whistle blower radio - kerry cassidy - guest tman of the ...oct 19, 2012  · tman: oh, absolutely....

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Whistle Blower Radio - Kerry Cassidy - Guest Tman of the White HatsOctober 19, 2012

Kerry: My guest is Tman, and some people are going to know him; he’s a bit infamous on the net. But anyway his name is Tman, that’s the name he goes by, it’s like a moniker and he is a member of the White Hats. And I’m allowed to say that much.

And I have to say that we’ve been working on something this weekend, a publication to get out to people, and he wanted to come on my show to talk about it, so I’m going to turn the mic over to him and let him talk to all of you. Let’s see how it goes.

Tman: Hi everybody, how are you doing? I just want to thank Kerry for having us on the show this evening. I think we’re going to be about a half hour here and talk about White Hats Report #48. It’s what’s coming. It’s taken a while to really go through all of the machinations of what we’re reporting about: the topic will be Pure Heart Investments. And I think what we’re going to see is, as we’re going to demonstrate, as everybody knows, a long line of financial fraud from the cabal.

Many people call the cabal many things. It’s what we would term as the underworld of the financial game here, not only in the United States, but literally around the world. And in the last year we’ve seen a lot of things happening. The unfortunate part is that you can’t quite put your finger at anything because of the very nature of what it is. Like the Japanese had twenty trillion dollars stolen from them out of what equates to their Social Security like we have here in the States. The unfortunate part is that you can only say that there’s twenty trillion missing because there isn’t much of a story behind it, other than it’s missing. You can’t touch it; you can’t feel it.

We’ve taken it a little bit deeper as those of you are familiar with us at the White Hats. We are interested in humanity, we are interested in the

sovereignty of the United States and every other country. All, in our lifetimes, have taken oaths to protect and defend -- and we are here to do that. There are a lot of people who do not like what we do. There are times when we don’t like what we do. But it has to be done.

So the net effect of the time that we’ve spent here with Kerry, we jokingly call it a collaboration, when in reality it’s mutual respect. The types of things Kerry talks about, in one way, we talk about in another way. We recognize that. I, myself, didn’t really have a basis for conversation for a site like Project Camelot just because it was so different from what we did. But then certain things started to come out, and when we needed the information we knew who to go to. By god, we’re glad that we did. So, we have collaborated, we’ve worked together; my time with Kerry has been enlightening, intriguing, and I will hope that our two worlds will come together. In the understanding that I know many people that listen and talk Kerry’s format, really don’t have a lot of time to listen to the financial side of the world, and a lot of the guys on our side don’t really pay a lot of time in Kerry’s side of the world. What we’re finding is, is that’s a great segregation. It’s a great way for the cabal members to keep the truth suppressed.

But I think as you see in our [Report] 48, that things are going to start coming together. [Report] 48 is huge. It is by far the largest report that we’ve ever printed. So 48 is very large; [it] will have an unreasonable number of documents to support positions that people can see. We come from the underworld as well, if you will. We know how to collect data, we know when we’re getting lied to, and we know how to support a position. So we’re hoping that people will listen to [Report] 48 and look for [it] on the White Hats website. And just know that Kerry has been invaluable to our research, to help guide us and lead us down a path, or what we call the rabbit hole.

Kerry: Okay, well thank you very much Tman, that’s lovely. I want to give out your URL, and it is: tdarkcabal.blogspot.com, and I think there’s a slash in there somewhere --

Tman: No, none.

Kerry: And the number for the call-ins is on the website, and all you have to do is go to FreedomSlips.com. If you want to call in I’ve got some people in the background here that are actually talking about calling in.

And I wish we had extra time this evening, it’s unfortunate that this kind of happened all of a sudden and I didn’t get too much heads-up so we didn’t get to prepare the way I’d like to, as you know, for people. If you’re there and you want to call in, feel free, and they will take your call, and then we’ll bring you on the air. So, just letting you know.

Let me see, okay I don’t know, we’ve got somebody else in the background here with other chat. . . .

So if you understand who you’re talking to, or who you’re listening to, this is Tman. He has been on a couple radio shows although it’s been a long time ago, from what I know. And I’m not sure his reception was all that friendly. People have since been reading the White Hat reports, I’ve been commenting on them for a long, long time, and so we’re actually very lucky to have Tman come on the show.

I’m going to ask Tman whether we’re able to say anything about the Treasury this evening. Was there some activity at the Treasury that you’re able to talk about at all?

Tman: Sure. What was reported on MSN this morning, which it didn’t take us all by surprise -- we knew it was going to happen -- we just were not prepared for the report that came across mainstream media. But on MSN there was the ticker that runs at the bottom of the program, and it stated that the U.S. Treasury has consumed the Federal Reserve. Which is something that we knew had been happening for quite a while. We’ve been watching one person after another from the Federal Reserve go across to be employed by the Treasury. We know that there’s a huge transition going on; it’s just an unbelievable shift in financial power of the world. And I don’t mind confirming to you that that shift is undetermined to be good or bad at this point. Everybody in the world really knows what the Federal Reserve has been doing. It’s been undetermined as to why they’ve done it.

In [Report] 48 we talk about the rabbit hole, and the space program, the secret space program, and a number of other items that we’ve been able to find out the money goes to, and have had that confirmed by some of the top people in government and some of the top people formerly with Pure Heart. So it’s kind of intriguing that the Treasury at this point in time is about ready to come out; we know that the new money is ready to go. We understand how it’s going to come out and when. And I would say that within the next week or so, the world’s going to be rather surprised at what’s going on.

Kerry: I know a lot of people listening, some of the people anyway, may know something about the dinar. I don’t know if they know you’re actually involved with the dinar to some degree. I don’t know if you can talk about that, I don’t know if that’s sort of private information. But is there anything you want to tell people about the dinar, and the reval -- because I know there are a lot of skeptical people out there about that as well.

Tman: Well, from where we sit, you know we hear a lot of information on a daily basis and I receive a lot of calls from my responsibilities and my charges. The Iraqi dinar revaluation is something that is very real. It’s not a scam, it’s something that will happen. It’s part of the world financial scene at this point. The reason why it has not happened is because of the immense political positioning of Obama, and the Bushs vs. the Chinese and the rest of the world.

We’ve got a game being played in this country, it’s not a good game, it is a game that we’re seeing stress cracks in the Bush cabal, and people are taking advantage of it. This is a guy that’s had too much power for too long. And they’re trying to make sure that he’s eradicated, in not a physical form, but in a practical form. The dinar, we still do not know when the public announcement will be. There are days that we hear that it’s been signed off and ready to go, and we anticipate something to occur, and by the time the next morning comes around, it is not to be had. We also know that when that happens it always comes out of the Oval Office and we understand that this Obama is a guy that is erratic. He’s just somebody that has adult tantrums. We’ve been surprised what we’ve heard about, and you know, so we’re ready to go.

Kerry: Wouldn’t you say he’s under orders?

Tman: Oh, absolutely.

Kerry: All right.

Tman: Obama is a figurehead, he takes orders from everybody else. He is the most unpresidential president this world’s ever seen.

Kerry: Okay, well yeah, I’m not going to really address that too specifically at this time. Well, we’ve got a few minutes left and I just want to say it’s great that you came on the show. I wonder if there’s anything . . . if we have a delay we might actually get some extra time here so that if there are people that want to ask Tman some good financial questions, these people are people that follow the money. Anyone who’s been reading the tdarkcabal.blogspot.com website over time -- I think they’ve been in operation for close to two years at this point?

Tman: Mm-hmm. [Yes.]

Kerry: I’ve been printing and linking to their reports on a regular basis and I’ve been commenting on them. Sometimes I’m sort of a hard task-master, I’ve been trying to get them to talk about the black projects, about this, that and the other, and finally they are taking me up on it. And so I’m very happy about that.

You know, it’s all coming out. I mean sooner or later. But these guys follow the money, so if you have some questions about the financial situation feel free to ask them, and we’ll see where that goes and how long we can stay on the air. I’m going to try to make sure I’ve got the right window, here.

So at this time, is there anything you want to say to the people? You know, here’s your opportunity obviously, your fifteen minutes of fame, if you will, on my show. And hopefully we can do this again in the future. And I know you guys have a fascinating saga about your group. Why don’t you describe the group behind the White Hats? Because I think some people won’t even know who you are. So, if you don’t mind.

Tman: Actually we are a group of people that have backgrounds. We all understand how the world works; many of the people that we write about used to be our former employers. And we’re the guys that you never really were able to see. Not that you wouldn’t in the normal course of a day, but most people never saw us.

Kerry: Okay, your backgrounds are in military, and law enforcement, and intel agencies. . . .

Tman: Absolutely.

Kerry: Across the board, right?

Tman: Yep.

Kerry: And worldwide as a matter of fact, isn’t that true also?

Tman: Yes, and not just here in the U.S. but across the world. World intel, although it’s segmented by country for obvious reasons, there’s a lot of cross-intel that goes back and forth. So we have that same information from those relationships at high level, medium level, low level. We get information from all levels. And I would say that when you’re reading a White Hat report, what most people don’t know is that we kind of talk about this “retail-wholesale” concept about leadership being on the wholesale level, and the quote-unquote “common folk” being on the retail level. It’s sort of a bad analogy but it fits the description.

On the wholesale level, when we print a report, the world usually stops. People want to find out if they’re named, they want to find out if their country is involved, they want to find out how that report relates to them, their environment, their responsibilities. I can tell you this: I’ve been up on the Hill in Washington, D.C. [Capitol Hill], the day that we release a report, and you talk about people running around with their hair on fire. You know, you get the aides, you get all the secondary and tertiary people to the senators and the congressmen carrying their stack of books, papers, briefcases, and on top they’ve got the White Hat report. And you can tell

nobody’s doing anything until they assess whether or not their boss is involved in the White Hat report.

A lot of that is because of you folks. You take our reports, you read them, you embrace what we’re saying, and you hold people accountable. Here in the United States we elect leaders; we elect leaders to do things the correct way. Unfortunately for a great many years we’ve had this neo-Nazi concept going on. The “take over the world” control people do this, that, and the other thing, and although it’s great to pooh-pooh what I just said as a big joke -- people need to take a look around: FEMA camps, what’s going on in the world today is an exact example. You know, where has all the cash gone? Whose accounts [have] all the cash, where has all the cash in the world gone to? Why are we having to do a financial reset worldwide? Read [Report] 48 -- you are going to see some things that will absolutely flabbergast you as to some of the accounts and some of the groups that we put out. It will literally blow you away. And when you’re done reading it you’re going to be able to say, “What the hell’s going on? And why am I affected this way?” So . . . hope that answers your question.

Kerry: Yeah, I think you’re going to have a lot of people sort of sitting on the edge of their seats. I think they are going to be excited to read what you’ve got coming out. This is certainly an unusual situation. Actually I’ve got a person who works with me on my Blue Science website who’s asking a question, Matt Pulver, and what people don’t know about Matt is that he has a background in the financial world.

I’m going to read his question. it says, “What is the essential mechanism that will give value to the dinar upon its revaluation?” Can you address that please?

Tman: Sure. For those of you that have a financial background, I’m going to create an analogy, which would be the simplest way to embrace this. If you were to run a corporation you would be, as an officer and director of that company, primarily responsible for not only its operations, but the results of those operations. And the results of an operation usually have to do with a financial position: you either made money, or you didn’t make money.

Countries kind of run the same way in concept in that the value of the money that they put out is based on its assets and its liabilities. It’s kind of like the United States where we have long-term debt, short-term debt, and the like. Now, if you use the concept of a balance sheet, when the United States went in and invaded Iraq it was mandated by international law to be responsible for all of the mechanisms necessary, on all levels, to bring that country back up to an operational position. Just like a company.

One of those items has to do with the financial aspect to the country, and that gets involved with the IMF, the World Bank; and it gets involved with tradable currency or an exchangeable currency, etc. In order to get to that point you have to be able to have a salable product. What’s that salable product in Iraq? That would be of course, its oil.

You take a look at a balance sheet, you do not have the availability of putting in-ground assets, meaning its oil that’s in the ground, onto the balance sheet. Because they have something what they term as a specific kind of report called an “assay.” And that’s where they estimate, through all the scientific research that they employ, the amount of oil in the ground. The problem with that is that you cannot put that assay, or that estimation, on a balance sheet in the asset section or side of the balance sheet.

The way that you do create a value for that is, in this case, by contracts. So Russia, U.S., China, Europe, South America, all these countries will enter into long-term contracts for so many barrels of oil a month, at such a rate, and there’s escalation/de-escalation clauses based on market for the value of that oil. And they can then estimate what that financial value is to the country, and they put that on the asset side of the balance sheet.

Well, along with that will come liabilities. In this case, there are certain liabilities that the country will have but because it’s been rebuilt and it’s reset, their liabilities are very few. Now when you do assets minus liabilities, you come up with something extra. Meaning it’s like in your household -- you bring in a thousand dollars a month, and you only pay out five hundred, you can put five hundred into your bank account and you have a net worth of five hundred dollars.

In a country, you take all of your salable product, you reduce that number by your liabilities, and you have a net worth. That net worth equates to the strength of the dollar. So if they have a thousand dollar net worth and they print one thousand one-dollar bills, then each bill is worth exactly one dollar. But if their liabilities go up, and they have five hundred dollars of net worth against a thousand dollars -- or a thousand bills at a dollar -- then the value of their dollar goes up and down. You hear that on the nightly reports, you hear that in the newspaper where they talk about the strength of the dollar, the strength of the euro, the strength of the yen, the strength of one currency vs. another currency.

In this case we’re talking about a revaluation of the Iraqi dinar because there’s no market for the dinar. So it has a very minimal value. At this point, when they come out and when they revalue the dinar --

Kerry: I don’t know if we’re going to lose you guys.

[Pause to arrange further air time to extend the show.]

Tman: So the result is this much-embattled Iraqi dinar revaluation. All of the conversation of what the dinar’s going to come out at, what is its value, it’s all rhetoric because it’s going to be controlled. But rest assured it will come out. There is a value to it. For those of you that hold dinar now, you will see an increase in your dinar, and be happy and blessed that you had an opportunity to be involved in something that is once in a lifetime. It will bestow many financial blessings on many of you.

Kerry: Okay, well that’s going to amaze a lot of people to hear that. It’ll be great if we can go on a little longer. Do we need to go to a break at this point? Because obviously I’ve got questions.

[No break required.]

Kerry: That’s awesome. We’re getting a thank you from Matt Pulver; I guess that satisfied that question. And we can open for other questions basically from out there. At this time I want to also bring up the global settlements. Is it possible for you to talk a little bit about that? Because just like the dinar

there’s a lot of skeptics out there in regard to the global settlements. And there’s a lot of people that don’t seem to understand, it doesn’t matter how many reports you put out there, I think people are still perplexed and wondering if that’s a scam.

Tman: No, the global settlements are not a scam. Actually it’s in the reverse -- what is a scam is what’s going on in the world to try to maintain control. When the global settlements happen, a lot of the current power base that we fight and their positions will be minimized, and the basis of our fight truly should be over. Although it won’t be, because these guys always try to penetrate all the other organizations that will be replacing, like the Federal Reserve and some of these others.

But there’s a huge battle for control of the financial world, and so far, they’re winning. Up to this point, they have been winning. They’re ready to bankrupt this world. If in fact, the global settlements go through and the Iraqi dinar goes through, it puts fresh resources -- cash -- back into the world economy. And that means that their control has been lessened, their grip has been lessened dramatically and they will not have the control over the things that they want to have control over. You know, commodities, resources of other countries, the MTM trade platform markets; the control over our congressmen and our senators, and the control over the Vatican and the Vatican accounts. All of the stuff we’re not supposed to talk about is going to come to an end.

What we’re hoping is that the White Hats can be a voice to say, “Look, you know people, get a grip, grow a pair, stand up. If you’re elected you’d best be looking out for my interest, if you represent me and my district, and by god you better represent the people of this country.

If you’re in other countries that have a different form of government, you better hold your leaders accountable, because they are selling you out. And they’re selling you out for this deep foxhole that they’ve all bought into.”

Kerry: Okay, but about the global settlements. Can you talk about literally the machination behind the global settlements -- how will that come to pass,

and what is the global settlements? For the people that are listening that may not be up to speed.

Tman: I won’t get into all of how the global settlements have come about, but over the course of years there have been many individuals who have been very concerned about, primarily from outside the U.S., the status of the U.S. They recognize that the U.S. is the leader of freedom and the voice of confidence in the world, even though it’s a little messed up at this point in time. And these folks have contributed funds through mass resources that they control to make sure that the United States is strong.

Add to that the resources from other countries that have been made available, from China that have been made available, that are currently here in this country and ready to be distributed. These are cash in kind. These funds are here, these funds are available. And they’re available in the form of deposits in various banks here in the United States and around the world. And all they need to be, is released. The battle is for the release of those funds.

Kerry: Okay, but the global settlements themselves, what are they? I mean in other words, what happened to create a situation -- and I guess do we have to go into trading programs to talk about this?

Tman: No.

Kerry: I mean what are we talking about when we’re talking about “global settlement funds?” Where do they come from, why do these people -- why are they owed money, and so on?

Tman: Well, I think it’s not that they are owed money. It’s that these are funds that are freely given to keep the world strong. These are funds that people in their -- this comes from your side of the world -- they had the forethought in whatever shape and form that is, to see what’s going to happen to the world and the United States. And many, many years ago, decades ago, they put funds together that were required to be used only for the safekeeping in the United States and the world economies.

These funds are freely given, there’s no debt, no obligation. There’s no liability anywhere in the world other than to release these funds for the benefit of mankind.

Kerry: And who’s holding . . . or how is that being held back?

Tman: Primarily by George Bush, Sr. and his minions. That would include -- we refer to them as 41, 42, 43, and 44 -- along with all of the people that they control in all the various forms and fashions.

The people of this world need to demand that these funds are released. They need to tell their leaders; they need to show up on their doorstep; they need to say, “We want the funds released. We’re sick and tired of what’s going on in the world. We want these funds made available immediately, and responsibly, under the people that are supposed to have them.”

Kerry: Okay, so in terms of the gold: are these funds backed by gold? Are they coming from gold?

Tman: Well everything comes from gold.

Kerry: Really?

Tman: Yeah.

Kerry: Well, I thought they were just printing paper money out of nothing. Thin air, so to speak.

Tman: No, that’s the Federal Reserve. That’s not everybody else.

Kerry: All right, so the global settlement funds, they’re based on gold. What, in the Phillippines, or in different countries?

Tman: In different countries. Everything is gold-backed. It’s all responsible money, it’s not fiat money or foo-foo money. It’s all responsible money. These are old sources, they believe only in responsibility in a financial sector. Fiat money is a game played based on the rabbit hole.

I think if you take a look at a timeline over the last several decades and you match the cash, the fiat money, and all the shenanigans that have gone on, with the theft of money and their absolute mass need to consume cash, vs. what’s going on in your side of the world, the rabbit hole -- you know, all the space technology and all of that -- you’ll see a very interesting parallel and pattern. It will absolutely give you a moment of pause, doing the “Hmm, what’s going on here, and what are we not being told?”

Kerry: All right. At this moment what I’m sort of looking for is, in the chat, anyone who wants to ask questions. I’m going to look into this chat and see if we’ve got any questions. And if you don’t ask questions then we won’t keep Tman on the hold here, for that much longer.

Let me see. We’ve got somebody talking about the Civil War; I’m not sure if there’s anything here. Actually, if you’ve got a question please put it in all caps, that always helps me. And also if you could put a question mark at the end then that will also help. I’m going to scan the chat really quick and see if any of you put any questions in this form of chat. If Ahmad could also scan the chat in Revolution and see if there are any questions there, I’d appreciate that.

So, where are we at? Do we have any questions? Ahmad?

A: Just [one] that wants to know how he can regain their dinars.

Kerry: Okay. I’ve got another question here as well. Someone wants to know how they can redeem their dinars.

Tman: The system has a protocol buried somewhere, but they’ve not released that protocol for the redemption. So unfortunately I can’t tell you that. What I do know is that very soon, and I don’t know what that means -- it could be anywhere from a day to a month -- but we’re kind of at a point where we’re waiting and watching for a lot of this to happen. We hear a lot of stuff on a daily basis. We don’t have the proper info coming out yet. So I’d like to tell you what that protocol is, but I can’t. But it will be out there, it will be announced, you will see it, and when they do announce it, it shouldn’t be a lot of hocus-pocus.

Kerry: Well let me say this much; that I understand that some, like if you hold dinar from a certain organization, you go back to that organization in some cases, right? And they handle it? Or maybe you go to the bank directly. In that case I know at least Wells Fargo is going to be one of the central places where you’re going to redeem dinar from what I understand.

Tman: Right now Wells Fargo is one of the primary banks that’s been assigned to handle the big side of the transactions. That does not mean that you should be running to their retail branches and banging them over the head with your basket of dinar. They probably won’t know what to do with it. In fact, I can almost guarantee you they will not know what to do with it. The retail side, meaning the common folks who are holding, you know, a couple hundred or maybe a million dinar, you’re just going to have to sit tight and wait for those announcements. It’ll happen. It’s coming about, and the world pressure is forcing it to happen. And I could go through a long litany which would take quite a while, of the reasons why, but I think for the time span we have right here, just know that it will happen.

Kerry: Okay. We’ve got another person asking, hold on one second here . . . [Kerry had to scroll through several questions in the chat]. Okay. What happens if the U.S. goes bankrupt?

Tman: Hold on to both butt cheeks and go for a ride.

Kerry: But isn’t the idea here to some degree, now correct me if I’m wrong, but my understanding is that if the dinar revalues and the global settlements happen, money will go back into the system; that the down-turn or the bankruptcy of the U.S. that even if it was planned will be put off, at least for a time. Is that right? Or is that too much of an assumption?

Tman: Well, it’s not so much an assumption, it is more of -- the answer is far greater, and far deeper. The Federal Bank, excuse me, the Federal Reserve Board of New York, which is the one that we heard about in the news this week where a young -- I think Bangladeshi -- lad was planning to blow it up . . . that entity, I mean, to be not so facetious, if you gave them a hundred years to get out of debt they couldn’t do it.

The Federal Reserve does not have the opportunity to get out of the total debt that it has amassed. And from our standpoint, what we see is that the pattern of the cabal is that they will load up an entity with so much debt, and then they will bankrupt the entity. That way they can have an opportunity to scatter the records and nobody can find out what they did.

Well, if you take a look at the foxhole, and you take a look at the space programs and the vast amount of cash that’s being required to fund all of those operations; and if you take a look at a certain section of the balance sheet on the budget side of the U.S. budget, you’ll see that none of the foxhole is in there.

Kerry: So you call that “off balance sheet” is that right?

Tman: It’s all off balance sheet. Everything’s off balance sheet. And when you’re off balance sheet, it’s very difficult to control the tracking of what’s going on. And it’s purposely done, it is not something that’s done by fallacy. It’s something that’s purposely done and if you want to see the greatest, one of the greatest examples of off balance sheet numbers, take a look at [Report] 48, because we’re going to give it to you. In dollar amounts that you will, even if you had a year you would not be able to come up -- because most people can say well, this is a hundred, a thousand, a million, a billion, a trillion. You get past a trillion, and you get past a trillion by tens sets of three zeroes -- how much money is that? You see?

And we’re here in the United States one of the largest countries in the world worth fifteen trillion, sixteen trillion dollars. We can quantify that. We can get our arms around it. But when you see what these pools of cash are -- and we’re not going to demonstrate one. In one instance, we’re going to demonstrate close to four hundred under one entity.

Kerry: With the zeroes going in the stratosphere, so to speak.

Tman: Absolutely.

Kerry: Yeah. I get that.

Tman: And that’s just one very minute example of what we’re going to show you. And we can sit here and show you all day long.

Kerry: And that’s off balance sheet money, right?

Tman: Absolutely.

Kerry: And that means it’s going into the secret space program and being run by the secret government. All right, so next question. Let’s see, hold on one second, here.

Tman: And may I say something about the bankruptcy?

Kerry: Sure.

Tman: The United States has been bankrupt before, you just never knew about it. It’s happened actually at least two times. What’s happening is that they just flip the entities. So we talk about du jour, de facto, we can talk about all of that lingo about how does it happen, and are we a republic and are we this and are we that. Somebody needs to sit down other than me in the White Hats, especially the guys that are talking about that, and they need to sit down and actually understand the machinations that entities go through, including the United States, and what happened at that point in time that created such a disparity in the financial realm that they had to make a shift.

And if you understand that, you’re going to take a look at what’s going on at the Federal Reserve, you’re going to take a look at what’s happening in the worldwide markets, in the MTM markets. You’re going to take a look at who’s controlling the worldwide MTM market, which is Bush; and you’re going to wonder who the financial guru wants to be in the world and why. And the world is fighting this, at this point. We’re just the most vocal SOBs on the planet right now who want this to end. And we are soliciting the support of all leadership around the world and all people of common place that want to have a voice and want to hold their leaders to accountability for the betterment of them and their families.

Kerry: Good point. All right, so let’s see. Someone is asking how much longer they can hold this up?

Tman: Oh they’re past their point. Everything you see right now is merely a hologram. And not in the -- in your world hologram -- it’s fictitious. It’s all PR and it’s all BS. Everything you see is nothing more than trying to put band-aids on the leaking dyke long enough to gain enough of a hold and a position so as they still have a chance to hold on to power.

Kerry: So in other words, their time is up and you think at this point it’s just biding their time or whatever?

Tman: Pretty much. Yes.

Kerry: Okay. Somebody wants to ask about the Federal Reserve notes being released, and the end of the Fed contract at the end of the year. Well my understanding is what we just said at the beginning, maybe they weren’t listening, was that the Treasury just took over the Fed.

Tman: Right.

Kerry: So that may eliminate any need for the contract to re-up with the Fed. Am I wrong? Or are they going to restructure it?

Tman: Well, you see, and that’s what we don’t know.

Kerry: Oh you don’t know?

Tman: Yeah. So, the Fed is a very clandestine organization even though it has a front to it. We are going to see a series of moves with Bernanke and a lot of the internal people, like we have seen already moving over to Treasury. Basically, what we’re starting to see is that the Fed is out and that the United States has started to reassume all of its financial prowess.

The Federal Reserve, and I’m going to say this in the most simplistic terms, and understand that these conversations are so deep, and they’re not philosophical, they are actual, okay. But they’re so deep, and they’re

involved in so much international and global finance and what it means, that they have to be very careful. The Federal Reserve is about keeping the printing presses running, and there are warehouses around the world that have nothing more than stacks, in warehouses, of cut dollars from the Federal Reserve. Those printing presses keep running. And every time they need something, they crank up the printing presses again like they did with the fifteen [trillion] that we write about with Pure Heart.

We really don’t know at this point in time whether or not the Federal Reserve, or a derivative of the Federal Reserve -- “derivative” is a bad word in this day and age -- but [we don’t know whether] a derivative of the Federal Reserve is going to exist. What we do know is that the Federal Reserve as an entity, and I would say that many of the people that disagree with my position need to think about this: the Federal Reserve as an entity is not corrupt. The people are corrupt. The people behind it, the people that are controlling, the illuminati, the Bilderbergers, the Bushs. All these people that are trying to control what’s going on. If you control the money, you control the people.

Now, if it is that the Federal Reserve goes away, what happens to something as simple as Western Union? Because that’s all controlled by the Federal Reserve. Western Union is a company, with a product, but all of the systems that they use are Federal Reserve systems for the transfer of cash. It’s not Western Union’s systems; they are not building their own new cellular towers. They are using the Federal Reserve system. So if you have an emergency and you need to send fifty bucks to somebody you know across town, you won’t be able to do that. If you want to go to an ATM machine and take cash out, put cash in, transfer back and forth, you won’t be able to do that. If you’re a business and you have letters of credit, or you have trade credit lines or international credit lines, you will not be able to execute those lines. International trade stops.

Kerry: Okay, but if the Treasury takes over for the Federal Reserve won’t they just keep those things in operation?

Tman: Well, that’s what we’re hoping. And we don’t know yet, and I don’t think anybody really understands except the inside core exactly what’s going to happen with that Federal Reserve system. What about all the mechanisms? For example, DTCC. If you go on the internet and you look for DTCC, take a look at all of the financial systems that are loaded underneath that website. And DTCC is a Federal Reserve system. It’s owned by Federal Reserve, the people.

If you go to BIS, the Bank of International Settlements, that’s all, primarily, Federal Reserve. So all the financial systems in the Western European economy, there’s five economies -- monetary systems. If it is that the Western European monetary system goes down, because it is such a huge portion of the world’s monetary system, the world comes to a screeching halt. Now, will they allow that to happen? No. They’ll figure a way around it. They’re prudent men. And when it comes down to somebody trying to hijack a financial system, I can assure you that there are people in government that are fully aware of what’s going on. They’re quiet. They’re working behind the scenes, and they aren’t going to allow this to happen.

Kerry: Well, we could get into a whole discussion about that, but I kind of want to let other people ask their questions here because you and I can talk about this if there are no questions.

Let me see what’s the next thing here. We’ve got: What will be the checkmate of the current system? Does that question even make sense?

Tman: Well no, it makes sense. This comes from Adele in Australia. You know Adele, your system is part of the Fed system down there, so you’re as affected as we are here in the States.

Kerry: Okay, don’t read any more names out, but go right ahead.

Tman: All right, sorry about that.

Kerry: [Laughing.] I have to watch this guy.

Tman: But it’s interesting, you know, you say “checkmate.” The question is not really formed properly and I can take it about six different ways. But what will the checkmate be . . . the checkmate is always about people. In this case, who is going to win the overall battle of control? Will it be the old guard, or will it be the new guard? That’s where the battle is. So your checkmate is who will win the battle by virtue of sides. You’ve got a good side, and a bad side. Because I’m a White Hat, I view it that way. So the answer to the question is the checkmate is when the people decide who wins this battle for control, and that’s something that is really tough to put an answer to.

Kerry: But let’s just say if the global settlements in the dinar go through, is that the end of the battle of the systems? I mean you’re saying it’s a reset. Is the battle over? Or is it just begun?

Tman: That’s another tough question, because it’s based on people. If it was a mechanism, a filing system, and there was control of that -- that would be one way to answer. My personal fear is that as we watch what right now looks like the end of the Federal Reserve system, the question in my mind is, they plundered so much cash, they’ve stolen from all sectors. . . . You know, we had a guy named Joe Falcone, and Joe had 700 million dollars stolen from him by Bush and his group, and it was put into a trade program. We tracked the money; we know where it is. Do you think anybody in the system is going to go against Bush? Not happening.

Kerry: [Sound of a phone ringer.] Keep talking. I’ll try to take this outside.

Tman: Okay. So there are many [briefly cut off due to music from radio network] . . . the question is, how do you quantify it, and how do you take it back from the people that stole it? Very difficult to do. How do you quantify anything relative to any of the thefts, any of the dollars. How do you quantify any one aspect of any of this. You’ve got the MSM, you’ve got PR, you’ve got lies, deceits, everything going on to cover all this up. There’s no singular specific answer on how to uncover it.

That’s why we have something like the White Hat reports. When we started out with White Hats, we really didn’t want to do a blog. We actually used it

as a communication piece because we knew that it was going to get picked up by the people that we wanted to see it. It’s not like we could go up to their office, knock on their door, and say, “Hey, this is the message we want to deliver.” We selected a blog, and look what’s happened since then. It’s --

[Tman’s call dropped out. Revolution Radio told Kerry there were about 3 minutes left for the show.]

Kerry: All right, we appreciate that, thank you for giving us the time. Okay, we’ll let Tman finish up here. I’m not sure what you were saying there but I know that we have a lot of questions back-to-back here, and maybe they’re just not going to get their questions answered.

How much time do we have, exactly?

Rev Radio: About two minutes. [Brief discussion about getting questions answered if possible.]

Nitehawk: Hey, this is Nitehawk. I don’t mind if you go over if we can kind of rifle a little faster. We’re spending about twenty minutes on a question. I don’t even know who you’re talking to, but I’d like Kerry, if possible, for you to get him back for like two weeks in a row for a really good two-parter so we can delve into this.

Kerry: Well this is Tman. The White Hats are well known actually around the internet, and I also release their communiqués to the people.

Nitehawk: I got in here like twenty minutes before midnight, so I just myself got rolled into this. But I think this is very interesting information we’re getting; you got huge numbers, and I think this would make a really good in-depth two-parter in my own opinion, being somebody that’s just like you -- in media. So it would be cool if we could line that up.

Kerry: Well, this is a unique situation. This person is not always available to do this kind of thing. I just put his website in the chat here. I put it here on the Skype; if you could put it into the chats that would be great. And that way people will know who we’re talking to. He’s one of the White Hats.

Nitehawk: Go ahead and roll until one [o’clock]. And then I’ll do my show then, that’s fine. I can do my show whenever I want, so.

Kerry: Do you want us to continue? I’m sorry I don’t understand what you’re saying. . . .

Nitehawk: Continue, we’ll skip all the breaks. You’ve got another twenty-eight minutes, and go for it, then I’ll take on.

Kerry: All right. Excellent.

Nitehawk: Okay?

Kerry: People will appreciate it. This man has a great deal of experience in the financial sector. So, that’s where he is talking from. I guess we’ll go back to whatever he was answering, and I will advise him to keep his answers short. He maybe actually called in the middle of this, we don’t know. There’s a lot going on, if people can appreciate that. This thing is not a moving target, he’s actually involved in some of this in the background. So let me see where we were.

[Tman back on the line. To Tman:] We were done with the checkmate. As far as the global settlements and the Bank for International Settlements, did you talk about that?

Tman: No, it doesn’t have anything to do with one another.

Kerry: Okay, they’re different, so you’re talking about BIS and the global settlements are two different things?

Tman: Yes.

Kerry: [Asking next question.] What about military support for the release of the global settlements?

Tman: The military is going to remain quiet. You know, realistically. Everybody wants to claim that they have military support, they want to go through all that. The reality is the military is not going to say anything. They

are a very neutral party; they represent all Americans. If it gets to the point where there is such a calamity going on here, then they have the ability to step in. We’re not at that point. And I think for anybody to claim that they have total military support is a ludicrous comment.

Now, having said that, does the military know what’s going on? Hell yeah, you better believe it. They know everything going on. They watch all aspects, and that’s what they are charged to do, they’re charged to protect us. The unfortunate part is that you get into the concept of do they, or can they, protect against the financial collapse. Well that’s, unfortunately, not their job. That’s the job of other people, and they have to allow those people to work. Do they have a voice? Yeah, they do. Doesn’t mean it’s going to be taken, no. Next question.

Kerry: All right, and thank you again for letting us take some time here. Gold in Fort Knox -- what happens if we find there is none there? I thought we found out there was none there. Can you elaborate?

Tman: Yeah, there’s none there. Now what are you going to do? [Are] you going to get mad and shake your fist, you know? Everybody thought Fort Knox was the epitome of our gold collection arm. It’s not, never really has been. It’s more of a . . . what do you call it --

Kerry: National icon?

Tman: Well, the facility is a national icon. But the concept is more of an urban legend.

Kerry: I see. All right. Let’s see: What form will the global settlements take? At our level, what will this look like?

Tman: In reality, most people probably would never know about the global settlements unless you happen to be in blogdom and you happen to see something that says that the settlements had been kicked in place.

The form . . . it would probably be best viewed to the public through job creations, major projects, infrastructure, upgrading. We’ve seen proposals to

upgrade everything from the electric grid to mass transportation, producing water, telecommunications, the next generation of all of that. So, it’s all part of it.

Kerry: Okay, next question. And we’re going to kind of blow through these a little fast just so people can appreciate that we have limited time, so we can try to get to everything.

How much is one American dollar in dinars? Right now, I guess they mean.

Tman: Well, at this very moment I’m going to let you extrapolate the numbers. But you can buy one million dinar for approximately one thousand dollars through many of the dealers around the country. So what’s that down to an equivalent of one dollar?

Kerry: And next question is: Will the money I have in the bank retain its value? I mean, that’s a good question and I’m going to put a corollary to that, because isn’t it possible that the dinar could revalue and then they could shoot the dollar down to zero? And I’m not sure how they’ll do that, but isn’t it possible they could do that?

Tman: Yeah, it is. But what’s going to make it a little bit more difficult is, there’s going to be a transition point here. And to be honest with you I don’t have all of the details, they’ve not been released. So all we can do is extrapolate from experience. But the new American dollars, the new American currency, is printed and it’s ready to come out and it is based on [basal feet?] which has to do with the value of each of those dollars, there has to be a correlation.

The question that should be pertinent to you is the dollars that you currently have in the bank vs. the new currency’s -- so it’s the good vs. the old, and whether or not there’s going to be a discount, if you will, of the old currency as it relates to the new currency. We don’t know that yet, that’s not been put out. We’ve not seen the protocol or the plan for the conversion, so we can’t answer that at this point.

Kerry: Okay, it looks like they want more about the Federal Reserve and what they are saying are new Federal Reserve notes. How will that transition take place, and what happens when the Fed contract is up?

I think in a sense we answered this, so if you’re coming in late to the story here, what you can do is listen to obviously the archived radio show and you’ll get your answer to those questions. Do you agree with me, or do you want to say anything on this?

Tman: No, I agree with that.

Kerry: Someone thinks you’re a good, interesting guest. That’s very nice. Let’s see. Let me just say that, you have to understand, this is Project Camelot, this is Project Camelot radio show; we don’t run by normal rules and we tend to get some really incredible guests. There’s a reason for that. We don’t put a lot of demands on people, and I can say that whistleblowers and people that are fighting the good fight, if you want to put it that way, are not always available on a regular schedule. So we will do the best we can, but we cannot promise anything.

On to the questions. What would a different system look like, besides the Fed system? Does that make any sense?

Tman: It does. As far as the financial services that are offered, it would be very detrimental to all of the leadership of the world to take away financial services from people. To answer the question, I would encourage everybody to take a look at what happens from the time you get up in the morning to the time that you go to bed at night, and take a look at the electronic exposure that has invaded your life. And how much of that electronic exposure has to do with the financial system, or where you might see some overlaps. Some systems are used -- although they’re secure -- some systems are used simultaneously.

So what does a system look like, a different system? I’m not sure that if the powers to be are trying to keep things copacetic, and they’re trying to keep calm in the lands, that there’s going to be a seamless transition. Everything is going to be available. They may even try to acquire things like DTCC. The

Federal Reserve goes bankrupt based on how they’re formed, which entities are going bankrupt, how all that looks and feels, will determine the actual onslaught system. If it is that you’re not able to go in and use your ATM card, if you’re not able to go to a teller and get your money -- these are things that they are greatly concerned about because of what the expression of that is going to be once that person leaves the bank. And you’re going to get a whole spectrum of emotion, from something where they are just cussing the bank out, to something that could be extreme. [If] you get enough of those expressions of emotion in the land of America, you’re going to see a need for martial law; you’re going to see a need for controlling some of those aspects. And we have such a socioeconomic base here in the United States that you’re not going to be able to segment those groups. You’re not going to isolate them, there is going to be emotional spill-over into the other groups.

So what does it look like? I’m not sure that you are going to actually see any difference. The smart money says, keep it looking as close to what it looks like now so that nobody’s inconvenienced, so that everything can run smoothly.

Rev Radio: Kerry, can you check the bottom of your Skype, please.

Kerry: I’m sorry we have to skim down through the questions. [Brief pause.] We need to remind everyone that this is a commercial-free, listener-supported radio show, and if you would visit the website and support FreedomSlips.com, they would really appreciate it. They have been skipping breaks. During those breaks they obviously remind you it’s commercial-free, they need your support, and I would ask you guys, if you can support the radio station, Revolution Radio is a great radio station. They’ve been hanging in there with Camelot for quite a while now, and they’ve got lots of great other hosts as well. So if you’re able to, if you’re in that position, please do help out.

Okay, we’ve got another question from Matt Pulver, so I’m going to skip over there and see if you want to answer this. The question is: Do the red, nine-

digit CUSIP numbers on the back of our Social Security cards really respond to bonds? And if so, who owns them and how are they traded?

Tman: That will be the death of me yet. You know what, Matthew, save that question for another time, and if you and I ever have the opportunity to meet or if you want to send an e-mail through Kerry, I guess I’ll answer that. Because that is, you know, they want me to keep these answers short, and there’s no way I can do it if I answer that.

Kerry: So you’re not postponing the answer because it’s controversial, you’re simply postponing it because it’s too long.

Tman: Yes. Because your sponsor would kill me.

Kerry: All right, that’s fair enough. So Matt, maybe you can ask something a little more pertinent to what’s going on here. And I appreciate that question, I think it’s a good one, so I’m not putting down the question.

Tman: It basically runs to ownership -- who owns us.

Kerry: It runs to who owns us, is what he’s saying. Which is a good answer. And I think that Jordan Maxwell has answered this question on his website by the way, if you want to do the research to find the answer.

Somebody’s saying: Can you talk about your take on a move away from trading oil in U.S. dollars as for regarding U.S. politics?

Tman: Right, that’s something that’s been in the news quite a bit lately. But the U.S. dollar is the world’s reserve dollar, and basically that means that, in a sentence, everybody can rely on the dollar to be here -- its strength, and what it means. Everybody after World War II, used the reserve dollar and agreed that the United States would back the reserve dollar. They would be the placard holder for the world.

During the last few years, between the politics, the off balance sheet accounts, the need to control the space programs and the foxholes and all of the very silly decisions that they’ve made -- for whatever basis -- silly

decisions that frankly has gotten out of control. We now find ourselves disrespected for our financial prowess, and we find ourselves disrespected for our political prowess, we find ourselves disrespected as a country. I don’t think anybody can disagree with any of that.

How it relates to this question is that the rest of the world, now this would be the Russians, the Chinese, the Arabs -- whoever else -- are not feeling real warm and fuzzy with the United States and the decisions that we’ve made as prudent financial people. And we’ve done it all for the sake of an ideology, that ideology being the space program and the foxhole. The rest of the world is sick and tired of being pushed around. They don’t necessarily, from my understanding, get any benefit from the foxhole. They don’t receive any benefit from the United States not taking care of its responsibilities worldwide financially. When that happens you have people that in groups, and countries, that don’t feel real comfortable with putting all its eggs in one basket. So they need to spread those eggs around a little bit, or get into different baskets.

So when it is that we’re talking about the currency for the oil, what’s going to be the quote-unquote “reserve currency” for the oil or how is it going to be traded, they are saying, “U.S., you know you’re not the brightest, you’re not the smartest, you’re not the most prudent. You’ve done really stupid things because of your own ideologies to take over to impact going on in this world called Earth, and in other worlds. And you’ve done it religiously, and you’ve done it without rhyme or reason. Therefore, you’re not responsible.” Hence, the basis for your question.

Kerry: Well, let me just say that there is -- and the writer here says it’s an act of war -- and possibly there’s a part of the United States, this cabal, who feels it’s an act of war to try to move away from having the U.S. as the reserve currency, isn’t that right? I mean, in other words, is it possible countries will go to war over that issue?

Tman: It’s possible.

Kerry: And we know that China wants to be the reserve currency. I don’t know if anyone else does, or has the wherewithal to even play in that game. But we certainly know that China would like to be the reserve currency, right?

Tman: You have to take a look to motivation, and we get into all the conversations about a country’s aspirations. You take a look at it from maybe a biblical standpoint and you hear that you have this big army that’s going to be generated from the west coming over and taking over whatever. Then you hear other groups, other ideologies, other talk -- whether it be political or another frame of reference. It says, “this country would like to do this, this country would like to do this, this country wants to be this.” Everybody has aspirations. But in the big world, you have to be prudent men.

And the Chinese . . . I’m going to give you my opinion based off of what I’ve been told by many leaders worldwide: the Chinese are not looking to take over the world. The Chinese have more problems at home that they need to concern themselves with. And they’re concerned about their own protection, they’re concerned about all the things on their home front, just like we are. And if one item in another country starts to proliferate -- could be financial, nuclear, it doesn’t matter -- then they have to start taking a look at what’s their countermeasures, because their intel is telling them, “Hey, these guys are doing this.” So if it is that everybody did the kumbaya and got together, which is not real, but if they were to do that and they were all on one platform, then we wouldn’t have these problems in the world except for little guys that want to have big feet. We see that in the world: we see North Korea, we see Iran, whether they are created or not. That’s the problem.

Kerry: Okay, the reserve currency issue has got teeth. In other words, or legs -- however you want to look at it. In other words you know, countries such as China, there is a move right now. It may be, as I was told, “posturing” by somebody recently. But nonetheless, the talk is to get . . . again because of the sort of move and because of the way the United States has behaved internationally, there is a move away from wanting to have the U.S. be the petro-dollar as they call it. Right?

Tman: Right.

Kerry: They want to buy and sell oil, and in fact some countries at this time are doing just that. Right?

Tman: Right, yes.

Kerry: So it’s a very real issue. Whether it’s an act of war is, I think, another step along that trajectory. I had a conversation with somebody today, and they said to me that there’s no way that the U.S. would let go of being the reserve currency.

Tman: The U.S. may not have any choice.

Kerry: Okay.

Tman: The U.S. is in a very weak position right now. The U.S. is not what it used to be, its voice is not heard like it used to be, and they are definitively not respected like they used to be. There’s a difference between respect and fear, and the cabal is about bullying. They want what they want, they’re going to get what they want; they are going to move in the background and get what they want. That’s all part of life, that’s all part of what goes on in the real world. It depends on how you use it. And it depends on the extent to which you decide to use it, and how far down that path you’re going to go. Right now, they are at the end extreme of their path, and the world is fighting back. We’re hoping that the world has the cojones to say that they have the voice, and enough of the world will get together -- they’re going to tell the U.S. where to go. And they are doing it right now.

That’s just one item on the long list of what they are telling them.

Kerry: Right. All right, one of the issues -- and I know it’s not in the questions here, but -- I’m sure they are also saying no, we’re not going to go for a war with Iran. Right?

Tman: What I’ve heard is that, that position is a fallacy, to think that that’s going to happen. They are going to try to push it; there are some groups that are going to try to push it. But there’s been too many problems with Iraq, there’s been too many problems with the infamous WMD. You have got 9/11 that you have to contend with, and it doesn’t matter what the books say, it doesn’t matter what the commissions say, everybody in the background of their head says, “What if this actually did happen the way that the conspiracy blogs are saying that it has happened? What happens if that in fact happened that way, and it was all wrong what we were told?” You know?

Rev Radio: You’ve got two minutes, Kerry.

Tman: Now we have to worry about what they are telling us in another region of the world, and if that’s going to turn out to be World War III -- we need to think about that. Because we can’t have another World War II on our hands. There is too much technology in the last 60-70 years that has come forth, and with the space program, nobody knows what the hell’s going on.

Kerry: Okay. All right, so basically you’re saying no war with Iran is the position of a lot of the world. However, the Bush cabal may have something else in mind.

Tman: Exactly. And it’s the people that we don’t see that are trying to run the world.

Kerry: Right, absolutely. And it’s not just the Bush cabal. And Camelot listeners know this. Okay, we’re going to have to wrap up here. Thank you Revolution Radio for your patience and for being open to having Tman come on my show unexpectedly in this way. This is just the luck of the draw and we are very lucky tonight. This was a great thing, and this will go down [. . .] in history in terms of people’s being able to sort of hear verbally from these guys, because they don’t often do this.

They are on their own website. We’ve got tdarkcabal.blogspot.com put out there, and so on.

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