where do i get the capital for growth?

Post on 11-Nov-2014






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This infographic shows ways small business owners typically get the funding they need.


...But access and approvals are issues

16%: line of credit

18%: owner/family equity or loan

11%: business or personal credit card 18%: other

6%: outsider equity 32%: Business or personal loans

($1 trillion, with 90% via banks and finance companies)

Uses of credit:Cash flow/Daily Pops 63%Real Estate/Structures 18.6Replacement of Assets 32.5New Assets 37.1Debt Repayment 23.5Reserve/Cushion 45.7Inventory 37.5

Outcome of most recent attempts for credit:

Small businesses agree:61% say that it’s harder to get loans today

versus 4 years ago.

The Typical Way? From Outside Credit.

Financing costs small business owners significant time & money...

5-6monthsto secure

a loan

TypicallyRequiresVisits to

5-6 Banks

$2-20KSpent to

Get Loans(and often rejected)

77% support creating incentives for community banks to lend more.

And nearly all support makingit easier for lenders to lend!

support making it easier for community banks and credit unions to lend to small businesses90%

support tighter credit card regulations, such as clearer disclosure of terms and caps on interest rates82%

SOURCES:• Opinion Survey: Small Business Owner Opinions on Access to Credit and Proposals to Boost the Economy;

http://www.smallbusinessmajority.org/small-business-research/access-to-credit/access-to-credit_opinion-poll.php • Biz2Credit Small Business Lending Index http://www.biz2credit.com/small-business-lending-index• NFIB Study: Small Business, Credit Access and a Lingering Recession

http://www.nfib.com/research-foundation/surveys/credit-study-2012• US Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy http://www.sba.gov/advocacy/

Where Do I Getthe Capital for Growth?

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