on the page


Two Way Data Binding This form of connection works in both directions

Changes to the display element fire events in the C# class

Changes to properties in the C# class cause the display element to update

We can use this in our AddingMachine to read numbers in from the user


Creating an Adder class The first thing we need to do is create a class that

encapsulates the behaviour of the AddingMachine This will expose the properties that we can bind to

the display elements Text in the top TextBox Text in the bottom TextBox Text in the result TextBlock


Creating an object to bind to


public class AdderClass


private int topValue;

public int TopValue


get { return topValue; }

set { topValue = value; }


// repeat for bottomValue

public int AnswerValue


get { return topValue + bottomValue;}



The AdderClass The AdderClass is the element in our program that

will do all the business logic We could give it to another programmer to fill in

and they could put the behaviours behind the properties in the class We could also create test versions to test the

display This is another example of separation of the

program from the presentation


Adding Notification Behaviour

For a class to be able to bind to display elements it must implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface

This is how elements can register an interest in properties in the class


public interface INotifyPropertyChanged


// Summary:

// Occurs when a property value changes.

event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;


Silverlight display elements

When a Silverlight display element wants to be notified of a change to a property it will bind to the PropertyChanged event

The data object can then use the event to deliver a message that a property has changed

Above we are telling Silverlight the AnswerValue has changed



new PropertyChangedEventArgs("AnswerValue"));

Reading back the property

When the Silverlight element reads the property it causes the result to be calculated and returned

This value will end up on the display


public int AnswerValue




return topValue + bottomValue;




Demo 2: AddingMachine with data binding


Binding a class to the xaml

The C# business class must be bound to the xaml in a page so that the page can use it

We start by adding the namespace containing the class to the resources available to this page

A xaml file contains a list of the namespaces it is using



Mapping a class to a resource

The next step is to make a mapping between the AdderClass and the name we are using in the xaml page In this case we are using the same name for both You might want to use different classes or test

classes in the xaml page This lets you configure this in the xaml



<local:AdderClass x:Key="AdderClass" />


Adding the resource to an element

The Grid control is the one that holds all the elements on our page

Adding a DataContext to a control makes it available to all the controls it contains

This means that our TextBlock and TextBox items can now all use that control


<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="Transparent" DataContext="{StaticResource


Business Objects and Silverlight We have now connected our AdderClass business

object to Grid element and all the components in it We only have to do this once for a class, no matter

how many properties it contains The next thing we need to do is bind the Silverlight

element properties to the properties exposed by the AdderClass object


Binding the top line to AdderClass We are going to connect the

Text in the first number textbox (the one in the top line) to the TopValue property in AdderClass

We do this from the Properties pane in Visual Studio


Applying Data Binding If we select “Apply Data Binding” we are given a list of data sources and properties they expose

We select the one we want to use

Note that we have selected TwoWay binding


One Way binding for the answer When we bind the result text

box this is only bound “OneWay” There is no set method for

this property in

AdderClass The program will only ever

want to display results The binding can only be One Way


Review Silverlight elements can generate events that C#

code can bind to This includes changing text in a TextBox

Silverlight elements properties can also be bound to properties in C# business objects The object implements an interface that exposes

an event source that Silverlight can bind to This can provide two way (input/output) or one way

(output only) data binding



Topics Creating multi-page applications Navigating between pages Using the Back button Passing data between pages Page navigation events Sharing data in an application

Multi-page applications You often can’t fit all the required elements of an

application on a single page Alternatively you might want to have separate

“options” or “settings” pages in your application Silverlight on Windows Phone lets you add

additional pages to an application and allow the user to navigate between them

Before you write the code you should “storyboard” the application and forms


Adding another page

You add another page as you would any other item to a project

This creates the xaml and the C# code file


Pages and projects Pages that are added are

stored in the same project as the main page

They will be compiled and transferred into the target device automatically


Page Navigation

The NavigationService object performs navigation for an application

Each Silverlight page has a Uri The Navigate method takes the user to the

specified page


private void page2Button_Click(object sender,

RoutedEventArgs e)


NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/PageTwo.xaml",



The UriKind

The address of a resource can be expressed absolutely, or relative to the location the program is running from

RelativeOrAbsolute will work, but the navigation in this case is actually Relative


private void page2Button_Click(object sender,

RoutedEventArgs e)


NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/PageTwo.xaml",



Missing page exceptions The uri to the destination page is a string of text It is not a binding to a particular software object If you spell the uri incorrectly the Silverlight will

compile correctly and start running The program will throw an exception if an incorrect

uri is used to locate a page


Using the Back button The Back button is used on the Windows Phone to

move backwards through the UI This behaviour is built into Silverlight page

navigation on the device If the user presses Back they are automatically

taken to the previous Silverlight page If they press Back at the top level of the pages the

program is ended


Overriding the Back button You often want to get

control when a user tries to move off a page You might want to

confirm a save at that point

You can bind an event to the Back key pressed event which can do this


Disabling the Back Button

The event handler for the back button can cancel the back event

Binding the above method to the back button stops it from allowing navigation away from a page


private void PhoneApplicationPage_BackKeyPress(

object sender,

System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)


e.Cancel = true;


Using a MessageBox

This code adds a confirmation message


private void PhoneApplicationPage_BackKeyPress(

object sender,

System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)


if (MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to exit?",

"Page Exit",


!= MessageBoxResult.OK)


e.Cancel = true;




Demo 1: Multi-page navigation


Passing data between pages Each Silverlight page is a separate entity The code behind the page can hold data members

but these are local to that page You often want to pass data from one page into

another If the data is very simple you can just add it to the

uri that is used to locate the page


Assembling a data uri

This event handler adds a data item onto the uri that is passed into the destination page

It reads text out of a textbox and appends that to the uri

The data is labelled as info


private void page3Button_Click(object sender,

RoutedEventArgs e)



new Uri("/PageThree.xaml?info=" + InfoTextBox.Text,



Page navigated events If the destination page is to use the data in the uri

there must be a way of running some code when a page is navigated to

Silverlight provides methods to override in a page that give control when the page is navigated to and from

We are going to use the OnNavigatedTo event


Loading data from the uri

The NavigationContext object has a QueryString property

TryGetValue will search for a value in the uri and return true if it has found the value


protected override void OnNavigatedTo

(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)


string info = "";

if (NavigationContext.QueryString.TryGetValue("info",

out info) )

infoTextBlockFromQuery.Text = info;



Demo 2: Passing Data


Sharing objects between pages Each page in a program is a separate entity

It has its own member data, but is not able to refer to any other

When the program navigates to a page it does not provide a reference to the source page

To share data amongst pages we have to use the App.xaml object


The App.xaml page This is the ‘container’ for the

whole application It does not describe a page to

be drawn, but it does hold methods that start the application running

It also contains some event handlers


The App class

The App class for an application is an extension of the Application class provided by Silverlight

We can add our own members to this new class Here I have added a string data member


public partial class App : Application


// To be used from all pages in the application

public string LoginName;


Getting a reference to the App

The Current property of the Application class provides a reference to the currently active application It is provided as a reference to an Application

instance We need to convert this into a reference to the App

class that contains the data


App thisApp = App.Current as App;

LoginTextBox.Text = thisApp.LoginName;


Demo 3: Shared Data


Review You can create multiple Silverlight pages and add

them to your project Navigation to pages is performed on the basis of uri

(Uniform Resource Indicator) values The back button normally navigates back to the

source page, but this can be overridden The uri can contain simple text messages Pages can share larger objects in the App.xaml






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