what are the akashic records? why should i, as a coach ... are the akashic records.pdf · the...

Post on 25-Mar-2020






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© 2012 Elizabeth Locey, Ph.D. elizabethlocey.com

What are the Akashic Records? Why Should I, as a Coach, Entrepreneur, or Creative,

Want to Use Them to Create Massive Success?

The Akashic Records are an ethereal library filled with information about everything: every person, place, thing, idea, institution, moment, or emotion that has ever happened or will happen. The Akashic Records go by many names. Most religions refer to a set of records where actions are recorded, with possible judgment assigned later: these Records often take the form of a Tree or a Book, but other common phrases are Cosmic Mind/Mind of God or the Collective Unconscious. In Sanskrit, the word Akasha means ether, space, or sky, and represents the fifth element, along with Air (Wind), Earth, Fire, and Water in Hindu phenomenology. Basically, it’s your soul’s blueprint. Use your Akashic Records to discover your highest truths, your most brilliant gifts, the best ways to overcome challenges, and your easiest path to happiness. Why is looking into my Akashic Records such a powerful experience? Glad you asked. Your Record contains everything you’d ever want to know about yourself. And a whole lot so stuff you never even thought to ask about, to boot. If you’re in business for yourself–thus requiring you to handle your “stuff” before it screws up your biz–or if you just want to be the all-around best person you can be in this lifetime, the Records contain the info you need to do just that.

© 2012 Elizabeth Locey, Ph.D. elizabethlocey.com

You can use your consultation to ask how to grow your business, how to better serve the clients you do have, how to find new and better clients, what the best ways to motivate or market yourself are, how to make more of an impact and more money while expending less time and energy, how to find your True + Brilliant Path… Basically anything you want about yourself. The sky’s the limit! Plus, it’s super-healing. While you’re there, you are surrounded by Pure Love, Divine Light, and you know that you are completely supported. Yeah, I tend not to talk about this too much because it’s a little different every time, but the answers that come out of your Records are Healing Truths. As an entrepreneur, how can the Akashic Records rocket my business forward? Again, the Akashic Records are a vast ethereal library, containing every bit of information on each person, place, thing, idea, emotion, institution or date that has ever existed. And it contains a draft of those things (and people, ideas, emotions, etc.) that don’t exist yet, but probably will!. If you want to know anything about anything, it’s there in the Records, just waiting for you to ask. Pretty nifty, huh? As such, the Akashic Records are a potent tool for entrepreneurs for lots of reasons. Has anything about you ever stumped or frustrated you? Well, you can get answers to why you did/thought/said/felt something in any given situation in your Records. Are you indecisive? Do you procrastinate? Do you fear stepping into your spotlight in the world? If you engage in any form of self-sabotage at all (and if you’re a human you probably do, right?) you can get two really potent pieces of information about those sabotaging (and business-killing) behaviors from your Records: Why you do/think/say/feel that thing, and what you can do to change it! I’ll pause here to let you get your head around that. It’s pretty mind-blowing, I know. But just wait until you get into your own Records: on the question of blowing minds, you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet! So, here’s the thing: if you can get into your Records, find out what’s holding you back, where it comes from (past-life Karma or experiences from this lifetime), and how to overcome it, that makes you pretty much unstoppable! And unstoppable, for a businessperson, means massively successful. We entrepreneurs don’t have the luxury of drawing a nice clean line between our personal hang-ups and what keeps our businesses from flourishing. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there’s a lot of bleed from one into the other. And that’s not all. In addition to getting answers about those things that might be throwing up obstacles along your path to success, there are plenty of answers in your Records about how to propel your business forward.

© 2012 Elizabeth Locey, Ph.D. elizabethlocey.com

Do you want to know exactly what your juiciest sweet spot is? What your ideal client looks like? Your most magnetic tag-line? The perfect business model for you? Exactly which JV partners will be the easiest and most lucrative to work with? Done, done, done, done, DONE! All in the space of two hours or less. Not bad. If you want sure-fire answers that are guaranteed to rocket your business into the stratosphere—Divine answers delivered right to you, with no effort—your Akashic Records are just the ticket. If you are resonating with this message (if you’re getting butterflies, your pulse has accelerated, or you are smiling as you read this), contact Elizabeth for a chance to get into your Records to answer one question for FREE as a special gift for being a part of this call. She can be reached at Elizabeth@elizabethlocey.com .  

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