whfrp shadows over bogenhafen

Post on 02-May-2017






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Shadows over Bogenhafen


PAGE NAME OCCURRENCEA P84 Doctor Malthusius Malthusius has heard that the Goblin has been killed in a warehouse but the town council won’t allow him to

have the body so that he can stuff and mount it for display in his freakshow.B P83 Magistrate Richter Sorry to have wasted your time, the goblin was found crushed under crates in a warehouse – it was reported an

hour after you went into the sewersC P80 Madman In The Square The madman in the square claims that the fate of the town will be told in the face of the moon. He utter

phrases like “the mark is upon you” and people in Bogenhafen are beginning to talk about himD P80 Gideon Is tailing JolondaE P80 Johannes Teugen Johannes orders some hired muscle to threaten Jolonda to keep her distanceF P80 Frederich Magirius NAG P80 Franz Steinhager NAH P82 Morrsleib The Moon has the beginnings of a grinning face in itI P90 Herr Ruggbroder Ruggbroder is the head of a one of the powerful merchant families and he is suspicious of the Ordo Septinarius

– he wants Jolonda to find out more and report back to him. He has been suspicious of Johannes Teugen since the death of his brother Karl through sickness (The Purple Brain Fever) – symptoms are eyes bulging from head, tongue swollen, delirium


PAGE NAME OCCURRENCEA P84 Doctor Malthusius and

Belzor MorgrumsonMalthusius will be a staunch ally and Belzor will help in any way he can.Freak show to include:

a. Bald badgerb. Cat with a head and a halfc. 2 tailed ratd. Frog with extra forelimbse. Child covered in hair (Octavia)

f. Freak with hidden mutation – Brodi. He is actually a conjoined twin and has a head and arms hanging out of his chest. The head breathes and will move involuntarily, but does not wake up.

g. Animal with human handsh. 2 headed snakei. Terrier with no hind legs – has a strap with wheels insteadj. Animal (mammal) with lizard skin

B P83 Magistrate Richter Magistrate Richter is taken ill with the Purple Brain Fever and a new Magistrate – Gorvintz – are presiding over the festival court. The adventurers will be sent to see the Captain of The Watch and told to stop wasting the Magistrate’s time

C P80 Madman In The Square The “Madman” in the square is actually Ulthar the Unstable, a friend to Karl Teugen. Gideon murders him by ripping his throat out

D Gideon Gideon will be following Jolonda and later will be preparing for tonight’s meeting.E P84 Johannes Teugen Teugen has offices at the town hall. If Jolonda meets with him he will see her. He is polite but evasive – yes, he

is a member of the Ordo, they are a charitable institution and it is the duty of the wealthy of Bogenhafen to take care of the less fortunate. He will patently deny the presence of the demon and explain it away with tricks of the light. After a few questions he will ask the Jolonda to excuse him and ring a bell for the clerk to fetch her. Or he can usher her toward Fredrich Magarius to answer further questions.

WHAT JOLONDA SHOULD NOTICE: The room is very dark and all the curtains are drawn. He will great Jolonda warmly enough and complain of a headache. Teugen reaches for a goblet of dark liquid with a pasty, white hand. A successful Observe test will show slightly sharp eye teeth. He has a heavy and no-doubt expensive, amulet round his neck with his family’s crest on it.

F P92 Frederich Magirius Magarius will offer to meet Jolonda at the Golden Trout that evening where he promises to answer all her questions. SEE P92/93 FOR DETAILS OF THE GOLDEN TROUT AND THE ENCOUTER

Jolonda needs to find out about the meeting tonight at Teugen’s house! TEUGEN MEETING HANDOUTG P88 Franz Steinhager Franz Steinhager will refuse to see Jolonda. She may be granted a meeting with his younger brother, Heinrich.

Heinrich has his own ends and will pretend to be shocked at Jolonda’s story, believing everything she says. He will work up to offering her money to kill his brother “to rid Bogenhafen of this evil conspirator”. He will offer 600 GC but can be bargained up to 1000. If Jolonda takes him up on this he will inform on her as she is clearly deranged!

H P82 Morrsleib The face in the moon is now bold and obvious and is grinning broadly – occasionally a huge red tongue will lick it’s lips much to the amusement of the locals

I P90 Herr Ruggbroder Ruggbroder will offer 10GC reward for information and 500 GC for conclusive evidence of sorcery of any kindJ P91 Priestess of Shallya

Marlene RubensternMarlene is often away from the temple tending to people in need, but she does run a regular soup kitchen there in the evenings. She will give details of Karl Teugen’s death . She also knows of the Ordo’s charitable works as they assist her with the running of various events such as another soup kitchen in the Pits on the other side of the river.

She will offer healing to Jolonda if she requires it with various potions, draughts and poultices depending on the nature of the injury.

K P90 Captain of the Watch Reiner Goertrin

The Captain is tall and thin and has a brisk manner. He enjoys intimidating the lower orders and will not take any news of demons or cults seriously

L Other Occurrences THE MEETING = PAGE 80:There is a meeting tonight at Teugen’s house. Hiding in the shadows will reveal 7 members of the Ordo arriving at the house. Franz Steinhager (carrying a package and flanked by 2 body guards), and Fredrich Magarius (also carrying some kind of package) attend, along with 5 other people Jolonda doesn’t recognise. Again they all have packages or bundles of some sort. Some have bodyguards and nearly all of them come from houses within the Adel Ring.

2 servants stand by the gates greeting the guests and once the last guest arrives they close and lock the gates, and then close and lock the main house doors. 2 bodyguards stand inside the gates.

The Meeting – this is to discuss the plans for tomorrow night’s ritual. Jolonda has spoiled Teugen’s plans by finding the shrine so he has a new location for tomorrow’s ritual which will be revealed later. Teugen mentions that human sacrifice is part of the plan and Magirius begins to have second thoughts! The merchants all think the ritual is to tamper with market forces and make them rich, Teugen thinks he will be sacrificing them all to save himself, and Gideon knows it will create a Chaos Gate on the site of the town to allow the forces of Chaos access to the heart of the Empire.

DAY 4 OF THE SCHAFFENFEST – the ritual is tonight!

All events occur chronologically from P93 onwards


A Early Morn

Fredrich Magirius Magirius will seek Jolonda out, looking pale and worried – this is a marked contrast to his appearance at the Golden Trout! He insists on being taken to a place where they cannot be overheard – takes Jolonda to walk around the Schaffenfest or Town.

“When Teugen came to us from Nuln he told us that, with our help, his sorcery could influence the entire economy of the Empire. Bogenhafen would become great – greater even than Marienburg – and we would all become rich beyond our wildest dreams. That is why the Ordo Septinarius was established. The lower ranks and the charitable work are just a smoke-screen.”

“When you and the Dwarf discovered the temple under the Steinhager offices it upset Teugen’s plans and I was instructed to re-assure you and to try and make you go away, so that we could continue preparations.”

“The ritual will take place tonight. I don’t know where yet, but I will get word to you as soon as I can. Teugen said that human sacrifice will be necessary to prepare the new temple, and that was just too much for me. I didn’t realise that anyone would have to get killed! You must help me! Going to the authorities is useless, Teugen and the Council control them all – you are my only hope!

Magirius then hands Jolonda MAGIRIUS LETTER HANDOUT – the letter from Etelka HergenAft Gideon In the late afternoon a young boy dressed in the livery of the Magarius household delivers a note to Jolonda.

The lad – about 13 years old – hands over a rolled piece of parchment bearing the town seal, and then quickly leaves without a word. He makes Jolonda feel uneasy but she can’t say why.

Magirius’s House The Paige answers the door at Magirius’s house and h confirms the Councillor is expecting her. He motions her to the study.

A huge oak desk dominates the study which at first appears empty.

Behind the desk on the floor is the body of Magirius, throat slit. There is a wide pool of blood around him and bloody smears on the top of the desk and down the draws. In his own blood Magirius has written a very shaky “WHSE” and then either a 13 or 17, it isn’t clear which number.

From the front door Jolonda hears a loud cry of “Help! Help! Murder!” From the window of the study Jolonda can see a 4 man watch patrol making for the house. The “servant” appears in the room and in a deep resonant voice says: “You know, you really should have minded your own business!” and then vanishes! His deep,

mocking laughter can still be heard in the air.

Hopefully she will escape into the garden! 10ft wall around the house. As she starts to climb she should hear watch shout “Quick, she’s escaping!” There is a tree she can use to climb – Initiative test to climb (with suitable modifiers if needed) and should always be one step away from being caught! Jump of 3 yds from wall or 1yd if she hangs.

Ostendamm Jolonda must dodge watch patrols on her way to the Ostendamm district to find the warehouse – 25% CHANCE SHE WILL BE RECOGNISED

As she makes her way across the town near the Bergstrasse she runs straight into – HERSELF! (Gideon in disguse!) – She hears the deep laugh again and he vanishes but there is a mob hot on his tail and she can hear the shouts of “Stop! Fire Raiser! String them up!”

She now has to take an initiative test each round to evade the mob and there is a 75% chance the Watch will recognise her.

She will eventually reach the Ostendamm at duskDoctor Malthusius The Doctor will pledge to meet Jolonda if she can get a message to him. It is vital she is not left to face the finale

alone! He will ready his cart near the Nuln Gate ready for their getaway!Warehouse 17 This warehouse is closed up. A faint, flickering light can be seen through the windows. It bears the sign of an ear

of corn over a mailed fist – the sign of the Ruggbroder family. If Jolonda goes into the warehouse she will see familiar crates – the wine Josef Qertjin brought with him on his barge. The warehouse is absolutely full, no space for a ritual – then suddenly there is a night-watchman with 2 dogs! If she retreats the watchman will back off, if not the dogs will attack and the night-watchman will summon the Watch to “Bring the thieving scum to justice!”

Warehouse 13 The warehouse bears the red-cross symbol of the Teugen family. The doors are closed but not locked.

Within the warehouse there is a large, copper circle with a white pentagram drawn within. There are some boxes at the back of the warehouse and a set of stairs to the left of the door. The windows all look to have been covered with cloth of somekind.

The Ritual Shortly after Jolonda arrives a cart arrives at the warehouse and 3 men begin unloading a number of sacks. Two of the men leave and the third (Steinhager) prepares the circle with salt and candles from the sacks.

After about 30 minutes 5 carriages arrive – all within 15 minutes of each other. Teugen arrives with a man (Gideon), both carrying bundles. Others arrive until all 7 of the Ordo (plus Teugen and Gideon) are in the warehouse. They spend 30 minutes robing and making preparations.

While this is happening about 6/12 thugs from the stevedores guild form a ring around the outside of the warehouse.

After another 30 minutes or so a final cart will arrive and 2 thugs from the teamster’s guild will unload a large heavy sack. It moves slightly as the semi-conscious female thief within struggles weakly. Once they deliver the sack they leave.

When the now masked Ordo remove the sack they reveal a young girl, bound hand and foot. They move her to the centre of the circle. One of them – you assume it’s Teugen – draws a dagger and ceremonially passes the blade through each of the 5 candle flames as the others circle the pentagram and chant. He stands above the girl and raises the dagger above his head. The chanting comes to an abrupt halt and he pauses before plunging the dagger into the girl’s chest.

He cuts out the girl’s heart and sprinkles blood on the 5 corners of the pentagram and on the points in the centre where the lines cross. The body is removed by 4 cultists who take great care not to disturb the circle or pentagram, and the heart placed in the centre of the circle.

The ritual begins 2 hours before midnight – see P97/98 from here!

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