world-class lessons on social media...

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A White Paper by Kurio 30.8.2018Analyst in Chief: Jari Lähdevuori Contact:


World-Class Lessons on

Cannes Lions 2018 edition

World Class Lessons on Social Media Marketing 2


With regards to Cannes Lions, it can be seen in the introduction of Social & Influencer Lions. With regards to marketing spend, it is obvious just looking at Facebook’s earnings alone. With regards to people’s behaviour, it is marked by the crossing of 3 billion mark in the number of global social media users.

And with regards to this research, it is manifested on the upcoming pages.

Our World-Class Lessons on Social Media Marketing has reached its 7th year, with more than 4.000 Cannes Lions winners analysed. The goal has stayed the same throughout the years: to give marketers universal implications on how to do exceptional and effective marketing on social media. The method has stayed the same, too, save for some additions to the analyses year over year.

Combining all the knowledge and trends of the past years, we hope to give you a recipe for success. The secret sauce of winning via social networks. Hopefully these insights will help your organization thrive and triumph in the social era.

To the whole creative community, hoping to see you on the podium at Cannes.

STEVE LATHAM Head of Talent & Training, Cannes Lions


TOMMI OPAS CEO & Partner,Kurio

CEO & Partner Kurio@tommiopas

JARI LÄHDEVUORI Creative Director & Partner Kurio


This year cements social media as a key part in marketers’ tool kit. Something that our annual research has been forecasting for quite a few years now.

World Class Lessons on Social Media Marketing 3

4........................................................................Executive summary5..............................................................Framework for research

14.....................................................The Social Brand Framework16...............................................................................................Analysis20..............................................................................................Findings14................................................................................................Insights18...........................................................Appendix 1, historical data19....................................Appendix 2, list of winning campaings

Master of Ceremony ................................................... 7Sage. ...................................................................................8Muse ..................................................................................9Pitchman ........................................................................ 10Host ....................................................................................11Volunteer ........................................................................12Idol .....................................................................................13

The Seven Roles for Social Media Engagement:


World Class Lessons on Social Media Marketing 4

Executive summaryCannes Lions 2018 winners were analysed

............Using the internationally acclaimed Sociability of the Brand framework

of Cannes Lions winners use social media as a key element ............With a rising trend: 66% in 2016, and 76% in 2017

of social media winners have a real-life action incorporated......Up from 55% two years ago and from 64% last year

of social media winners tap into altruism for engagement ......The no. 2 motivator for engagement is “entertaining oneself” and the no. 3 “curiosity”

of Social & Influencer Lions winners are purpose-driven...........the so-called “big why” behind the brand and its campaign

of social media winners can be dubbed content marketing........And the trend is downward: from 45% in 2016 to 36% in 2017.

of social media winners have influencer at the core.........15% in the Social & Influencer Lions category








World Class Lessons on Social Media Marketing 5

In order to find universally applicable insights from case-by-case campaigns, we’re using our Sociability of the Brand framework. The model is based on vast academic research on motivational theory 1 combined with Kurio’s expertise gained from working with a wide array of companies ever since the term social media marketing was coined, ranging from Fortune 500s to startups and span-ning numerous industries.

Social media is all about people to people communications, and thus brands need a new approach to their communications. The framework is used to define most fitted social dynamic for the brand to find, earn and gain its place in the discussions on social media. At the same time it forces the marketer to think inside out (“What does my brand’s history and persona represent?”) and especially outside in (“Why would our target group engage with us online?”).

The framework

1 Füller, Johann 2006. Why Consumers Engage in Virtual New Product Developments Initiated by Producers. Advances in Consumer Research, 33 (1), 639–646. // Hars, Alexander & Ou, Shaosong 2002. Working for Free? Motivations for Participating in Open-Source Projects. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 6 (3), 25–39. // Wiertz, Caroline & Ruyter, Ko de 2007. Beyond the Call of Duty: Why Customers Contribute to Firm-Hosted Commercial Online Communities. Organization Studies, 28 (3), 347–376. // Dholakia, Utpal M. & Bagozzi, Richard P. & Pearo, Lisa Klein 2004. A social influence model of consumer participation in network- and small-group-based virtual communities. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 21 (3), 241–263. // Gruen, Thomas W. & Osmonbekov, Talai & Czaplewski, Andrew J. 2005. How e-communities extend the concept of exchange in marketing: An application of the motivation, opportunity, ability (MOA) theory. Marketing theory, 5 (1), 33–49. // Hennig-Thurau, Thorsten & Gwinner, Kevin P. & Walsh, Gianfranco & Gremler, Dwayne D. 2004. Electronic word-of-mouth via consumer-opinion platforms: What motivates consumers to articulate themselves on the internet? Journal of Interactive Marketing, 18 (1), 38–52. // Simmons, Richard & Birchall, Johnston 2005. A Joined-up Approach to User Participation in Public Services: Strengthening the “Participation Chain”. Social Policy & Administration, 39 (3), 260–283. // Paswan, Audhesh K. & Troy, Lisa C. 2004. Non-profit organization and membership motivation: An exploration in the museum industry. Journal of Marketing, 12 (2), 1–15. // Ko, Hanjun & Cho, Chang-Hoan & Robert, Marilyn S. 2005. Internet Uses and Gratifications. A Structural Equation Model of Interactive Advertising. Journal of Advertising, 34 (2), 57–70. // Funk, Daniel C. & Ridinger, Lynn L. & Moorman, Anita M. 2004. Exploring Origins of Involvement: Understanding the Relationship Between Consumer Motives and Involvement with Professional Sport Teams. Leisure Sciences, 26 (1), 35–61. // Mowen, John C. & Sujan, Harish 2005. Volunteer Behavior: A Hierarchical Model Approach for Investigating Its Trait and Functional Motive Antecedents. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 15 (2), 170–182

World Class Lessons on Social Media Marketing 6

With the help of this framework, each brand finds a main role which represents the best way to connect to and engage people on social media. In addition, one or two support-ing roles are usually chosen to broaden the approach.

A brand image is based on perceptions, and those should be as clear and unified as possible. That is why great brands can find their role on the framework rather easily. And vice versa: if a brand seems to represent all of the seven roles, it usually means that the brand isn’t in such a good form.

The role(s) guides all actions the brand takes on social media, from strategy develop-ment to campaign planning and execution. In doing so, it shifts the marketing activities from the old ways of working into the more modern mode of openness, dialogue and engagement.

In the next section, we’ll go through each role in more detail, with case examples of Cannes Lions 2018 winners that represent the particular role.

World Class Lessons on Social Media Marketing 7

MASTER OF CEREMONYDescription of the role:As a Master of Ceremony the brand produces content that is meant to entertain and help people pass time. Usually a Master of Ceremony brand has a positive role in its customers everyday life and its job is to bring joy to its users. A Master of Ceremony can produce either small daily pieces of content, epic “once in a lifetime” content experiences or something in between.

Motivators for followers:Entertaining oneself, killing time, enjoying everyday things with other people.

Stereotype of a Master of Ceremony Brand: An everyday low-interest brand, such as FMCG brands.

On a Halloween promotion campaign, Burger King decided to face their biggest fears by offering a free Whopper sandwich for everyone dressed as a clown. Because everybody is afraid of clowns – except for Burger King. And by doing that they successfully trolled their biggest competitor Mc-Donald’s.

The slogan of the campaign “Come as a clown, eat like a King” refers to nothing else than their com-petitor being a clown while they are, you know, the King. And what makes it really great is that there is no doubt about that.

The campaign was a global success. More than 35 countries and 1 500 restaurants across the world participated in it. On October 31st, Burger King got more than 110.000 of their customers to dress

up as a clown. To get so many people involved in a single marketing campaign is rare, but what really makes it powerful is the role of social media in it – by multiplying the reached audience. If it’s good for a brand to create content people want to pass time with, it is these kinds of campaigns that prove the claim true. If people really feel entertained by a brand, they easily participate in it and also tend to share it.

The global sales increased up to 15%, even though they gave away free burgers. The campaign got 2.1 billion impressions and earned media for the value of amazing 22.4 million dollars.

Eat that, McDonald’s.

CASE: Scary Clown Nights – Burger King

World Class Lessons on Social Media Marketing 8

SAGEDescription of the role:As a Sage the brand has, produces or distributes information that is in some way exclusive. Usually a Sage brand has a group of followers that are so hungry for the information it provides that they just can’t get enough of it. Usually a Sage can iden-tify a specific community or a group that has a special interest to the information it provides. The interest can be either a professional or a personal one.

Motivators for followers:Curiosity, thirst for knowledge. Being able to appear as an expert.

Stereotype a Sage Brand: Information-intensive brands, or brands that deal with “never-solved” questions (like those of wellbeing). Often a B2B brand, such as a consultancy.

We have to admit that sometimes even grown-ups act like kids. Meaning that people tend to want something even more when it is taken away from them.

So, when it comes to selling something, maybe selling hard isn’t the answer. Philips wanted to increase people’s intake on vegetables and fruits by daily basis by simply taking fruits and veggies away from people’s lives. The Dutch technolo-gy company collaborated with Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam in a campaign for promoting their juicers. In a fun stunt they erased all the fruits and vegetables from old Masters’ paintings. Visitors saw versions of the famous paintings with fruits removed and also witnessed a museum attendant

CASE: Dutch Masterjuices – Philips

“removing” an apple from a painting and putting it into a juicer.

The campaign itself, created by Ogilvy’s global agencies, was a piece of an art. Following the campaign hero-video, the brand introduced some “How-to” videos for people to help them create a series of “Dutch Masterjuices” inspired by the great artistic masterpieces. These “How-to” videos were a huge hit to share on social channels.

World Class Lessons on Social Media Marketing 9

MUSEDescription of the role:A Muse brand either inspires, facilitates or provides tools for its followers to follow their own passions and unleash their creative minds. For a brand this means crowd-sourcing content or ideas, in other words, getting the followers to contribute their creative talent to the brand’s digital presence. Usually a Muse brand operates in a field that is somehow related to our inner motivations, creativity and self-expression.

Motivators for followers: Self-actualization, challenging oneself.

Stereotype: Recreational or hobby brands, often related to things people feel passionate about such as cooking, sports or interior design.

“It’s not every day Google changes their algorithm due to a campaign.”

In Canon’s latest brand campaign “Local Business Never Looked So Good” the concept was creat-ed and also executed completely in social media. When talking about social media, being able to change the algorithm might be the goal for many social media marketers. That’s exactly what Can-on did.

In this particular campaign, Canon wanted to underline that pictures do matter. They did it in a pretty humble way: by helping the local busi-nesses to create shareworthy content. They had noticed that small businesses are suffering from inferior mobile photography flooding on Google search results. Usually these images flooding on Google search were taken by guests who might

CASE: Local Business Never Looked So Good – Canon

just not have an eye for photography. Unlike bigger companies, small businesses do not have marketing forces to brand themselves with quality photos to represent them online.

And that’s what Canon wanted to change with the help of loyal Canon fans. They asked their fans to participate in a concept and to photograph local businesses in a different kind of light. Canon collaborated with Google “Local guide” in order to spread the photos easily via Canon app.

Results? Within just a few days more than 22.000 fans across the Scandinavia heard the call and signed up to local guides using the unique link and more than 327.000 photos were uploaded. But most importantly, over 43% of small local busi-nesses experienced a sales increase. Talk about influence of social media.

World Class Lessons on Social Media Marketing 10

PITCHMANDescription of the role:A Pitchman gets its followers over the moon with offerings and competitions or other kind of promotions. Usually a Pitchman has the opportunity to give away something people really want such as trips, or to offer discounts on everyday necessities people feel reluctant paying for, such as gas or toilet paper. A Pitchman is a brand that can make its followers go to great lengths to get the compensation it offers and it should always try to make the most of this positive kind of madness of its followers.

Motivators for followers:Getting monetary and non-monetary compensation.

Stereotype: A low-involvement brand, that you need more than want. Like detergent or electricity. Or a brand that can offer exceptional prizes.

How to sell sneakers in 23 minutes? Here’s what Jordan brand did.

When the brand is tied closely to a single man, it’s challenging to keep up in today’s society where people are trying to find content they can consume faster and faster digitally. Unfor-tunately, the greatness doesn’t always translate to timelessness. For the first time, Jordan was selling their shoes to the generation that hadn’t witnessed “His Airness” himself.

In 2018 Jordan was hosting All Start Weekend for the first time. It was also 30 years since MJ’s 1988 Slam Dunk Contest win, the scene of the iconic Free Throw Line Dunk. To celebrate that, Jordan partnered with a creative agency R/GA and Snapchat to put MJ back on the court in

CASE: A/R Jordan – Jordan

the same pose as in ’88 using the cutting edge augmented reality technology.

Partnering also with Shopify and Darkstore in the campaign, viewers could also buy the sneakers directly without leaving the app by tapping the sneakers on the screen. Darkstore then deliv-ered the sneakers home within two hours. Once ASW was over, the whole country was able to join the experience. Results? Sneakers ended up being sold out in 23 minutes and the campaign smashing Snapchat’s statistics with four times the usual engagement levels.

World Class Lessons on Social Media Marketing 11

HOSTDescription of the role:Host brands have a special power to bring people together. They are brands that represent a topic, a trend, a cause or a shared interest that a group of people have in common. They may also help people be in touch with others or meet new people with same interests. Typically Host brands are topical brands that in one way or another live in the “now”, or in other words are tightly integrated with a particular moment in time.

Motivators for followers: Social reasons, the need to belong.

Stereotype: “A brand of the moment”, event, artist, or venue.

Sky Television created something completely new instead of traditional Valentines Day’s pro-motions we usually see from brands. With their campaign for the special day, they addressed that they know how being in love is great but saying it can be really difficult. So, they suggest-ed on social media that all wannabe lovers “say it with Sky”.

Sky Television then created a website, that transforms one’s personal Valentine’s message into film snippets from Sky. How did they make it happen? They developed an AI semantic tool extracting from 845 romantic movies or the dia-

CASE: Say it with Sky – Sky Television

log. The tool then matched the dialogue with the entered text or even made up suggestions for even more creative messages. Finally, it edited a personal Valentine’s day clip in the end.

The campaign generated over 125.000 personal love messages, countless reactions on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram and even a marriage proposal.

World Class Lessons on Social Media Marketing 12

VOLUNTEERDescription of the role:A Volunteer brand gets its followers to stand up and be active for a shared cause. The cause may be related to the brand’s business, history, environment, role in its community or its mission. True Volunteer brands do not just stand for a cause but get people to do it themselves, too. They are there to issue a topic and start the conversation but they let followers do the talking and spread the word.

Motivators for followers: Altruism, helping others.

Stereotype:Brands that have a connection to a movement, ideology, or cause. And NGOs, of course.

AMV BBDO found a creative way to put the plastic problem firmly on the map for LADBi-ble and Plastic Oceans Foundation. Everybody knows that in the Pacific Ocean there is so much plastic that a huge garbage patch has formed. Governments have simply ignored it so LADBi-ble wanted to find a way to ensure they couldn’t – by turning the country sized trash patch into an official country.

Here’s how it went. On World Ocean Day the Plastic Oceans foundation and LADBible sub-mitted an application to the United Nations to recognize the Trash Isles as an official country because under the laws of the UN other coun-tries are then obliged to clean it up. After that, Trash Isles began recruiting citizens online. In the first few weeks they had gathered more citizens

CASE: The Trash Isles – LADBible & Plastic Oceans Foundation

than some countries have population. They also had a currency called Deadly, a national flag and a passport for new citizens. They had everything an official country needs.

Celebrities like Al Gore, Sir David Attenborough and Pharrell Williams signed up to be citizens and some even took roles in the government – like Judi Dench who is now the Queen of Trash Isles.

The campaign results were enormous with over 200.000 new citizens, 50 million video views on and half a billion people reached on social media.

World Class Lessons on Social Media Marketing 13

IDOLDescription of the role:An idol brand has what they call “badge value”. It has followers, or fans to be more exact, that are prepared to go to great lengths to show their support for the brand. Followers feel that being seen beside the Idol brand promotes their own personal brand. Idol brand is one that people feel proud to follow, like, share or interact with.

Motivators for followers:Self-branding, visibility, recognition.

Stereotype: An exclusive brand, which is premium priced and scarce.

Assassin’s Creed is one of the most important franchises in gaming. After a 2-year pause it re-emerged with something big. Its latest title, As-sassin’s Creed Origins was created at a scale of an entire country. The new game also claimed to offer the most realistic reproduction of Ancient Egypt ever seen. But gamers aren’t the type to take a word for it or trust slick trailers. The gamers claimed that Ubisoft’s trailers are better than the games themselves. Of course, Ubisoft wanted to prove them wrong, so they decided to offer gamers something as true to the game as possi-ble: guided tours within a game.

They then introduced gamers a website The first website in which you can visit a game as a tourist before it is even released. Website allows gamers to go cruising the Nile, exploring the tombs, fighting the gladia-tors and to experience sandstorms and wildlife.

CASE: Assassin’s Creed Origins – Ubisoft

And like any tourist does when they travel, gamers could share highlights of their trip on so-cial media – thanks to a build-in system that mim-ics Instagram stories, developed especially for the campaign. Gamers could capture instant memo-ries of their excursion and personalize them with texts and 91 stickers created for the campaign.

Results? Thousands of five-second videos were created by fans and those became teasers for the game. That might be the most authentic way to promote a videogame. On average, gamers spent 14 minutes on the site per gamer and the sales were increased by two times comparing to the previous title. 1.5 million units were sold the first week game was launched.

World Class Lessons on Social Media Marketing 14

The seven roles defined in the Sociability of the Brand framework are the key to successful engagement – they help you define how best to get the attention of your target audience and how to get them join the conversation. But building a thriving brand in the era of social media needs more than that: it needs the four aspects depicted on the inner circle (see image 2 below).


Image 2: The Social Brand elements at the core of Sociability of the Brand framework (CC Kurio 2017)

World Class Lessons on Social Media Marketing 15

PurposeWhat is the big “why”? The purpose statement is both bigger and bolder than the mission statement which is solely market-driven. It is crucial in the era of huge global challenges and declining trust – brands can no more operate in a vacuum, and need to become active players with a clear, universal purpose that is more about people and planet than products and profits.

ConnectionHow do your stakeholders relate to your purpose? What is their part in the story? Hav-ing a purpose isn’t enough, if people don’t feel the connection to it. Make sure that all the important groups are taken into account, from customers to personnel, and from investors to influencers.

ActionDo we see brand-actions happening? Once our stakeholders feel a connection to our purpose, the brand comes to life – in various ways and contact points, each and every day. Actions speak louder than words, and we need processes that support the “breathing of the brand”.

EvidenceAre the actions turned into shareable proof? Brand-actions have always been around, but what is different from the past decades is that everyone has the devices to create content and anyone can be a media. Brands need to make the most of this opportuni-ty and see that the evidence of what they are is being documented and published.

SociabilityWhy would anyone care? Why would anyone share? Understanding the motivations to participate in the conversation with a particular brand is the key to stand out from the clutter. The seven roles described earlier help you build a strategy that suits your brand.

World Class Lessons on Social Media Marketing 16

Using the Sociability of the Brand framework, we analysed winning campaigns of Cannes Lions 2018 in order to find implications for success in social media marketing. Cannes Lions is the most prestigious festival of marketing and creativity, and thus it offers a one-of-a-kind global set of data for the research. This year there were 32.372 entries from all over the world – the decline from last years’ numbers is obvious with the awards pause of Publicis Group.

Our sample consists of winners in seven particular categories: Brand Experience & Ac-tivation, Design, Direct, Media, Mobile, PR, Social & Influencer and Titanium. All of these categories have a wide range of different types of campaigns, including social media campaigns. Besides the new category Social & Influencer – and the newly named Brand Experience & Activation – all the categories have stayed the same in our study over the years.

A total of 506 winners were analysed. Since one campaign may win multiple awards, this doesn’t represent the exact total number of campaigns in the analysis.

83% of the winners had social media at the core of the campaign. These campaigns were further analysed through the Sociability of the Brand framework. It is worth noting that many of the campaigns in the remaining 17% of the sample also included some degree of social media, even though it didn’t play a key role.


World Class Lessons on Social Media Marketing 17

Measured by the awards received in Cannes Lions 2018, the role of Volunteer was clearly the most effective with 269 points. It was also the role with the most individual awarded campaigns, a record-breaking 84 in total. This trend has been obvious in the previous years, too, although there was a decline in the magnitude of the win: last year Volunteer took home 45% of the weighted points, and this year 38%.

The second role per weighted points was Master of Ceremony with 167 points. This role too has been in the top-tier every year, peaking at number 1 in 2013. There was a modest increase in the share of points from last year, rising from 22% to 24% of the total awards’ points.

Sage came in third (109 pts.) with Idol in its tails (84 pts.). Like in the previous years, Sage was the most-awarded supporting role. Idol was the role with biggest relative leap in points from last year’s 6% to this year’s 12%.

The fifth place went for Pitchman (40 pts.), a decline from last year. Muse was in the sixth place (24 pts.), and as always, the last spot went to Host (8 pts.).

With the help of the framework, we analysed the drivers of engagement of these award-winning campaigns. Using a weighted scale (4x for GP, 3x for Gold, etc.), we calcu-lated the success of each of the different roles in the framework (see image 3 below).

Image 3: The Sociability of the Brand roles and their Cannes Lions 2018 awards

World Class Lessons on Social Media Marketing 18


83% of Cannes Lions winners use social media Social media has become ubiquitous. The trend has been ever-strengthening over the past years: it has grown steadily from 20% in 2012 to 63% in 2015, and now in 2018 to 83%. It’s hard to find a Cannes Lions winning campaign, which doesn’t have social me-dia as a key element of the campaign. These days it takes numerous different forms, ranging from native solutions on one platform to integrated social-first campaigns, and from using social data as an input for an idea to leveraging social networks to share evidence of what the brand is all about. This has also been seen by the Cannes Lions organization, which introduced a category dedicated to social media this year. Social is the new digital, one might conclude.

68% of social media winners are act-marketing Social media is not all about online – real-life offline actions are intertwined with what is seen online. Either something is created, built, or done before the online campaign starts, or something will be created, built, or done as a result of the campaign and what has happened or been said on social media. This is something we’ve dubbed act-mar-keting to highlight the actions taken. And it’s a trend that is on the rise: up from 55% two years ago to 64% last year and now to 68%. This trend shows how marketing is merging with various disciplines to give us not just innovative communications but inno-vations that communicate a message.

38% of social media winners engage via altruismIf there is something to learn about engagement from our seven years of analyses, it would be this: the most effective and acclaimed campaigns tap into our motivation of helping others. Good news for both humanity and brands – it makes the internet a bet-ter place, and it works for all sorts of brands. Our research from the past three years shows that 34% of the awards in this role have been for commercial brands, which means it isn’t solely the field of NGOs and the public sector. The most important thing to keep in mind is that whatever the cause you are standing for needs be a cause credi-ble for your brand and its DNA.

World Class Lessons on Social Media Marketing 19

34% of Social & Influencer Lions winners are purpose-drivenPurpose has been the buzz word of the previous years, and it goes well with social media marketing, which is all about authenticity, transparency and getting people both inside and outside your organization to join your conversation. When a brand has a big, univer-sal “why” at the heart of its actions, it is all the more buzz-worthy and engagement-induc-ing. Diving deep into the Social & Influencer category we saw that more than a third of the winning campaigns showed a clear purpose behind the activities. Our message to all brands: embrace your purpose especially on social, and if you’re still on the path of clari-fying it, make it fast.

23% of social media winners can be dubbed content marketingSocial media is all about content, but the pure content marketing campaigns have been in decline over the years: from 45% in 2016 to 36% in 2017, and now to 23%. This may be explained by the diminishing attention span: brands are not creating extensive content for their target audiences to consume with time, but focus more on bite-sized content that is quick to digest. Another reason for this might be the rise of the before-mentioned act-marketing, due to which brands are more focused on building actual things (such as statues, buildings, machines, etc.) instead of pure content (such as websites, video series etc.).

11% of social media winners have influencer at the coreComparing to all the talk about influencer marketing, a rather small share of the social media winners are utilising it as a key element of the idea. The numbers are on the rise, though, from last year’s 6%. In the Social & Inlfuencer Lions the percentage of winning campaigns with influencers at the core was a bit higher still, 15%. Yet, this begs the ques-tion: why aren’t we using bloggers, vloggers, and other social media stars to the extent the buzz around it would have it? One reason seems to be that they are more used as a supportive method of getting more reach to our message, than actually incorporating them into the idea itself.

World Class Lessons on Social Media Marketing 20

Other INSIGHTS in brief30% of social media winners are real-time marketingAlthough up from last year’s 22%, this still goes to show that most social media marketing can be planned well ahead, not executed in real-time.

24% of social media winners engaged via entertaining Through the eyes of the Sociability of the Brand framework the Master of Ceremony role has been the second most effective way to engage over the years. And this year it made a leap from last year’s numbers.

18% of social media winners have a clear campaign hashtagMeaning most of social media campaigns do well without one. This is a clear insight from previous years too, and the trend is becoming ever clearer. Use it when needed – not as a must-have addition.

Engagement is all about finding a fit between your brand and its audience’s motivationsYear after year we see that all the seven roles get awarded in Cannes Lions. Some more, some less, but still all are represented. So the real question is to know which of the roles is best for your brand, not jumping straight to a trend bandwagon.

World Class Lessons on Social Media Marketing 21

Appendix 1:Historical DataBased on our research since 2012, we see some trends over the years. The graphs below both have insights gained from the Sociability of the Brand analysis.

Looking at the share of winning campaigns per role, we see that both the top and bottom roles are clearly visible: Volunteer and Master Of Ceremony have been dominating always, whilst Pitchman and Host have struggled. Also, we can spot that Muse role has been on the decline.

Graph 1: The share of Cannes Lions winning campaigns per roles of the Sociability of the Brand 2012-2018

Graph 2: The weighted points of Cannes Lions winners per roles of Sociability of the Brand 2012-2018















The graph for weighted points (i.e. awards) per role shows the total domination of Volunteer (note that the number of Cannes Lions winning campaigns, be that with or without social media, decreased in 2018 which explains the overall declining trend). Also, with just a quick look at the graph we see that campaigns with social media at the core have been increasing year after year.

2012 2013 2014 2015 20160




2017 2018












2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018











2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

World Class Lessons on Social Media Marketing 22

Gran Prix Gold Silver Bronze TotalMASTER OF CEREMONYSkittles - Exlusive the rainbow 2 2 3 13Burger King - Google Home of Whopper 1 3Audi - Ski The World 2 1 8Wendy's - Talk social to me 1 1 5Bud Light / ABINBEV - Dilly Dilly 1 2Downtown Records - Live Looper 1 2 3 10Monoprix - The Worst Song in the World 1 2New Zealand Police - World's Most Successful Recruitment Video 1 1 3Sanlam - Uk'shona Kwelanga - A WhatsApp Drama Series 1 1 3FOXTEL - The Wentworth Rat 1 1KFC - 11 Herbs & Spices 2 1 5Adidas - 'Creativity Gets you noticed' 1 1Snickers - #WtfRonaldo 1 1Budweiser / ABINBEV - Dream On 1 1Air New Zealand - Losers' Paradise 1 1Carmax - Buying Greenie 1 1Budweiser / ABINBEV - Hermeto - Made of Music 1 2Chobani - Chobani Rebrand 1 1Pedigree - SelfieSTIX 1 1 3 8NTT DOCOMO - REDEFINING DISTANCE 1 1Intel - Intel Drone Light Show At The Olympics 3 9Double A - OBSESSION FOR SMOOTHNESS 1 1 5P&G - It's a Tide Ad Campaign 2 1 2 10Burger King - Scary Clown Night 2 2 8Burger King - Loving "It" 2 3 7Tesco - Tesco's Food Love Stories 1 4Tourism Australia - Aussie News Today 1 1 4Intel - Intel Re-Imagines the 2018 PyeongChang Olympics 1 3Argos - 80 Days Of Argos 1 1 5The Tennessee Department of Tourist Development - The Colorblind Viewer 3 6

McDonald's - Drive-Thruck 1 2Albert Heijn - Appie Today 1 2GAP - ONward! Back to School 1 1TGV - 2H04 1 1Telenet Play Sports - Never miss a second 1 1albert Heijn - The Perfect Vlogger 1 1WestJet - Desert Roulette 1 1Arnott's - Apocalypse Steve Hansen 1 1Netflix - Stranger Broadcast 1 1ŠKODA x Handsome Dancer “CoinciDance” 1 1Velocity - The Billion Point Giveaway 1 1Huggies - The World's First Baby Marathon 1 1Finavia - #LIFEINHEL 1 1S Group - The Belt 24/7 1 1Rocket Entertainment - Elton John Legacy 1 1KFC - 'FCK' 2 1 8Crock-Pot - Crock-Pot Killed Jack 1 2Kansas City Economic Developmetn - The Most Well Reviewed City On Amazon 2 2

Comedy Central - The Daily Show Presents: The Donald J. Trump Presidential Twitter Library 1 1 3

Glad - The Toughest Bag 1 1Dairy Queen - Blizzard Store 1 1Total 4 63 54 46 167

Appendix 2:List of winning campaigns

World Class Lessons on Social Media Marketing 23

Gran Prix Gold Silver Bronze TotalSAGETourism Australia - Dundee: The Son of a legend returns home 4 2 16Gol Airlines - The Neymarless Sponsorship 2 1 5Samsung - NowThis x Samsung Unframed 1 2Toyota - @SeeLikeMenna 1 2 4Yoti - Little Casanova 1 1Apple - The Rock X Siri: Dominate The Day 1 1AIDES - #ShareTheLove 1 1 4Lyric Opera of Chicage - Lyric Opera 1 2Free Democratic Party - "Dark Diaries" 1 1 3Mercedez-Benz - The Amber Cube 1 2Diesel - DEISEL - GO WITH THE FAKE 2 2 4 14Fear and Fantasy Istanbul - Fear and Fantasy Festival 1 1Getty Images - Endless Stories 1 1Budweiser - TagWords 1 3 9Phiilps - Dutch MasterJuices 2 2Louvre Abu Dhabi - Highway Gallery 1 1 3Blu Radio -The Game That Never Was 1 2Netflix - Breathing Life Into Transit Ads 1 2City of Paris - Paris 2024 Olympic Days 1 2Verizon - What You Missed 1 1 3Xfinity - Data into Dollars 1 1 3IKEA - Pee Ad 1 1Mini - The Shortcut Billboards 1 1DNB Bank - The Sneaky Pillar 1 1Pedigree - 1st Grrade 1 1Samsung - Samsung SmartSuit 1 1 4NTT - 24/7 NEWSCASTER 1 2Gatorade - Beat the Blitz 1 1 GMBH - Footballpen 1 1Lenovo - We Are The Silver Snipers 1 1Nissan - Nissan's Follow the Ball 1 1IKEA - The IKEA Human Catalogue 1 1Volvo - Live Reviews 1 1 3Ford - SafeCap 1 2Hermes Pardini - VR Vaccine 1 2Nissan - Camelpower 1 1Seidor - Emotional Pulse 1 1Graubünden Ferien - Friendly Photography Ban in Bergün 1 1Total 0 27 50 32 109

Gran Prix Gold Silver Bronze Total tMUSEEA Sports - FIFA 18 More than a game 1 2 2 9Adobe - Adobe Make The Cut 2 2Microsoft - Football Decoded 1 2 4Play-Doh - The Gallery of emerging species 2 4Museum of Contemporary Art Australia - The museum that made a name for itself by changing its name. 1 1

Nike - Nike React Game of Go 2 2BBVA - 2'45" Without Breathing 1 1Canon - Local Business Never Looked So Good 1 1Total 0 3 10 11 24

World Class Lessons on Social Media Marketing 24

Gran Prix Gold Silver Bronze TotalHOSTPEPSICO - GIForade 1 1Verizon - First Responders First 2 2KLM - Connecting Seats 1 1Absolut Vodka - Never Gonna GIF You Up 1 2Sky - Say it with sky 1 2Total 0 0 4 4 8

Gran Prix Gold Silver Bronze TotalVOLUNTEERGreenpeace - To the last tree standing 2 3 6 18Edeka - The most German supermarket 1 4 5 16P&G - The Talk 1 2Bacardi - Music Liberates Music 3 3Plastic Oceans / LADBible - Trash Isles 2 1 1 3 16OL PEJETA CONSERVANCY - MOST ELIGIBLE BACHELOR 1 1Cigna - TV Doctors of America - Season 2 1 1UEFA - Together #WePlayStrong 1 1Lacoste - Save our species 2 2 5 15PFLAG Canada - Destination Pride 2 2 3 13ESPNW - Inequality Balls 1 1 3The Chicago Sun-Times - 31Bullets 1 2Calm - Project 84 1 3 1 10Greenpeace - Dead Whale 1 2Goldeimer - Shitty Paper – Made from hate 1 1 3Equal Justice Iniative - Lynching in America: Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror 1 1

VPN - Evert_45 1 1NHK - SAFETY HACKS 1 1VIACOM - MTV #FCKHIV 1 1McDonald's - The Flip 1 3 6Palau Legacy Project - Palau Pledge 2 1 1 13Times of India - Sindoor Khela - No Conditions Apply 1 2 5March For Our Lives - Price on Our Lives 2 1 1 9DDL & CO - Evita, the equality bill. 1 2Sambito - Nature Represented 1 1 1 6Libero - Touch your Footballs 2 4Mother - The Pregnancy Pause 1 1 3Johnson & Johnson - MY FIRST PAD 1 2Reclame Aqui - The Canceller 1 1Get America Covered - Coverage Coalition 2 2 La Parole aux Sourds - Unsilenced 1 1Reclame Aqui - Corruption Detector 1 1 1 3 12Change The Ref - POSTS INTO LETTERS 1 1 3Santa Casa - Hemoji 1 1 3Scotiabank - The Price of Equality 1 1Kobe Shimbun - Emergency Collectibles 1 1UN Women - The Bridal Uniform 2 2

Gran Prix Gold Silver Bronze TotalPITCHMANGoiko Grill - Goiko Grill Hungryfrield 1 2 4Newsan - The All-In Promo 2 2Air Jordan - A/R Jordan 1 2 5The Home Depot - Built-In Pins 1 1Microsoft - Xbox Design Lab Originals: The Fanchise Model 3 1 1 - carsales AutoAds 1 1 3YOOX - The Most Exclusive Collection 1 1 3SKY TV - GIRLS Break Up Ice Cream 1 1Destinos Travel Agency - FLY LIKE A PRESIDENT 1 1

Opel - Pay With Views 1 1 2 7

Burger King - EMOJI WHOPPER 1 1Total 0 15 10 15 40

World Class Lessons on Social Media Marketing 25

Gran Prix Gold Silver Bronze TotalFord - Handicab 1 1Men and Women Progressive Movement Foundation - Home is not a boxing ring 1 1

Queensland Police - Disappearing Person Alerts 1 1Amnesty International - The Distress Signal 1 1Unicef - The Worst Soap Opera 1 1Netsafe - Re:scam 1 1 3CyberSmile - #trollingisugly 1 1 1 6Canadian Paralympic Commitee - The Paralympic Network 1 2Pedigree - Dogs for dogs 1 2KPN - KPN Safe Lock 4 4Missing Persons Advocacy Network - Invisible Friends 1 1Tele2 - Rain Wi-Fi 1 1Sandy Hook Promise - Live Moment of Silence 1 1NYPresbyterian Hospital - TXT 2 HELP 1 1Budweiser - Turning Beer Into Water 1 2 5Toyota - Start Your Impossible 1 3Nissan - #SheDrives 1 3Beau Monde Style - BIHOR COUTURE 1 1 1 6David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust - Hello in Elephant 1 2Reporters Without Borders - The Uncensored Playlist 1 2The ALS Association - Project Revoice 1 1 3Hyundai - Chatty School Bus 1 1Babyshop - Al Umobuwah: Putting "Mum" into "Parenthood" 1 1Plan International - Sheboard – Raised by words 1 1Telekom Romania - Vloggers' Swap 1 1Telefonica - #MyGameMyName 1 1Visit Faroe Islands & Atlantic Airways - Faroe Islands Translate 1 1AJE - Bordeaux 2050 1 1 3Sandy Hook Promise - Tomorrow's News: Case 1 1Key Biscayne - Spotted 1 1National Safety Council - Prescribed to Death 2 2JAXA - Future Cuisine Restaurant IBUKI 1 1Handicap International - #BodyCantWait 1 1Motorola - Hello Real People 1 1Barbie - Never Before Barbie 1 1NZ Human Rights Commission - Give Nothing to Racism 1 1Burger King - WHOPPER NEUTRALITY 1 1 3Unicef - Game Chaingers 1 1The Danish Cancer Socety & Trygfonden - Help a dane 1 1Andros - Autism can work 1 1Forbes Brasil - Ricky Brasil 1 1GE - Unseen Stars 1 1Samsung - Predict to prevent 1 1Flora Tristan - The Honest Proposal 1 1Madrid Booksellers - Finding Fariña 1 1Essity - bloodnormal 1 3Fundación Mujeres en Igualdad - Femplea 1 1Total 20 66 82 101 269

World Class Lessons on Social Media Marketing 26

Gran Prix Gold Silver Bronze TotalIDOLNike - Nothing beats a londoner 1 3 3 19Apple - Welcome to @Apple 1 1 5Nike - The Lioness Crest 1 1 3Nike - Nike Australian Marriage Equality Swoosh Vote 1 2Beck's - Le Beck's: The legendary beer can 1 2Hyundai - 2018 Pyeong Chang Olympics Hyundai Pavilion 1 1Huawei - Shot Reverse Shot 2 2Coca-Cola - This Coke is a Fanta 3 2 2 15BVG x adidas – The ticket-shoe 1 1 4France Televisions - LA FORÊT - BET ON A MURDERER 1 2 4McDonald's - INSTAGRAM MENU 1 1Coca-Cola - Share a Coke 1,000 Name Celebration 1 3 5Spotify - David Bowie is Here 1 3Assassin's Creed – Explore ancient Egypt 1 1HBO - Game of Thrones Season 7 Campaign 1 1Snaptivity - Snaptivity 2 6Bacardi - Snapchat Music Video 1 1AIG - PRIDE JERSEY 1 2Vodafone - Say It Tika 1 2MGM Resorts International - Universal Love 1 1 5Total 4 36 28 16 84

Now go and make some social magic.

Published in August 2018

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Kurio // The Social Media Age(ncy)

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