what causes time

Post on 21-Jul-2016






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                                                 THE  BLOCK UNIVERSE

    In the block universe view, time exists like a landscape, past, present and future exist together superimposed in different dimensions. This means dinosaurs are still alive and so are multiple copies of you and the whole universe in past and in the future.

   This view was reinforced by an interpretation of Einstein’s General Relativity in which time extends as the fourth dimension from the past to the future. Lack of simultaneity in Einstein's relativity  also promotes this view as then we can explain the Andromeda paradox as an alternative reality existing in a different time dimension.

         "People like us who believe in physics know         that the distinction between the past, the present         and the future is only a stubbornly  persistent illusion"                                                                           Albert Einstein

     Space time curvature in relativity can simply be thought of as a curvature in a higher dimension where time is slow and not a time dimension. It also can be shown


that simultaneity is preserved as moving objects seem to drag photons as seen clearly in photon acceleration caused by  moving plasmas.                                             PROBLEMS WITH  THE BLOCK UNIVERSE                                                      Block universe theory or the static theory of time presents a few problems and paradoxes which need to be examined.  Time is supposedly laid out as time scape similar to landscape. Future already exists and there cannot be a free will.  Even in the smallest duration of time there should be infinite number of copies of everything including the whole universe.

     How do we explain the origin of universe in a block universe as all parts of the block universe exist all the time. If there is a big bang in block universe then even now it exists. If time-scape is already laid out then what causes us to perceive these events and what is moving through this time-scape? Is our consciousness moving across time? What makes it move and why we cannot willfully move it anywhere in time? We will need some new age physics or metaphysics to explain how our consciousness moves through time.

      Block universe is a great boon for new agers and pseudoscience. It provides a venue for palmistry future predictions dreams etc. Similar ideas are proposed by some in Quantum physics. When choices are made the universe divides. We cannot explain a single universe properly, just imagine billions of people making choices across the universe creating billions of universes with just an act of making a choice mentally.

                                              THE ABSENCE OF TIME TRAVELLERS


       If concept of block universe is correct then there should exist future civilizations millions or billions of years more technologically advanced then us. At least some of them should be capable of time travel. We should have seen some evidence for that, unless there is some law of universe which prohibits time travel.

      Then there is the possibility of time travel paradoxes including the grandfather paradox in

which a person travels to the past and kills his grandfather thereby changing the future so that the time traveler would not exist and thus not travel to the past to kill his grandfather.


     Time is a real phenomenon and in some ways it feels laid out like a Block Universe however the way we perceive time is an illusion. Only present is real, Past is just recorded memory and future does not exist. Simultaneity is preserved as shown by photon acceleration by moving plasmas. This along with absence of time travellers and paradoxes involved with concept of time travel shows that there is no Block Universe.      Significantly our most real feeling of time  "present" is duration less and cannot be measured in units of time. Present being a sharp point has remarkable resemblance to the recording laser or needle. Past and future which cannot be accessed are measurable durations just like extensions of a recorded material or unrecorded CD or tape. Past also has time characteristic of made up stories again suggesting that it is just memory.   This certainly does not mean that time does not exist, all this suggests is that the way we perceive time is an illusion.


Life is a journey enslaved in timeExcept for these few moments which are free                                         SIMULTANEITY

    The thought experiment depicted in the drawing on the left deals with simultaneity. A space ship is moving at a high velocity from left to right. According to relativity speed of light should be constant for the observer within the ship as well as the stationary observer on the ground.

    Light rays sent simultaneously from the front and back of the ship will meet in the center of the ship for the observer within the ship. While for the non moving observer on the ground the light pulses should meet more towards the back of the ship.

   This information could be used to set up an experiment so that a cat is shot by a gun if the rays of light do not meet in the center. (lucky for the cat).

    So for the observer in the ship the light rays meet in the center so the cat should be alive while for the observer on the ground the cat should be dead as the light rays do not meet in the center.


    Which point of view is correct. Is the cat alive or dead?   One way of solving this problem would be to say that the firing mechanism will obey the laws within the moving ship so the cat will be alive. This means that point of view of the non moving observer on the ground is superfluous. This point is clearly shown to be correct by photon acceleration caused by moving plasmas showing that simultaneity is preserved so there is no need for the block universe.

    Later on in this website you will see how moving objects curve space setting up a time differential. Massless particles are dragged forward in the time differential making the point of view of the observer within the object correct.


Rotating buckets and twin paradox reveal importance of motion through sapceMoving objects also curve spacetimeWHAT TIME IS NOT      Before we go any further into the consequences of the new way of understanding the phenomenon of time we need to clarify some misconceptions about time which have primarily arisen because of feeling of flow of time and then have been sustained by misinterpretation of  space curvature in a higher dimension caused by large masses as a dimension in time through which we could travel.

Why time slows with gravity and in motion?                                                                              Slowing of Time in gravity

     Gravitons radiated (due to expansion of space) by celestial bodies interact with space producing slower expansion. If time (Motion and Forces) is due to the expansion (stretching) of space then time will slow with slowing of expansion. Gravitational acceleration is the result of time differential and does not slow time as commonly believed. Einstein's equivalence principle which compares gravitational acceleration to accelerated motion may give an incorrect impression that slowing of time is related to acceleration. This is not true. Acceleration gravitational or otherwise does not cause time dilation. This is discussed in more detail under acceleration and twin paradox.




                                                                              Slowing of time in motion.

     Expansion of space imparts motion and forces that is equal to the total energy in a given mass. Let us consider that the amount of energy i.e. total motion and forces imparted by expansion of space is a constant = MC^2.  

     Keeping this in mind let us see what happens when an object is accelerated. To increase the velocity of an object we have to apply force. The force changes the way space acts on that object. The object interacts with space and the expansion of space slows in front of object and becomes faster behind the object. As time is related to expansion of space this sets up a time differential with slower time in front of the object and faster time behind perpetuating the motion. The objects moves in time differential from faster to slower time. This also beautifully explains the real mechanism of length contraction

     Now the expanding space is causing this mass to move linearly as well.  The total amount of motion (imparted by the expanding space) to an object is a constant, therefore as the external or linear motion increases the internal motion of atoms and the forces decrease proportionally. The reduced internal motion is the observed slowing of time. The force applied to accelerate the object only increased its mass. This observation is clearly supported by the equations of motion.

     The above concepts are precisely mathematically correct. For more information contact the author.  

slower timefaster time



      Time is related to the expansion of space. Slower time is associated with slower expansion and negative curvature in space in a higher dimension which was first described by Einstein. This extra dimension is not a time dimension in which we can travel. Time is just the presence of motion and forces and is caused by the expansion of space. When we discuss time we will come across terms like curvature in space in a higher dimension, expansion of space, slowing of time in gravity and slowing of time in motion. It is important to understand the connection of each one of these terms. Expansion of space is the prime mover behind all the action, it imparts time as the presence of motion and forces to matter in an area of space.  Also slower expansion of space produces negative curvature in space. Although time is slower in negatively curved space it is the slower expansion which is causing slower time and not the negative curvature. Slower expansion is in turn due to presence of a mass. The gravitons radiate from a mass under the influence of expanding space. Gravitons are thought to be double spin particles that interact with space to slow the expansion.  All these phenomenon expansion of space, curvature in space gravity and time are interconnected.  Prime mover however is the expansion of the space and the universe.WHY TIME SLOWS IN GRAVITY AND IN MOTION


                                                         An Attractive Component Due to “Time Differential.”

     Gravitons radiated by celestial bodies (due to expansion of space) interact with space


producing slower expansion.  As I proposed earlier that the expansion of space produces the phenomenon of time.

     Celestial bodies are immersed in space which is expanding at different rates. Slowest expansion is near the center of the celestial body. Time or presence of motion and forces follows the gradient of differential expansion. Time is slowest near intense concentration of gravitons near the celestial bodies as the expansion of space is slowest there. This produces the time differential which we call gravity.

      The differences in time are minuscule however material bodies are composed of billions of atoms with electrons moving at tremendous velocities. When a mass is placed in the time differential the inner motion of atoms is converted into external linear motion like a fly wheel connecting to the wheels. This is the gravitational acceleration we see. The time differential produces the acceleration and not vice versa.

     Gravitational force is very weak as compared to other forces as it is mediated via time differential. This however does not prevent in making its effect felt at vast distances as it extends as far as curvature of space extends.     Why should a mass curve space? The typical pictorial presentation as given on the picture below gives the impression that mass kind of weighs down on the fabric of space time. In expanding space however the curvature is simply due to slower expansion. Gravitons are double spin elementary particles radiated by matter. Gravitons interact with space and slow its expansion leading to negative curvature as the surrounding space continues to expand at a faster rate. Time is slower where expansion is slower. This brings out the two components of gravity and also shows that gravity is not a force.

                                                              Deflective Component Due to Space Curvature

    The deflective component affects ONLY MOVING OBJECTS like comets, a beam of light and planets passing near the sun. This depends upon the negative curvature of space around massive objects produced by slower expansion of space. Any moving object entering this curved space will be deflected from its straight path. The negative curvature of space however DOES NOT produce any attractive force.DEFLECTION CAUSED BY CURVATURE IN SPACEHOW GRAVITY WORKS?



 Unlike magnetism and electricity there is no repulsive force in gravity in expanding universe. Gravity is mediated through time differential produced by differential expansion of space around large masses.  When a mass composed of billions of atoms with electrons moving with tremendous velocities is placed in the time differential, the inner motion of the electrons is converted into external linear motion which is perceived as the attractive force.  Gravity produces acceleration towards slower expansion of space and slower time which is at the center of the large masses. Gravity is a weak force as it is mediated through time differential and not by direct interaction of the particles.  

      For gravity to be repulsive the expansion of space will have to be faster in the center of a celestial body. This cannot happen in an expanding universe. In a contracting universe however gravity may be repulsive.  The contraction of space should be fastest in the center of celestial bodies producing a faster time and reversing the time differential and producing repulsive gravity thus completing the missing symmetry.


                                                                          Acceleration and Twin Paradox

     That acceleration does not produce changes in time is well known. Time dilation of particles moving in circular particle accelerators can be precisely calculated by using only the velocities and completely ignoring the acceleration. This also is clear in the so called twin paradox. The time dilation of the traveling twin cannot be explained by acceleration. The acceleration can be made to be instantaneous then the only difference between the twins is the velocity.

    Let us look at the twin paradox. In this modified version twin A (Traveling twin) and twin B (stay home twin) both initially start the journey together and undergo a large but brief acceleration to achieve the same large velocity. Twin A continues journey at a high velocity while twin B after achieving the same velocity immediately undergoes deceleration and turnaround acceleration and deceleration to stop at home. Twin A completes a high speed journey at a uniform velocity for a certain prolonged period then does exactly similar deceleration acceleration (as twin B) followed by return journey and deceleration.

    By design the acceleration deceleration of both the twins is exactly the same and also very brief. The twins only differ in the time spent in traveling at uniform velocity. From here we can see that time dilation is only related to motion through space including the velocity present during acceleration. Also we know clearly from Lorentz’s and Einstein’s equations for time dilation that only velocity is involved and that time dilation is not caused by acceleration.

    The same logic should be applied to acceleration in gravity. It should be clear from above that acceleration in gravity or in motion does not


produce time dilation. Around large masses differential expansion of space creates time differential which then produces gravitation acceleration.

    From our hypothesis and from observation we can see that all motion is due to expansion of space. Also if total motion imparted by expanding space is a constant then we expect to see slowing of time in an object if its external motion is increased. Similarly if a mass composed of billions of atoms moving at tremendous velocities is placed in a time a differential (gravity) it is natural to expect that it will move towards slower time and the internal motion will get converted to an external linear motion.

    Twin paradox as well as the problem of acceleration seen in a rotating object is present only if you deny motion through space.   Just as a moving object can be differentiated from a non moving object because of its slower time and so can a rotating mass be differentiated from a non rotating mass due to presence of acceleration.  Objects set into motion produce a curvature in space while objects at rest do not. If Einstein had applied the concept of curved space to motion then there would not be any talk of twin paradox.


                                                                            Have you considered the motion of an ocean surfer?

    Einstein’s concept of changes in curvature of space can be extended to moving objects. We know that moving objects interact with space from two sources. General relativity predicts that rotating masses will drag space. The effect is called frame dragging.  Working from Einstein's relativity theory, Austrian physicists Joseph Lense and Hans Thirring predicted frame dragging in 1918. (It is also known as the Lense-Thirring effect.) This effect was confirmed by two orbiting satellites in 2004.

    Photon acceleration by moving plasma also is a similar effect in which moving plasma drag space and photons get accelerated in the process.

    When considering motion we need to keep in mind that objects are moving in expanding space. Moving objects interact with space producing slowing of expansion in front and increased expansion behind the object producing a bi-phasic wave in space.

    Changes in the curvature of space happen only in the direction of motion. There is negative curvature in front of the moving object with slower time and positive curvature behind with faster time. This results in the object tilting in the curved space.


    Time differential is setup in this curved space. The moving object rides this curvature following the time differential moving from faster to slower time.   The process is self perpetuating. This effect most likely occurs at the atomic level so as to explain rotational motion as well.

    This can happen only in an expanding universe where time differential can be produced and length contraction can occur. Both are necessary to produce motion. It is like the motion of ocean surfer gliding on the wave.

     The concept discussed above can be shown to be precisely correct mathematically. Please contact the author for further information.   (mkhan@timephysics.com)


      Moving object influence the expansion of space. First the objects resist change in their state of motion. This resistance is due to interaction of space with mass and not due to action at distance of masses out there in the universe. The energy used up to overcome this resistance is used up in increasing the mass of the object.

      Once an object is set in motion the expansion of space in front of the object slows producing slowing of time. While behind the moving object the expansion of space increases producing a faster


time. These are local affects which create a time differential between the front and behind the object. The time differential then perpetuates the motion. The space itself resists motion and then perpetuates motion. This is inertia.

      This phenomenon occurs at atomic level so as to explain circular motion as well. This is why when an object is pushed space resists motion in the beginning but once motion is set up then “time differential” perpetuates motion. The motion produced is a balance between inertia (resistance offered by space) and time differential. A given time differential sustains motion but does not produce acceleration. This also suggests that motion can only be produced in an expanding universe as only in an expanding space the expansion will slow in front of the moving object and increase behind it.

      The surface of water curves in a bucket which is swung in a circular motion. The common

explanation for this is that if the bucket was stationary and the universe was rotating then same effect will be produced. This explanation of the universe out there having an instant effect (Mach's Principle) is very similar to explanation given to explain the twin paradox or inertia. It is far simpler to accept that space affects motion locally as explained above. After all we do accept other properties of space that it curves warps and expands etc.

      Expanding space is the cause of time and motion.   Space is responsible for the motion of photon as well as larger masses. This explains how huge masses of planets stars and galaxies effortlessly pass through space.

Speed of light is a constant in a given region of space

      The basic underlaying mechanism is that the motion of the photon and the time measuring device are both produced by the expansion of the space. The relationship of the clock and speed of light is fixed at a basic level in a given region of space. Clocks may measure a different speed of light if located in a  region of space  which is different from where light is being observed. For example a clock on earth measuring speed of light in a region next to a distant neutron star where time is


slower will measure a slower speed.  While a clock located on the surface of neutron star will measure a faster speed of light in distant space.

      Moving objects produce moving wave like curvature in space. Once within the vicinity of the moving object mass less particles like the photons are picked up and carried forward by the time differential which is present in these waves. Also the velocity of light is decreased by the slower time within the moving wave. Within the moving object like earth light is pulled along in the direction of motion and it also slows down to conform to the slower time around the earth.

      Photon acceleration is a well known term in plasma physics. (PHOTON ACCELERATION) Frequency of light can be increased in accelerated plasma. This can also be interpreted as increase in the speed of light due to the drag effect of moving particles.  This information can be used to construct a modern experiment which will prove this concept. For information on what effect will motion have on speed of light contact the author.  (mkhan@timephysics.com)

                                                  Why black holes cannot have singularity or infinite gravity?

      Black holes are called black as no light may escapes the gravitational pull. This is expected as in general relativity the gravitational pull is mediated by gravitons. Just like photons the gravitons have no rest mass. Gravitons interact with space as well as matter.   If massive gravity can stop the escape of light in a black hole then why there is not a similar effect on the gravitons. This however will cause abrupt disconnect of black holes gravity from rest of the universe as the gravitons mediating


the gravity should not escape massive gravity of the black holes. Observations however do not support this picture.

      Astronomers know of objects in the universe which fit the black holes model but these objects are observed because of the massive gravitational pull they exert on the surrounding objects.

      Now let us consider that gravity is time differential generated by the expansion of space. Near the center of a very massive object time will be slower as expansion is slow. In even more massive objects expansion can be brought to “almost complete halt causing time to approach zero.  As expansion of space generates forces and allows motion and time therefore with no expansion there is no further increase in the gravitational force. Gravity can operate only between near zero expansion and higher expansion of space that is between near zero time and a faster time.

      There cannot be infinite gravity as the driving factor behind every force or motion is the expansion of space. This is why so called super massive black holes do not disconnect and disappear from the universe as one would expect in infinite gravity. Black holes can be larger or smaller in diameter but the gravitational pull of the black hole has a limit beyond which gravity cannot increase.

                                                                                  Is the universal expansion really accelerating?                                                                                                  Or time itself is slowing down?

        Recently measurements of light emanating from supernovas in distant galaxies have indicated that universal expansion is accelerating. The concept that time is related to expansion of space however gives a different interpretation. If we consider that time is due to expansion of space then our local time is the slowest as compared to that of distant objects when the expansion of the universe was faster.

       Once we take this factor into account then the relative blue shifting of light from distant supernovas as compared to their luminosity only


indicates that time was faster in the past as compared to our time now. As our local time slows in comparison to the past distant time the universal expansion will appear to become faster. This however is an illusion due to measurement of the universal expansion from our slower time and indicates the opposite that the universal expansion is actually slowing down.

      Recently (December 2007) Professor José Senovilla, Marc Mars and Raül Vera of the University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, and University of Salamanca, Spain have suggested a similar explanation for the observed accelerated expansion. [Jose Senovilla, Marc Mars, Raul ]


ARROW OF TIME     Presence of motion is the most obvious way time is perceived.   Normally we do not think of forces as part of time. Once we incorporate forces into our definition of time the solution to arrow of time becomes feasible. The direction of arrow of time is due to presence of forces with a statistical touch to it .

    Pure motion can be bidirectional. However forces create work against a gradient. Objects fall in gravity. Heat is applied to boil a kettle, liquids mix, heat dissipates, and batteries lose charge.

    The symmetry of time (T-symmetry) can be understood by a simple analogy: if time were perfectly symmetric then it would be possible to


watch a movie taken of real events and everything that happens in the movie would seem realistic whether it was played forwards or backwards.

    For example, a movie showing a cup falling off a table seems realistic when run forwards, but seems unrealistic if run backwards. On the other hand, a movie of the planets orbiting the sun would look equally realistic run forwards or backwards; either way the orbital motions would appear to conform to physical laws.

    Events requiring a force to produce an action has a strong sense of direction.Suppose I pick up a rock and throw it and see it fall. Now why I do not ever see a rock suddenly bounce off the ground fly up in the air and land in my hand which is waiting open to suddenly grasp it.  That does not happen as there is no force gradient in the reverse direction. The movie of planet orbiting the sun looks realistic if run forward or backward as there is no force gradient involved in the different frames of the movie in either direction.

    A hammer smashing a cup of tea to pieces is a cause. While cup of tea spontaneously assembling into a cup and pushing up the hammer is not cause and effect. This sequence we have learnt by experience that forces produce effects and effects do not usually produce a force.  For cup pieces to assemble into a  cup is to expect forces to work against a gradient and motion to reverse without a cause.


    Our perception of passage of time makes us see the arrow of time.  Arrow assumes that two points one in future and one in past exists. If we discard that concept and say only present exists then the arrow collapses to a point and the question why we do not remember the future but remember the past becomes redundant. For arrow to exist you will have to believe in the block universe where past present and future all exist.

      Forces are also part of time and give time its perceived direction. There is also a statistical touch to this argument. Smashing a china with a hammer means application of force at one point while to assemble the china back in reverse would require application of multiple tiny forces in reverse in a coordinated and continuous manner which is statistically unlikely. Similarly a stone thrown into a pond produces ripples which then travel to the edge of the pond. To reverse this would require application of multiple tiny forces at the edge of the pond to produce multiple synchronised waves moving backward to push the stone back up to the hand of the thrower a statistical impossibility.


 What are the consequences of this new way of understanding the universe?

1.  Accelerating expansion of the universe is an illusion if we take into account that time is related to expansion of the universe. Our present time is  the slowest. Compared to our present time (now) time would be faster in the past as the expansion of space was faster at that time. Looking into distant past with telescopes we are actually looking at an era of faster time. We should see relative blue shifting of frequencies more then we would expect.

2. Black holes cannot have singularity.  Once expansion of space approaches zero in the center of the black hole time approaches zero. There is no further increase in gravity at this point as there in no further increase in time differential. Gravity being time differential.

3. Moving objects move in a time differential. This information can be used to experimentally prove the concept that time is related to expansion of space is correct.

4. Space is elastic. Galaxies stars and planets do not leave a dent in space when they move on. Space just springs back up. There is no need for an extra mass to stop the expansion of the universe. Elasticity of space will stop the expansion.

5. Time travel is not possible as there is no passage of time and past and future do not exist.

6. Gravity is a weak but long distance force which is mediated through time differential. It is produced by minute time  differences in space caused by different rates of expansion. The internal atomic motion of the atoms is converted into external linear motion when placed in the time differential.

7. There may be a way of tapping into zero point energy and using concept of time differential to produce propulsion mechanism for travel. Tapping into zero point energy in the front of the spaceship and pumping it back towards the back end of the space ship will create the time differential. The space ship may move without feeling an acceleration. There will be no gain in mass as no external force was needed to accelerate.

8. There is no past or future only present is real. Passage of time creates the illusion of an arrow because of the way forces act. Forces being part of time.

9. Inertia. Initially space resists motion. Force used to overcome this resistance increases the mass of the body which is set into motion.


Time differential is set up when a body starts moving which then perpetuates the motion. This explains the initial resistance and later perpetual motion.

10. Centrifugal force is explained. Objects are moving due to time differential which works at the level of atoms. There is no action at distance.

11 There is no twin paradox as in moving objects slowing of time is real and motion curves space.

12. Length contraction: Moving objects curve space. This explains length contraction, perpetual motion and inertia, as well as slowing of time.

13. Moving objects drag light so the simultaneity is preserved. This information is well known and the effect is seen as photon acceleration mostly in laser and plasma research. This information can used to set up an experiment to prove this concept.

14. Major consequences for the origin of the universe.

15. Negative gravity predicted in contracting universe

16. Time reversal predicted in contracting universe.

About TimebyM.H.Khanmkhan@timephysics.comARROW OF TIME

                                                                      Philosophy In A Cup Of Tea

Next time you stir a cup of tea adding a spoon of sugar or some sweetener; try to comprehend that the swirling motion of  the tea is due to the expansion of the  universe and the stretching of the space. Let us not stop there. As you sit in the garden sipping the cup and see the leaves falling lazily in the breeze all that is happenings around you all the motion and the commotion are caused by the expanding space in the universe. So is the action of your lips, your breath, your heartbeats, and the vision which brings forth all the beauty of the spectacular summer afternoon tantalizing your thought processes. If you believe that your heart and soul is in the grasp of the creator and


His hands are stretching the space as the hands of puppet master tugging at the strings, you may be not far from the truth.

More powerful than all the armies of the world, is an idea whose time has come.

       Victor Hugo


InfinityThere is infinity after every infinityThere is infinity in space and timeIn God there is infinity, praise Him Bring infinity into your mind.                              M.H.Khan



"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future,Concentrate the mind on the present moment."                                                                                            Buddha

"One thing you can't recycle is wasted time."                                                                                              Anonymous

'Do not spend your time regretting the past,When you could be changing your future.'                                                                                             Amberlee

"See….. if you can eternity,  In the hour that passes"

                                                                                                Arabian proverb

"We are what we repeatedly do.Excellence, then is not an act, but a habit."


God loves a good deed done repeatedly


Let him who would enjoy a good future,Waste none of his present.                                                                                                             Roger Babson  

If I'd known I was going to live this long (100 years),I'd have taken better care of myself.

                                                                                                     Ubie Blake

Men talk of killing time, While time quietly kills them

                                                                                                          Dion Boucicault


You can never plan the future by the past.                                                                                                          Edmund Burke

The best way to predict the future is by creating it yourself.

                                                                                                        Peter Drucker

"Time is really the only capital that any human being hasThe only thing he can't afford to lose."                                                                                                                   Thomas Edison        

People like us who believe in physics know that the distinction between the past,the present and the future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Albert Einstein

I wasted time and now doth time waste me

                                                                                                                           —Shakespeare (Richard II)  

       Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,Old Time is still a-flying,And this same flower that smiles todayTomorrow will be dying

                                                                                                                  —Robert Herrick   

The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        —Albert Einstein  


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