words for production 1. sail [ sel ] vi. to travel by ship on the sea ( 人 ) 乘船 they sailed for...

Post on 14-Dec-2015






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Words for Production

1. sail [] vi.to travel by ship on the sea ( 人 ) 乘船

They sailed for three months before reaching America.

Words for Production

2. devastating ] adj.completely destructive 毀滅性的

Many people lost their houses and families in the devastating earthquake.

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devastate [] vt. 摧毀

Floods devastated the village. Hundreds of houses were taken away and thousands of lives were lost.

Words for Production

3. fisherman [] n. [C]a person who catches fish for a living 漁夫

Those fishermen fell into the water last night while working at sea. They were found drowned early this morning.

Words for Production

4. native [] adj.associated with the place where one is born 出生地的

There are about 1.2 billion people whose native language is Chinese.

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5. chief [] n. [C]a leader of a tribe; a person of the highest rank 酋長;領袖

The president is chief of the armed forces.

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chief [] adj. 首要的,主要的

Rice is the chief crop in China. Most of the Chinese people live on


Words for Production

6. tribe [] n. [C]a group of people that have the same race, beliefs, or language (especially in a primitive culture) 部落

The mountain tribes are trying hard to preserve their culture.

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7. poisonous [] adj.containing, or having the effects of a substance that can destroy the life or harm the health of a living animal or plant 有毒的

Some plants are poisonous. They will cause death if you eat them.

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poison []n. [U] 毒藥vt. 使中毒

One man’s meat is another man’s poison.

Rats may carry viruses so we decided to kill those rats by poisoning them.

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8. heal [] vi.to (cause to) become healthy again 治癒,治療

Jim’s wound is healing well; he will be released from hospital soon.

Words for Production

9. starvation [] n. [U]suffering or death caused by hunger 餓死,飢荒

In Africa, many people died of starvation in the past years.

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starve [] vt.挨餓

Starving yourself to lose weight is not healthy.

Words for Production

10. governor [] n. [C]the chief official in charge of the affairs of a place 總督

U.S. President George W. Bush was once the governor of Texas.

Words for Production

11. proclaim [] vt. to announce officially and publicly 宣告,公布

The French like to proclaim themselves a peace-loving people.

Words for Production

12. festival [] n. [C]a day or period of celebration 節慶

Christmas is one of the festivals of the Christian church.

Words for Production

13. period [] n. [C]a length of time with a beginning and an end 一段時間

There were long periods when we had no news of him. We missed him a lot.

Words for Production

14. drought [] n. [U]a long period of dry weather, when no rain falls 乾旱,旱災

Because all the crops died during the drought, many people died of starvation.

Words for Production

15. pray [] vi.to speak, often silently, to God, showing thanks or asking for help 祈禱

The baseball game is on Saturday, so we’re praying for a fine day.

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prayer [] n. [C] 祈禱

The mother’s prayers were answered when her son came home safe and sound.

Words for Production

16. annual [] adj.(happening) once every year 每年的

Our baseball games are an annual event.

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annually [] adv. 每年地

Our school holds an English speech contest annually.

Words for Production

17. president [] n. [C]the person who has the highest political position in a modern state that does not have a king or queen 總統

The president announced that there would be a new tax increase next year.

Words for Production

18. bill [] n. [C]a plan for a law, written down for the government to consider 議案

When a bill is passed, it becomes an act.

Words for Production

19. emerge [] vi.to come into existence 出現

When the sun emerges from behind the clouds, the weather becomes warmer.

Words for Production

20. customer [] n. [C]a person who buys goods or services from a shop 顧客

The new shopping mall across the road has taken away most of their customers.

Words for Production

21. sponsor [] vt.(of a business) to pay for a show or sports event, usually in return for advertising 贊助

Several businesses sponsored the walk to raise money for AIDS care.

Words for Production

22. parade [] n. [C]a public procession which celebrates a special day or event 遊行

The Olympic Games begin with a parade of all the competing nations.

Words for Production

23. spectator [] n. [C]a person who watches (a show or a game) 觀眾

The football game is an annual event. Every year, it draws over 50,000 spectators.

Words for Production

24. evolve [] vi.to develop gradually 逐漸發展,演進

The situation has evolved into a more complicated problem. They are still trying to figure out how to deal with it.

Words for Production

25. televised [] adj.broadcast by television 用電視播出的

Last night, I stayed up late watching a televised concert by my favorite singer.

Words for Production

26. legal [] adj.allowed or made by law; lawful 法定的,合法的

July 4th is a legal holiday in the U.S., so people do not have to work on that day.

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27. merely [] adv.only; simply 只是,僅僅

Don’t get mad at her. She is merely a child.

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mere [] adj. 只不過,僅僅的

Mere words are no use. It is time for action.

1. Pilgrims[] n. pl. the group of English Puritans who sailed to America to escape from England to make a new kind of society based on their religious beliefs 清教徒

Words for Recognition

2. Mayflower[] n. the ship in which the Pilgrims sailed from England to the New World in 1620 五月花號

Words for Recognition

3. New England[] n.an area in the northeastern United States 新英格蘭

Words for Recognition

4. warrior[] n. [C](of the Indians) a brave and experienced soldier or fighter 戰士,勇士

Words for Recognition

5. Samoset[] n.the name of an Indian 印第安人名

Words for Recognition

6. Squanto[] n. the name of an Indian 印第安人名

Words for Recognition

7. Franklin Roosevelt[] n.the 32nd president of the U.S. (1882-1945) 羅斯福

Words for Recognition

8. Macy’s[] n. one of the most famous department stores in New York 梅西百貨

Words for Recognition

9. lavish[] adj. grand 豪華的,壯麗的

Words for Recognition

10. National Football League[] n. (the ~) the organization, which has been in operation as a professional football league in the U.S. since 1920 美式足球聯盟

Words for Recognition

1. come/go to one’s aidto try to help someone when he/she is in danger or difficulty 前來/去幫忙

When the old man fell, several passers-by came to his aid.

Idioms and Phrases

2. put awayto save for later use 儲存…備用

To buy a car, my brother puts away some money each month.

Idioms and Phrases

3. in keeping within agreement with 與…一致

His words are always in keeping with his actions so we all trust him.

Idioms and Phrases

4. cater toto try to satisfy (a need or demand) 迎合

This magazine caters to people’s love of new and fashionable things.

Idioms and Phrases

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