what you need to know about mobile seo

Post on 07-Aug-2015






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What you need to know about mobile


Google Update From April 21st Google will be actively ranking mobile optimised sites higher in search rankings. Don’t get left behind! It has never been more important for SEO professionals to use mobile friendly tactics in their campaigns.

Is my site mobile friendly? The easiest way to establish whether your site needs mobile optimisation is to run it through Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test Tool. Google will tell you how accessible your site is for mobile users, and even make suggestions for improvements.

What is mobile friendly? There’s more to being mobile-friendly than simply looking good on a tablet or phone. For sites that have a majority of traffic from mobile devices, more complex SEO practices such as coding and content may be needed for maximum efficiency. Mobile SEO is more complex and specialised than standard SEO practices, so consider all options carefully.

What configuration is best for me?•Separate site – If a lot of your traffic comes from mobile this is a good option, however it is expensive and therefore more common in very large companies.

•Dynamic Serving – Allows the server to detect the users browser and display appropriate content but requires more maintenance.

•Responsive Design – This is the most common option. Responsive design means that desktop content can be adapted to fit on a variety of devices.

Mobile traffic not leading to sales

Poor conversion may be due to poor mobile optimisation, which discourages people from interacting with your site for very long, or it may not be poor conversion at all! Data reporting can be very black and white, and the bigger picture can often be mixed. An individual may not feel secure enough to purchase something on their mobile device using public wifi, but they may discover and visit your site, then return to it on their desktop to make the purchase later. The effectiveness of mobile traffic can be hard to measure, but the sheer scale of its popularity is too important to ignore.

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