welcome to georgia studies · 2018-08-17 · ofun friday –is every friday this year! students...

Post on 04-May-2020






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oAll progress reports/report cards will be paperless –see Parent Vue!

oParent Vue (aka: Synergy) logins are the same as last year - If you need a new login or to set up a login, please visit the Media Center tonight.

oFun Friday – is every Friday this year! Students earn Fun Friday if they receive 2 or less behavior strikes in a week. More strikes than that in a single class will result in phone calls home, morning detention, and eventually an office referral.

oDress Code – please see Durham website or student agenda for that info!

oSafety Procedures – all visitors must check in the front office and wear a sticker.

oClassroom Donations are always appreciated….hand sanitizer, tissue, candy (jolly ranchers or dum dums), pencils, paper, etc! Thank you!

oCourse syllabus & class survival tips!

oThe day’s agenda

oHomework assignments

oImportant reminders

oAll classroom handouts

oCopies of completed notes

oExtra credit opportunities & test hints

oReview games for tests!

oStudy guide ANSWER KEYS

oDates for test recovery opportunities

oLinks to other resources!

oOnline textbook (link on my blog) to use at home.

oA class set will be available for in class use.

oBUT….your students will keep a set of “Teacher Notes” (cliff notes version of the textbook) in their notebook for them to use as a homework resource.

oAnother great online resource is http://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/

oTeacher Notes– has the hmwk for each unit. Given at the start of the unit, consists of vocab and assigned reading material. There will be a vocab quiz each unit, and a set of guided questions to answer from the assigned reading.

oDiscovery Tickets – short assessments given during classroom instruction to ensure student understanding and comprehension of the material covered that day. All discovery tickets given within a unit get averaged together before going into Parent Vue.

oPreparing for Tests – review classroom notes (aka: story guides), Teacher Notes, warmups, discovery tickets, and quizlets sent out via Remind text. (50% of overall grade)

oWhat to bring everyday? - SS binder, a smart device, headphones!

oRemind101: To sign up to receive text reminders & other important info…

* AC parents: text this message: @skeansac to this number: 81010

* On-Level parents: text this message: @skeansol to this number: 81010

oEmail Me! Heather.Skeans@cobbk12.org

oParent Vue: look for teacher comments and assignment descriptions to answer any questions you may have about grades/assignments.

oClass Instagram account @superskeans – follow to see photos of significant locations we’ll study throughout the year, as well as pics of your child learning in action!

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