why blackhat seo a stupid idea

Post on 06-Aug-2015






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Why Blackhat SEO a stupid idea?

A blackhat SEO (also called Spamdexing for some) is an offensive technique. It refers to the use of

aggressive SEO strategies that only focuses on search engines and not on human audiences. It is also

defined as SEO techniques that are used to get higher search rankings in an unethical or deceptive


It mainly uses deceitful tactics to fool “spiders’ and “indexers” of search engines to get high rankings.

That way, when a website gets those rankings using these unjust techniques, ads will follow and ,of

course, MONEY. Greed (for money) is usually the reason why website developers and SEO practitioners

resort to blackhat SEO activities.

Some of the most commonly used blackhat methods (no-no’s for Google) are : the INVISIBLE TEXT


using texts on same colored background which makes it invisible to human eyes but visible to “spiders”

and “indexers”. That way, it is easily indexed using those invisible keywords. Cloaking is showing a

different page to bots (Google-bots) and an entirely different page for human visitors. Google isn’t very

happy about it.

Keyword stuffing is using paragraphs and contents that consists only of keywords but the sense and

relevance isn’t there. Therefore, these sites are usually of poor value and quality, without further saying.

Doorway pages are pages that has no content on it’s own and only links to a “real” page. Spams are

worthless pages used only for the purpose of search engine rankings. Usually, when you visit these

spams, one can only see pages full of ads or listings of other pages (and nothing else).

Contents of pages created by these so-called “blackhatters” ( blackhat SEO practitioners) usually have no

value to human visitors. One cannot benefit in opening these pages. You don’t learn or be entertained

or be informed. You only get to see ads or worthless contents. It’s just falling short of having NOTHING.

It’s actually a waste of time to open such spams. That’s why, search engines developed and are still

developing newer techniques and newer technologies to prevent these blackhatters from fooling their

bots and from fooling human visitors as well. Blackhatters only develop pages and sites for their own

selfish benefits.

Before, these so-called blackhat SEO techniques are considered legitimate. I mean, everything seems fair

in (internet) marketing, right? The thing is some guys went a bit overboard in their desperate attempt to

get higher search rankings. It was way overboard that search engines cried foul. Search engines (like

Google) have developed proper guidelines on how to do SEO legitimately. And made sanctions for

practitioners who are found using illegitimate and unethical tactics. Search engines, punishes those who

are caught by banning them in their list and/or ranking them lower.

Using blackhat SEO may prove to be effective in getting those higher rankings. And it even proves to get

those rankings in a short period of time. That’s why SEO practitioners are still doing these kinds of

techniques. They easily get those higher rankings, therefore, they also get more ads and more money

easily as well.

However, these types of unethical techniques are detected sooner or later and glory days are shortlived.

It’s a short term victory. Plus, it doesn’t really benefit human visitors most of the time. It’s a selfish and

STUPID strategy.

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