why bananas are curved

Post on 17-Aug-2015






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Why bananas are curved?

By Jonah and Chelsie

Long, long ago in dreamtime, the aborigines didn't have much to play with. But one day a little boy named Negali stated that he had heard of a new and interesting object that when you throw it,it will return back to you. He would find materials to make one. But no-one thought it existed or that it was possible to make.

The next day Negali went on an exciting journey for materials. But he could not find anything to make it out of. He didn't know what to do.

The next day Negali went on an exciting journey to find materials to make the object to play with. He searched everywhere but could not find anything to use. He did not know what to do.

After searching and searching Negali decided to give up. On his upsetting way back he reached a weird looking tree. He then climbed up the tree and grabbed some of those weird looking things hanging on the tree. He tried to throw one but it did not return. So he went and tried to stab sticks into another of the weird shape and then throw it but it did not return.

Negali kept on trying to invent the object but still not succeeding. Then eventually after a few cuts and bruises he went and smashed the weird looking thing on the floor and it curved into something that looked a lot like the shape of a crescent moon. Negali then threw it with all his might and surprisingly it returned back.

Negali was so happy, he then went and took everyone of those weird shapes off the tree and smashed them on to the ground until they curved into the same shape as the one he threw. He returned excitedly back to his village. His little brother, Curlew was so excited that he had new toys. However, as he was so young and didn't know any different, he stuffed one into his tiny mouth.

Curlew tried and tried to tell Negali that they were actually really tasty and they were not toys but food. Negali tasted one and thought they were delicious. He told everyone in his village that the shapes were food and they were very yummy. All the villagers started eating those weird shaped food and eventually decided to call the weird looking shape a BANANA, because the ground that he threw the weird looking shaped (banana) down onto was owned by a man named Johnny Banana.

That's how bananas came to be.

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