what are mobile sites and how have they changed the landscape of digital markets?

Post on 21-Jan-2017






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What Are Mobile Sites and How Have They Changed the

Landscape of Digital Markets?

The title of the article seems quite simplistic. In the current scenario, nearly everyone knows

what mobile sites are. These are the websites that are optimized for mobile view. These are WAP

sites which are meant to be accessed on the mobile device. But is that it? Is it what you mean by

a mobile website? Let us delve a little deeper.

What exactly is a mobile site?

A mobile site is the mobile version of the actual website that is developed separately to optimize

for the smaller screen of the mobile phones. They are not just optimized using RWD (Responsive

Web Design) to adapt to screen sizes but they're built differently to allow a company to share the

same content as on the desktop site with their mobile users without comprising on the readability

and the usability of the website.

In the US, mostly all the firms have their own mobile sites to support their actual websites and

this is attributed to the fact that more than 50% of the digital market traffic is coming from smart

phone devices these days.

How does a mobile site help a firm?

Now, you must be feeling that getting an entirely different mobile based site for your firm can be

an unnecessary investment as you can achieve better readability on mobile screens using RWD

and other coding methods in your actual site itself.

However, specialized mobile sites are not a waste of money because they let your visitors

interact with the website using the touch screen features of smartphones. Moreover, these sites

can adapt better to the screen sizes and resolutions of mobile devices and this is an additional

plus point for you.

Since mobiles site are so popular these days, you can easily find professional web design

company without having to look deep. These firms have come up to ensure that people who do

not have the coding expertise can still get their hands on a brilliantly devised mobile site for their


How has mobile sites changed the digital market landscape?

The digital market is largely driven by mobile traffic. The advent of Android made smart phone

really common and now most of the people are using a smart phone. Thus, there has been an

increase in the internet usage by mobile devices and as people get more and more comfortable

with their handheld devices, the desktop sites are beginning to get ignored.

Because of this, the online business owners and e-commerce website owners decided to hire a

Web Designing Company and other mature markets and make sure that they reach their potential

customers using the mobile sites.

Moreover, a mobile can be used on the go and people are actively associated with the various e-

commerce sites and other websites that offer them a pleasurable mobile viewing experience. In

this way, the mobile traffic is allowing for deeper penetration into the potential target audience

and with a well-designed mobile website, you can easily improve your conversion rates and

make sure that the profits of your firm take the positive route forward.

Some other important factors due to which mobile sites have won over the

desktop sites for driving business are:

· Mobile wallets can be used to pay conveniently and swiftly and people prefer to use their

mobile for shopping rather than their desktop.

· Mobiles are used on the go, which ultimately means that a person is exposed more to digital

markets and ends up buying more stuff.

· These sites are well designed and can be easily accessed using the touch features of the mobile

phone whereas it sometimes gets quite fussy to navigate around a desktop site.

· They provide the same content with better readability as our eyes are accustomed to read more

on mobile sites due to the smaller screen and lesser number of distractions as compared to the

larger desktop screen.

Thus, with all the advantages of mobile sites, it is quite correct to say that the technology has

actually changed the landscape of the internet market. So, if you're a business owner who has a

presence online, do not hesitate to get a mobile site built from a creative web design company or

from any other part of the world who can do a good job.

M Sites are actually changing the IT market, because most of the people use these sites, that are

why website designing companies focuses on these sites.

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