
Post on 11-Jul-2016






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I started to think that I need to start documenting what has been going on at since I am under so much stress. I feel deeply depressed when I walk into the building and feel hated as soon as I enter the door. People regularly walk past me without saying anything, just put their heads down and walk by. A lot of this started this year when 3 of my subordinates were wrote up for not related incidents but all three carried some type of grudge because they had been written up. When the time arose, I am assuming that they had conversations with my manager and the facility medical director about how I showed favoritism towards three particular employees. One was the unit supervisor who I have worked closely with for 5 years the other a lead aide who I have worked closely with for 7 years and another is a person that I went to High School with. None of these women do I see outside of the job, talk to regularly on the phone and if I do it is not about personal matters (only job related) and or have lunch with during the work day.

It got so bad that I was being accused of showing favoritism that I stopped coming down to the unit unless absolutely necessary to avoid anyone thinking that I was being too friendly to any one person. This happened when the first nurse Anthony had an verbal altercation with the aide Latayna. I tried to be a mediator and have them talk to one another to avoid further conflict. However it did not work. During the mediation, Latayna asked me if I thought that she talked out of line to Anthony the nurse and I told her that I felt that sometimes I felt that she did and I told her this in front of Anthony. I explained to the both the importance of getting along since they had to work so closely together. I thought that the talk went okay but apparently it hasn’t because Anthony has never let that incident go and has stated to many people that I show favoritism and Somehow we all acquired the nickname “the fabulous foursome” I am just finding out.

Another nurse who talked on the regular to Anthony name Stephanie also jumped in on the bandwagon and this is when it began with my staff. Up until then I have never had too many negative experiences with subordinates.

I have regularly heard that my team members in management. namely Patti, Jeremy and Mike absolutely hate to work with me. I heard this when a colleague of mine did some contract work and Sandi asked her to talk to me. I met with Sandi to ask her why they felt this way and I was in tears. She told me it was just a general feeling. Sandi acknowledged that I did not have much support s Steve wasn’t really a manager. From then on, I was asked to meet with each team member on a weekly basis, Mike, Patti and Jeremy. Patti and I rarely met. Jeremy and I met a lot up until he took another job, It was always a one sided uncomfortable meeting. I felt that Jeremy was untruthful and shady about getting admits scheduled. Jeremy was a very competitive person who somehow felt that he needed to compete with me or against me. I felt pressured to please him because I felt my job was on the line and Jeremy regularly was in Sandi’s office talking.

When we got our new Medical Director. The relationship between Steve and I went to be almost nonexistent. Mike could be seen regularly in Steve’s office when Steve was there. Most of the time his office door would be open and the light would be on but Steve was not in the building. Dr. Frankowski was my direct manager but I have not met with her on a regular basis to discuss any issues or improvements what so ever. For 5 years, my work plans reflected above average work performance, and for the first time in 5 years I have a work performance in the 80s which meant less of a raise for me. It also affected any bonuses that I would receive that year. I had never received a write up until this year. I

was approached by Dr. Frankowski about Latayna making a statement to a patient, which was reported by two other employees saying that the patient needed to act right because CAT puts the black patients out first. I told Dr. Frankowski that I thought it was true. I also told her that black coworkers were discriminated too by applying for jobs that were open in the company ( Jake, Grace) and the jobs were always given to young white females and never to anyone who worked in the facility, even though the black coworkers had the credentials to work in the job and were currently employed. This mainly happened with the counseling department. And she said she would need to report it. I asked her not to because I felt that this would call for retaliation. She said she would have to report it, She did and this is when I began to get formally wrote up for my work performance, Dr. Frankowski came to me one afternoon after the first counseling and stated “you know I am in recovery” I told her “No” she stated that she went to a meeting and realized that she had been micromanaging and did not want to, nor was she able to. She stated that she realized she should have come and talked to me about the things that people were saying about me instead of letting it build up. I said “okay” and she had tears in her eyes and she said she had owed me an amends. I was wrote up again no longer after that. As a part of my counseling. It is stated that I have been given many chances to improve, but I have never been written up or counseled up until this point and there is nothing that states anywhere in my employee record that I have been counseled or given a write up or given any “chances” for improvement. There hasn’t been any. We all had to have a meeting with Steve and also with Sandi who said that she had gay run a report which found that Blacks were not discharged more than white patients. She did not address the issue of white job applicants being chosen over black applicants that were current employees.

She states that the counseling manager said I do not return emails quickly. I continuously call the counseling manager and can never reach him in his office, text him and he doesn’t respond to the point where I thought I had the wrong number in my phone. I asked him how do I reach him, what is the best way and he acted like he hadn’t received any calls from me at all. But he told my manager I am hard to reach?

I feel as though I am undermined daily on the job as a nurse manager. Anybody from the Public relations manager to the accounting clerk can spread gossip or saying something that they don’t like about the nursing department and they are given full reign by way of being chairperson or heads of committees to look into making processes better for nursing without even consulting with me first. The electronic health record was chosen without any input from Nursing. Any calls to Information Management about Joint commission standards of Medication recording or charting has gone unaddressed for the 2 years that we have had the EHR despite numerous attempts to ask for guidance from Patti. Invitations for Patti and Gay have been given from Mike to sit in on Trauma informed care for the patients. No invitations have been given to nursing at all.

Reports or complaints from Nursing that I receive and try to follow up are shot down like when Kamilah threw a Valentine’s Day Party for the patients and neglected to tell nursing what the plan was for it. It got out of hand. Former patients were seen on the unit with permission, the party was shut down I got 3 calls from the nurses on duty about the chaos When I spoke to Mike about it all the counselors were there and Kamilah stated that she took full responsibility for the events that followed. Mike turned it against me and stated that it was talked about in management team to which it was only mentioned in management team no plans were ever discussed. He stated I could have asked about it as much as Kamilah could have told me about it. And then I received a written note from Dr. Frankowski about that

it was equally my responsibility to ask about it when I hadn’t asked about the super bowl party that we had ,but was approached by counseling about the plans and we orchestrated it very well together.

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