wisp assgn1 displaying visuals & writing tips oct08

Post on 13-May-2015






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This is a set of tips and techniques that are useful not just for writing reports but also wikis and fact sheets. Produced for students doing the WISP module in the Oct 08 Semester.


Displaying data & Displaying data & using visualsusing visuals

Words convey; illustrations convince.

Purpose of Visual Aids

• Emphasise• Clarify• Simplify• Reinforce• Summarise• Add Interest• Improve Credibility

Criteria for Effective Visual AidsCriteria for Effective Visual Aids

Principles of Graphics• Simplicity

• Contrast

• Unity

• Balance

Criteria for Effective Visual AidsCriteria for Effective Visual Aids

Identification and Placement• Introduce

• Display

• Discuss

Choosing & constructing visual aidsArea/ Fruit Apples Oranges Durian Bananas Pineapples

North 23 34 51 65 16

Central 39 44 70 21 35

South 36 56 08 11 36

East 30 44 76 51 22

West 56 41 65 32 29

Total sales 184 219 270 180 138


To show exact figures and values.

Choosing & constructing visual aids

Line Graphs

To demonstrate changes in quantitative data over time

Choosing & constructing visual aids

Multiple Line Graph

Choosing & constructing visual aids

Scatter Graph


Choosing & constructing visual aids

Pie Chart

To visualise a whole unit and the proportions of its components

Choosing & constructing visual aids

Flow Chart

To display a process or procedure

Choosing & constructing visual aids

Organisation Chart

To define a hierarchy or elements

Choosing & constructing visual aids

Gantt Chart

To define timeline for work activities and milestones

Choosing & constructing visual aids

Photograph, map, illustration

To create authenticity, to spotlight a location, and to show an item in use

Choosing & constructing visual aidsGraphic Aids Strengths Weaknesses

Table Shows precise numerical data Tedious to prepare; slow to show relationship

Graph• Line Shows trends and comparisons Too many lines can be confusing

• Bar Best for comparison; can be horizontal, vertical, clustered, segmented or bilateral

Often incorrectly drawn

• Pie Compares divisions; shows comparison of parts totaling 100%

Often not drawn to scale; wedges can be confusing and difficult to compare

• Gantt Excellent for scheduling events Can be quite large; needs frequent updates

• Scatter Useful for statistical data and comparisons

Tedious; may require special software

Flow Chart Good for showing relationships Many items may require a large chart

Computer-drawn image

Interesting, allows overlay Appropriate software needed

Drawing Beneficial for showing accurate representations of images

May require special knowledge or skills to prepare

Diagram Best for illustrating flows May not accurately reflect relative importance of parts

Photograph Excellent for irreproducible settings Skills and equipment needed

Further Guidelines for Visuals

• Graphs, charts and diagrams are known as figures. – Figure 1, Figure 2 etc.

• Tables are labelled as tables – Table 1, Table 2 etc. and numbered.

• Ensure that all components of visuals are identified.

• Separate numbering should be used for those used in the main part of the report and for those tables and diagrams used in the Appendix.

Writing the ReportWriting the Report

Thoughts assume shape when recorded

7 Major Steps to Report WritingAnalyse the problem and purpose

Anticipate the audience and issues

Prepare a work plan

Implement your research strategy

Organise, analyse, interpret & illustrate the data

Compose the first draft

Revise, proofread, evaluate (Final Report)

PrePre--writing Overviewwriting Overview• Targeting

– Remember your readers

• Outlining– Remember your purpose and objective(s)

• Structuring– Refer to your skeletal framework

• Developing– What will you recommend to overcome problems


• Checking– Are these recommendations practicable?

Checklist for writing reportsChecklist for writing reportsIntroduction

Identify purpose of reportPreview the organisation of the reportSummarise the conclusions and recommendations for receptive audiences

FindingsDiscuss pros and consEstablish criteria to evaluate alternativesSupport findings with evidenceOrganise the findings for logic and readability

Checklist for writing reportsChecklist for writing reportsConclusions/Recommendations

Draw reasonable conclusions from findingsMake recommendations, if asked.

Writing TipsWriting Tips• Allow sufficient time• Finish data collection • Work from a good outline• Provide a proper writing environment• Write rapidly; revise later• Save difficult sections• Be consistent in verb tense (use past-tense verbs to

describe completed actions)• Generally avoid I and We• Let the first draft sit• Revise for clarity, coherence and conciseness (Is it clear?

Does it flow? Is it wordy?)• Proofread the final copy three times

Collaborative WritingCollaborative Writing

Planning the ReportPlanning the Report

• Collectively identify audience, purpose, and scope of project

• Assign specific data collection responsibilities to individuals

• Collectively develop report outline• Collectively agree on writing style and

report format

Collecting & Collecting & AnalysingAnalysing DataData

• Collectively identify data sources• Specific individuals might be responsible

for designing questionnaire/survey but all members must participate in the review of these instruments

• Each person collects and analyses the data he or she is responsible for

• Whole group should discuss the data, evaluate its adequacy and agree upon its interpretation

Drafting and RevisingDrafting and Revising

• Individuals can work independently on their assigned sections

• All members should review all parts written by other team members, in a group setting, group should give constructive feedback and directions for final revision to the individual authors.

• Individual authors should evaluate the suggestions given and incorporate the best advice into the final revision

Producing the Final DocumentProducing the Final Document

• All should participate in the production of the final document.–Group setting preferred.–Assist with the merging of parts,

preparation and placement of visual aids, and final review of document.

• Individual writer’s should continue to check his or her own section to ensure that it is correct.


Bowden, J. (2002) Writing a report: how to prepare, write and present effective reports, How to Books, Oxford

Gufrey,M.E. (2006) Business Communication: Process & Product, Thomson South-Western,USA

Kuiper, S. and Kohut, G. F. (1999) Contemporary business report writing, South-Western College Publications, Cincinnati, Ohio

Sharma, R.C. and Mohan, K. (2006) Business Correspondence and Report Writing: A Practical Approach to Business and Technical Communication, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, India

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