what vipra business can teach us about long-tail keyword research

Post on 14-Jan-2017






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What Vipra Business can Teach us about Long-Tail Keyword Research  Vipra Business believes that good long-tail keyword targeting is all about knowing your audience.

 Categories like “How Social Media Optimization Can Boost Traffic to Your Business ” “how much do you charge for Cheap SEO services ” and “who offers monthly Affordable SEO packages prices for small Business? ” may seem outrageous on the surface, but their purpose is actually right on. Vipra Business is obsessed with trying to learn exactly what their individual users want to search in the search engine bar.

we can learn a lot from these obscure Vipra Business categories and drive more targeted traffic with hyper-focused long-tail keywords.

Long-Tail Benefits To Drive Traffic

Keyword research still matters. There are many in the field who seem to believe that keywords are no longer important and that focusing more on topical authority is the way to go.

If keywords are no longer relevant, then why does Google go to all the trouble to hide them from us in analytics? 

Why does AdWords have a Keyword Planner? The reason is simple: people still search using long-tail keywords.

Long Tail Keyword Research is Still Important


We need to look for trends and behaviors to help us find terms that reflect the needs of the people we are trying to attract.

SEOs need to look at how users are interacting with their websites (and other online properties) to learn more about the needs of their users, then use this data to find personalized, long-tail keywords.

Good keyword research gets personal

Google Analytics has come a long way over the years, and if you are only using it to track traffic and bounce rates, you’re really missing out. 

We no longer get access to keyword data, but the data we do have access to is pretty powerful.

Two very powerful tools are the Demographics and Interests sections under Audience. 

Both of these will provide details and insights about our site visitors and help us start to develop more user-centric keywords.

Using audience insights to inform keyword targeting

Google Analytics Data Research

In the Demographics Overview section, you will see the average age and gender of your users. While this information is still very broad, knowing it can help you better understand who you’re talking to. You can drill down further by clicking on the “Age” or “Gender” tab to see how the trends change over time.

In the Interests Overview section, we get a broad picture of what our audience is into. The interests are broken down into three categories: Affinity Category, In-Market Segments and Other Category.

Affinity Category identifies users in terms of lifestyle. In-Market Segment identifies users in terms of their product purchase interests. Other Category provides the most specific, focused view of your users


Using this demographic and interest data, we can come up with great long-tail keywords that are personalized for your audience.

If not, keep spinning your ideas and looking for related terms.

In the end, you will not only have a list of hyper-targeted keywords, you will also have a better understanding of your audience and their areas of interest. This will help you create a more focused SEO strategy, which should yield better results.

Putting your data to use to Promote Business

Keep spinning your ideas to Bring your business at high levels

Thanks you ~~~~~~Vipra Business

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