what makes a good presenter

Post on 18-Nov-2015






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What Makes A Good Presenter?The common denominator between all good presenters is enthusiasm. Without enthusiasm a good presenter wouldnt be a good presenter. An audience simply cant be excited if the person giving the presentation isnt excited also. A good presenter will also spend a lot of time preparing their presentations, while the bad ones will often times improvise on the spot and have uninteresting or unresearched information. With enthusiasm and a great message an even more powerful attribute is formed and this attribute is presence. All good presenters have to have presence; its what lets you know they are there and what commands an audience. Its often said a speaker with a powerful presence can cause even the most modest of people to do things they would never think of otherwise.

Along with presentation and enthusiasm a pure passion for what they do is important. A good presenter will love being in front of people and interacting with them. A good presenter will be personable and they will engage the audience to keep them from being bored at anytime throughout the presentation. Good presenters are also used to what they do. They must have a lot of experience with public speaking and presentation and be ready for anything. Being able to cope with even the most major problems will ensure that the presentation goes off without a hitch, and being in control the entire time will inspire their audience and captivate them. Being a good presenter is a lot more than simply having the right information or being in control of the situation though; a good presenter will have good stories to tell and be able to relate to the audience they are speaking to. If the audience can relate to the one teaching them then the presenter has truly done his job and his presentation will be much more affective.Most people never forget a good presenter in their life. The amazing thing about good presenters is that they are rarely forgotten and while they may not have accomplished the greatest things in life they seem to inspire all of us. Their ability to be passionate about something and communicate with us in a way that no other person can is a rare experience and one many people love. A good presenter will often go through life always learning how to become better and how to communicate with people better. If you ever have a chance to see a truly good presenter, learn from them.What To Look For In A Marketing PresentationFrom commercials to big wig executives giving a speech in a board room, almost all of us have watched a marketing presentation. Some are boring, some are fun and some are just plain weird, but they all have various things you should look for when considering what they are saying. A marketing presentation usually has one objective, and that is to sell its product. Because of this the consumer has to be very wary of what they see in them. Never trust a marketing presentation and never accept it for what it appears to be. The claims made during a marketing presentation are usually either untrue or severely skewed. There are however, things you should look for in a marketing presentation to judge its validity.The first is to deduce what exactly they are offering. If theyre offering a new car, then take it for exactly that. Often times a marketing presentation will try to over offer you in hopes that you will give in and buy what they made out to be an all in one miracle. Always cut through all the fluff they present to you and find out exactly what it is youll be buying. Since youll be paying for it too, dont fall for any of the marketing presentations tricks to make it appear cheaper than it really is. If the car is listed for ten thousand, then expect to pay ten thousand. Dont believe any of the hypes, sales or promises of possibly attaining a lower price. The trick many marketing presentations use is to entice the consumer into the store with the hopes of a lower price and when they find out they cant get it, often times they will pay the normal rate simply because theyre there already. When it comes to what the product is and its price a marketing presentation is usually rather shady.

The next thing to look for in a marketing presentation is what exactly the product does. Often times a company in a marketing presentation will promise features that are nonexistent or highly exaggerated. This is common in the technology field where similar terms can be switched in order to deceive the consumer. When being offered something through marketing presentations always ask for clarification for anything that is not crystal clear. Also look for what is commonly referred to as small print or binding contracts. A lot of the time when something to good to be true comes up in a marketing presentation its because theres a catch, and this catch is always in the fine print. Sometimes its exceptions to the great offer or a message that reveals the amazing offer is only valid if you purchase the product in conjunction with something else. Other times there are contracts that keep you coming back and paying the company for years regardless of if youre happy of the service. These types of tricks often occur in a marketing presentation put on by cell phone companies or any company that uses a subscription type model. Keeping your eyes peeled for exactly what youre buying and what else may come with it is a necessary skill when watching a marketing presentation.So next time youre in your office or watching a commercial, keep your eyes peeled for just a couple of these tricks that are so often employed by their less than honorable parent companies. Watch commercials diligently and then look up the product later if youre interested and see if you can find any discrepancies. While there are a lot of good products and good deals out there, there also a lot of poor ones wrapped in a shroud of deceit. Knowing what to look for in a marketing presentation is an invaluable skill to have.There is really two parts to having effective communication skills; the first is the verbal skills. The verbal section of effective communication skills entail being able to talk in a clear manner and having clarity in exactly what you want or mean. Often times people will say something that can be taken in many different ways or is somewhat ambiguous. Its these misunderstandings that account for a major part of the stress and arguments we have on a daily basis. The next part of the speaking section is your body language. Sixty percent of our communication is body language. The way you carry your-self, the facial expressions you make, and the hand gestures all have a huge impact of what you say. Use them wrong and you may cause a lot of grief for your-self, but use them correctly and your effective communication skills get much stronger.

The second piece of effective communication skills is being receptive. Being receptive means you actively listen to what the other people are saying and you are proactive when they say something that is cause for concern. To show youre taking part in what they have to say, occasionally nod or give a small verbal cue such as saying ok to let them know you understand but do so in a way that isnt going to interrupt them. Being proactive in your listening means that you have to rectify any problem that comes up while theyre talking. If they happen to say something that isnt true or recite to you something that you said, such as an instruction that is wrong, you need to politely interrupt them and correct the situation. These receptive skills are the second have to the effective communication skills which are so critical to our everyday lives.By employing both the receptive and verbal skills that are outlined above, almost anyone can greatly improve on their effective communication skills. It is there effective communication skills that keep the world turning and allows everyone to get along. If no one communicated with one another except for those who they liked, the world would come to a halt. The effective communication skills allow everyone to benefit from all the things the world has to offer. Its worth taking the time to sit down and brushing up on your effective communication skills, youll be a happier person because of it.How To Build A Good PowerPoint PresentationThe first step to building a PowerPoint and any presentation for that matter is collecting the data. In order to structure the presentation and make a good plan for delivery, all the data must be in one easily accessible source. The next step to creating the material for the PowerPoint presentation is to organize it in a manner that makes sense. Always open with a general slide that will briefly explain to the audience what the presentation they are about to watch is on and briefly touch each main point of your presentation. Following the general introduction card should be your information that was gathered and sorted earlier; it should flow well and be in a logical order. Everything that relates needs to be presented at once to keep from jumping around in the PowerPoint presentation and confusing people. To conclude there should be a slide with a general recap of each main point and a concluding statement that clearly explains the goal of the PowerPoint presentation. This is the standard order in which most PowerPoint presentations are built upon.

To build a visually effective PowerPoint presentation there are a few simple rules that should always be followed. Never use clashing colors, while yellow and pink may be your favorite colors, they are hard to read due to their contrast and will make the information unreadable; always stick to high contrasting colors such as black and white or orange and green. The next crucial clue in building the most effective PowerPoint presentation possible is to not use pictures when not absolutely necessary. Pictures will only distract the audience and if they are looking at the pictures they are not listening to you; the only time it is acceptable to use a picture is if it is a graph or somehow directly communicates a key piece of data in your PowerPoint presentation. Thirdly and probably the most ignored rule is to not crowd each slide. Only include the vital information, the presentation should be mostly conducted by you speaking and the slides simply contain the key points, so never write paragraphs and keep each slide to a maximum of a few sentences. Lastly, never, ever use audio; it may be tempting to add cute sounds but it only distracts and annoys your audience members.If you can organize a presentation verbally you should have no problem putting it down on paper so to speak. PowerPoint presentations are not so much presentations by themselves but more so a visual tool and a place to collect the key points and important data so the audience can see it better and get the main points even if they lose track of what youre saying. If you can resist from stuffing the PowerPoint presentation full of pictures and audio cues then you should be well on your way to making an amazing PowerPoint presentation. Dont forget that a PowerPoint presentation can be an amazing tool. ***


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